Long Range Kit for use with
Reflective Projected Beam Smoke Detectors
Notice: This manual should be left with the owner/user of this equipment.
The BEAMLRK allows reflected beam detectors to be installed at separations
between 230 and 328 feet (70 to 100 meters). At these distances, four 8˝ ×
8˝ reflectors must be used to provide enough reflected infrared light. This
kit includes 3 additional reflectors with new test scale legends. The reflector
included with the transmitter/receiver unit is the fourth reflector to be used.
This kit is not compatible with the multi-mount kit (BEAMMMK).
The kit includes the following parts:
Qty. Description
1 8˝ × 8˝ reflector (10% to 25% test scale)
1 8˝ × 8˝ reflector (30% to 65% test scale)
1 8˝ × 8˝ reflector (no test scale)
1. Peel off the test scale sticker from the reflector included with the transmitter/receiver unit.
2. Securely mount all four reflectors to the wall using all four screw holes
on each reflector. (see Mounting Instructions section of the manual included with the transmitter/receiver unit for more details). The reflectors
should be mounted as close to each other as possible. They should be
mounted in a square pattern as indicated in Figure 1. The upper left
reflector when viewed from the front should contain the lower test scale
(10 to 25%). The upper right reflector should contain the higher test
scale (30 to 65%). The bottom reflectors do not have a scale on them.
3. Complete the installation of the transmitter/receiver unit using the instructions included with the beam detector.
4. Test the system as indicated in the beam detector instructions. (see “Sensitivity Testing” section of the transmitter/receiver instructions).
3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174
800/736-7672, FAX: 630/377-6495
D400-77-00 1 I56-2359-001
©2010 System Sensor