3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174
B404BT Plug-in Detector Base
1-800-SENSOR2, FAX: 630-377-6495
Base Diameter: 6.2 inches (15.7 cm)
Base Height: 1.1 inches (2.9cm)
Weight: 0.6 lb. (260 g)
Mounting: 4-inch square box without plaster ring. Minimum depth–1.5 inches
4-inch octagon box. Minimum depth–1.5 inches
Operating Temperature Range: 0° to 49°C (32° to 120°F)
Operating Humidity Range: 10% to 93% Relative Humidity
Electrical Ratings – includes base and detector
System Voltage: 24 VAC/DC, 60 Hz
Relay Contact Ratings
Resistive or Inductive (60% power factor) load
Form A: 2.0A @ 30VAC/DC
Form C: 2.0A @ 30VAC/DC
0.6A @ 110VDC
1.0A @ 125VAC
(If used, the RA400 Remote Annunciator and RTC operates within the specified detec-
tor system voltage.)
Start-up Time: 36.0 Seconds maximum
(After 60 second reset)
A Division of Pittway
Before Installing
Please thoroughly read System Sensor’s manual I56-407,
Guide for Proper Use of System Smoke Detectors. This
manual provides detailed information on detector spacing,
placement, zoning, wiring, and special applications, and is
available at no charge from System Sensor.
NOTICE: This manual should be left with the owner/user
of this equipment.
IMPORTANT: The detector used with this base must be
tested and maintained regularly following NFPA 72 requirements. The detector used with this base should be
cleaned at least once a year.
General Description
The B404BT detector base is designed for use with System Sensor model 2451 and 2451TH photoelectronic and
1451 ionization detector heads. The capability of plugging these detectors into a variety of special bases
makes them more versatile than equivalent direct-wired
models. Refer to the System Sensor catalog for other
available plug-in bases. The B404BT base is intended for
use in 4-wire systems with terminals provided for remote annunicator and relay connections.
Wire leads are provided for 24 VAC/DC power operation.
D450-10-00 1 I56-530-03
Base Terminals
No. Function
1 Remote Annunciator (+)
2 Test Coil (+)
3 Not used
4 Remote Annunciator (-)
5 RTC (-)
6 N.O. Supervisory Relay
7 N.O Form A Contacts
8 N.O. Alarm Relay
9 N.O. Form A
10 C. Initiation
11 C. Contacts
12 N.O. Alarm Relay
13 N.C. Form C
14 C. Auxiliary Contacts
The detector base mounts directly to 4-inch octagon boxes
and 4-inch square boxes. To mount the base, remove the
decorative ring by rotating it in either direction to unhook
the snaps before separating the ring from the base. Use the
screws supplied with the junction box to attach the base to
the box through the appropriate mounting slots in the base.
Figure 1. Base Terminals
Figure 2. Mounting Base to Box
Position the decorative ring around the base and rotate
it in either direction until the ring snaps into place (see
Figure 2).
Installation Guidelines
All wiring must be installed in compliance with the National Electrical Code, all applicable local codes, and any
special requirements of the authority having jurisdiction,
using the proper wire size. The conductors used to connect
smoke detectors to control panels and accessory devices
should be color-coded to reduce the likelihood of wiring errors. Improper connections can prevent a system from responding properly in the event of a fire.
For signal wiring (the wiring between interconnected
detectors), it is recommended that the wire be no
smaller than 16 gauge (1.5 square mm), and that twoor three-conductor wire be no smaller than 18 gauge
(1.0 square mm). For best performance, alarm loop conductors should be installed in separate grounded conduit or shielded cable to protect the alarm loop from
extraneous electrical interference.
Smoke detectors and alarm systems control panels have
specifications for allowable loop resistance. Consult the
control panel manufacturer’s specifications for the total
loop resistance allowed for the particular model control
panel being used before wiring the detector loops.
D450-10-00 2 I56-530-03