Tascam RC-828 User Manual

Section 1 – Starting to use the RC-828

1 – Starting to use the RC-828

The TASCAM RC-828 Remote Control Unit allows you to control up to 4 DTRS1 recorders (any combination of DA-98, DA-38 or DA-98 units) from one location. The functions which may be controlled are:
Transport operations (including jog and shuttle)
Track arming
Auto punch operations
Chasing control
Location memories and auto-repeat between two points
This manual makes reference to the manuals of the following units: DA-88, DA-38, DA-98 and SY-88. Please consult these documents as neces­sary when setting up and using the RC-828.

1.1 Hooking up the RC-828

The RC-828 and DTRS units form a “daisy­chain”, with the RC-828 being at the head, and the “tail” unit being terminated with the terminator supplied with the RC-828.
The RC-828’s
now control the first unit, Keys 9 through 16
keys 1 through
control the next unit in the chain, and so on (regardless of the actual Machine IDs of the units).
Tighten the screws holding the cable connector to the RC-828 and to the DTRS unit. This will pre­vent accidental disconnection of the RC-828 in the middle of a session.
Use only T ASCAM cables to connect the RC-828 to the first DTRS unit, and to connect the DTRS units to each other. If the use of cables other than TASCAM cables causes or results in damage to the units, the warranty is voided.
No power connection is needed for the RC-828. All power for LEDs, etc. is supplied by the first DTRS unit.
At least one LED is always lit on the RC-828 when it is con­nected and power is switched on to the DTRS units. If you do not see any lit LEDs on the RC-828, make sure the DTRS power is switched on, and check the cable connec­tions to the RC-828.
When you connect a number of DTRS units which are of different types, including a DA-98, the DA-98 should be at the head of the chain immediately following the RC-828. Other units may then be connected in any order.
If the DTRS units are DA-88s and DA-38s only, they may be connected in any order.
Use the suppled cable to connect the RC-828 to the
unit, and a PW-88S cable to connect the
of the first unit to the
of the next unit, and so on, until the terminator
is connected to the
of the first DTRS
of the last unit in
the chain.
RC-828 DA-38DA-98 DA-88
Cable supplied with RC-828
Turn off po wer to all units when making connections. If you do not do this, there is a possibility that the RC-828 will malfunction or even be damaged.
PW-88S PW-88S

1.1.1 Machine IDs

Set the machine IDs of the DTRS units so that the IDs run in a sequence from the unit at the “head” of the chain, closest to the RC-828 (lowest possi­ble ID) to the “tail” unit (highest ID). There should be no gaps in this sequence.
A DA-88 uses a rotary switch to set the ID and uses 0 as the lowest ID, and a DA-38 or DA-98 uses software to make this setting, and uses 1 as the lowest ID. Refer to the units’ manuals for full details of setting the ID.
How the ID is
ID as shown
DA-98 1 1 Menu system (see
DA-88 0 1 Rotary switch on
DA-38 1 1 Tape counter menu
set (see the unit’s manual for details)
“Real” ID
rear panel (see p23–
system (see 7-2)
Power on or off
when ID is set
DTRS is a trademark of TEAC Corporation
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Section 2 – Parts of the RC-828
When you set the machine IDs, you can set the ID of any machine first, but we recommend doing this in a standard sequence, working from the head of the chain to the tail.

1.1.2 Chase mode

In an all-audio setup, the first unit is unlikely to be chasing external sources. However, subsequent units in the chain should now chase this master, using the DTRS (ABS) sync method, when their
CHASE switches are pressed.
DA-98 DA-38 DA-88 SY-88
9.2.3 7-3 p. 24
Howev er, in some audio setups or an audio-visual setup, it may be necessary to make the master DTRS unit slave to incoming timecode:
DA-98 DA-38 DA-88 SY-88
10.7.1 5-1
to the RC-828 in the same way as the
keys and indicators on the units themselves.

[4] ALL INPUT key and indicator

This key performs the same function as the ALL
INPUT key on a DTRS unit, switching the moni-
toring of all tracks on all connected units to the input source. The indicator lights when this mode is active.
DA-98 DA-38 DA-88 SY-88
7.1.1 9.1 (1) p. 9 (18)
The INPUT MONITOR keys on the DA-98 also affect the switching between source and tape. Using the RC-828 change the status of any tracks while the
function is on will lose the relationship
between the
set the
status for individual tracks when
is turned off again. Start recording or re-
keys to restore this.
keys to
In this case, you should take care to set the clock reference of the master DTRS unit appropriately.

2 – Parts of the RC-828

[1] REMOTE connector

Connect one end of the supplied cable to this con­nector, and the other end to the first DTRS unit, as described in 1.1, “Hooking up the RC-828”. Make sure the power to the DTRS unit is turned off when you make the connection.
[2] REC FUNCTION keys and
The 32 REC FUNCTION keys allow you to arm the tracks of up to four DTRS units. Keys 1–8 control the tracks of the first unit in the chain, 9–
16 those of the second, and so on. Pressing keys
which correspond to a non-existent DTRS unit will have no effect.
Pressing the corresponding keys on the DTRS units has the same effect as pressing the keys on the RC-828 unit (i.e. if the track is not armed, it will now be armed, and
The indicators flash when a track is armed for recording, and light solidly when recording is being rehearsed or taking place.

[3] CHASE keys and indicators

These keys and indicators allow you to set and view the chase status of the DTRS units connected
vice versa
If you want to monitor using confidence mode on a DA-98 unit, make sure that the is off and use the
keys on the
DA-98 to turn off input monitoring on all tracks.

[5] AUTO MON key

This key is equivalent to the AUTO MON key on the DA-98 and performs the same function as this key on any connected DA-98 units. There is no key with the same name on the DA-38 or DA-88; pressing this key is the equivalent of pressing the
INSERT key on a connected D A-38, and pressing
both the AUTO INPUT and INSERT keys on a DA-88. It is used in punch modes to switch auto­matically between tape and source when punching in and out automatically. The indicator lights when this function is active.
Note that the status of the keys on a D A-98 will be o v erridden by the
key. However, when off again, the original status of these keys will be restored.
Using the RC-828
change the status of DA-98 tracks while
is on will lose the relationship between the
and for individual tracks when off again. Start recording or re-set the REC
FUNCTION keys to restore this.
If you want to monitor using confidence mode on a DA-98 unit, make sure that the
keys to
is turned
is turned
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Section 2 – Parts of the RC-828
is off and use the INPUT MONITOR keys on the DA-98 to turn off input monitoring on all tracks.

[6] JOG/SHTL MON key and indicator

This key allows the selection of different monitor­ing modes when shuttle mode is selected, either with the units’ own SHUTTLE controls, or from the JOG/SHUTTLE key on the RC-828 [15]. This key and indicator duplicate the function of the
and provide these capabilities for the DA-38 and DA-98.
Use the flowchart provided with this manual to check the shuttle monitoring status of DA-38 and DA-88 units in different modes (the provision of confidence mode on the DA-98 means that this model differs from the others), and you should also consult the manual of the DTRS unit for full details, if you are unclear about how shuttle moni­toring works:
DA-98 DA-38 DA-88 SY-88
key and indicator of the DA-98,
the DTRS unit’s current time reference (ABS or timecode).
These location memories are independent of the MEMO 1 and 2 location memories stored in the DTRS units.
The indicator of a location memory containing a location point will be lit, and pressing the key (except in “capture” or erase mode, see [11] and [12]) will locate to the point stored in that mem­ory. Pressing a key whose indicator is not lit will have no effect. The location point stored in the memory will be briefly shown on the tape counter of the DTRS units (for the DA-88 and DA-38–for the DA-98 the location point will be sho wn briefly on the LCD display screen).
While location is taking place, the indicator will flash, and the indicator will light steadily again when location is complete.
If the
indicator [13] is lit, the DTRS unit will start to play back when the location point is reached, otherwise the transport will stop at the location point.

[7] RHSL key

This key duplicates the functions of the corre­sponding key controlling rehearsal operations on the DTRS units. See the appropriate section of the DTRS manual if you are unsure of its operation.
DA-98 DA-38 DA-88 SY-88
6.6 4-3 p. 16

[8] AUTO PUNCH key

This key duplicates the functions of the corre­sponding key controlling auto punch operations on the DTRS units. See the appropriate section of the DTRS manual if you are unsure of its operation.

[9] CLEAR key

This key duplicates the functions of the corre­sponding key clearing punch points on the DTRS units. See the appropriate section of the DTRS manual if you are unsure of its operation.
The location points are stored in memory, backed up by a battery whose life is a few years. When you turn on the DTRS unit connected to the RC-828 with location memo­ries stored in it, the same location indicators will light as were lit at the time when you last turned off the DTRS unit. If they do not light, the battery needs replacing, and you should contact your TASCAM dealer regarding a replace­ment battery.

[11] CAPTURE key and indicator

Press this key to enter “capture” mode. The green indicator will flash. While in capture mode, press­ing a
current tape position to the location memory cor­responding to the
If the memory does not contain data (the indicator is not lit), the new position will be written to the memory and the indicator will light. If the mem­ory already contains a location point (the indicator is lit), this will be overwritten with the new posi­tion. Press the
the capture mode (the indicator will stop flashing).
key [10] will store the
key again to turn off


These 12 location keys and indicators are used for the management of location memories. These memories are stored and used with reference to

[12] ERASE key

To erase a location memory, press and hold down the ERASE key. While holding it down, press the
LOCATE POINT key [10] of the memory you
want to erase. The indicator of the
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