Pro:Idiom Key Loss Avoidance – Best Practices

Key Loss Causes
There are two mechanisms which can cause Pro:Idiom key loss in
commercial television sets that have been identified to us by LG
Unapproved mapping or remapping of PIDs
Off air (OA) ATSC receivers may use PIDs which conflict with PIDs in use in
Pro:Idiom licensed systems.
edgeQAMs map or remap PIDs in violation of the Pro:Idiom (P:I) licensing
Other unapproved digital video equipment may also use PIDs which conflict
with P:I licensed equipment.
TV set power on sequencing design problems
A very small number of TV set models are known to have power up
sequencing issues that cause the Pro:Idiom licensed decryptors to operate
improperly. The manufacturers of these sets have taken strong corrective
action measures to update them. Contact your specific set’s manufacturer for

Causes - PID remapping
PID mapping at the COM24 receiver
Pro:Idiom PIDs are in a protected range
PID remapping at the edgeQAM
Pro:Idiom PIDs have been remapped and
overlap with Audio PIDs on other channels

Avoidance Techniques – Off Air Receivers
ATSC off air receivers
There is no way to control the PID mapping used in broadcast
programming and we recommend that this equipment NOT be used in
P:I systems unless the broadcast PIDs can be remapped in accordance
with the P:I system requirements.
If an installer does choose to use ATSC off air receivers, broadcast off
air (OA) channels MUST NOT be placed adjacent to P:I protected
channels in the channel map. It does not matter where the physical
channels are located, only whether they are mapped to adjacent
channels in the TV lineup.
A non-P:I, non-off air channel MUST be placed in the channel map
between any broadcast channel and a Pro:Idiom protected channel.
The COM1000 EPG channel makes a good buffer. Analog SMATV
channels can also be used as buffers.

Avoidance Techniques – Off Air Channel Lineup
NO! – Off Air and P:I adjacent at 2 locations in the channel