SMK400 Surface Mounting
Adaptor Kit for Use with 400 or
500 Series Plug-in Detectors
Genral Description
The SMK400 Surface Mounting Adaptor Kit allows 400 or
500 series plug-in detectors to be surface mounted when
the ceiling construction prevents the use of conventional
recessed metal electrical junction boxes.
This kit consists of the following parts:
1-Plastic Surface Mount Adaptor
2-Screws (#8AB x 1/2" L)
Mounting Instructions
1. Read the installation instructions appropriate for the detector head to be used, and determine the number of
wires used.
2. Drill out the appropriate holes using the drill centers
provided on the sides of the adaptor (see Figure 1).
3. Mount the adaptor on the ceiling using the 2 keyholes
and appropriate screws or bolts (not included). The
screws or bolts must be long enough to go through the
adaptor (5/32" or 4mm) and still fasten securely to the
A Division of Pittway
3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174
1-800-SENSOR2, FAX: 630-377-6495
Figure 1. Drill centers:
4. Pull wiring and conduit through the drilled hole(s). Attach nut(s) (not included) to conduit fitting and tighten.
5. Using the 2 screws supplied, mount a B401 or B501 detector base in the plastic surface mounting adaptor.
6. Wire the detector mounting base per the installation
instrucitons provided.
7. Plug the detector head into its mounting base and rotate
D450-06-00 1 I56-371-02
© System Sensor 1996