Targus PA560U User Manual

Pocket Modem Card
56K V.90
Window s CE Powered Mobile Comp uter
Pocket Modem Card
User’s Guide
Congr atu latio ns on yo ur purchase of the Targus P o ck et Mod em Card , the world’s smallest V.90 56Kbps modem for Windows CE-based Pocket PCs and Handhel d PCs .
The modem ca rd is a Comp actFlas h CF+ plug-i n modu le that al low s you to reply to email, ga ther da ily ne ws , and bro ws e the web us ing sta ndard telephon e lines .
Package Contents:
In addition to this user’s guide, the package contains:
Pocket modem card
RJ-11 cab le
System Requirements
Operating System: Windows CE 2.11, 3.0, and Pock et PC
At lea st one C omp ac tFla sh I /O ( CF) sl ot
World’s smallest CompactFlash 56K Modem
Supports Windo ws CE an d P oc ke t PC
F as t tr ans fer rate: 56 .6 K b ps da ta /1 4. 4 Kbps fax
V.90 & K56 Flex Dual -mod e techn olog y
Hot swap capability
1. Insert the mo dem c ard i n to t he C F s lot .
The Pocket PC automatically detects the card.
2. Tap Start, then Settings.
3. At the bo tt om of t he S e ttin gs wi nd o w, tap the Connections tab.
4. On the Connections screen, tap the Modem icon ( ).
The Modem Connections screen appears.
5. Tap New Connection… The Make New Connection screen appears.
6. In the top bo x, enter a na me f or y our ne w conn ecti on, suc h as “P oc ke t Modem. ”
7. In the Sele ct a mode m
8. In the Baud Rate box, type 57600.
9. Tap Next.
10. Enter the ph one nu mbe r you w ant to conne ct to , th en tap Next
box, select Targus CF P ock etM od em 5 6K .
1. Insert the mo dem c ard in to t he Wi ndo ws C E-b as ed mo bi le
computer. The device automatically detects the card.
2. Select My Hand he ld P C, Control Panel , System, th en Device to check that Slo t1 (or Slot2 ) has the CF 56K modem instal led.
3. To set up a connection to the Internet, select Start, Program, Commu nic at io ns , Remote Networking, Mak e New Conn ectio n.
4. Select Dial-up connection and f ollo w th e inst ruction s on the sc reen to
set up the connection.
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