2850 El Presidio St., Long Beach CA 90810 USA
Tel: 310-637-2105 Fax: 310 -638-2180
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 0
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 0
Chapter 1:
Step 1 Connect the cables 2
Chapter 2: Watch Mode 3
Chapter 3: Setup Mode 9
3.2 Schedule 13
Chapter 4: Search Mode 26
4.1Channel Play back window 28
4.2Buttons on Play Back Console 29
4.3Date/Time 30
4.4Log 32
4.5Save Disk 33
4.6Print 34
4.7Storage Capacity 35
4.8Exit 35
Chapter 5: Backup Mode 36
5.1Auto Backup 37
5.2AVI Backup 39
5.3Explorer 40
5.4Cancel 40
Chapter 6: Control Mode41
6.1Camera Control 41
6.2Exit 42
A: Alarm Connector Configuration 43
B: AVI PLAYER Instruction 45
C: Backup Viewer Instruction 49
D: Technical Specification 55
E: Charts for recordint time 57
Step 2 Turn on the system 2
2.1 Channel display window5
2.2 Selection of Split screen 6
2.3 Motion Tracker 7
2.4 Mode switch button 8
2.5 On/Off button 8
3.1 Channel 11
3.3Speed 15
3.4Color 17
3.5Motion 18
3.6P/T/Z Control 20
3.7Password 21
3.8Voice 24
3.9Exit 25
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 0
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 1
Place the Digital Recording System on a flat surface or
* For TDR
2209 there are only 9 camera Inputs and 9 Loop through outputs on
mount it on the 19” rack.
the back board. For TDR-2204 there are only 4 camera Inputs and 4 Loop
through outputs on the back board.
1. Camera Inputs
2. Loop Through Outputs
3. CCTV Monitor Output
4. COM Series Port 1
5. COM Series Port 2
6. XGA Output
7. SCSI Port
8. Audio In
9. Audio Out
10. Mouse (PS/2)
11. Keyboard (PS/2)
12. Parallel (Printer) Port
13. USB Ports (2)
14. Network Port (RJ-45)
15. Phone Port (RJ-11)
16. Alarm Inputs
17. Alarm Outputs
18. AC Power Input
19. 115/230 VAC Power Switch (option)
20. Power Supply Switch (option)
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 2
Removable Storage
Step 1: Connect the Cables
Connect all the necessary signal cables , inputs, and devices into the correct
* For TDR-2209 there are only 9 camera Input s and 9
Loop through outputs on the back board. For TDR-2204
there are only 4 camera Inputs and 4 Loop through
outputs on the back board.
* For TDR-2204 there are only 8 alarm inputs and 4
alarm outputs on the back board. For TDR-2209 and
TDR-2216 there are 16 alarm inputs and 8 alarm
Step 2: Turn on the System
Turn on the power by pushing the power button on the front panel.
* For the storage more than 320 GB, there is no
removable kit available because two more Hard
Drives are used in one system.
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 3
The buttons and icons on the screen are described
: For TDR
2209 there are
: For TDR
2209, the Button
Turn on the system. The main screen of TATUNG TDR -22XX series will appear as shown below.
only 9 channels divided within
the screen. For TDR-2204 there
are only 4 channels divided
within the screen
for 9 Sequence and the button
for 16 will show the all 9
channels at same time. For
TDR -2204, the Button for 4, 9,
and 16 Sequence will show all 4
channels at same time.
1. Company LOGO
This is the logo of TATUNG Company of America.
2. DATE/TIME Window
This window displays the date and time (military time).
3. 1 Sequence Button
Click to select the 1-window (1x1) format. Only 1 camera can be
displayed at a time. The sequential dwell time can be adjusted in
SETUP mode.
4. 4 Sequence ButtonClick to select the 4-window (2x2) format. Up to 4 cameras can be
displayed at the same time. The sequential dwell time can be adjusted
in SETUP mode.
5. 9 Sequence ButtonClick to select the 9-window (3x3) format. Up to 9 cameras can be
displayed at the same time. The sequential dwell time can be adjusted
in SETUP mode.
6. 16 ButtonClick to select the 16-window (4x4) format. Up to 16 cameras can be
displayed at the same time. The sequential dwell time can be adjusted
in SETUP mode.
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 4
Full SCR Button
This button allows you to hide all buttons and icons and enlarge the
Click to enable the motion tracking function. This is a very powerful
function which allows you to track a moving object from one channel
to another. All image windows this object passed by will be enlarged
one by one.
Click to turn off the entire system.
display windows to the FULL SCREEN. To get back to the normal
screen you must right click. Once you get the full screen, if you LEFT
click, the screen will not go back to normal; instead, the picture the
mouse arrow is sitting on will be enlarged to full screen.
8. Motion Button
9. Setup Button
Click to switch to SETUP MODE. The setup mode includes buttons
PROTOCOL, PASSWORD, and VOICE. With these buttons your
system can be custom-programmed to fit your operation needs.
10. Search Button
Click to switch to SEARCH MODE. In this mode, you may either use
either the LOG or DATE/TIME button to check the image database
and access the recorded images within seconds. You can either
PRINT or SAVE the images found to a floppy disk for your emergency
needs. You can also check the capacity of storage used/available
with the STORAGE button.
11. Backup Button
Click to switch to BACKUP MODE. In this mode, you may either
choose the AUTO backup function to save images to a second
removable hard disk or choose the AVI backup function to save
images onto a CDRW available from this system.
12. Control Button
Click to switch to CONTROL MODE. In this mode the
PAN/TILT/ZOOM features of each camera can be controlled by
clicking the appropriate buttons on the screen.
13. On/Off Button
14. Display windows
Display camera images on 1, 4, 9 or 16 windows depending on your
selection. Left clicking a window will enlarge the picture in that
specific window. And left clicking again will return the picture back to
the normal size. RIGHT clicking any window will hide all buttons and
icons and enlarge all pictures to full screen. And right click again will
go back to normal screen
15. On Screen Display (OSD)
Display the camera name and recording status. The recording status
indicates whether the camera is active or inactive and the recording
method it is recording (continuous , motion, or alarm sensor
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 5
2.1 Channel display window
1. Channel (Camera) name
2. Image display window
3. Record status lamp
Identify the name for each channel. You may assign the channel name in
SETUP mode.
2. Image Display window
This area displays the image coming from the corresponding camera.
3. Recording status lamp
This lamp turns redwhen continuously recording
When motion recording, this lamp becomes blue and transparent.
(on and off)
When sensor recording, this lamp turns yellow and transparent .
(on and off)
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 6
Note: You can
: On all
Ch Display, left
: For TDR
2209, the 9
2.2 Selection of Split screen
Selection of window division mode that is available in 1 division window (sequence from channel 1
to channel 16), 4 window, 9 window, 16 window, and Full screen display.
Click these buttons one time (the button turns RED) to get sequential display.
Click second time (the button turns ORANGE) to stop sequence. More Click to
switch between sequence (RED) and stop sequence (ORANGE)
click a specific camera and
the image of this camera will
be enlarged without
sequencing. And left-click
again can go back to the
normal status.
16 sequence button w ill show all
9 channels at same time. For
TDR -2204, the 4, 9, and 16
sequence button will show all 4
channels at same time.
One-window sequence
Four-window sequence
Nine-window sequence
All channe l display
the right-click button on the
mouse to switch between
the Full screen status and
the normal screen status.
FULL screen
Click this button to hide all buttons and icons and enlarge the display
windows to FULL screen. You must right click on the mouse or touch
pad to go back to the normal.
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 7
Click on this button to enable the motion tracking function.
: To enable this
2.3 Motion Tracker
This function allows you to track the path of a moving object from one channel to another. The
specific image window that the objec t activates will be enlarged. Therefore, the object will always be
displayed on an enlarged window.
function, all channels
must to be programmed
to motion recording.
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 8
one of these buttons to perform its specific function
Click on this button
to shutdown the syst
em. Confirm
“YES” as the system
2.4 Mode Switch button
There are four function modes that can be selected in this system.
SETUP:Click to switch to SETUP MODE. The setup mode
includes the buttons: CHANNEL, SCHEDULE, SPEED,
VOICE. With these buttons , your system can be custom programmed to fit your specific operation requirements.
SEARCH:Click to switch to SEARCH MODE. In this mode, you may
either use the LOG button to search the image database
or use the DATE/TIME button to retrieve the recorded
images within seconds. The images found may either be
printed out or saved to a floppy disk for your emergency
needs. The status of the storage drive can be checked by
the STORAGE button.
BACKUP: Click to switch to BACKUP mode. You can backup the
data to the other storage or other type of media which is
available for this system. This mode include the autobackup function, immediate AVI type backup function and
have a windows explorer opened for your convenience.
CONTROL:Click to switch to CONTROL MODE. In this mode the
PAN/TILT/ZOOM of specific cameras can be controlled
by clicking the appropriate buttons on the screen.
2.5 ON/OFF Button
prompts: “ARE YOU SURE?” to complete the shutdown the DVR system.
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 9
The control buttons contained in the main screen are
described below:
: For TDR
2209, CH 10 to
The first screen of the setup mode will be the channel setting screen displayed below
CH 16 will be empty by the
factory’s setting. For TDR-2204,
CH 05 to CH 16 will be empty by
factory’s setting
1. Channel
Click to setup the channel and channel (OSD) name. There are two
different ways to setup the channel: automatically scan or manually
designate. You may also set the name for each channel.
2. Schedule
Click to setup the recording schedules. There are 16 recording groups and
three recording modes (continuous, motion, sensor) that may be separately
set up for your application. Alarm output s can also be set up separately.
3. Speed
Click to setup the recording speed and other options. The recording speeds
include speeds on normal, motion, and sensor recording. You can also set
up the time delay for the display sequence as well as pre alarm, pre motion
and post alarm, post motion recording in this mode.
4. Color
Click to adjust the image attributes including the adjustment of Brightness,
Contrast, Color (saturation), and TINT for each individual channel.
5. Motion
Click to setup the motion function. You can set up each individual
channel’s motion detection area (up to 10 zones for each channel),
sensitivity, and beep time for motion detection.
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 10
P/T/Z camera protocol
Click to setup the communication port and protocol used to communicate
between TATUNG’s DVR and your specific camera connected.
7. Password
Click to setup the user name and password for multi-level security access.
The passwords are divided into four levels: SETUP, VIEWER, SHUTDOWN,
and REMOTE . Hiding cameras can also be programmed within this setup.
8. Audio
Click to setup the audio recording function.
9. Exit
Click to exit the setup mode and go back to main Watch mode.
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 11
This is the first
Click to
Click this button to start the channel setu
p and the screen will be shown as below.
First Channel
: For TDR
2209, CH 10 to
3.1 Channel
This function button (as shown below) can be used to setup the channels. There are two different
types of channel setting: manual or automatic.
CH 16 will be empty by the
factory’s setting. For T DR-2204,
CH 05 to CH 16 will be empty by
factory’s setting
You can setup the channel either by auto setting or manual setting.
1. Setup the Channel
Click on andsetup will be executed automatically
Select the Board (B01-B04) and Channel
(C01-C04) from the list to setup the
Channel Name
Board and first
list. Select the Board #
and Camera # from the
list. Then left -click.
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 12
1. Click to
. Key in the
When complete the
2. Setup the name
Setup the channel name with following the procedure
1. Click the channel number
2. Key in the name of the channel
3. Limited to 14 characters including space.
channel name
choose channel
You may click any other icon to exit Channel Setup Mode and go directly into
another setup mode. Click EXIT button, you will be back to Watch Mode.
setup and exit to the LIVE
mode, the system will
spend about 20 second to
compensate and install
the new setting. This
operation may cause the
image of the cameras
stop motion or
discontinuous motion.
The recorded data also
have the same effect.
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 13
Click on this button to start schedule setup and the screen will display as
The shutdown time is
: For TDR
2209, Camera’s
: Alarm Out
9 to 16
3.2 Schedule
This function button (as shown below ) is used to setup the schedules.
CH 10 to CH 16 and Motion’s
CH 10 to CH 16 will be useless
even if you activate it. For TDR2204, Camera’s CH 05 to CH 16
and Motion’s CH 05 to CH 16 will
be useless even if you activate it.
configured in all TDR-22XX
series DVRs.
to set the time for turning off
the system, which is different
to the restart system.
Select the Group number (total 16 groups are available and programmable).
Activate the group by checking the box.
follow. (Please follow the 7 steps below)
1. Select the Group
2. Activate Group
3. Schedule the Recording DATE/TIME and DVR Shutdown Time
•Setup the days of the week (Sunday to Saturday) by checking the box of the
•If you want to assign the recording time (default is 24 hours), setup [Start
Time] and [End Time] by using military time system. (00:00 to 00:00
corresponds to 24 hours).
•If you want to assign a shutdown time, check the box of Shutdown Time and
set the shut down time.
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 14
When complete the
4. Activate the camera
Click the camera icon to activate the camera (s) which will be used in this group.
5. Select the Recording mode
Select the recording mode for each channel. There are three recording modes.
DEFAULT Continuous recording
Record while motion detected
Record while Sensor is active
6. Setup Alarm Out: Alarm Output may be setup when either a sensor is triggered
or motion is detected.
7. Set up another group
Repeat the step from 1 to 6 if you want to set up another group.
8. Exit
You may click any other icon to exit Schedule Setup Mode and go directly
into other setup mode. Click EXIT button to go back to Watch Mode.
setup and exit to the LIVE
mode, the system will
spend about 20 second to
compensate and install
the new setting. This
operation may cause the
image of the cameras
stop motion or
discontinuous motion.
The recorded data also
have the same effect.
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 15
3.3 Speed
This function button (as shown below) can be used to setup the recording speeds.
Click this button and the screen will display as shown below.
Normal Recording Speed
Dragging the cursor can designate normal recording speed (frame rate) for each
camera or all cameras (Separate frame rate for each camera is available).
Motion Recording Speed
Dragging the cursor can designate motion recording speed (frame rate) for each
camera or all cameras (Separate frame rate for each camera is available).
Sensor Recording Speed
Dragging the cursor can designate sensor recording speed (frame rate) for each
camera or all cameras (Separate frame rate for each camera is available).
Sequential Time
Adjust the dwell time interval for sequential display.
Post Motion Time
Keeps recording for a period of time after motion detection is over.
Post Alarm Time
Keeps recording for a period of time after sensor alarm is finished.
TATUNG TDR series Digital Recording System Page 16
When complete the
Check on the box if you want the following features to be enabled.
Sensor Beep Activates beeping sound when sensor is triggered.
When activated, only 1, 4, 9, & 16 divisions are available to
keep the horizontal and vertical ratio of each channel window.
Motion Log Activates Motion log function.
Recording While
Continues to record when the system in search mode.
Removable HDD System Will BEEP when the removable HDD is almost full.
Image Quality
Dragging the cursor can adjust the compression rate, the higher the compression the
worse the image quality. The recorded image with best quality (100%) is clear and
vivid. But the size of a frame is the largest (15KB-20KB). At lower percentage of
quality (higher compression rate) image quality is relatively low. But the size of a
frame is relatively small (2KB-8KB). 34% -50% of image quality is recommended.
Compression Rate Image Quality
setup and exit to the LIVE
mode, the system will
spend about 20 sec ond to
compensate and install
the new setting. This
operation may cause the
image of the cameras
stop motion or
discontinuous motion.
The recorded data also
have the same effect.
*Frame size may vary from image to image according to the situation of site