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Optical Models
uide to the PTC-860
Optical Models
Part Number: 14767-701-03
Release Date: 10/20/94
Telxon and TCAL (Telxon Common Applica tion Language ) are
registered tradem arks of Telxon Corporation.
MS-DOS is a re gis tered trademark of M icrosoft Corporation.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business
Machines, Inc .
The information contained in t his m anual is subject to change
without notice.
Telxon Corporation shall not be liable for technical or editorial
omissions or mistakes in this manual nor shal l i t be l ia bl e for
incidental or consequential damages resulting from your use of
the information contained in this manual.
This manual is copyrighted. All rights ar e reser ved. No part of
this manual may be photocopied or reproduced in any form
without the prior w r itten consent of Telxon.
This equipment has been tested and found t o com p ly wi th t he
limits for a Class A digital d ev ice pursuant to Part 15 of
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. These
limits are des i gned to provide reasonable protection agains t
harmful interferen ce w h en t h e e quipment is operated in a
commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses , and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not insta lled and
used in accordance w it h this operator’s guide, may cause
harmful interferen ce to radio communications. Operation of
this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful
interference, in which case users will be required to correct the
interference at their own expense.
The standards used b y Telxon for evaluation of the PTC-860NI
(Non-Incendive) equipment’s suitability for use in the
Hazardous Loca tions specified herein are applicable in the
United States and may not be applicable outside of the United
States. It is the cus to mer’s respons i bility to determine whether
the NI unit will meet the regulatory/safety requirements for its
operation and in the cus tomer’s jurisdiction.
The customer also assumes full responsibility for the
determinatio n of the proper class of ele ct rical equipment for
use in the Hazardous Locations of its operations in compliance
with applicable laws, regulations , and safety standards . Telxon
expressly disclaims any responsibility for such determination.
The PTC-860NI uses a Telxon AFAT nickel-cadmium battery
pack (Telxon part number 14861-000). This battery pack is the
only pack app ro v ed for use with the PTC -860NI.
The PTC-860NI is not us er- or field-service ab le be
Use in hazardous locations
The PTC-860NI is appro v ed for use in Class I, Division 2,
Groups A, B, C, and D; Class II, Division 2, Groups E, F, and G;
and Class III Hazardous Locations.
In hazardous locations, the PTC-86 0NI’s on ly user
interface is its keyboard; the access ory ports ar e n ot
suitable for use in hazardou s locations.
WARNING! Remove the PTC-860NI from the potentially
hazardous area if the unit is damaged or suspected of being
WARNING! Remove the PTC-860NI from the potentially
hazardous location should the location become hazardous
due to failure of containment systems, equipment, or other
causes that would expose the unit t o volatile substances.
Hazardous (classified) locations in accordance with Article 500,
National Electrical Code - 1990
Class I
Flammable gases or vapors
Division 2
Liquids and gases are in closed co ntainers, or t he
systems are handled, processed, or used
Concentrations are normally prevented by positive
mechanical ventilation
Adjacent to a Class I, Division 1 location
Group A:
Group B:
Group C:
Group D:
Atmospheres containing acetylene
Atmospheres such as acrolein, butadiene, ethylene oxide,
hydrogen, propylene oxide, or gases or vapors equivalent in
hazard to hydrogen, such as manufactured gas
Atmospheres such as cyclopropane, ethylene, ethyl ether, or
gases or vapors equivalent in hazard
Atmospheres such as acetone, alcohol, ammonia, benzine,
benzol, butane, gasoline, hexane, lacquer solvent vapors,
naphtha, natural gas, propane, or gases or vapors equivalent
in hazard
Class II
Combustible dusts
Division 2
Not normally in the air
Accumulations normally sufficient to interfere with normal
operation of ele c tr ic a l eq uipment or other appa r atus
In the air as a result of infrequent malfunctioning of
- handling equipment
- process equipment
Accumulations are sufficient to interfere with the safe
dissipation of heat from electrical equipment
Accumulation s may be ignitible by abnor ma l or fa il ur e of
electrical equipment
Group E:
Group F:
Group G:
Atmospheres contai ni ng com bu st i bl e me tal dusts
(regardless of resistivity), dusts of similarly
hazardous charac t eri sti c s (< 10 0 kΩ/cm), or
electrically c on d uc ti v e d us t s
Atmospheres containing combustible carbon black,
charcoal, or coke dusts that have > 8% total volatile
material or if these dusts are sensitized so that
they present an explosio n hazard and have a
resistivity > 100 kΩ/cm but ≤ 100 MΩ/cm
Atmospheres containing combustible dusts
having a resistivity > 100 kΩ/cm or electrically
nonconductive dusts
Class III
Ignitible fibers or flyings
Division 1
Fibers or materials
combustible flyings
are manufactur e d,
stored, or handl ed
Not grouped
such as textile
mills, cottonrelated mills, or
clothing plants
Fibers and flyings
including cotton,
hemp, jute, rayon,
sisal, and spanish
Division 2
Fibers are handled
or stored exce p t
during the process
of manufact ure
Note: The previous information provides only general
guidelines on the envir onm ents in which a PTC-860NI is
approved for use. Each hazardous location i n wh ic h a
PTC-860NI will be used must be inspected and approved
the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA), the local fire marshall, and the c ustomer’s
insurance compan
Nickel-cadmi um batteries contain c h em ically active materials
that are hazardous to t he environment; therefore, t hey s ho uld
be disposed of properly. Never attempt to incinerate a
nickel-cadmium battery; doing so could cause it to explode.
Telxon urges you to contact the Environmental Protection
Agency, the Department of Natural Resources, a local
hazardous waste disposal agency, or the Telxon Customer
Support Center for assistance prior to disposing of your
nickel-cadmium batteries.
of the PTC-860
The Telxon PTC-860 is a battery-powered hand-held computer
used to collec t, store, and transmit data.
The PTC-860 automates your data collection procedures and is
custom programmed to efficiently handle your organization’s
unique data collection jobs. Optio ns for sc anning bar codes and
printing are also available.
Because the PTC-860 is custom programmed for each
organization, this manua l d oe s not inc lud e t he sp ecific
operating instructio ns for your organization’s unique PTC
data collection program. Operating instructions and training
are available from your organization.
The PTC’s program leads you through the data collection
procedure with a series of display messages, prompts, and
beeps. Messag es tell you when you ma k e an error and provide
information on the program or the PTC’s status. Prompts and
beeps tell you when to enter data, what type of data to enter ,
and when you complete certain operati ons.
Entering data into the PTC-860 is e as y. You can key in data
through the PTC’s keyboard, scan bar-code labels with a
bar-code reader, or have another device transmit data to the
Through the keyboard
Entering data through the keyboard is similar to operati ng a
calculator. As you press a key on the PTC’s keyboard, the
corresponding number or letter appears on the display.
Pressing the ENTER key stores data in the PTC’s memory.
With a bar-code reader
A second method of entering data is with a bar-code reader.
When you pass the reader across a bar code the PTC is
programmed to read, the PTC and reader interpret the data
and store it in the PTC’s memory.
Via cloning or downloading
A third method of entering data into the PTC-860 is by
receiving (via cloning or downloading) the data. In cloning, one
PTC sends a duplicate copy of its programs and data to another
PTC via a data cable connected directly to both PTCs. In
downloading, a host comput er s ends data to the PTC ei ther
directly (using a data cable) or over th e t elephone lines. When
sending data over the tele phone lines, an optional accessory
such as a modem is used. The modem is connected to the PTC
with a data cable.
Once you enter data into the PTC, it is stored in files in the
PTC’s memory. Each file holds a separate group of applicationrelated data. For example, a PTC used to collect many types of
data (sale s orders, inventory changes, and empl oy ee hours)
would store a ll data relating to sales orders in one file, all data
relating to invento ry c hange s in another, and all data relating
to employee hour s in still another.
After collecting the data, the PTC must either transmit the
data to a host c om puter for processing or send it to a printer, or
both, to make the data use ful to you and your organization.
Once the host co mputer receives the data from the PTC, it uses
that data to update its master files and records. I n s o m e cases,
the host computer m a y even transmit data back to the PTC,
asking you, as the PTC’s operator, to perform a new task.
This manual covers the thr ee op tical models of the PTC-860:
PTC-860, PTC-860ES, and PTC-860NI. These three models are
similar but have the following differences:
The PTC-860 has a wand port (used to connect bar-code
readers) on its side.
The PTC-860ES (Environmentally Sealed) resembles
the PTC-860 model but is specially sealed for use in
harsh environments. The unit do es not have a wand
port for connecting bar-code readers. Wands must be
connected through the PTC’s 25 -pin c onne ct or.
The PTC-860NI (Non-I ncendive) is designed for us e in
hazardous loca tions. (Refer to the “Us e in hazardous
locations” section on page 9 for the locations in which
the unit is approved for use.)
No accessories are approved for u se w ith the
PTC-860NI in hazardous locations. However, all
PTC-860 accessories ca n be used with the unit in
non-hazardous locations. Like the PTC-860ES, the
PTC-860NI does not have a wa nd p or t; b ar-code readers
must be connected through the uni t’s 25-pin connector.
Unlike the other tw o PTC-860 optical mo dels, which can
use either an AFA T nickel-cadmium battery pack or AA
alkaline batteries, the PTC-8 60 NI c an be used with only
an AFAT nick el-cad mium ba tter y pack .
PTC-860 optical models (PTC-860, PTC-860ES , an d PTC-860NI)
This manual collecti vel y refers to all three PTC-860 optical
models as PTC-860. Instances in which PTC-860 refers
specifically to the PTC-860 unit will be obvious (for instance, in
a comparison between models). To determine which model you
have, refer to the “Models” section on page 15.
Unpacking the PTC-860
The PTC-860 is shipped in a single box containing
a PTC-860, PTC-860ES, or PTC-860NI,
an 800-mAhr AFAT nickel-cadmium battery pack or a
plastic battery case containing four AA alkaline
a battery charger,
a bar-code reader (if ordered),
the Guide to the PTC-860 Optical Models,
the Guide to the FLASH Utilities (TCAL or MS-DOS
Version), and
the Guide to Maintaining NiCd Batteries.
Any additiona l accessories are shipped in separ a t e boxes with
their own manuals.
1. Remove the PTC from the box.
2. Remove all packing material from the PTC. Save the
packing mater ial in case the PTC is ever s t ored or shipped
to Telxon for service.
3. Check the contents of the p ac k ag e to make sure you hav e
received everything ordered.
4. Check the PTC and accessories for shipping damage. Pay
particular attention to the PTC case, display lens, and
bar-code reader, if included.
If anything is missing or damaged, notify your Telxon sales
The PTC-860 is shippe d with the backup battery disconnected
so the backup battery is fully charged when you receive your
PTC. Follow the proced ure below to turn on the back up battery
before you use the unit for the first time.
Equipment req uir ed:
A small scre wdriver or the scre w driver on the
PTC-860’s elastic strap
A pen or pencil
1. Make sure the PTC is off.
2. Disconnect any accesso ri es and remove the ela s tic strap
from the PTC.
3. Locate the battery door and the two screws securing it.
4. Unscrew the two screws and remove the battery door.
Note: Do not remove the screws from the battery door. The
screws are designed to stay in the door when it is removed
from the PTC.
Backup battery switch
Interior view
Interior side view
5. If the AFAT battery pack or the plastic case containing
batteries is in the PTC-860’s battery compartment, remove
it. Refer to the “Rem oving the batteries” section on page 44
for the correct procedure.
6. The backup battery switch is located in a small opening just
inside the batt er y compartment and to the right, when the
PTC is facedown (see Figure 1). Insert the tip of a pen or
pencil into the opening and apply dire ct pressure to push
down the switch. Make sure the switch is pressed down
7. Insert the AFAT battery pack or the plastic case containing
batteries into the PTC-860’s battery compartment. Refer to
the “Installing new batteries” section on page 45 for the
correct proce dure.
8. Replace the battery do or and tighten the two screws.
Note: If the backup battery switch ha s not be en t urne d o n, a
warning message displays when you turn on the PTC.
Charge your PTC-860’s AFAT nickel-ca dmium battery pack, i f
used, before you use the unit for t he fir s t t im e and whenever
the battery pa ck becomes wea k . T h e P T C -860’s lo w-battery
light glows wh en the battery pack is low.
Note: If you are using alkaline batteries in your PTC-860,
replace them whe neve r t he low-battery light glows.
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