•Create a series of scenes that mute unused channels
for quiet recording
The SCENE display is designed o show you the switch
settings of the
mixer section and change th em if neces-
sary. To keep the screen at a reasonable size, it doesn't
show everything at once. Two keys (ASSIGN MAIN/
EFF and INPUT MAIN/DUAL) toggle sections
of the
display to show some settings, and hide others. Other
keys are used to change settings, which then can be
saved in memory as a SCENE. Even when a display
is "hidden", its switch settings are active and can be
copied from one scene to another. A SCENE in memory
consists of all switch sett ings: main and effects assign,
main and dual input, dual-group links, and channel
Understanding th e Switch Settings
The switches on the 644, like switches on any othe r
recording mixer, control three things:
WHERE FROM : Where is the signal coming from?
The Midistudio calls this INPUT select. The possible
sources for a channel include MIC, LINE, TAPE, or
WHERE TO: Where does the signal go to ? !n the
Midistudio, there are four GROUPS or mixes that are
connected directly
to the input of the four-track
recorder and also to the GROUP OUT con nectors. The
Midistudio calls this ASSIGN.
Another "where to" swi,tch sett ing, on the right hand
side of the display , is called LINK DUAL-GROUP, This
can send the left and right outputs of the DUAL
submixer to the Group 1-Z and Group 3-4 outputs if
HOW MUCH: Most controls on a mixer are "how
much" controls. The CHANNEL MUTE is in this categ- -
In summary, each black square in a SCENE display
stands for an electronic switch tha t' s tu rned on, showing
where from (Input), where to (Assign), or how much
(Channel Mute).
"H idden"
Displays. There are more switches than the
assign display can show at one time. At any given time,
about half of the settings are "hidden" , although they
are still active.
ASSIGN is divided int9 .JlflAIN and EFF. In MAIN
you are setting the "where to' ' of main input channels
1-8. In EFF you are setting the-0estination of the four
effect returns .
INPUT is divided into MAIN and DUA L. In MAIN
you can select the input sources for main channels 1-8;
in DUAL you select the sour ces for dual ch;mnels 9-16.
displays~ On tfu, right hand side of the
display is the SCENE number and MEMORY indicator .
Once you have made your switch sett ings, the se indicators will help you store them permanen t ly into memory .
OPERATION of the Scene Display
Whe~ you want to change th e sett ings of a scene, the re
are three • steps :
.,, a. Display the data you want to change (you can' t
change what you can't see). If th isplay was in
a 11/ETER mode, the display will automat ically
-17 -
switch to the scene display the moment you press
any assign or input key (except MUTE).
b. "Arm" the particular routing you .want to take-
choose the groups you want to assign, or the
source you want to select (they show th at the y're
"armed" by blinking in the display).
c. Press the keys of the channels you want to chan ge.
That's all there is to it.
Selecti ng Inpu ts
1. Pte!s the INPUT MAIN/DUAL key. T he MAIN and
DUAL indicators will alternately appear in th e
display under INPUT. The black square ~ will
if the .settings are diff erent. Leav.e it in whatever
sectio n you wish to change. ·
Press the INPUT source key you want (MIC, LINE,
TAPE or POST). The indicator of the source you've
selected will flash, and the 644 is now "armed" in
that mode. Note that you cannot select POST unless
you are on the DUAL screen .
3. Press the numbered CHANNEL keys for the channels
you want to switch
to the new source. A black square
will appear in the channel column, in the row corre sponding to the input you've chosen, and any other
inputs that were on previously will turn off-there
can only be one input per channel. You will also
notice that "MEMORY" appears under the scene
number, to show you that the change s you are
making are in a temporary memory area.
4. To choose a different source, repeat steps 2 and 3.
When you are finished with your setting, proceed to
"Saving Scenes"on p. 18.
Assigning to Groups
Press the ASSIGN MAIN/EFF key. You will seethe
MAIN or EFF indicators appear in the left upper half
of the display (under ASSIGN), and the black squares
will change if the settings are differ ent . leave it in
whatever section you wish ta chang e.
2. Press the ASSIGN GROUP key you want (GROUP 1,
2, 3 or 4). The indicator of the group you 've selected
will flash, and the 644 is now "armed" in that mode.
You can select as many groups at once as you wish.
Press the numbered CHANNEL keys for the channels
you want to assign
to the new destination. One or
more black squai:es will appea r in the channe l
colum n, in the row corresponding to the groups
you've chosen. You will also notice that "MEMORY"
appears under the scene number, to show you that
the changes you are making are in a tem por,ary
memory area.
Note that because there are only fou r EF FECT
RETURNS, only the first fou r CHANNEL keys have
any effect while you are in ASSIGN EFF mode.
4. To turn a group off, repeat steps 2
end 3. The second
time you press a channel key, th e groups will turn