POWER LED (Timer)Timer battery condition indicator.
3LCD Display – Right
4Paper Compartment
POWER LED (Printer)Printer battery condition indicator.
: Handles all STARTS in Alpine Ski and Cross-Country.
Handles the BLUE course in parallel racing.
Batteries must be changed if flashing.
Handles all FINISHES in Alpine Ski and Cross Country
Handles the RED course in parallel racing.
Allows access to the printer paper roll compartment. Push on
the sides of the cover to pop up and remove for access. Do
not push down on the Plexiglas.
Internal Timer Printer Heating Indicator. The red LED is on
when the heating circuit is engaged.
Batteries must be changed if flashing.
Printer Paper advance.
LED Indicator that glows red when external power is
connected and applied.
11Keypad – Right
12"M" Key
13"F" and ↑↓ Key
14Keypad - Left
Reinitializes the Printer
Tests for correct printer operation and for the presence of
printer paper
Used to control functions and to input competitor numbers for
FINISH operations in Alpine Skiing and Cross-Country. Used
to input Competitor numbers for Starts AND Finishes in
Parallel Racing.
Switches in and out of AUTOMATIC and MANUAL Finish
mode for Alpine Ski or Cross-Country.
In Parallel SEQUENTIAL mode this key requests the
calculation of the difference time between 2 competitors.
UP & DOWN Scroll controls while in any menu. The arrows
allow for movement within any menu.
Used to control functions and to input competitor numbers for
START operations in Alpine Skiing and Cross-Country. Used
to input Competitor numbers for Starts AND Finishes in
Parallel Racing.
RECALL of unidentified times in memory for identification
with competitor numbers at start or finish.
Blocks and/or unblocks external inputs 1 through 4
Indicator lamps. Light as inputs 1 through 4 are blocked.
Indicator lamps that show when external inputs 1 through 4
are triggered.
Manual triggering keys for timing channels 1 through 4.
Provided to hold a paper spindle.
External power adapter for 12 to 18 Vdc.
ON / OFF switch to activate internal heating of printer.
RS232 / 9600 Baud serial data output for ON LINE or OFF
LINE connection to a PC. Input connection for data transfer to
CP 705 of any upgrade programs.
ON / OFF switch for timer segment of the CP 705
Contrast adjustment of LCD screens
RS232 output for Display Board or other serial device.
Initialization synchronization jacks
Timing Input Jacks
Typical use for Parallel Events
Sequential ModeDifferential Mode
Connector for full access to all 16 timing channels as well as
data outputs and special remote functions
ON/OFF switch for printer component of CP 705
! Never use the CP 705 without batteries.
! Always remove batteries from the CP 705 if the device will not be used for long periods of
time. Dead or old batteries that leak can seriously damage the system and void your
! Use the external supply (AC/DC Adapter Ref. HL 605-1) in conjunction fresh batteries
whenever possible so as to conserve battery power.
! Make certain there is enough paper loaded in the printer prior to starting a timing session
if the printer must be used.
! Under difficult atmospheric conditions (if the CP 705 is used outside or in windy or humid
conditions) you can of course use the CP 705 with the printer turned off. All data can be
reprinted after the termination of the race.
! Although the CP 705 is designed to endure limited outdoor use, always protect it from the
effects of rain, snow or dust when operating outdoors.
! If you wish to clean your CP 705, never use abrasive materials or harsh detergents.
! Pay close attention to all messages on both of the LCD screens and on the printer when
in use.
! If it is necessary to turn the CP 705 off/on (timer section), make certain to leave the power
switch in the off position for at least 2 seconds before turning the system on again.
! To protect your CP 705 from possible damage, it is best to effect all external connections
(start gate, photocell, Computer, Displays, etc.) with the CP705 turned OFF.
! If you have the optional Aluminum Case for the CP705, never store any cables, manuals or
other parts in the cover as it is possible to damage the displays and keyboards.
! Always keep paper loaded in the printer. Absence of paper installed in the printer can cause
progressive deterioration of the printer head.
! The basic operation of the CP 705 is a simple matter of a few key operations. More complex
operations are likewise easily mastered. Please take the time to read this description
carefully to ensure success.
Power system: For added timing security, the CP 705 has two separate battery sets of 6 “C”
cell batteries each for a total of 12 “C” cells. One set is devoted to the timer section of the
device, the other is devoted to the printer and heating functions.
Three (3) separate power switches on the rear of the 705 and associated LED indicators allow
the operator to choose how best to manage the power systems for each application and to
monitor their condition.
A battery compartment for all batteries is accessible on the bottom of the CP 705.
There are 3 power switches There is one power switch each for the TIMER, PRINTER and
HEATING sections of the 705. All of them are located on the rear panel of the 705.
Make certain you use the correct switch and that all power switches are turned off for storage
of the device after use.
Turn the Printer On with the printer power switch on the rear panel. (PRINTER ON). Look for
the red printer power LED to illuminate.
Turn the Timer On with the timer power switch on the rear panel. (CHRONO ON). Likewise
look for the red timer power LED to illuminate.
Check that you have an adequate supply of paper loaded in the printer.
Check that the red LED power indicators for both the Timer and the Printer are not flashing.
If either of them or both are flashing, replacement of the appropriate batteries is required
before your timing session continues.
You can use either the left or the right numeric keypads to respond to
questions and input data during the initialization of the CP 705.
Watch the LCD displays and the printer closely and respond to the questions posed during the
initialization process. In general:
! Use the ✴ Key to scroll through available selections
! Use the # key to validate your selection or to respond with “yes”
! Use any other appropriate numerical key to input a correction.
! Use the C key to clear or correct BEFORE you validate a response
Is the correct date indicated?
! If YES. Accept with the # key
! If NO. input the new date, followed with the # key. Use C to correct any input error.
Is the Time of Day correct?
! The CP 705 has an internal Time-of-Day RTC clock circuit that feeds the memorized time of
day to the timer section when the CP 705 is first powered up.
! This is a handy feature but you will often have to override the choice if only to re-synchronize
with other external timers when operating back up systems in synchronous time-of-day, or to
simply synchronize from a time of 00:00:00:000
! If YES Accept with the # key
! If NO or if you wish to synchronize with other systems to a preset time-of-day, use the ✴ key
and then input the time-of-day from which you wish to synchronize. (Use the C key to correct
any input error.)
! Note: Setting the correct time of day and synchronizing to an external time is an important
component of correct time keeping. Once you have input a time of day, the internal clock
of the timer can be triggered by a pulse from a start gate or other device connected to
the “SYNCHRO” jacks, or by manually triggering any of the green keyboard buttons for
channels 1 to 4.
! It is recommended that you always trigger the synchronization from the “SYNCHRO” banana
jacks on the rear of the timer. Note also that if you have a start device connected to the input
jacks of channel 1 - this will not synchronize or trigger the waiting clock.
! The 705 will only trigger a synchronization of the internal time-of-Day clock from the
SYNCHRO jacks or from one of the manual timing buttons on the keyboard for channels 1-4.
Use a simple banana jumper cable from the channel 1 input to the yellow SYNCHRO input
to allow this to happen, or move the start gate pair over to the SYNCHRO jacks for this oneshot purpose.
! It is recommended that you follow the choices indicated by the arrow → for your first
tests of the
Erase the memory?
! Yes→Press ✴, confirm with #
The maximum memory capacity of the CP 705 is 21,162 individual times.
A typical timing session for a 200 person event with a start and finish is +/- 500 lines of
memorized times.
You have a GREAT deal of memory to work with even if many events are stored.
! NOChose this option if you wish to keep all of the previously stored data in the
Make sure you have enough room for the race you intend to run if you select this option.
Once the memory is filled, new data begins to overwrite older data in a FIFO format (First in,
First Out…)
! 4 sport - timing modes are available. Use the ✴ key to scroll the selections
(Individual Starts)
(Parallel Racing)
(Mass or Group Starts)
(Start at zero, Lap times)
! On the right hand LCD display, if you see “PARALLEL”, “CROSS-COUNTRY” or any other program
mode, change to the next available selection using the ✴ key until you see ALPINE SKI, and validate
your choice with #.
2.Chose which run (RUN) you wish to work (use the ✴ key to select other runs)
! 1
run (FIRST RUN) → Validate with #
The 705 manages each successive run or 1-run race in separate files known to the 705 as “RUNS”. You
can elect to combine “runs” together to handle events with two or more heats, such as in Alpine skiing
or in Bobsled In all cases, consider a “run” as either a 1 run race or the 1
multiple run event.
! 2nd run (or more) (WITH PREVIOUS RUN) allows you to associate this new run you are creating with
any preceding run stored in the 705. (See the MENU section for details)
or next successive run of a
3.Start Numbers
(Change with the ✴ key)
! AUTOMATIC→ Accept with the # key. This option automatically presents race numbers in the start
in sequential order.
! FROM PC LIST, if you wish to load a start list of race numbers in pre determined start order from a
results computer system or file.
! MANUAL if race start numbers will appear in random order.
(Change with ✴)
! UP → Accept with the # key. Sequences start numbers upwards from 1 or a pre-selected value.
! DOWNSequences start numbers automatically in a downward progression from 100 or any other
pre-selected number.
Forerunners timed using numbers preceeded by a zero (01,02,03…) are not considered in the run or
race ranking.
! On the left LCD display, the number 1 is ready for a start.
! To manually simulate starts and finishes during testing, you can trigger a start with the green
button “1” and finishes with green button “4”.
! For live timing applications:
YOU MUST FIRST UNBLOCK the timing inputs 1 and 4 to which your start gate and finish photocell
are connected before any triggering from these sources will occur. Red buttons below the green manual
triggering buttons for channels 1 to 4 must be used to unblock inputs 1 and 4.
! Once a start is received on input 1, on the right LCD display you will see the bib number of
the racer on course and the running time.
! You can put as many competitors on course as you like, but you will only see the
corresponding running time of the first three next expected to finish based on start order.
! Finishes are assigned to the racers AUTOMATICALLY in the order of start. Finish impulses
must arrive on input 4.
! Once a start and a finish are received for a particular bib number, the CP 705 will calculate a
net time spent on course and provisional rank for each finishing racer.
! Once your field has completed the race, or in fact at any time during the competition, you
can print a provisional ranking list based on best to worst time using the F and then the #
keys in combination (F+#) In automatic mode, you have just completed your 1
event with
the CP 705.
! As in life however, nothing is ever so simple as having all who start in perfect order all finish
in the same sequence.
! The following section will allow you to correct for those who do not start, finish or for
common mistakes that can occur in time keeping. The keystrokes for most functions are
simple to learn.
REMINDERAs you key in commands using the keyboards, please read and pay
attention to the directions and printing appearing on the LCD screens and
on the printer.
START (Left-hand keyboard)
N° + #
To change the N° of the racer who is next to start (Press ✴ to correct any
input mistake BEFORE confirming with the # key)
C + #
To desidentify the last competitor(s) started
(Ex. If the racer inadvertently opens the start gate prior to actually starting
and accidentally triggers the #1 start input)
C + ✴
To advance to the next racer number in the start sequence
(Ex. If an expected racer is not present for the start, use this sequence to
simply advance to the next competitor in the start list.)
N° + C + #
To disindentify a competitor N°. already started
Recall of all times canceled using C + #
FINISH (Right-hand Keyboard)
N° + #
To input another racer number next expected to finish
(Use ✴ to correct any mistake BEFORE using the # key to confirm
your choice.)
C + #
To disidentify the last competitor(s) finished
(Ex. Either a course worker or some other disturbance causes the
finish photocell to trigger unexpectedly. This sequence puts the
racer back into finish position waiting for the next - correct - finish
N° + C + #
C + N° + #
To disidentify a competitor N°. already finished
Removes the selected racer from the list of those waiting to finish.
Recalling of all finish times discarded using the C+# combination
OR stored during operation in MANUAL finish mode
To enter MANUAL finish mode. (Press M again to return to
AUTOMATIC finishes mode).
Make sure that you are certain which racer is to be designated as
F + #
Keystroke commands C + # (either at the start or finish) can be quickly repeated in the case
where many false start or finish impulses are received. This theory also applies to the use of the
C + ✴ combination to advance many numbers at the start.
8. “ R ” (Recall Times)
This key allows you to manage via the LCD screens any or all times that are either not identified
or associated with a racer number, or those times that were discarded using the C + # key
These times that are not directly used by the 705 in time calculations are deemed to be
recallable for use from a special memory location.
Example: False FINISH → C + #. The finish time that is now not being used is printed with a
minus (-) sign beside it.
Press R (on the right hand keyboard). This time now appears on the right LCD preceded by
If this time is:
a) A FALSE AND UNWANTED TIME→ Use the 0 key and confirm your choice with #. The time
is now discarded from the Recall memory. (But it is recorded on the printer and in the
memory of the CP 705…)
b) A VALID Finish for a racer→ Input the racer number and confirm the choice with the # key.
This finish time from the Recall memory is now associated with this racer number and used
in the net time calculation.
It is recommended that you quickly identify or discard any times stored in the Recall memory
pile of either the start or the finish as soon as you can to minimize any confusion if you need to
quickly manage time data under pressure. Keeping this pile small allows you to more easily
identify any time-of-day split being recalled.
9. “ M ” (Switching between AUTOMATIC and MANUAL finish modes)
In most cases it is possible to determine who will be the next racer to finish.
The running time on the right hand screen helps you determine if an approaching skier is
headed for a reasonable time or if something is wrong.
In cases where you are not sure what is happening or who is next to finish, the MANUAL mode
of finish management (accessed by pressing the M key) allows you to key in the bib number of
the racer AFTER the finish impulse(s) is/are received.
The M key switches you back and forth between the AUTOMATIC or MANUAL modes of finish
time identification.
Once absorbed in MANUAL finish mode, finish times can be Recalled using the R key and racer
numbers associated to the sequence of times after the fact once you have figured out what took
place and in which order.
3 racers are on course, and you are not certain which ones are arriving at the finish and in
which order.
Press M (enter MANUAL finish mode). 4 finish times are generated by the photocell connected
to input 4.
Since you were watching the order of finish, you know after the fact that the actual order of
finish was a false impulse - 13 - then 11
You can note this information as it happens on the printer tape if you wish.
Press R, you can now see the sequential pile of recalled memorized finish times.
Input Number 12 first, next to the correct corresponding finish time, confirm with #.
Input No. 0 to delete and discard the false finish time, confirm with #.
Input No. 13 next to the correct finish time for 13, confirm with #
Input No. 11, finally, and confirm with #
Press R again to reenter the normal timing screens.
Consider staying in MANUAL FINISH MODE if managing the finish line is difficult due to blowing
snow or a great variance in the ability of arriving racers.
Press M again to reenter AUTOMATIC finish mode if conditions permit and you are certain that
the finish impulses will be automatically assigned to the correct racer numbers as they finish.
! Timing from a Start List Downloaded from a PC
Contact your authorized TAG Heuer Dealer
! Timing in MANUAL mode
This mode is similar to timing in AUTOMATIC mode, it differs only in that you must always
input the next racer number to start when a start impulse is received and continue to do so
for each successive racer.
BEFORE a StartN° + #
AFTER a StartR+N°+# (if the racer number was not previously input.)
In the last case, AFTER a start impulse is received, the start time is recalled using the R
key. Input the racer number next to the corresponding start time and confirm you selection
with the # key.
During timing it is possible to change from AUTOMATIC to MANUAL start mode or back
again, by accessing this change in the GLOBAL CNTRL (Global Control) Menu found in the
selection found using the F key.
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