The lighting flash with arro whea d symb ol with in an equil ateral tria ngle is inte nded t o alert the user to the pr esen ce
Of “dang erous ” voltage within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of
Electr ic sho ck to hu mans. Use rs shoul d ex hibi t extra safety when this symbol appears in this instruction manual and
Follo w all p recaution s as the y are stated .
The ex clamat ion point within a n equil ate ral tria ngle i s inte nded to alert the u ser to th e pres enc e of impo rtant
Operating a nd mainten ance (servi cing ) instructi ons in this manual.
1- Read the se ins truct ions t horo ughly b efor e using this it em.
2- Keep these i nstru ction s for fu ture referen ce.
3- Heed a ll warni ngs .
4- Follow all instructions.
5- WARNI NG: To preven t fire or el ectr ic sho ck, do no t expos e this equipm ent to ra in or mo istu re. Do no t store or operate thi s
Produc t near any liquid s.
6- Clean o nly wit h a dry colth.
7- Do not st ore or opera te thi s pro duct ne ar any heat sou rces such as rad iator s, heat regis ters, stoves , or other apparatuses
(including amplifiers) that produce heat.
8- Do not def eat the saf ety pur pose of the pol ariz ed or gr ound ing -type plug. A polarize d plug ha s two blades with one wide r than
The ot her. A ground ing pl ug has two bla des an d a rou nd gro unding prong . The wid e blade or third prong is prov ided f or you r safet y.
If the provided plug does not fit your outlet, consult an electrician for the replacement of the obsolete outlet.
9- Protec t the al l wires con nected to this un it from being w alked on or pinc hed, part icular ly plugs and the point wher e they ex it from
The unit . When remo ving t he cor d from the po wer ou tlet , remov e it by holdi ng the plug no t by pulling the cord.
10- Unplug the un it dur ing ligh ting s tor ms or wh en unu sed for l ong p eriods of tim e.
11- When wirin g this unit an d all othe r equip ment used in c onne ction to this un it mak e sure that al l of you r equip ment is turn ed OFF.
12- Once installa tion an d wiring is comp lete po wer o n all your equipm ent with the volume and leve l cont rols t urne d DOWN . Once
All th e eq uipment is ON s lowl y rais e the volume or level co ntrols to the ir prop er pos itions .
13- When grounding this unit, be sure to do so correctly, so as not to defeat the built-in gr oundin g in this unit.
14- When you hav e finis hed us ing th is unit , be sure that bot h tr ay doors are close d usin g the open / cl ose bu tton bef roe p ower ing
Off the unit.
15- Before placing, ins tallin g, rig ging, or suspe nding a ny product, inspect all ha rdwar e, sus pens ion, c abinet s, tra nsduce rs, brac kets
And associated equipment for damage. Any missing, corr oded , defor med, or non-load rated component could significantly reduce
The strength of the i nstal lation , plac ement or arr ay. Any such c ondit ion severe ly redu ces the safet y of the ins tallation an d should be
Immed iately corr ected. Use only har dwar e which is rated for the lo ading condit ions of the ins tallat ion an d any possib le shor t-term,
Unexpec ted over loading. Neve r excee d the rating o f the har dwar e or equ ipme nt.
16- Consult a li censed , profession al engi nee r rega rding ph ysic al equi pmen t installatio n. Ensur e that al l local, sta te and nation al
Regu lation s regarding the safe ty and o perat ion of equipm ent are und ersto od and adhere d to.
17- Refer all ser vicing to qualifie d ser vice pe rson nel. Serv icing i s required w hen th e appa ratus has bee n damag ed in any way,
Such as po wer supply cor d or plug is dama ged, liquid h as bee n spill ed or o bjects have f allen into th e appa raus, the app arat us
Has been ex posed to ra in or m oisture, d oes no t ope rate normal ly, or ha s been drope d.
Congratulations and thank you for your purc hase of thi s Technica l Pro prof essi onal am plifier, the AX2000. To get the mos t fr om ou r
AX2000, it is reo mmended t hat you revie w all of t he info rmatio n prov ided i n the instr uctio n manua l befo re oper ating the eq uipm ent.
If you’ve spent an y time at all in prof essi onal au dio, y ou kno w the nam e Tech nical P ro and what it s tands f or- incre dible perf orman ce&
soun d, and the ultima te in re liablit y und er har sh condi tio ns. And no w, Technica l Pro off ers the s ame te chno logy in a series of amp lifiers
Brin ging m ore of what se ts Technical Pro apar t from all oth ers.