LA-40m k i i i · LA-80/81m k i i
Unbalanced/Balanced Line Converters
he LA-40m k i i i , LA-80m k i i and LA-81m k i i line level
converters are built for studio quality convers ion
bet ween balanced (+4 dBu/–20 dBu) and unbalanced
(–10 dB) line levels, of fering the best inte gration of
all types of equipment. LA-40m k i i i is eq uippe d with
fou r RCA inputs and outputs as well as four XLR inputs
and output s. LA-80 MKII offers eight unbalanced RCA
inp uts and e ight balanced XLR out puts, and LA- 81 MKII
has eig ht balanced XLR input s and eig ht unbalanced
RCA output s. Each of the three converters has a switc h
matrix that allows channel s to b e linked, utilizing the
uni t as a distri butio n amplifier for splitting sign als
to multiple record ers, or f or multizone sound routi ng
Switches on the bot tom p anel allow to select a
LA-40m k i i i · LA-80/81m k i i Unbalanced/Balanced Line Converters
nom inal level of +4 d Bu or –20 dBu for each chan nel
and ±12 dB trim pots on the fr ont panel make pe rfec t
level matching easy. LEDs on the front panel in dicate
sig nal prese nce for each channel. Ground lift switches
4 c hannels with unba lance d RC A
inputs and balanced XLR
outputs plus 4 channels with
balanced XLR inputs and
unbalanced RCA outputs
Dis trib utio n amp lifi er
functiona lity : Inp ut signa ls c an
be routed to multiple output
cha nnel s thr ough switch es
(RCA to XLR and XLR to RCA)
8 c hannels with unba lance d
RCA inputs and balanced
XLR outputs
Dis trib utio n amp lifi er
functiona lity : Inp ut signa ls c an
be routed to multiple output
channels through switches
8 c hannels with bala nced
XLR inp uts and u nbal anced
RCA outputs
Dis trib utio n amp lifi er
functiona lity : Inp ut signa ls c an
be routed to multiple output
channels through switches
General features
XLR nominal level selectable t
between +4 dBu and –20 dBu
Trim pot s (±12 dB) for each
channel on front panel
Signal LED for each channel
Ground lif t sw itche s for ea ch t
channel and master switch
Int ernal powe r supply, no
AC adapter needed
1 U rack-mountable chassis
are available on each channel or globally for eliminat-
ing ground loops.

LA-40m k i i i · LA-80/81m k i i
Unbalanced/Balanced Line Converters
Inputs and outputs
Inputs (unbalanced) RCA jacks
Input impedance 23 kOhm (when all INPUT LINK switches are OFF)
5.7 kOhm (when all INPUT LINK switches are ON)
Nominal input level –10 dBV, ±1 dB
Maximum input level +4.8 dBV
Indicator detection level –36 dBV or more (OUTPUT LEVEL switch set to +4 dB or –20 dB)
Outputs (balanced) XLR-type connectors
Output impedance 94 Ohm
Nominal load impedance 10 kOhm
Minimum load impedance 600 Ohm
Nominal output level +4 dBu, ±1 dB (OUTPUT LEVEL switch set to +4 dB)
–20 dBu, ±1 dB (OUTPUT LEVEL switch set to –20 dB)
Maximum output level +23 dB u
Inputs (balanced) XLR-type connectors
Input impedance 54 kOhm (when all INPUT LINK switches are OFF)
6.7 kOhm (when all INPUT LINK switches are ON)
Nominal input level +4 dBu, ±1 dB (INPUT LEVEL switch set to +4 dB)
–20 dBu, ±1 dB (INPUT LEVEL switch set to –20 dB)
Maximum input level +30 dBu (INPUT LEVEL switch set to +4 dB)
+8 dBu (INPUT LEVEL switch set to –20 dB)
Indicator detection level –22 dBV or more (INPUT LEVEL switch set to +4 dB)
–46 dBV or more (INPUT LEVEL switch set to –20 dB)
Outputs (unbalanced) RCA jack
Output impedance 200 Ohm
Nominal load impedance 10 kOhm
Minimum load impedance 1 kOhm
Nominal output level –10 dBV, ±1 dB
Maximum output level +18 d BV
Audio performance
TRIM range ±12 dB
S/N ratio (at nominal levels, INPUT/
OUT PUT swit che s se t to +4 d B)
Tota l ha rmo nic d ist ort ion
(1 k Hz, at n omin al l evel s)
Frequency response (at nominal levels) 20 Hz – 100 kHz, ±3 dB
Cro sst alk (1 kH z, n omin al l evel s,
600 Ohm load)
90 dB(A) (20 kHz LPF)
87 dB(A) (20 Hz HPF and 20 kHz LPF)
0.005 % or less
–90 dB
Other specifications
Power requirements 100–240 V AC , 50/60 Hz
Power consumption 6 W
Dimens ions (W x H x D) 483 mm x 44 mm x 280 mm
Weight 3 kg
Level and Link switches on the units’ bottom side
© 20 09 TE AC Europ e Gmb H Al l Rig hts Re served. All specif icatio ns are subje ct to chang e withou t notice .
All tradem arks a re prop erty of th eir re specti ve hol ders.
Visit www.tascam-europe.com or www.tascam.com for most up-to-date information.
TASCAM Division, TEAC Europe GmbH, Bahnstr. 12, 65205 Wiesbaden, Germany
TEAC UK Ltd., Suites 19 & 20, Building 6, Croxley Green Business Park, Hatters Lane, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD18 8TE, UK
LA-40 mk ii i
LA-80m k i i
LA-81m k i i