Symeo BSB00090 User Manual

Product: LPR-1DXi Product Documentation
SYMEO Local Positioning Radar System
Product Documentation
1 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Safety Instructions .................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Installation ................................................................................................ ................. 6
1.3 Repairs....................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Transport and Storage .............................................................................................. 6
1.5 Power Supply ............................................................................................................ 6
1.6 Setup and Operation ................................................................................................. 6
1.7 System Extensions and Accessories ...................................................................... 7
1.8 Additional Instructions ............................................................................................. 7
2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................ 8
2.1 Mode of Operation .................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Technical Data ........................................................................................................... 8
2.3 System Configuration ............................................................................................... 9
2.4 System Design ................................................................................................ .......... 9
2.4.1 Station-ID (SID) ........................................................................................................... 9
2.4.2 Group-ID (GID) ........................................................................................................... 9
2.4.3 Frequency channel ................................................................................................... 10
2.5 Versions of LPR-1DXi stations ............................................................................... 10
3 HARDWARE ............................................................................................................ 11
3.1 Component setup of the LPR-1DXi station ........................................................... 11
3.2 Cable glands, interfaces and LED display of the LPR-1DXi station .................... 12
3.3 Opening angle of the integrated antenna .............................................................. 13
4 INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................ 14
4.1 Important Instructions for Installation ................................................................... 14
4.2 Power Connection .................................................................................................. 14
4.3 RS 232 Connection ................................................................................................. 15
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SYMEO Local Positioning Radar System
Product Documentation
4.4 Relay Connection .................................................................................................... 15
4.5 Mounting .................................................................................................................. 16
4.6 Installation notes for antennas .............................................................................. 17
4.6.1 Fresnel zone ............................................................................................................. 17
4.6.2 Alignment of LPR-1DXi stations ................................................................................ 18
5 COMMISSIONING .................................................................................................... 19
5.1 Requirements .......................................................................................................... 19
5.2 Commissioning Tool – LPR-1DXi Wizard .............................................................. 19
5.2.1 Installation of USB driver ........................................................................................... 19
5.2.2 Installation of the Symeo Wizard ............................................................................... 19
5.2.3 Parameter setting with the Symeo Wizard ................................................................. 20 Selection of application ............................................................................................. 21 Settings of LPR-1DXi System Parameters ................................................................ 23 Relay allocation ......................................................................................................... 24 Connection to the LPR-1DXi Station ......................................................................... 24 Upload Configuration ................................................................................................ 25 Download Configuration ............................................................................................ 26 Display of Distance Data ........................................................................................... 27
6 PROTOCOL DESCRIPTION .................................................................................... 28
6.1 General Description ................................................................................................ 28
6.1.1 Structure of Data Packet ........................................................................................... 28
6.1.2 Byte Stuffing ............................................................................................................. 28
6.1.3 CRC .......................................................................................................................... 29
6.2 Data Types ............................................................................................................... 29
6.2.1 Type 0x00 – Distance Data ................................ ....................................................... 29
6.2.2 Example of Distance Data ......................................................................................... 29
6.3 Remarks ................................................................................................................... 30
6.3.1 LPR-1DXi Address .................................................................................................... 30
6.3.2 Status field ................................................................................................................ 30
6.3.3 Error messages ......................................................................................................... 31
7 APPENDIX A: AGENCY CERTIFICATIONS ............................................................ 32
United States (FCC) and Canada (Industry Canada) ........................................................ 32
United States (FCC) ............................................................................................................ 33
Canada (Industry Canada) ................................................................................................. 33
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SYMEO Local Positioning Radar System
USB driver installation changed
Added notes for FCC/IC
This symbol appears before instructions that must be followed at all times. Failure to comply with these instructions will result in personal injury.
This symbol appears before instructions that must be followed at all times. Failure to comply with these instructions will result in damage to equipment.
This symbol appears before information of particular importance.
Product Documentation
The documentation for the LPR-1DXi Local Positioning Radar System is published by:
SYMEO GmbH Prof.-Messerschmitt-Str. 3
D-85579 Neubiberg
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact:
Email: phone: +49 89 660 7796 0
Copyright Symeo GmbH 2010 All rights reserved
The following symbols are used throughout the documentation:
All rights reserved, particularly those relating to the translation, reprinting, and reproduction by photocopying or similar processes of all or part of the documentation.
All rights reserved, particularly for purposes of the award of patents or submission of utility models.
Delivery options and technical changes reserved.
Published by SYMEO GmbH
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SYMEO Local Positioning Radar System
Overview of Interfaces
Power Supply
10-36 Volt via terminal block inside casing
Parameter setting with Symeo Wizard (for Windows PC)
7 dry contact relays via terminal block inside casing
Distance reading via terminal block inside casing
Product Documentation
1 Overview
SYMEO Industrial Local Positioning Radar (LPR) is a system for contactless, real-time determination of distances between two devices by means of radio signals.
All components are integrated in one casing. The compact station can therefore be mounted very easily and operate maintenance-free, even under harsh conditions. Dust, fog, or similar impacts do not influence the system.
The Local Positioning Radar System LPR-1DXi consists of equal stations, which are configured with the free software Symeo-Wizard (via Windows PC):
Figure 1 – LPR-1DXi station
The LPR-1DXi station has different interfaces. The unit has IP65 protection class.
1.1 Safety Instructions
LPR systems are purely tracking and assistance systems. They therefore
do not satisfy the safety class 3 requirements and must not be used as standalone systems in safety-critical applications, such as automation or anti-collision.
Follow the safety instructions in this documentation!
Keep these safety instructions and other documents together with the device.
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1.2 Installation
All installation, repair and servicing work must be carried out by qualified
and trained technicians!
1.3 Repairs
Repairs to the device must be carried out by authorized technicians.
Unauthorized opening and incorrect repairs could result in severe danger to the user (danger of electric shock, radiated energy, fire hazard).
1.4 Transport and Storage
Use the original packaging or other suitable packaging for returns and
whenever the system is to be transported. This ensures protection from crushing, impacts, moisture and electrostatic discharge. During setup and before operation, refer to the instructions for environmental conditions included in the operating instructions for the device. Route the wires in such a way that they do not cause a hazard and are not damaged. When connecting the wires, refer to the corresponding instructions in the operating instructions for the device. Do not drop the device and do not expose it to strong vibrations.
SYMEO Local Positioning Radar System
Product Documentation
1.5 Power Supply
A safety-inspected power cable that satisfies the regulations of the country
of use is required for the device. Devices with metal housings must only be connected to a grounded, shock proof socket.
The device must not be operated unless the nominal voltage of the device
matches the local supply voltage. Check the supply voltage of the device in stationary devices.
When connecting and disconnecting wires, refer to the instructions in the
operating instructions for the device.
Do not use any damaged wires (damaged insulation, exposed wires). A
faulty wire poses a risk of electric shock or fire hazard.
1.6 Setup and Operation
During installation, make sure that no objects or fluids get inside the device
(risk of electric shock, short circuit).
In emergencies (e. g. if there is damage to the housing, control elements or
the mains cable, if fluids or foreign bodies have infiltrated the equipment), switch off the power supply to the device immediately and notify your SYMEO Service.
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SYMEO Local Positioning Radar System
Product Documentation
Protect the contacts of all of the device's sockets and plugs from static
electricity. Do not touch the contacts. If it is ever necessary to touch the contacts, take the following precautionary measures: Touch a grounded object or carry a ground strap before touching the contacts. This will divert static charges.
Proper operation (in accordance with IEC60950/EN60950) of the device is
only assured if the housing and integral covers for mounting slots are fully installed (electric shock, cooling, fire protection, noise suppression). If necessary, refer to the corresponding instructions in the operating instructions for the device.
In the case of high outside temperatures and intense, direct solar radiation
or other radiant heat, it may be necessary to provide a sun or heat shield.
1.7 System Extensions and Accessories
Data links to peripheral devices must be provided with adequate shielding.
The warranty shall be voided if you cause defects to the device by installing
or exchanging system extensions.
1.8 Additional Instructions
The LPR-1DXi unit must not be opened except for installation. The LPR-
1DXi unit contains no serviceable components.
When opening, ensure that no fluid gets into the housing. When sealing the
station, ensure that the seal is included in the cover and that the LPR-1DXi unit is completely closed. Otherwise, moisture can penetrate the station and damage it.
Please take note of the safety and operating instructions in the operating
instructions for the system in which you want to install the component.
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SYMEO Local Positioning Radar System
Overview: Technical Data
Frequency range
5.725-5.875 GHz, ISM band
Transmitting power
Max. 0.025 W / 14 dBm
Positive signal control to opposite unit
up to 1800 m
Switch thresholds /distance reading
0 to 120 m (option – extended distance reading 0 to 500 m)
Distance output
0,5 m increments (option – higher resolution: up to ± 5 cm *1)
Repeat rate
Up to 30 Hz
Power supply
10-36 V DC
Power consumption
6 W
Ambient temperature
-40°C to +75°C
Protection class
IP 65
Casing dimensions
190 x 190 x 80 mm (without supplied mounting bracket)
USB for parameter setting with Symeo Wizard (for Win PC);
Serial RS 232 with binary protocol (terminal block inside casing);
7x dry contact relays (terminal block inside casing), each max. 2500VA / 300 W, max. 60 VDC, max. 10 A
CE mark, part 15 FCC*2, RSS-210*2
Product Documentation
2 System Description
2.1 Mode of Operation
The distance is determined by measuring the transit time of radio signals. One unit initiates the measurement and the second unit replies.
With the software Symeo-Wizard (via Windows PC) the distances for adjustable switching points are determined and transferred to the LPR-1DXi device. Upon reaching a switching threshold, on-board relays open dry contacts. Relays are available on both units. Remote units can be configured via the built-in radio interface. Optional the distance reading is also available on both of the units.
LPR-1DXi units use the same frequency band and the same hardware for communicating as for measuring distance. This means that no external WLAN or cable networks are needed for transmitting measurement values and setting switching relays.
2.2 Technical Data
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System Description
SYMEO Local Positioning Radar System
Product Documentation
*1 Depending on distance and application parameters *2 Only valid for FCC labeled stations
2.3 System Configuration
The LPR-1DXi system consists of two LPR-1DXi units. For distance measurement and collision-avoidance, the two units are arranged as shown in Figure 2. The distance readings and relays are available at both of the paired units.
Figure 2: LPR-1DXi system
2.4 System Design
Each LPR 1DXi station has parameters to provide an explicit allocation to a system and also to ensure the functionality of a system. These parameters are explained in the following:
Parameters may only be set with the commissioning tool Symeo Wizard as
described in chapter 5.4. Do not change parameters manually in the configuration files.
2.4.1 Station-ID (SID)
Each station has an explicit identification Number in one system. A system consists of 2 stations. The first station has the station number 1 (SID 1), the second station has the station number 2 (SID 2).
2.4.2 Group-ID (GID)
A pair of LPR-1DXi stations is identified clearly by its group number. The two units in one system have the same group number. If there is used a second, a third or more system in your environment, all additional systems must have a different group number.
System Description
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SYMEO Local Positioning Radar System
Overview: Options
Switching threshold / distance reading
Distance output resolution
Basic device
0 to 120 m
0,5m increments
Option 1
0 to 500 m
0,5m increments
Option 2
0 to 120 m
Resolution up to ±5 cm
Option 3
0 to 500 m
Resolution up to ±5 cm
Basic device *1
0 to 120 m
0,5m increments
Option 1 *1
0 to 500 m
0,5m increments
Option 2 *1
0 to 120 m
Resolution up to ±5 cm
Option 3 *1
0 to 500 m
Resolution up to ±5 cm
Product Documentation
2.4.3 Frequency channel
The measurement takes place in a frequency band width of 5,725 to 5,875 GHz. In this band width a frequency channel is assigned to the LPR-1DXi system. 30 different frequency channels are available. Two units in one LPR-1DXi system need the same frequency channel.
If there are more LPR-1DXi systems in your environment each further LPR-
1DXi system needs different frequency channels. The frequency channel is linked to the group ID. Therefore it is required to use different group IDs for different LPR-1DXi systems in the same environment. You can set the group IDs with the commissioning tool LPR-1DXi Symeo Wizard (see chapter 5).
2.5 Versions of LPR-1DXi stations
For the LPR-1DXi stations several different versions are available:
in compliance with part 15 off FCC rules and with RSS-210 of Industry Canada
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Please take care that the distances for the switching points in your
application are within the maximum possible distance range of your version of LPR-1DXi.
The distance for positive signal control, monitoring the functionality of two
stations, is possible up to 1800m.
System Description
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