TEAC Professional Division
Modular Multitrack Recorder
Modular Multitrack Player
MMR-8/MMP-16 Version 4.6

TASCAM MMR-8/MMP-16 Version 4.6
Table of Contents
MMR-8 / MMP-16 VERSION 4.6 UPDATE........................................................................................................2
INSTALLING THE MMR/MMP SOFTWARE UPDATE............................................................................................2
Downgrade Disk..........................................................................................................................................2
CHANGES IN VERSION 4.6....................................................................................................................................3
SUPPORT FOR HFS+ FORMATTED VOLUMES.......................................................................................................3
AUTO-REHEARSE/AUTO-PUNCH FEATURE ON M2 MMR-8S..............................................................................3
ABILITY TO WORK WITH "WIDE-NARROW-WIDE" SCSI SETUPS..........................................................................4
MISCELLANEOUS PRO TOOLS ENHANCEMENTS....................................................................................................4
MISCELLANEOUS ENHANCEMENTS.......................................................................................................................4
Renaming tracks:......................................................................................................................................4
Sync-II Idle On error:...............................................................................................................................4
Wide SCSI card operation:........................................................................................................................4
SoundMaster Compatibility:.......................................................................................................................4
HFS+ DVD RAM media:.........................................................................................................................5
OMF Exports:..........................................................................................................................................5
Old vs. New Hardware Sync:....................................................................................................................5
Special Alpha character support:................................................................................................................5
Random noise at Punch-In:........................................................................................................................5
Hardware Compatibility:............................................................................................................................5
VARIOUS NOTES..................................................................................................................................................6
RAM Upgrade..............................................................................................................................................6
Folder Hierarchy Rules..............................................................................................................................6
TASCAM MMR-8/MMP-16 Version 4.6 Owner’s Manual Update
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MMR-8 / MMP-16 Version 4.6 Update
This document details changes and new features in software Version 4.6 for the TASCAM MMR-8
and MMP-16 Modular Multitrack units and the MM-RC remote. This document only explains
features and enhancements that have been made to the MMR/MMP since release Version 4.5, the
last official release software version prior to Version 4.6. This documentation presumes familiarity
with basic operation of the MMR-8 and MMP-16.
Installing the MMR/MMP Software Update
To install software in an MMR-8 or MMP-16, first make sure the unit to be updated already has
Version 3.0 or higher software installed (software installed from the two Rescue Disks is also
acceptable). The most recent software update may always be downloaded from the TASCAM web
site at http://www.tascam.com. The Version 4.6 software fits on two floppy disks. To install the
software update, insert the 1st floppy disk into the front panel floppy drive while the unit is booted
and operating normally. Access Menu 995 (Load Software) and press STO. The system will ask
“Are you sure?” Make sure the floppy is properly inserted and press STO again to confirm. The
system will access the floppy drive for a few moments to copy the files to the internal drive. During
this time, the green LED on the floppy disk drive is the only indication provided by the system that
software is being copied from the floppy disk to the system’s internal disk drive. After a few
moments the machine will prompt “Insert Disk #2”. Remove the 1st disk and insert the second
floppy. Press STO. After the rest of the software update has been copied from the second floppy,
the system will display the message “Reboot required for new software”. This verifies that the
software has been successfully copied to the system drive.
To reboot the system after the software update, remove the floppy disk and recycle the
power on the unit. The first time the system boots after the update, it will go through a longer boot
procedure and will update various internal processors. The LCD will indicate the update procedure
status as these processors are re-programmed. After all these internal updates are finished, the LCD
will briefly show the message “New Software Loaded”, then mount all available SCSI volumes and
show the normal display. The unit is now ready for operation.
If an MM-RC remote unit is attached to the MMR/MMP when the software update is
performed, the system will update the MM-RC after the reboot. A progress display will be shown
on the MM-RC LCD during the update. The MMR/MMP will show the message “Programming
Remote” while the MM-RC software is updated.
Warning: Please make sure to disconnect ALL MMR-Bus and Ethernet cables before upgrading
each machine. Connection to an MMR-Bus chain or to an Ethernet network during software
upgrading will produce unreliable results.
Downgrade Disk
Please refer to the installation instructions accompanying the downgrade disk included with your
TASCAM MMR-8/MMP-16 Version 4.6 Owner’s Manual Update
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