Teac D-03, P-03 Supplementary Manual

Esoteric P-03
CD Transport and
D-03 D/A Converter
Arnis Balgalvis
EAC IS ABOUT AS WELL-KNOWN a name in consumer
electronics as there is. But if you are looking for cutting edge audiophile equipment within the Teac world, their Esoteric division is where the truly hot action is. That’s where some of today’s most-advanced and best-execut­ed high-end equipment is being conceived and pro­duced. With the introduction over the last couple of years of some very sophisticated products like the two I am reviewing here, Esoteric has firmly established a name for itself in audio’s upper echelon.
From what I have observed, Esoteric does their best work when it comes to CD playback products. They are the same folks who, some 20 years ago, set the CD playback world reeling when they unleashed the T-1 VRDS CD Drive Unit (CD Transport to everyone else).
With the introduction of the VRDS technology (that’s Vibration-free Rigid Disc-clamping System), Esoteric took a huge step forward in quality CD playback. It can be argued that to this day the Esoteric VRDS transports remain the standard by which all other transports are measured. Why else would companies like Spectral and Wadia buy the VRDS transport mechanism for inclusion it in their own products?
As their latest wrinkle, Esoteric has upgraded the VRDS CD transport to the VRDS-NEO level. This step
Reprinted from
The Audiophile Voice
Vol. 12, No. 2
was thought necessary not only to address the needs of SACD playback, but also because it would significantly improve playback of the standard Red Book CDs. After I heard the $50,000 Teac flagship P-01 CD transport and the dual mono D-01 DAC combination at the 2005 CES, I wrote in my Show report: “To me, this was the very best sonic performance, at any CES, so far in this century.” I still think that demonstration was one of the most exhilarating CES experiences ever.
The Esoteric P-03 SACD and CD transport and D-03 D/A converter reviewed here are directly derived from their two very expensive flagship units. Both of the “03s” are very closely related to “01s” technically and aesthetically, but the prices of the P-03 and D-03 are significantly lower, though not at pocket-change levels, with MSRPs of $13,200 each. The P-03 and the D-03 are styled and executed with an elegant to-die-for look, right along the lines of the Big Brother units. Just like the P-01 and the D-01 jewels, the P-03 and the D-03 sport a champagne-hued anodized finish with the front and side panels showing a brushed texture, while the top panel is sandblasted. The resulting presentation is sim­ply breathtaking.
But let’s take a deep breath here. As gorgeous as these units are appearance-wise, their great looks are
Volume 12, Issue 2
To round out its versatility, the P-03 will also accept an external clock on its BNC-type “Word Synch” input connector, for frequencies of 44.1, 88.2, 176.4 and 100 kHz.
Unlike the P-01, which sported a separate power supply, the P-03 transport is configured to be a single box unit. The power supply components are contained in a carefully isolated separate compartment within the main housing, making it a part of the P-03 chassis.
not the main feature. These units have been designed with only one purpose in mind – technical excellence. And that is where they shine – as you will see, they pro­vide positively brilliant performance.
When viewing the overall stellar performance pic­ture, what stands out is their versatility. Esoteric has seen fit to provide a bevy of desirable options to the user to accommodate personal tastes, variations in recording quality, music preference, and the wide vari­ety of playback equipment likely to be encountered.
The P-03 Transport
To me, the P-03 transport with the upgraded VRDS­NEO disc-clamping system is an absolute electro­mechanical marvel, the pinnacle of Esoteric’s electro­mechanical offerings. I cannot think of another more sophisticated or better-executed product in all of high­end audio.
When it comes to output protocol and interface choices – choices that permit getting the best perfor­mance out of the P-03 or setting it up to optimally inter­face with other DACs – the P-03 transport is the most versatile and flexible CD playback component offered by Esoteric to date. It has “Anything you can do, I can do better!” written all over it.
Want to play a Red Book CD? Take your choice of outputs. The P-03 will give you AES/EBU on an XLR connector, SPDIF on an RCA connector, Dual AES on dual XLR connectors, and iLINK (IEEE 1394 or “Firewire”) on its dedicated iLINK interface connector.
How about SACD? It’s ready! For delivering SACD data, Esoteric provides a choice of two output formats: the industry standard IEEE 1394 iLINK, usually known as “Firewire,” or ES-LINK, a proprietary Esoteric-exclu­sive protocol. This iLINK uses its own dedicated con­nector, while the ES-LINK relies on the dual XLR out­puts.
What about using another DAC with the P-03? Can do! The P-03 will support AES/EBU or Dual AES/EBU, or SPDIF on the dual XLR or RCA digital output connec­tors, respectively.
Yeah, but how about using the P-03 with another SACD capable DAC? Ready and able, as long as the other DAC has an iLINK or “Firewire” interface.
But there’s more. The P-03 can up-convert to 44.1 kHz, 88.2 kHz, and 176.4 kHz rates in addition to pro­viding a digital filter off mode at 44.1 kHz.
How about up-sampling to the DSD rate? Absolutely! As probably the only equipment to offer this choice, the P-03 features PCM-to-DSD conversion functionality for Red Book CD playback. With a DSD rate of 64f or
2.8224 MHz, this makes it the highest up-conversion rate available in the industry today.
NEO, Not Just A Three-Letter Word
The NEO version has been designed to fulfill a new set of requirements. For one thing, since the P-03 has to accommodate SACD discs, the CD turntable holding the disc needs to attain rotational speeds 4.5 times high­er than what a standard CD requires. To that end, Esoteric selected duralumin, a relatively new low-mass metal originally developed for use in the aircraft indus­try as the material for their new CD turntable. To do this, they had to solve some demanding machining challenges presented by this new material. Furthermore, the designers felt they wanted to have the turntable sur­face assume a new shape. This surface now is slightly concave, so that when the disc is being played, and thus is clamped to the turntable at its center portion, it assumes a slightly concave contour. This shape was implemented to precisely maintain the optical axis of the laser pick-up with that of the pit surface of the CD during playback.
To spin the CD disc, the Esoteric engineers created a long-life, three-phase, brushless spindle motor using new high-precision ceramic bearings. The new bearings were newly developed exclusively for the P-03 and allow the turntable to spin with extreme rotational sta­bility and smoothness. Another new motor, a Hall-ele­ment sensing type, and also a brushless design for long life, was chosen to drive the P-03 laser pick-up sled along a rigid shaft. This critical process keeps the laser sled precisely positioned as it traces the CD’s bit track at its very center. I just want to remind you here that the width of a CD bit track is roughly 1/20thof the width of a human hair. The sled motor is controlled by high­speed, high-current servos to maintain accurate tracking and to also provide very fast access speeds.
The whole VRDS NEO turntable mechanism is sup­ported by a 20-mm thick bridge structure made of SS400 steel, and the bridge alone weighs 3.75 lbs. Structural integrity of this order contributes significantly to the creation of a rigid and resonance-free environ­ment, something of utmost importance when trying to accomplish the playback process with state-of-the-art accuracy.
The P-03 CD tray is a joy to watch and use. It glides out in the quietest, smoothest manner I know of. Up to now, the Linn CD-12 had the smoothest drawer, but the P-03 is now my new “slide and glide” reference.
For a crowning touch, the P-03 transport is equipped with a shutter mechanism for the CD tray opening. Whenever the CD tray is summoned to the “Open” position, the shutter internally pivots out of the way, and closes once the tray has retracted into the housing. This shutter not only keeps dust out, but it also prevents potentially adverse internal sounds from escaping from the transport’s inner sanctum during playback. In its closed position, the shutter is rendered inert as it is secured very snuggly against the player’s front panel.
the audiophile voice
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