Quick Start Guide
Studio-Quality Reverb with 3 Award-Winning TC Electronic Algorithms in a
Compact Footprint
(2) (3)
1. OUT – Send the sig nal to other pedals or a g uitar
amp via ¼" cable.
2. 9 V DC – Connect a s tandard 9 V power supp ly
(not included).
3. IN – Connect you r guitar via ¼" cable.
4. REVERB – Adjusts the l ength of reverb dec ay.
5. LED – Lights whe n the pedal is engage d.
6. MIX – Adjusts the we t/dry mix such that t urning
clock wise results in mo re reverb.
7. TYPE – Sel ects reverb mo del type – Sprin g, Plate
or Hall.
8. TONE – Adjusts the b rightness of the r everb.
9. FOOTSWITCH – Press to engage or byp ass
the pedal. True b ypass leaves the gui tar signal
completely unaected whenever the pedal is
not engaged.
V 1.0
Input ¼" TS, unbalanced
Impedance >350 kΩ
Output ¼" TS, unbalanced
Power input
Weight 0.29 kg (0.64 l bs)
Standard 9 V D C, center neg,
100 mA
99 x 57 x 56 mm
(3.9 x 2.2 x 2.2")

Responsible Party Name: Music Tribe C ommercial NV In c.
Address: 901 Grier D rive
Phone Number: +1 747 237 5033
This equi pment has been test ed and found to compl y with the limits
for a Class B d igital device, pur suant to part 15 of the FCC Ru les.
These lim its are designed t o provide reasonab le protection a gainst
harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment
generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
install ed and used in accord ance with the instr uctions, may cau se
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equ ipment does caus e harmful inter ference to radio o r television
recepti on, which can be dete rmined by turning t he equipment o and
on, the user i s encouraged to tr y to correct the i nterference by o ne or
more of the following measures:
• • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• • Connec t the equipment in to an outlet on a circu it dierent fro m
that to whic h the receiver is conne cted.
Consult the d ealer or an experi enced radio/T V technician for he lp.
This devic e complies with Par t 15 of the FCC rules. Oper ation is subject
to the follo wing two conditi ons:
(1) this device may not c ause harmful inte rference, and
(2) this device mu st accept any inter ference received , including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
Important information:
Changes or m odications to t he equipment not ex pressly approve d by
Music Tribe ca n void the user’s autho rity to use the eq uipment.
Las Vegas, N V 89118