• 48 channels and 16 returns for 64 total inputs
digital console for professional users
A “fat channel” strip in the center of the
for a live event, and more can be
• 24 busses
• 12 Aux Sends
• 24 mic/line inputs with analog inserts plus phantom power for
condenser mics.
• 24 channels of TDIF and 8 channels of ADAT built in
• 4 expansion card slots support optional FireWire, ADAT,
AES/EBU, Analog, TDIF and Surround Monitoring cards
• Dedicated cascade port supports cascade of two DM-4800s
• Channel Strip section for EQ, Dynamics and Aux control of
selected channel
• Per channel LED ring encoders for pan, aux sends and EQ
• Built-in DAW control layer compatible with Pro Tools®, Logic Pro™,
SONAR™, Cubase™, Nuendo™, and Digital Performer™
• Transport buttons control DAW software, RS-422 devices
or MMC devices.
• Powerful automation with touch-sensitive motorized faders
• 4-band EQ, compression and gating on each channel
• Compression for each aux, buss and main output
• Two built-in effects processors, each able to run TC Reverb programs
• Flexible routing allows any input to be routed to
any channel or output
• Offl oad data to convenient Compact Flash media
using built-in CF slot
• Optional MU-1000 meter bridge (as shown)
64-channel Digital
Mixing Console
The TASCAM DM-4800 is the ultimate
digital console for professional users
who demand a fl exible, 64-channel mix
platform that confi gures to fi t their needs.
A “fat channel” strip in the center of the
board provides instant access to 4-band
parametric EQ, dynamics and aux
controls available for the fi rst 48
channels. Twenty-four studio-grade
mic preamps provide enough inputs
for a live event, and more can be
added using expansion cards with
external preamps. The standard
compliment of analog and digital
I/O is more than you’ll fi nd on
consoles costing three times as much,
and a completely confi gurable 24-buss
routing system allows you to re-patch
the board at the fl ick of a switch.
TASCAM’s DM-4800 fi ts seamlessly
into the modern recording environment
based around a computer DAW. With a
single button press, the Remote layer
provides a 24-fader control surface for
control of premiere workstations such
as Pro Tools, Logic, SONAR, DP, Cubase
and Nuendo. The optional IF-FW/DM mkII
interface card provides 32 channels to
and from a computer at up to 96kHz
over a single FireWire cable. And the
optional surround monitoring card
provides downmixing, bass management
and level control for mixing in up to
6.1 surround. No matter what your
application, the TASCAM DM-4800
adapts to the needs of any professional
audio installation.

All specifi cations subject to change without notice.
Visit www.tascam.com for the most up-to-date information.
All trademarks are property of their respective holders.
Rev 10/06, © Copyright 2006 TASCAM, a division of TEAC America .
All rights reserved.
7733 Telegraph Road • Montebello
California • 90640 • USA
phone 323.726.0303