Quick Start Guide
Clip-On Tuner with Strobe and
Chromatic Modes and 108 LED Matrix Display
for Uncompromised Tuning Quality
Needle Mode
In Needl e Mode, a single st ring’s pitch is i ndicated by a co lumn of ve
LEDs in the M AIN DISPLAY, and the targ et pitch’s name ap pears in the
Tune the str ing until the co lumn of LEDs are ce ntered and “on ta rget”
(left = at ; right = sharp).
POWER button tur ns Unitune Cl ip on and o . Uni tune Clip
turns o automati cally afte r 5 minutes.
REFERENCE TONE button ca n be used to adju st the refere nce
pitch us ed for tuning up o r down from th e default set ting (A =
440 Hz). Se e “Changing the R eference Pitc h” for instr uctions.
DISPLAY MODE button tog gles betwe en Needle and Str obe
tuning mo des.
curren t display dire ction. The di splay will auto matically ip to
stay ori ented for vie wing at all time s.
MAIN DISPLAY shows the in dividual pit ch of the curre ntly-
tuned string in Needle/Strobe Tuning Mode.
SECONDARY DISPLAY shows the de tected note n ame for the
currently-tuned string.
Visit tc electro nic.com to do wnload the f ull manual
(2) (1)
Strobe Mo de
In Strobe M ode, a single str ing’s pitch has t wo indicator s:
• Red LEDS to t he left ( at) or right (sha rp)
of the cent er LED column
• “Rotating” segments in the display
Tune the str ing until the ro tating segm ents slow dow n and stop,
and only th e center column o f LEDs lights u p.
Changi ng Referen ce Pitch
The def ault referen ce pitch (A = 440 H z) can be change d by following
these steps:
1. Press REF ERENCE TONE but ton. The display w ill show the
curren t reference pi tch (e.g., “440” for 4 40 Hz).
2. To increas e the referenc e pitch in 1 Hz step s, press the
3. To decreas e the referen ce pitch in 1 Hz ste ps, press the D ISPLAY
MODE button.
4. To store the c urrently- displayed re ference pitc h, refrain fr om
pressi ng either but ton for 2 secon ds. The set re ference pitc h
will blin k 3 times.

Speci cations
Type Chromatic strobe tuner, clip-on
Tuning rang e A0 (27.5 Hz) to C8 (4186 Hz)
Tuning accu racy Chromat ic tuning mod e: ±0.5 cent
Refere nce pitch A4 = 435 to 445 Hz,
Batte ry CR2032 Li-M n battery (in cluded)
Dimensi ons 28 x 25 x 60 mm (1.1 x .98 x 2.36")
Weight 32 g (1.13 oz), inclu ding batte ry
Music Tribe a ccepts no liab ility for an y loss which may b e su e red by
any pers on who relies e ither wholl y or in part up on any descri ption,
photog raph, or stat ement contai ned herein. Tec hnical spec i ca tions,
appear ances and othe r informati on are subjec t to change wi thout
notice. Al l trademark s are the pro perty of th eir respec tive owner s.
Midas, Kl ark Teknik, La b Gruppen, La ke, Tannoy, Turbosound ,
TC Elect ronic, TC Heli con, Behrin ger, Bugera, Auro tone and Cool audio are
tradem arks or regi stered tra demarks of M usic Tribe Glob al Brands Ltd.
© Music Tribe G lobal Brand s Ltd. 2019 All right s reserve d.
For the ap plicable wa rranty ter ms and condit ions and addi tional
inform ation regar ding Music Trib e’s Limited War ranty, pleas e see
complet e details onlin e at musictr ibe.com/warr anty.
Zhongs han Eurote c Electr onics Limi ted
No. 10 Wanmei Ro ad, South Chi na Modern Ch inese Medic ine Park,
Nanlang Town , 528451, Zhongshan C ity, Guangdo ng Province, Ch ina
Strobe tu ning mode: ±0.02 cen t
adjust able in 1 Hz step s
! WARNING – Coin/ Button Cel l Battery
• This produc t contains a co in/butto n cell batter y. If the coin/bu tton
cell bat tery is swal lowed, it can ca use severe int ernal burns in j ust
2 hours an d can lead to deat h.
• Keep new and use d batteries a way from child ren. If the bat tery
compar tment does n ot close secu rely, stop using t he product a nd
keep it away f rom childre n.
• If you think bat teries mig ht have been swal lowed and place d
inside any p art of the bo dy, seek immedi ate medical at tention.
• CAUTION: Dange r of explosi on if batter y is incorr ectly
repla ced! Replac e only with the s ame or equi valent typ e!
! AVERTISSEMENT - Pi le bouton / pi le
• Ce produit con tient une pile b outon / pièce. En c as d'ingesti on de
la pile bou ton, elle peut p rovoquer de gr aves brûlure s internes en
seuleme nt 2 heures et en traîner la mor t.
• Gardez les pi les neuves et us agées hor s de la portée de s enfants.
Si le compa rtiment de la b atterie ne s e ferme pas cor rectemen t,
arrête z d'utiliser le p roduit et élo ignez-le des e nfants.
• Si vous pensez q ue les piles on t pu être avalée s et placées dan s
n’impor te quelle par tie du corps , consultez im médiatement
un médecin.
• ATTENTION: Dang er d'explosi on si la batte rie est
remplacée de manière incorrecte! Remplacez uniquement
par le mê me type ou un t ype équiv alent!
! WARNING: De pending on va rious fac tors such as ag e-relate d
change s or the surf ace nis h, there is a pos sibility th at your instr ument’s
coating m ay be damaged by a ttaching t his produc t. In general, d o not
leave acce ssories suc h as Unitune Cl ip attache d to your guita r longer
than nece ssary, as the r ubber pad may a dversely a ec t the ni sh of
your ins trument, es pecially wh en it is expos ed to sunlight f or extend ed
period s of time.
Respon sible Par ty Name: Music Tribe Co mmercia l NV Inc.
Address: 5270 Procy on Street
Phone Nu mber: +1 702 800 829 0
This equ ipment has b een teste d and found t o comply wit h the limit s for a ClassB
digita l device, pu rsuant to pa rt 15 of the FCC Ru les. Thes e limits are d esigned
to provi de reasona ble protec tion aga inst harmf ul inter ference in a r esident ial
insta llation. Th is equipm ent genera tes, uses an d can radiat e radio fre quency
energy a nd, if not ins talled an d used in acco rdance wit h the instr uction s,
may caus e harmful i nterfer ence to radi o communic ations. H owever, there i s
no guara ntee that in terfere nce will not o ccur in a par ticular i nstallat ion. If this
equipm ent does ca use harmf ul interf erence to r adio or telev ision rec eption, wh ich
can be de termined b y turning t he equipme nt o a nd on, the use r is encoura ged to
try to co rrect th e interf erence by one o r more of the f ollowing m easures:
• Reorient or relocate the re ceiving an tenna.
• In crease th e separat ion betwe en the equi pment and re ceiver.
• Co nnect th e equipmen t into an outl et on a circu it di erent fr om that to
which th e receiver i s connect ed.
• Co nsult the de aler or an ex perience d radio/T V technic ian for hel p.
This equ ipment com plies wit h Part 15 of the FCC R ules. Ope ration is su bject to t he
follow ing two con ditions:
(1) This devic e may not caus e harmful i nterfer ence, and
(2) This dev ice must acc ept any inter ference r eceived, i ncluding i nterfe rence that
may caus e undesire d operati on.
Any chang es or modi cations n ot expres sly approv ed by the par ty respo nsible for
compli ance could vo id the user' s authori ty to opera te the equip ment.
Music Tri be Brands U K Ltd.,
Quay Hou se,City Pa rk Busines s Village,5 B rindley Ro ad, Manche ster,
Old Tra ord, M16 9UN , United Kin gdom
Las Vega s, NV 89118