Technical support is available free of charge only to registered owners of a TASCAM® MX-2424. Be
prepared to provide the serial number of your TASCAM
For future reference, please write your serial number here:
You may register your TASCAM
MX-2424 via the internet.
MX-2424 when calling for technical support.
Copyright and Trademark
Software. Copyright 2000 by TimeLine Vista, Inc. All rights reserved. The software described in this
document is supplied under license. The software may be used and/or copied only in accordance with the
terms of the agreement. The purchaser may make copies of the software for backup purposes only.
Manual. Copyright 1999 by TimeLine Vista, Inc. Copyright 2000 by TEAC America, Inc. All rights
reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording for any purpose other than those
specified in the license without prior written permission of TimeLine Vista, Inc. and TEAC America Inc.
TASCAM is a registered trademark of TEAC Corporation.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. TimeLine Vista, Inc. and TEAC
America, Inc. make no warranty of any kind with regard to this material or the product, including, but not
limited to, the implied warranties or fitness for a particular purpose.
TimeLine Vista, Inc. and TEAC America, Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for
incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this
material or the product.
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manualii
ViewNet MX
ViewNet MX
Use of this trademark for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of TimeLine Vista, Inc.
may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws.
All other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Printed in the United States of America.
, is a registered trademark of TimeLine Vista, Inc.
Software License Agreement
Software is Licensed. The ViewNet MX software (the “Software”) is licensed (and not sold) by
TimeLine Vista, Inc. to the original purchaser for use only under the following terms, and TimeLine
and/or its licenser(s) retain ownership and reserve all rights in the software not expressly granted herein.
License Grant. You are hereby granted a non-exclusive, non-assignable (except as provided in item (c) of
this sentence, nonsublicensable license to: (a) use the Software on a computer (or computers) that are
part of a ViewNet MX network; (b) make copies of the software for backup purposes only; and (c)
transfer the Software (and your rights under this license, with the exception of the source code rights),
but only to another party, and only if such party is given a copy of this Agreement and agrees, in writing
delivered to TimeLine, to accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Restrictions. You may not use, copy, modify, or transfer the software, in whole or in part, except as
expressly permitted by this Agreement. Any attempt to transfer any of your rights, duties, or obligations
hereunder except as expressly permitted in this Agreement is void. YOU SHALL NOT (NOR SHALL
Terms. This license is effective until terminated and will immediately and automatically terminate
without notice if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this license. You agree upon
termination to promptly destroy the software together with all copies thereof in any form. Termination is
not an exclusive remedy, and all other remedies remain available whether or not the license is terminated.
Compliance. You agree to certify to TimeLine, from time to time upon TimeLine’s request, your
compliance with the terms and conditions of the license. TimeLine shall have the right to audit such
compliance at any reasonable time upon reasonable notice.
Maintenance Service. TimeLine shall provide maintenance service for the Software, at a reasonable fee if
not pursuant to TimeLine’s limited warranty, in accordance with standard industry practices.
Export Law Assurances. You agree that the Software will not be removed, transferred or exported
from the United States, in violation of the restrictions and controls imposed by the United States
Export Administration Act and the regulations thereunder (nor will it be transferred to anyone
who intends to do so).
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manualiii
ViewNet MX
Limited Warranty. The Software is provided with a limited warranty as described in the User Manual. No
other warranties, express or implied, shall apply.
Limitation of Liability. TimeLine and/or TEAC America, Inc. will not be liable under any subject matter
of this software license agreement under any contract, statute, tort, negligence or strict liability or other
theory, for (a) loss or inaccuracy of data, cost of procurement of substitute goods, services, or
technology; (b) any indirect, incidental or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, lost
profits; and (c) any matter beyond its reasonable control.
General. This license agreement for the Software, and the limited warranty, and related provisions in this
manual will be governed exclusively by the laws of the State of California, without regard to the conflict
of law provisions thereof. This is the complete and exclusive understanding of the parties relating to this
subject matter, and may not be amended except in writing.
Software Updates. Future updates of the Software, if produced, will be available for license by licensees
for a reasonable fee or free of charge. Registered Licensees will be notified of such updates, if and when
they become available.
Government Licensees. If you are acquiring ViewNet MX on behalf of any unit or agency of the United
States Government, the following provisions apply:
The Government acknowledges that the ViewNet MX Software and documentation were developed at
private expense and no part of them is in the public domain. The Government agrees that: (i) if the
Software is supplied to the Department of Defense (DoD), the Software is classified as “Commercial
Computer Software” and the Government is acquiring only “restricted rights” in the Software and its
documentation as that term is defined in Clause 252.227-7013(c)(1) of the DFARS; and (ii) if the
Software is supplied to any unit or agency of the United States Government other than the DoD, the
Government’s rights in the Software and its documentation will be as defined in Clause 52.227-19(c)(2)
of the DFARS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in
subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause of DFARS
Never ................................................................................................................................................ 37
In > Out ............................................................................................................................................ 66
Out > In ............................................................................................................................................ 67
Time Ruler Scale ....................................................................................................................67
Playhead (Current Time Register) .........................................................................................67
In Mark...................................................................................................................................68
Out Mark ................................................................................................................................68
Save .................................................................................................................................................. 80
Open .................................................................................................................................................80
Video ................................................................................................................................................ 82
Digital In........................................................................................................................................... 82
Sample Reference Status ........................................................................................................82
Timecode Type .......................................................................................................................83
Analog .............................................................................................................................................. 89
Digital In........................................................................................................................................... 89
2CH In .............................................................................................................................................. 90
Analog I-8 ..............................................................................................................................90
Digital 1-8 ..............................................................................................................................90
Digital In Rate Conversion............................................................................................................... 90
2CH In Rate Conversion................................................................................................................... 90
ViewNet MX is a graphical interface network created by TimeLine for the TASCAM MX-2424. It
provides a graphical interface application which runs on personal computers using the Apple Macintosh
or Microsoft Windows (98/NT), operating systems. This interface provides for viewing and editing of
audio tracks loaded on the TASCAM MX-2424 and also provides access to all machine and system setup
ViewNet MX works via a 100 Mbps (Megabit per second) Fast Ethernet connection linking the MX2424 and the 100Mbit Ethernet interface port of computers on the network running the ViewNet MX
Steps to Complete ViewNet Setup
Complete the following steps, explained in detail in this chapter, to operate ViewNet MX.
Set the IP address, IP Net Mask, and IP Gateway settings for MX-2424 machines.
Install the ViewNet MX application in the computer(s) that will be on the network.
Set up TCP/IP settings on all computers running the ViewNet MX application.
Connect the MX-2424(s) and Computer(s) using cat 5 UTP Ethernet cable and Fast Ethernet hubs, as
appropriate. See Chapter 2, Setting Up The Network, for more information on Ethernet cables and
connections, including hubs, switches, and routers.
Network Configuration for the MX-2424
Before the ViewNet MX application can work with a TASCAM MX-2424, the proper network settings
must be configured on the MX-2424.
must be rebooted before these settings will take effect.
2424 related to ViewNet network configuration.
IP Address
The IP (Internet Protocol) address for each machine must be entered manually at the front panel of the
MX-2424 before that machine can be seen by the network and appear as a machine to the ViewNet MX
software application. To set the IP address, press Setup on the front panel of the MX-2424, and use the
wheel or arrows to move to Setup menu 950.
Once the network settings have been configured, the MX-2424
There are three Setup Menu items on the MX-
01234567890123456789LCD characters indicate:
950 IP AddressTop: (menu name)
* IP Address)
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual12
ViewNet MX
Setting the IP Address
Enter the value for the IP Address by pressing Trim then using the Shuttle Ring to move the cursor and
the Up/Down Arrows or Scrub Wheel to change the value of a single digit. When the desired value is
entered press Yes to save it and reboot the MX-2424 for the change to take effect.
Important Rules for IP Addresses
It is important to make sure the first nine numbers of the IP address should be the same for all host
machines on that network, and
each device on the network
If the MX-2424 is to be used in a facility where IP addresses are managed by a network administrator,
that person should assign and log the IP addresses for each MX-2424 and ViewNet MX computer
according to the address scheme for the facility. IP addresses for MX-2424’s can always be changed by
using Setup menu 950.
Using the Default IP Address
The Default network address can be safely used as a valid IP address for host machines on self-contained
ViewNet MX networks. A self contained network is one that is not being used for access to the Internet
and which will be dedicated to running ViewNet MX within a facility.
will be connected to the Internet, you should be using your facility’s assigned IP addresses, not the
default IP addresses.
the final three numbers should set to a number which is unique for
If your ViewNet MX network
Next Available IP
If the Default network address is used, the ViewNet MX application can see which unique host IDs have
been used by MX-2424 units on the network and suggest the next valid host IP address for new units
which will be added to the network. This function is listed under the ViewNet MX Help menu.
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual13
ViewNet MX
Reserved IP Numbers
When looking at the network for the next available IP address, the system will only see the IP addresses
in use by MX-2424’s which are turned on and connected to the network, and will not detect the IP
addresses of other host computers running the ViewNet MX application.
The automatic next available IP function views IP host address numbers 1 through 15 as automatically
reserved for computers on the network running the ViewNet MX application. It is therefore
recommended that computers on the ViewNet MX network using the default IP address set the last three
numbers of the IP address to a value between 1 and 15 in order for this scheme to work. This scheme will
only report as available, IP address numbers whose last three numbers have a value of 16 and above and
are not currently being used by an MX-2424.
To summarize, when using the default IP address system for a ViewNet MX network, allocate IP address
numbers according to this plan:
Host Computers192.168.001.001 through
(ViewNet MX application)
MX-2424’s192.168.001.016 through
Errors Setting Next Available IP Address
If the IP address of the computer requesting the next available IP is set to a host address number higher
than 15, the system will not be able to suggest the next available IP number and will give the following
IP Net Mask
Use this field to enter the IP Net mask. Set this value to unless your network
administrator advises that you should use a different setting.
01234567890123456789LCD characters indicate:
951 Ip Net MaskTop: (menu name)
* Net Mask address)
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual14
ViewNet MX
IP Gateway
Use this field to enter the IP Gateway if the ViewNet MX network is part of a larger network which uses
a Gateway. If there is no Gateway in use, there is no need to enter any data in this menu.
01234567890123456789LCD characters indicate:
952 Ip GatewayTop: (menu name)
* Gateway address)
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual15
ViewNet MX
Installing the ViewNet MX Application
The ViewNet MX application is a software program designed to run on a personal computer. Each
instance of the ViewNet MX application installed on a network computer operates independently and can
view any MX-2424 or show an overview of the entire network.
Installing ViewNet MX on a Macintosh
To install ViewNet MX on a Macintosh.
1. Insert the CD-ROM included with the MX-2424 into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.
2. Open the CD-ROM and open the folder named “ViewNetMX1_1 Install”
3. Copy the folder named “ViewNet” from the CD-ROM to your computer’s hard drive by dragging its
icon to your computer’s Hard Drive icon.
4. Double-click the MRJ Installer icon on the CD-ROM. This will place an MRJ Install icon on your
5. Open the MRJ Install icon from your desktop, inside will be an “Installer” icon. Double-click that
icon to install the Java Runtime Environment. Accept all default choices by pressing AGREE in the
License screen and pressing INSTALL in the MRJ Installer screen.
6. Once the MRJ installation is complete, drag MRJ Install icon on the desktop into the trash and
remove the CD-ROM from the computer.
7. Access Menu 950 on the MX-2424 by pressing SETUP, the numerical key “0” then the Down Arrow
Key six times. There will be an IP Address displayed similar to this: NOTE: Your
number may be different but will follow the XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX rule.
8. Open the TCI/IP control panel which is accessible under the Apple menu in the Control Panels
9. Set the Connect via option to “Ethernet” and the Configure option to “Using Mac IP Manually”.
10. Enter the first three groups of numbers from Menu 950 on the MX-2424 into the IP Address field
exactly as they are displayed on the MX-2424. Enter a different value for the last group of numbers.
Example: If Menu 950 displays then the IP Address field on the computer should
display 192.168.100.XXX where XXX is anything except 001.
11. Close the TCP/IP control panel, saving changes and restart the computer.
12. Double-click the ViewNet icon in the folder on your hard drive that you copied from the CD-ROM in
step #3 above to run ViewNet. You will see the ViewNet Network screen with connected machines
listed on the right. Click the Connection box next to the desired machine to activate it.
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual16
ViewNet MX
Installing ViewNet MX on a Windows Computer
To install ViewNet Audio on a Windows PC.
1. Insert the CD-ROM included with the MX-2424 into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.
2. Open the CD-ROM and double-click on the file named “ViewNet1_15MX-Win”.
3. In the space provided type C:/Windows/Desktop
4. Press Unzip
5. The file will extract to your Windows Desktop and you will see an information box that 78 files have
been unzipped successfully.
6. Press OK and Close the WinZip Self-Extractor dialog box.
7. You may remove the MX-2424 CD-ROM
8. On your desktop will be a folder named ViewNet1_15 MX Install. Open that folder and double-click
on the ViewNet Install icon for Windows 98 or the ViewNet Install NT icon for Windows NT.
9. You will see a black ViewNet Install screen and indication that a total of 76 files have been copied.
You will be prompted to proceed with the installation of the Java Runtime Environment 1.1.8. Press
10. Accept all default choices by pressing NEXT in the Welcome screen, YES in the Software License
screen, NEXT in the Select Components screen and NEXT in the Start Copying Files screen.
11. When Java has finished installation press FINISH in the Setup Complete screen. This will take you
back to the ViewNet Install screen, press the Space bar and close the window.
12. You may delete the ViewNet1_15 MX Install folder on your desktop.
13. Access Menu 950 on the MX-2424 by pressing SETUP, the numerical key “0” then the Down Arrow
Key six times. There will be an IP Address displayed similar to this: NOTE: Your
number may be different but will follow the XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX rule.
14. On your computer’s desktop right click the Network Neighborhood icon and select Properties.
15. Highlight the TCP/IP icon that corresponds to the Ethernet card installed in your computer and press
16. Select “Specify an IP address and enter the first three groups of numbers from Menu 950 on the MX2424 into the IP Address field exactly as they are displayed on the MX-2424. Enter a different value
for the last group of numbers. Example: If Menu 950 displays then the IP Address
field on the computer should display 192.168.100.XXX where XXX is anything except 001.
17. On the computer enter as the value for Subnet Mask.
18. Press OK twice and restart the computer.
19. When the computer has restarted run ViewNet MX by double-clicking its icon on the Desktop. You
will see the ViewNet Network screen with connected machines listed on the right. Click the
Connection box next to the desired machine to activate it.
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual17
ViewNet MX
Configuring Computer Network Settings
To use the ViewNet MX application with an MX-2424, the computer running the ViewNet MX
application must be configured with the proper IP (Internet Protocol) address and other network settings.
Installing A Network Interface Card in the Computer
A Windows PC running ViewNet MX must have a properly functioning Network Interface Card (NIC)
installed before the ViewNet MX software will work. A NIC configured for operation with Fast Ethernet
100 Mbps (100BaseT) networks is required for proper function of ViewNet MX.
Setting Windows TCP/IP Properties
Right-click on the desktop icon “Network Neighborhood,” and select “Properties” from the pop-up menu.
After clicking on properties, the Properties window will open. Click on the “Configuration” tab to bring
the configuration page to the front.
Highlight the correct TCP/IP for your NIC and click on Properties to open the TCP/IP Properties
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual18
ViewNet MX
TCP/IP Properties Window
The TCP/IP Properties Window has several tabs used for setting up various aspects of the TCP/IP
network configuration for the computer.
Click on the IP Address tab, click the button for “Specify an IP address” and enter an appropriate IP
address in the field provided. Please note that no two computers may share an IP address. See the
discussion on IP addresses earlier in this chapter for more information.
Use the Subnet Mask field to enter the IP Net mask. Set this value to unless your
network administrator advises that you should use a different setting.
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual19
ViewNet MX
Setting IP Gateway Address
If you plan to connect two or more networks then you must enter a gateway IP address. To enter a
gateway IP address, click on the “Gateway” tab and enter the appropriate address in the provided field.
After the new number has been entered, click on “Add”. The new gateway address will then appear in the
installed gateways box. If you are unsure about this please contact your network administrator.
Fig. 8
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual20
ViewNet MX
Windows NT 4.0 Network Configuration
It is a good idea to have the Windows NT CD-ROM available when changing Windows network settings,
because Windows may require that certain files be copied from the CD to the hard drive. The following
assumes a dedicated Ethernet network of MX-2424’s and computers running ViewNet MX software.
When running MX-2424’s or ViewNet MX on an existing local area network, please consult the network
administrator for assistance in setting up the computer network.
Right click on the desktop icon “Network Neighborhood,” and select “Properties” from the pop-up menu.
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual21
ViewNet MX
Windows NT Network Window
This will open the Windows NT Network window. Click on the “Protocols” tab.
Make sure the TCP/IP Protocol installed. If it is not, click on “Add” to open the window called Select
Network Protocol and then select TCP/IP from the available choices. Complete the installation of the
TCP/IP protocol, then return to the Network window.
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual22
ViewNet MX
Windows NT Network Adapter Selection
In the Windows NT Network window, click on the “Adapters” tab. You must have a working network
adapter in your hardware profile (in this example the Intel 82557-based 10/100 Ethernet PCI Adapter is
installed). If you do not, please consult your Windows NT documentation or see your network
administrator for help installing your Network Interface hardware.
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual23
ViewNet MX
Windows NT TCP/IP Properties
Select the Protocols tab in Network window, then select TCP/IP and click on Properties. This will open
the TCP/IP Properties window.
Click on the IP Address tab, click on “Specify an IP address” and enter an appropriate IP address in the
field provided. Please note that no two computers may share an IP address, and that unpredictable
behavior is likely to occur if they do. See the discussion on IP addresses earlier in this chapter for more
Use the Subnet Mask field to enter the IP Net mask. Set this value to unless your
network administrator advises that you should use a different setting.
If you plan to connect two or more networks then you must enter an IP Gateway address. To designate a
gateway address, simply move the cursor to the Default Gateway field and enter the appropriate numbers.
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual24
ViewNet MX
Apple Macintosh Network Configuration
The following assumes a dedicated Ethernet network of MX-2424’s and computers running ViewNet
MX software. When running MX-2424’s or ViewNet MX on an existing local area network, please
consult the network administrator for assistance in setting up the computer network.
To configure networking support on the Macintosh, follow these steps.
Click on the apple menu in the upper left corner of the menu bar. From the pull down menu select
“Control Panels” and then select “TCP/IP” within the Control Panels menu.
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual25
ViewNet MX
The Macintosh TCP/IP Window
From the TCP/IP window, select “Ethernet” in the box labeled “Connect Via.”
In the “Configure” box choose “Manually.”
Enter an appropriate IP address in the field provided. Please note that no two computers may
share an IP address, and that unpredictable behavior is likely to occur if they do. See the
discussion on IP addresses earlier in this chapter for more information.
Use the Subnet Mask field to enter the IP Net mask. Set this value to unless your
network administrator advises that you should use a different setting.
If you plan to connect two networks or more then you must enter a Router IP address (Gateway address).
To specify a router IP address, move the cursor to Router Address box and enter the appropriate number.
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual26
ViewNet MX
Chapter 2 Setting Up The Network
This chapter gives a brief overview of the Fast Ethernet (100BaseT) networking protocol used by
ViewNet MX and discusses some details concerning implementation of a 100 Mbps (Megabit per
second) Ethernet network. As an aid to further research, links to additional information which can be
found on the World Wide Web are also provided.
Important Network Set Up Considerations
Once the ViewNet MX software has been installed and the IP addresses have been set, the components
must be physically connected before the network can be used. If the MX-2424 is being connected directly
to the computer, a special type of Ethernet cable, called a crossover cable, must be used. To connect an
MX-2424 or computer to an Ethernet hub, switch, or router, use a normal Ethernet cable. For more
detailed information, see the section in this chapter called Ethernet Cables and Connectors. If the
ViewNet MX network is going to be used in conjunction with an existing company Ethernet network, it
is also vitally important that all ViewNet MX computers and MX-2424’s be located behind a network
router to segregate the ViewNet MX components from the rest of the network. Please review the section
in this chapter called Using ViewNet MX With Existing LANs, and the sections on network switches,
routers, and hubs for more information.
Terminating the Network Connection
To properly terminate the network connection, exit the ViewNet Audio application, or turn the MX-2424
off before unplugging the cable.
A physical disconnection, i.e., unplugging the cable from the back of either the MX-2424 or the
computer (or an associated network hub or router), is not an acceptable means of breaking the
connection, and is strongly discouraged. Doing so may require a restart of the MX-2424, the computer
running ViewNet MX, or both, in order to restore normal operation.
Ethernet Cables and Connectors
The 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet used by ViewNet MX has a different set of cabling rules from 10 Mbps
Ethernet. Fast Ethernet requires Category 5 cabling. Some existing installed networks, however, may
have Category 3 cabling or poorly installed Category 5 cabling. Such cabling is adequate for 10 Mbps
Ethernet, however, it can result in dropped or corrupted packets, network noise, and even failure when
called upon to transmit Fast Ethernet.
cabling meets Category 5 standards
100Base-TX Specifications
Maximum Stations per Segment: 1024
Cable: 2-Pair Category 5 UTP cable
Maximum Length of Segments: 100 meters
To achieve the best performance, make sure all network
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual27
ViewNet MX
Ethernet Patch Cable
In a standard Fast Ethernet configuration with more than twodevices, a hub is used to provide a central
means of connecting the units to each other. The cables used to connect each of the devices to the hub are
standard Ethernet patch cables. These are typically available at computer stores in a variety of lengths.
Keep in mind that only cat 5 UTP type cable should be used with ViewNet MX. These cables are wired
directly through pin to pin.For direct connection between two Ethernet devices where no hub is used, see
the next section on crossover cables.
Ethernet Crossover Cable Wiring
When connecting two Ethernet devices together directly (without a Hub), a crossover cable must be used.
This type of cable is available from TASCAM or most computer stores.
Ethernet Hubs
When more than one MX-2424 is used in a network configuration with ViewNet MX, an Ethernet hub is
required to connect the individual MX-2424’s and computers running the ViewNet MX software into a
networked system.
There are many commercially available hubs, which can be used with ViewNet MX. Any computer
network hub that is a 100BaseT hub (Fast Ethernet) should work.
Using ViewNet with existing LANs
It is not recommended that the ViewNet MX network be run on the same physical network as a regular
business LAN (Local Area Network) which also carries other network traffic such as company email and
Internet access. Running the ViewNet MX network under these circumstances may adversely affect the
speed of the network and the responsiveness of the ViewNet MX application. If the ViewNet MX
network must coexist with a company LAN, it is advisable that it be segregated from the rest of the
network traffic by means of a network switch or router which isolates traffic of the two sections of the
network to minimize interference. Check with the Information Systems manager or Network manager for
your company network to properly configure such systems.
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual28
ViewNet MX
Chapter 3 The Network Screen
When the ViewNet MX application is first started, it will open to the Network screen. This screen shows
a list of all MX-2424’s currently operating and connected to the network. If no machines are connected,
then nothing will appear in the list, most menu items will be grayed and unavailable, and the Project
View screen can not be accessed. Click the button labeled Network (upper right corner) at any time to
return to the Network View screen.
Sections of the Network Screen
The Network Screen consists of the following sections:
These are described in detail below.
Machine Status Information Columns
When a network broadcast is received from one or more MX-2424’s, columns in the Network screen will
show a list of setup parameters for each machine. To change any of the Setup parameters, select a
machine by clicking in the row of settings, then choose the “Settings…” item in the Machine menu to
open the Machine settings window.
If it is desired to broadcast new settings to multiple machines change the “Applied to:” button from
“Original machine” to “Machine Set ” then click on Apply Changes to apply only changes that have been
made since the Machine Settings window was opened or Apply All to apply all current settings to the
selected machine(s).
This is the Machine Name, as entered in Setup Menu 940 of the MX-2424. The name can also be entered
by using the Machine Information window which is available in the Machine menu of ViewNet.
This is the machine ID number which is assigned in Setup Menu 111 of the MX-2424. This number will
have a value between 01 and 32, and must be unique for each MX-2424 connected together via the TLBus. This number can be changed by using the Ident Request item under the 100 tab in the Machine
Settings window.
Serial Number
This displays the unique serial number of an MM series machine. This number is not displayed for the
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual29
ViewNet MX
This field shows that the connected machine is an MX-2424.
This is the name of the currently loaded Project, as indicated in Setup Menu 800 of the MX-2424. Note
that if no Project is loaded, this will show the default name “MX”. This name can also be
changed by using the Project Name item under the 800 tab in the ViewNet MX Machine Settings
Create a new project by using the “New Project…” item in the File menu. This menu item is only
available when in the Project View Screen.
Sync Group
This field is only used by MM series machines..
Bus status
This field shows the current status of the machine on the TL-Bus (Off, Master, or Slave). This status can
be changed by using the TL-Bus Request item under the 100 tab in the ViewNet Machine Settings
window or Menu 110 on the MX-2424.
If there is only one machine, activating the bus as either slave or master will show “master” in this field
(because there is nothing to slave to).
Sample Rate
This field shows the digital sample rate of the MX-2424 as assigned in Setup Menu 005 of the MX-2424.
This value can be changed by using the Sample Rate item under the 000 tab in the ViewNet Machine
Settings window.
Frame Rate
This field shows the Timecode Type of the MX-2424 as assigned in Setup Menu 004 of the MX-2424.
This value can be changed by using the Timecode Type item under the 000 tab in the ViewNet Machine
Settings window.
Machine Sets
This field is only used by MM series machines.
ViewNet MX Version 1.1/1.5 Owners Manual30
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