14 There is high voltage inside the ma chine b ut no par ts whic h can be re paire d by user s thems elves . In orde r to assu re
the people's safety, please do n't ope n the cas e to repa ir it by yo ursel f. If it is n eeded t o repair, please contact
qualified engineer to repair.
15 All cables can be connected or pull o ut only a fter po wer sup ply is tu rned off.
16 During a thunder rain weather, do not t ouch th e power c ord and a ntenn a cable .
17 When the following troubles occ ur, pleas e pull ou t the plu g and cal l the pro fessi onal en ginee rs to rep air.
A. The cabl e or plug i s damag ed.
B. The pr oduct w as fall en down o r the cas e is dama ged.
C. Obvious abnormal situation occurs. I n spite o f corre ct oper ation a ccord ing to th e user ma nual bu t it stil l can't w ork
D. Some abnormal substances or liquid fal l into it .
E. Unusual sound or smell sends out.
18 When the MAINS plug or an appliance c ouple r is used a s the dis conne ct devi ce, the d iscon nect de vice sh all rem ain
readily operable.
19) Th e mach ine sh ould n ot suffer from waterdrop or watersplash, do not place the ve ssel w ith wa ter (o r othe r liqu ids) o n
it, for like this it is possibly to cause fire or elect ric sh ock.
20) Th e atta ching plug s hould be ins erted into t he pow er poi nt com pletely, othe rwise it may cause spark to bri ng fire .
21) Please do not put candle, ash-t ray, ince nse, i nflamm ables or exp losiv e nearby this machine.
22) Please do not stretch into any sharp o bject , meta l or li quid, or tou ch the signa l atta chmen t or th e inne r of ra diati on
hole, in order to avoid short circuit and prod uct da mage, or pos sibly causi ng ele ctric shock . Espe ciall y pay a ttent ion
when there are children on the spot.
23) Please don't use the machine im media tely w hen mo ving t he mac hine f rom lo w temp eratu re pla ce to h igh te mpera ture
one, or install and use at the place of facing a ir con ditio ning, other wise i t may c ause t he con densa tion i n the m achin e,
to cause fault.
24) Must be careful when moving this m achin e, avoi ding be ing str uck, es pecia lly pay a ttent ion to pr otect t he scre en part.
In addition, if using handcart, must note t he inju ry as the p roduc t is over turne d from th e handc art bec ause of h ard
braking, overexerting and uneven grou nd.