MCRES-525™ Reservoir 1 Retention screws 4
This product is intended for expert users. Please consult with a qualified technician for installation. Improper installation may result in
damage to your components. Swiftech assumes no liability whatsoever, expressed or implied, for the use of these products, nor their
installation. The following instructions are subject to change without notice. Please visit our web site at www.swiftnets.com
The MCRES-525™ reservoir is designed to be installed in a 5 ¼” drive bay. It features three 3/8” threaded ports (standard NPT thread)
to accommodate a number of configurations (see * Swiftech fittings). The port usage is defined as follows:
The following guide assumes that all liquid cooling components in your system, such as radiator, pump, and water-block(s) have been
already installed, and the graphic below shows an overview of a typical installation.
Fill-cap & o-ring 1 Port plug 1
(1) Discharge port located at the “stepped-down” compartment. This port must ALWAYS be connected to the
pump inlet for the MCRES-525™ to operate properly.
(2) Inlet ports can be used interchangeably: in “single inlet” configuration (the most common), or “dual inlet”
configuration when devices are returning to the reservoir in parallel. One port plug is provided to seal one of the
inlets in order to accommodate the most common “single inlet” configuration.
Installation of the fittings requires sealant. Recommended sealants include Teflon pipe dope or solvent cement
(Goop), which are the easiest to use; Teflon tape will require three to four turns for a good seal. Tighten fittings
until firm, do not make up to the nut interfering with the threaded hub - a thread should be visible on the fitting. Use
of silicone sealants is not recommended.
Swiftech Fittings & Spare parts
Important! All fittings (except DP-11) require sealant: plumbers tape, or plumbers goop (preferred)
1/2" barb to 3/8" NPT, for 1/2"
Inner diameter tubing (3/4" or
5/8" outer diameter) – Order
3/8" barb to 3/8" NPT, for
3/8" Inner diameter tubing
(1/2"outer diameter) – Order
Copyright Swiftech 2004 – All rights reserved – Last revision date: 1-25-05
Rouchon Industries, Inc., dba Swiftech – 1703 E. 28
Street, Signal Hill, CA 90755 – Tel. 562-595-8009 – Fax 562-595-8769 - E Mail:
3/8” NPT to ½” tube (outer
diameter) quick-connect
fitting – Order separately
Swiftech@swiftnets.com – URL: http://www.swiftnets.com - Information subject to change without notice
Fill-cap & o-ring
3/8” NPT Port
Installation guidelines
Figure 1: Always leave sufficient slack in the lines to pull enough
of the reservoir out of the drive bay and uncover the fill port.
Figure 2: You can start filling up the reservoir while it is in the drive
bay, using a household funnel. Then, start-up the pump and top-off
the reservoir as needed. With this method, you will be able to fill-up
the reservoir to its minimum operating level, as shown figure 3.
Figure 3: The minimum operating fluid level is at the mould
parting line.
Figure 4: If possible or desired, you can also fill the reservoir outside
of the chassis. Tipping it steeply at an angle will allow you to fill-it up at
the maximum operating level as shown figure 5. Do not forget to close
the fill-cap before you re-install the unit into the drive bay!
Figure 5: Desired (Maximum) operating fluid level Figure 6: Once full, secure the reservoir to the drive-bay with the
provided screws. Installation is complete!
While all efforts have been made to provide the most comprehensive tutorial possible, Swiftech assumes no liability expressed or implied for
any damage(s) occurring to your components as a result of using Swiftech cooling products, either due to mistake or omission on our part in
the above instructions, or due to failure or defect in the Swiftech cooling products. WARRANTY Our products are guaranteed for 12 months
from the date of delivery to the final user against defects in materials or workmanship. During this period, they will be repaired or have parts
replaced provided that: (I) the product is returned to the agent from which it was purchased; (II) the product has been purchased by the end
user and not used for hire purposes; (III) the product has not been misused, handled carelessly, or other than in accordance with any
instructions provided with respect to its use. This guarantee does not confer rights other than those expressly set out above and does not
cover any claims for consequential loss or damage. This guarantee is offered as an extra benefit and does not affect your statutory rights as
a consumer.
Copyright Swiftech 2004 – All rights reserved – Last revision date: 1-25-05
Rouchon Industries, Inc., dba Swiftech – 1703 E. 28
Street, Signal Hill, CA 90755 – Tel. 562-595-8009 – Fax 562-595-8769 - E Mail:
Swiftech@swiftnets.com – URL: http://www.swiftnets.com - Information subject to change without notice