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Symbol Technologies, Inc.
One Symbol Plaza
Holtsville, N.Y. 11742-1300
This product is covered by one or more of the following U.S. and foreign Patents:
U.S. Patent No. 4,593,186; 4,603,262; 4,607,156; 4,652,750; 4,673,805; 4,736,095;
4,758,717; 4,760,248; 4,806,742; 4,816,660; 4,845,350; 4,896,026; 4,897,532; 4,923,281;
4,933,538; 4,992,717; 5,015,833; 5,017,765; 5,021,641; 5,029,183; 5,047,617; 5,103,461;
5,113,445; 5,130,520; 5,140,144; 5,142,550; 5,149,950; 5,157,687; 5,168,148; 5,168,149;
5,180,904; 5,216,232; 5,229,591; 5,230,088; 5,235,167; 5,243,655; 5,247,162; 5,250,791;
5,250,792; 5,260,553; 5,262,627; 5,262,628; 5,266,787; 5,278,398; 5,280,162; 5,280,163;
5,280,164; 5,280,498; 5,304,786; 5,304,788; 5,306,900; 5,324,924; 5,337,361; 5,367,151;
5,373,148; 5,378,882; 5,396,053; 5,396,055; 5,399,846; 5,408,081; 5,410,139; 5,410,140;
5,412,198; 5,418,812; 5,420,411; 5,436,440; 5,444,231; 5,449,891; 5,449,893; 5,468,949;
5,471,042; 5,478,998; 5,479,000; 5,479,002; 5,479,441; 5,504,322; 5,519,577; 5,528,621;
5,532,469; 5,543,610; 5,545,889; 5,552,592; 5,557,093; 5,578,810; 5,581,070; 5,589,679;
5,589,680; 5,608,202; 5,612,531; 5,619,028; 5,627,359; 5,637,852; 5,664,229; 5,668,803;
5,675,139; 5,693,929; 5,698,835; 5,705,800; 5,714,746; 5,723,851; 5,734,152; 5,734,153;
5,742,043; 5,745,794; 5,754,587; 5,762,516; 5,763,863; 5,767,500; 5,789,728; 5,789,731;
5,808,287; 5,811,785; 5,811,787; 5,815,811; 5,821,519; 5,821,520; 5,823,812; 5,828,050;
5,848,064; 5,850,078; 5,861,615; 5,874,720; 5,875,415; 5,900,617; 5,902,989; 5,907,146;
5,912,450; 5,914,478; 5,917,173; 5,920,059; 5,923,025; 5,929,420; 5,945,658; 5,945,659;
5,946,194; 5,959,285; 6,002,918; 6,021,947; 6,029,894; 6,031,830; 6,036,098; 6,047,892;
6,050,491; 6,053,413; 6,056,200; 6,065,678; 6,067,297; 6,082,621; 6,084,528; 6,088,482;
6,092,725; 6,101,483; 6,102,293; 6,104,620; 6,114,712; 6,115,678; 6,119,944; 6,123,265;
6,131,814; 6,138,180; 6,142,379; 6,172,478; 6,176,428; 6,178,426; 6,186,400; 6,188,681;
6,209,788; 6,209,789; 6,216,951; 6,220,514; 6,243,447; 6,244,513; 6,247,647; 6,308,061;
6,250,551; 6,295,031; 6,308,061; 6,308,892; 6,321,990; 6,328,213; 6,330,244; 6,336,587;
For Internal Use Only
6,340,114; 6,340,115; 6,340,119; 6,348,773; 6,380,949; 6,394,355; D305,885; D341,584;
D344,501; D359,483; D362,453; D363,700; D363,918; D370,478; D383,124; D391,250;
D405,077; D406,581; D414,171; D414,172; D418,500; D419,548; D423,468; D424,035;
D430,158; D430,159; D431,562; D436,104.
Invention No. 55,358; 62,539; 69,060; 69,187, NI-068564 (Taiwan); No. 1,601,796;
1,907,875; 1,955,269 (Japan); European Patent 367,299; 414,281; 367,300; 367,298; UK
2,072,832; France 81/03938; Italy 1,138,713
rev. 06/02