Undertegnede Tait Electro nics Limited
erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr TMAB1A
& TMAH5A overholder de væsentlige krav
og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
Se endvidere:
Hiermit erklärt Tait Electronics Limited die
Übereinstimmun g der Gerä te TM AB1 A &
TMAH5A mit den grundlegenden
Anforderungen und den anderen relevanten
Festlegungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG.
Siehe auch:
Με την παρουσα Tait Electronics Limited
δηλωνει οτι TMAB1A & TMAH5A
συµµορφωνεται προσ τισ ουσιωδεισ
απαιτησεισ και τισ λοιπεσ σχετικεσ
διαταξεισ τησ οδηγιασ 1999/5/ΕΚ.
βλέπε και:
Tait Electronics Limited declares that this
TMAB1A & TMAH5A complies with the
essential requirements and other relevant
provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
See also:
Por medio de la presente Tait Electronics
Limited declara que el TMAB1A & TMAH5A
cumple con los requisitos esenciales y
cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o
exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.
Vea también:
Tait Electronics Limited vakuuttaa täten että
TMAB1A & TMAH5A tyyppinen laite on
direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten
ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen
Par la présente, Tait Electronics Limited
déclare que l'appareil TMAB1A & TMAH5A
est conforme aux exigences essentiel les et
aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la
directive 1999/5/CE.
Voir aussi:
Con la presente Tait Electronics Limited
dichiara che questo TMAB1A & TMAH5A è
conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre
disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva
Vedi anche:
Hierbij verklaart Tait El ectronics Li mited dat
het toestel TMAB1A & TMAH5A in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de
andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn
1999/5/ EG.
Zie ook:
Tait Electronics Limited declara que este
TMAB1A & TMAH5A está conforme com os
requisitos essenciais e outras provisões da
Directiva 1999/5/CE.
Veja também:
Härmed intygar Tait Electronics Limi ted att
denna TMAB1A & TMAH5A står I överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta best äm melser som
framgår av direktiv 1999/ 5/EG.
Se även:
T ait Electronics Limited is an environmentally responsible
company which supports waste minimization and
material recovery . T heEur opean Union’s W aste Electri cal
and Electronic Equipment Directive requires that this
product be disposed of separately from the general
waste stream when its service life is over. Please be environmentally
responsible and dispose through the original supplier, your local municipal
waste “separate collection” service, or contact Tait Electronics Limited.
A l’attention de nos cli ents européens:
T ait Electronics Limited est un e société resp ectueuse de l’environ nement qui
apporte son soutien à la minimisation des déchets et à la récupération des
matériaux. Selon la Directive de l’Union européenne relative à l’élimination
des déchets d’équipem ents él ect riques et électro ni ques, ce produit d oi t êtr e
éliminé séparément et ne doit pas être jeté avec les ordures ménagères à la
fin de sa durée de vie. Veuillezrespecter l’environnement et éliminez ce
produit par l’intermédiaire du fournisseur initial, de votre service municipal
de collecte séparée des déchets, ou contactez Tait Electronics Limited.
Para nuestros clientes europeos:
Tait Electronics Limited es una empresa que se preocupa por el medio
ambiente y apoya el reciclaje y la mínima eliminación de residuos.
La Directiva de Eliminación de residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos
de la Unión Europea obliga a que se tire este producto al final de su vida
útil por separado del resto de los residuos. Rogamos que se responsabilice
por el medio ambiente y, cuando llegue el momento de tirar el producto, se
ponga en contacto con el distribuidor original, el servicio de recolección de
residuos especiales local de su ayuntamiento, o con Tait Electronics Limited.
This product generates RF (radio frequency) energy during
transmissions. This device must be restricted to work-related
use in an occupational/controlled exposure environment.
The radio operator must have control of the exposure conditions and duration of all persons exposed to the antenna of
this transmitter to satisfy FCC RF exposure compliance. This
device is not approved for general population use.
■ This device must only be used with authorized accessories
and antennas.
■ The oper ator must ensure t hat the minimum safe distanc e
of 0.9m (35 inches) between persons and the antenna is
maintained during transmissions.
■ This minimum safe distance is based on the assumption
that there is a duty cycle of 50% transmit mode to standby or receive modes. The radio is in transmit mode when
the PTT (press-to-talk) key on the microphone is pressed
and the control head red LED (light emitting
diode) glows.
Please refer to the following website for m ore information on
what RF energy is and how to control your exposure to
ensure compliance with established RF exposure limits.
Part 15 of the FCC Rules imposes RF emission limits on electronic equipment to prevent interference to reception of
broadcast services.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not
cause harmful interference.
4 Safety and compliance warnings
Health, safety and electromagnetic compatibility
in Europe
In the European Community, radio and telecommunications
equipment is regulated by Directive 1999/5/EC, also known
as the Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
(R&TTE) directive. The requirements of this directive include
protection of health and safety of users, as well as
electromagnetic compatibility.
Intended purpose of product
This product is an FM radio transceiver. Its intended purpose
is for radio communication in Private Mobile Radio (PMR)
services or Public Access Mobile Radio (PAMR) services.
Note: This product can be programmed for frequencies or
emissions that may make its use illegal. Where applicable, a license must be obtained before this product
is used. All license requirements must be observed.
Limitations may apply to transmitter power, operating
frequency, channel spacing, and emission.
Declaration of conformity
Brief Declar a t io ns of Con f orm it y a p pe ar o n page1.
Website: To download the formal declaration of
conformity, go to http://eudocs.taitworld.com/.
A signed and dated paper copy of the declaration of
conformity can be obtained from Tait Europe Limited.
Electromagnetic compatibility in European vehicles
In the European Community, radio equipment fitted to automotive vehicles is regulated by Directive 72/245/EEC, as
amended by 95/54/EC. The requirements of this directive
cover the electromagnetic compatibility of electrical or electronic equipment fitted to automotive vehicles.
To meet the requirements of Directive 72/245/EEC (as
amended by 95/54/EC) installation of this product i n a
Safety and compliance warni ngs 5
vehicle must be performed according to the instructions
provided, and any guidelines of the vehicle manufacturer.
EN 60950 requirements (25 watt radios)
This radio complies with the European Union standard
EN 60950 when operated up to the rated 33% duty cycle of
two minutes transmit and four minutes receive, and with
ambient temperatures of 30°C or lower.
Caution: Operation outside these limits may cause the
external temperature of the radio to rise higher
than this standard permits.
Safe radio operation
Warning: Observe the following safe operating practices:
■ Switch the radio off at petrol filling stations or near flam-
mable liquids or gases.
■ Switch the radio off in the vicinity of explosive devices
and blasting zones.
■ Using a handheld microphone or a radio while driving a
vehicle may violate the laws and legislation that apply in
your country or state . Pl ease check th e vehicle regul ations
in your area.
High radio surface temperatures
Caution: The bottom surface of the radio and the heatsink
fins can become hot during prolonged operation.
Do not touch these parts of the radio.
Radio protection when charging the vehicle battery
Always remove the fuses from the radio power cable before
charging the vehicle battery, connecting a second battery or
using power from another vehicle (e.g. when
“jump-starting” the vehicle).
6 Safety and compliance warnings
Your radio’s settings
Use the following table to list your radio’s programmed settings.
Function key settings
Channel list
radio status LEDs
function keys
3 and 4
(PTT) key
on/off key
selection keys
function keys
1 and 2
Safety and compliance warnings ................................................4
When your radio won’t turn on .................................................................21
Removing the radio from the vehicle .........................................................21
Removing the microphone ........................................................................ 22
Reinstalling the microphone ......................................................................22
Describing the radio’s audible tones .......................................................... 23
Tait general software licence agreement ................................. 25
About this guide
Safety warnings used in this guide
Feedback about this guide
Changes to this manual
This user’s guide provides information about TM8105,
TM8110 and TM8115 mobile radios. The TM8105 radio has
a control head without a user interface, so no TM8105 operating information is provided. If you need further assistance
or your radio does not operate as you expect, contact your
radio provider.
Website: For information on how to install your
TM8100 radio, go to http://support.taitworld.com/.
Within this guide , the following conven tions are used to alert
you to important safety information:
Warning: There is a potential risk of death or serious injury.
Caution: There is the risk of minor or moderate injury
to people.
Caution: There is a risk of equipment damage
or malfunction.
If you have any enquiries regarding this guide, or any
comments, suggestions and notifications of errors, please
contact Technical Support at support@taitworld.com.
In the interests of improving the performance, reliability or
servicing of the equipment, Tait Electronics Limited reserves
the right to update either the equipment or this user’s
manual without prior notice.
10 About this guide
Website: For contact details and technical assistance,
go to http://www.taitworld.com/, and
Copyright information
All information contained in this guide is the property of Tait
Electronics Limited. All rights are reserved. This guide may
not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocop ied, reproduced,
translated, stored, or reduced to any electronic medium or
machine-readable form, without prior written permission
from Tait Electronics Limited.
All trade names referenced are the service mark, trademark,
or registered trademark of the respective manufacturers.
There are no warranties extended or granted by this guide.
Tait Electronics Limited accepts no responsibility for damage
arising from use of the information contained in the guide or
of the equipment and softw are it descri bes. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that use of such information,
equipment and software complies with the laws, rules and
regulations of the applicable jurisdictions.
About this guide 11
Radio controls
Getting started
This section provides a brief description of your radio’s
basic operation. If you need further information, contact
your radio provider.
The radio controls are the PTT key, volume control, on/off
key , channel selection k e ys and function k eys . Some k eys may
have functions assigned to both short and long key presses:
■ a short key press is defined as less than one second, and
■ a long key press is more than one second.
The radio controls and their functions are summarized in the
following diagram.
12 Getting started
(PTT) key
on/off key
function keys
1 and 2
selection keys
radio status LEDs
Symbol NameFunction
PTTpress and hold to tra nsm it and
release to listen
volume controlrotate to change the
speaker volume
on/offa long press turns the radio on
or off
channel selection
function keys
1, 2, 3 and 4
move up and down through the li st
of channels and groups
function ke ys wi th
programmed options
function keys
3 and 4
Getting started 13
Radio indicators
The LED indicators and the radio’s audible tones all combine
to give you information about the state of your radio.
Although the way these indicators behave is affected by the
way your radio is programmed, the following sections
describe the most common operation of the radio indicators.
LED Indicators
receive and
glowing: your radio is transmitting
flashing: your transmit timer is about to expire
glowing: there is activity on the current channel, even
though you may not be ab le to hear it
flashing: you have received a call with valid special
signalling, or you have activated monitor or squelch
glowing: your radio is scanning a group of channels for activity
flashing: your radio has detected activity on a
channel, and has halted on this channel
key LEDs
the operation of these LED s depend s on the typ e of
function progr amm ed f or eac h func tion key
Audible tones
For a description of other audible tones, see “Describing the
radio’s audible tones” on page23.
Tone typeMeaning
one short beep
after the powerup beeps
radio lock ed: yo u n eed to ent er you r PI N
(personal identity nu mb er) bef ore you ca n
use the radio
two short beeps radio turned on: the radio is powered on and
ready to use
14 Getting started
Tone typeMeaning
one short beep radio turned off: the radio is being
poweredoff, or
valid k ey pres s: the act ion yo u ha ve
attempted is permitted, or
function activated: a fun cti on key has been
pressed and that function has been initiated
one short, lowpitched beep
function de-activa ted : a fun cti on key has
been pressed and the cor responding functi on
has been turned off
one long, lo wpitched beep
invalid keypress: the action you have
attempted is not permitted, or
transmission inhibited: you have attempted
to transmit but for some reason transm ission
is not permitted at this time
three short
channel now free: you were p revent e d from
transmitting on a busy channel and that
channel is now free
three beepstransmit timeout imm inent : in 10 se con ds
your transmit timer wi ll e xpir e and y our
current transmission w ill be ter mina te d
Getting started 15
Basic operation
Turning the radio on and off
Adjusting the volume
Selecting a channel
Making a call
This section describes the basic operation of your radio,
including turning the radio on and off, adjusting volume,
selecting channels, making calls and receiving calls.
A long press of the on/off key turns the radio either on or
off. When the radio is first turned on, the red, green and
amber LEDs flash briefly and the r adi o give s two sh ort beep s.
Rotate the volume control clockwise to increase the speaker
volume and counterclockwise to decrease the volume. The
volume control also changes the volume level of the radio’s
audible indicators.
Use the channel selection keys or to scroll through
the channel list until the channel or group you want
is displayed.
1 Select the required channel or group using the channel
selection keys or .
2 Check the green LED.
If the green LED is glowing, the channel is busy and you
cannot transmit.
3 Once the channel is clear (the green LED is off), lift the
microphone off the microphone clip.
4 Hold the microphone about 5cm (2 inches) from your
mouth and press the PTT key to transmit.
5 Speak clearly into the microphone and release the PTT
key when you have finished talking.
Note:You cannot change channels while transmitting.
16 Basic operation
Transmit timer
Your radio may have a transmit timer that limits the amount
of time you can transmit continuously. When the transmit
timer is about to expire, the red LED flashes and the radio
gives three beeps. You must release the PTT before you can
transmit again.
Note: Your radio may be unable to transmit for a short time
after the transmit timer has expired.
Receiving a call
When there is valid activity on your radio’s currently selected
channel or group, the radio then unmutes and you can
hear the call.
If the incoming call contains special signalling that matches
the signalling programmed for your radio, the green LED
flashes and your radio may give a ringing tone.
What you hear on a channel
Y our r adio may be progr am med so that you hear all conversations on a channel, or your user group may be segregated from
other user groups by using special signalling. The special
signalling is used to control the muting and unmuting of your
radio, so that your radi o is muted when other user groups are
talking and unmuted for members of your user group.
There are two muting controls that operate in your radio:
■ signalling mute, and
■ squelch.
Signalling mute
The r adio ’s signalling mute only allows the r adio t o unmu te if
the incoming call carries the tones specific to your user
group. Your user group may use tones th at are either au dible ,
subaudible or both.
Basic operation 17
The radio’ s squelch allows the radio to unmute only when the
strength of the incoming signal is above a predetermined
threshold. This means that only signals of reasonable intelligibility are made audible.
The monitor function is used to check that the channel is
clear before you make a call. While monitor is on, the green
LED flashes continually.
Activating monitor
1 Press the function keyassigned to monitor to override the
signalling mute and allow you to hear any traffic on
the channel.
Note:Your radio may be programmed to activate monitor
whenever the microphone is off the microphone clip.
2 Press the monitor function key again to turn monitor off.
The green LED no longer flashes.
Activating squelch override
1 Press and hold the monitor function key for longer than
one second to override both squelch and the
signalling mute.
This allows you to hear even faint and noisy signals.
2 Press the monitor function key again to return the radio
to a quiet state.
Note:Squelch cannot be overridden when the radio
is scanning.
18 Basic operation
The scan fun cti on is us ed t o mo nito r a p rogrammed group of
channels, looking for activity. When activity is detected on a
scan group channel, the radio stops on that channel. The
amber LED flashes and, if the channel signalling is valid, the
radio unmutes and you can hear the call. Scanning resumes
when the channel is no longer busy or the signalling is no
longer valid.
One or two priority scan channels may be set. These channels
are scanned more often than other channels and are scanned
periodically when a non-priority channel is busy.
Activating scanning
1 Place the microphone on the microphone clip.
2 Press the function key assigned to scanning or scroll to
the scan group ID . T he a mber LED glows t o show th at the
radio is scanning.
3 Press the scanning function k e y again to c ancel s canning .
The amber LED no longer glows.
Nuisance delete
If a member channel of the scan group is busy for a long time
and you do not wish to hear the conversation, you can use
the function key assigned to nuisance delete to temporarily
delete it from the scan group.
Alternatively, press and hold the function key assigned to
When the scan group i s nex t sel ected , the dele ted c hanne l is
again part of the scan group.
Note: Priority channels cannot be removed from the scan
group using the nuisance delete function.
Basic operation 19
A group of channels carrying the same tr affic can be grouped
together in a voting group. When you press the function key
assigned to voting or scroll to the voting group ID, the best
communication channel is always selected for you to use.
Nuisance delete
If you wish to delete one of the channels from the voting
group, you can use the function key assigned to nuisance
delete to temporarily delete it from the voting group.
20 Basic operation
When your radio won’t turn on
If the red, green and amber LEDs on the control head do not
light up when the radio is turned on, it is likely that no power
is reaching the radio. Check the following:
■ Is the power connector firmly plugged into the rear of
the radio?
■ Are the in-line fuses in good condition?
■ Is the power cable securely connected to the vehicle bat-
tery or power supply?
If all appears to be in order, then contact your radio provider
for further assistance.
Removing the radio from the vehicle
1 Switch off the radio.
2 Unscrew the four thumb screws that secure the radio
to the U-bracket .
3 Lift the radio clear of the U-bracket.
4 Disconnect the antenna and power cable from
the rear of the radio.
Troubleshooting 21
Removing the microphone
Using your thumb or forefinger, lift up one
of the corners of the microphone grommet. Firmly (but gently) pull that corner
until the seal comes away from the cavity.
2 Repeat to expose an adjacent corner.
3 Pull the exposed corners back and slide the grommet up
the microphone cable to reveal the microphone plug.
4 Remove the plug from the microphone socket.
Reinstalling the microphone
Caution: The microphone grommet must be installed when-
ever the microphone is plugged into the microphone socket. When installed, the grommet has
two functions:
■ to prevent damage to the microphone socket
when there is movement of the microphone
cord, and
■ to ensure that the control head is sealed
against water, dust and other environmental
To install the microphone:
1 Plug the microphone into the microphone socket.
2 Slide the microphone grommet along the microphone
cord and push two adjacent corners of the grommet into
the microphone socket cavity.
3 Squeeze the grommet and push the remaining corners
into position.
4 Check that the grommet is seated correctly in the cavity.
control head
22 Troubleshooting
Describing the radio’s audible tones
The following table summarizes the radio’s audible tones.
Tone typeMeaning
two short beeps radio turned on: the r adio is powered on and
ready to use, or
radio PIN entry su cce ssful : the radio is ready
to use, or
radio is revived: the radio has been made
operable by your service pro vide r
one short beep
after the powerup beeps
one long, lowpitched beep
one short, lowpitched beep
radio locked: you need to enter you r PIN
(personal identity numb er) b efore yo u c an
use the radio
radio PIN entry un su cces sfu l: y ou need to reenter your PIN
function de-activated: a function key has
been pressed and th e corresponding fu nction
has been turned off
one long, lowpitched beep
invalid k ey pres s: the acti on yo u ha ve
attempted is not permitte d, or
transmiss io n inh ib ite d: yo u ha ve a tte mp ted
to transmit but for some reaso n transmissi on
is not permitted at this time
one short beep radio turned off: the radio is being
powered off, or
valid ke ypres s: the action you have
attempted is permitted, or
function activated: a function k ey has been
pressed and that function has been initiated
three short beeps channel now free: you were prevented from
transmittin g o n a bu sy cha n nel a nd th a t
channel is now free
three beepstransmit timeout im min ent : in 1 0 secon ds
your transmit timer wi ll exp ire a nd y our
current transmission w ill be termi nate d
Troubleshooting 23
Tone typeMeaning
one short, highpitched beep
two low-pitched
radio is stunned: the radio has been made
inoperable by your service pr ovider
radio’s temperature is high: the radio’s
temperature is i n the hi gh-te mp erature
range , bu t the radio will continue to operate
two high-pitched
radio’s temperature is very high: the radio’s
temperat ure is i n the very high t emper atur e
range and all transmissions will now be at low
power; if th e ra dio’s temperat ure ris es o utside
this range, trans missions will beinhibited
continuous low pitched tone
two long highlow pitched
tone pairs
radio system error: a system error has
occurred and the r adi o m ay be in operable
E, E1
or E2 appears in the display)
synthesizer is out- of-loc k: the radio’s synthe-
sizer is out-of-lock on t he cu rren t ch annel
and you cannot oper ate o n th a t chan nel
or OL flashes in the displa y )
24 Troubleshooting
Tait general software licence agreement
This legal document is an Agreement between
you (the “Licensee”) and Tait Electronics
Limited (“Tait”). By using any of the Software
or Firmware items prior-installed in the related
Tait product, included on CD or downloaded
from the Tait website, (hereinafter referred to
as “the Software or Firmware”) you agree to
be bound by the terms of this Agreement.
If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not install and use any of the Software or Firmware. Ifyou install and use any of
the Software or Firmware that will be deemed
to be acceptance of the terms of this
licence agreement.
The terms of this Agreement shall apply subject
only to any express written terms of agreement
to the contrary between Tait and theLicensee.
Informations sur la conformité et
consignes de sécurité
Restrictions d’utilisation de la FCC pour
l'exposition au rayonnement RF
Ce produit génère des fréquences radio (RF) lors de la
transmission. Cet appareil doit être utilisé exclusivement dans le
cadre du travail dans un environnement d’exposition
professionnelle et contrôlée.
L’utilisateur de la radio doit avoir le contrôle des conditions
d’exposition et est responsable du respect des durées maximales
d’exposition au rayonnement RF spécifiées par la FCC pou r toutes
les personnes exposées à l’antenne de cet ém etteu r. Cet appareil
n’est pas homologué pour une utilisation générale.
■ Cet appareil doit être utilisé exclusivement avec les
accessoires et antennes approuvés.
■ L’utilisateur doit s’assurer qu’une distance de sécurité
minimale de 0,9m (35 pouces) est maintenue entre les
personnes et l’antenne lors de la transmission.
■ Cette distance minimale de sécurité est basée sur l’hypothèse
d’un cycle de marche de 50 % en mode de transmission par
rapport au mode de repos ou de réception. La radio est en mode
de transmissio n lo rsq ue l’o n a ppu ie s ur l’a lter nat du mi crop hone
et que le voyant LED rouge de la tête de commande est allumé.
Veuillez vous référer au site Web suivant pour de plus amples
informations sur l’énergie RF et sur les méthodes permettant de
contrôler votre exposition pour qu’elle soit conforme aux valeurs
limites d’exposition au rayonnement RF.
Site Web:
28 Informations sur la conformité et consignes de sécurité
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