Common simple faults and guidance for operation and repair
Fault d escripti on
Speaker not power on
No soun d
Exter nal
micro phone has
no soun d
Probl ems with
wirel ess
micro phone
If the above solution did not solve the issue, please contact the nearest local maintenance department. The
product technology of our company is upgraded continuously, th e pro duc t des cri pti ons i n thi s man ual a re
subject to change without notice.
Possi ble causes
The power switch is tur ned o n
The speaker is out of bat ter y
Audio input is not corr ect ly se lec ted .
The audio cable is not co nne cte d pro per ly
to the line input.
Main volume is switch ed to m ini mum .
No sound when playing U -di sk.
No sound when playing b y lin e inp ut
Poor contact or damag e of ex ter nal a udi o
External micropho ne is n ot fu lly i nse rte d
in the jack
The external microp hon e swi tch i s not
turned on
The volume knob of micr oph one i s off
The switch of wireles s mic rop hon e is no t
turned on
The wireless microp hon e is no t Ins tal led
with batteries
The sound of wireless m icr oph one i s in
Tro ubleshoo ting
Tur n on th e pow er sw itc h
Use power adaptor to ch arg e the b att ery
Cha nge th e audi o inpu t by pressing the
mod e butt on.
Rec onne ct the a udio c able.
Pro perl y adju st the volume knob.
Che ck the U -dis k or the mode switch button.
Cha nge th e audi o sour ce of line input.
Rea djus t or cha nge au dio cable.
Totally insert the micr oph one t o the j ack
Tur n on th e swi tch o f wir eless microphone
Properly adjust the v olu me kn ob of
Tur n on th e swi tch o f wir eless microphone
Install the batteri es in t he wi rel ess
Change the battery of w ire les s mic rop hon e
Mobile Speaker
Operating Instructions
Please carefully read the operating instruction before using our product
To customers:
Respectable users ,
Thank you for your supp ort a nd tr ust o n pur cha sin g the p rod uct s of ou r com pan y. To ful ly ex ert t he fu nct ion o f the
product, we suggest y ou to r ead t he op era tin g ins tru cti on ca ref ull y bef ore u sing it, for the convenience of gr asp ing t he
connection method a nd us ing p oin ts. P lea se ta ke ca re of t he op era tin g ins tru ction after reading it for the pur pos e of
further reference .
Panel/rear plate/MP3 function and operation
Product features
●Ultra-low distortion amplifying circuit
●Digital karaoke, treble and bass
independent adjustment
●Built-in MP3 encoding supporting
U disk
●Unique acoustic appearance design
●Professional treble and bass gain
controlling circuit
●Built-in battery for outdoor activities
●Built-in professional wireless
microphone system
●Professional high-effective
loud-speaking unit
●Compatible to DVD/VCD/PC
and other sound sources
●Suitable for adaptor and charging
●Intelligent power switch charging
The product has been in sta lle d wit h bat ter y, mak ing i t applicable to the outdoor s ing ing , adv ert ise men t, re cre ati on an d
other activities. P lea se ch arg e the b att ery b efo re us ing i t out doo rs, s o as to g uarantee that the machine c an be u sed
for a longer time outdo ors . The m ach ine h as be en se t wit h power switch circuit. Whe n you c onn ect t he ad apt or to t he
power and insert the pl ug to t he ch arg ing i nte rfa ce, t he ma chi ne wi ll sw itc h to th e power supplied by the adaptor
automatically and c har ge th e bui lt- in ba tte ry. Wh en the adaptor interrupts t he po wer, t he ma chi ne wi ll in tel lig ent ly
switch to the built-i n bat ter y for w ork c ont inu ous ly. When adaptor is used to char ge th e bat ter y, the i nte gra ted
intelligent charg ing c irc uit w ith in th e mac hin e wil l giv e hin ts ab out c har gin g and the charging indicator lam p wil l lig ht.
After charging is fin ish ed, t he in tel lig ent c har gin g cir cui t wil l giv e hin t to that that the charge has been ful ly ch arg ed an d
light the charging in dic ato r lam p. At th is mo men t you c an cl ose t he AC po wer o f the a dap tor. If you still use adaptor in
the machine to work, th e cha rgi ng ci rcu it wi ll au tom ati cal ly cu t off the chargi ng ci rcu it an d it is u nne ces sar y for y ou to
worry about the charg ing b rea kin g. You sh all n oti ce th at th e bat ter y has c ert ain s erv ice life and it is beyond the
warranty scope of the c omp any. U nde r gen era l cir cum stances, the built-in bat ter y nee ds ch arg ing 8 -10 h our s. Wi th
more charging times , the b att ery v olu me wi ll ch ang e and f ull c har gin g tim e wil l red uce accordingly. When t he ba tte ry is
out of charge after bei ng us ed fo r a sho rt ti me, p lea se ch ang e the b uil t-i n bat ter y. The us er sh all a lso n oti ce th at if t he
electricity quant ity o f the b att ery i s red uce d whe n usi ng th e mac hin e out doo rs, please close the power switc h on th e
rear plate and charge t he bu ilt -in b att ery w ith in 24 hou rs. I f the e lec tri cit y quantity of battery is tota lly c ons ume d, th e
situation that the ba tte ry ca n not b e cha rge d and t he se rvi ce li fe is e xpi red w ill h appen. When you don't use the
machine for a long time a nd le ave i t alo ne, p lea se ch arg e the b att ery e ver y six m ont hs, so as to avoid the invalidity of
Instruction of U disk MP3 encoding playing
When you need to use the bu ilt -in M P3 en cod ing f unc tio n, pl eas e for mat y our U SD di sk (U disk for short below) as FAT32 format in compute r fir st an d the n cop y the f ile i n MP3 f orm at in U d isk . Whe n rea din g U disk, the encoding system
will engage in encodi ng pl ayi ng ac cor din g to th e gen era tio n seq uen ce of M P3 so ngs f ile. Ther efo re, t he so ng wh ich i s
copied to U disk first wi ll be p lay ed in p rio rit y or vi ce ve rsa . Whe n the u ser n eed s to pl ay according to the specific
sequence, they can ar ran ge th e cop yin g seq uen ce. I f the f ile s cop ied t o U dis k can n ot be played, please inspect
whether the file form at is i n MP3 f orm at. I f not , ple ase s wit ch to M P3 fo rma t in co mputer and then copy to U disk in
order to play normall y. Whe n cop yin g MP3 f ile , you s hal l copy to the catalogue of U disk . It is s ugg est ed to d ele te al l
the unnecessary fil es an d fil e cat alo gue s in or der t o red uce t he oc cur ren ce of r eading error when the encoding i s
played. When the user b uys U d isk , ple ase s ele ct th e one s wit h bet ter q ual ity a nd in ternal encoding supporting
64MB/128MB/256M B/5 12M B/1 GB/ 2GB /4G B/8 GB an d oth er vo lum es. D uri ng the playing process, ple ase m ake i t far
away from the places wi th hi gh te mpe rat ure , hig h mag net ic fi eld a nd hi gh fr equ ency interference. In case of cr ash ,
please close the powe r and r est art f or re cov ery !
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1.- : Allows you to select between different audio sources: USB storage device, SD
memory card, Line input or Bluetooth receiver.
2.- : Long press to start recording; short press playback the recording files. Recording function
only works when the U-disk is inserted.
3.- : Set the loop mode of the songs to repeat one or repeat all.
4.- : Play the previous song.
5.- : Start and pause in playback.
6.- : Play the next song.
7.- Information screen
8.- DC IN 9 V: Power input for the supplied power adapter.
9.- MIC I N: Micr o level i nput, 6.3 mm jack connector.
10.- CHAR: The i ndica tor wil l glow wh en the sp eaker i s charg ing.
- FULL: This indicator will glow when the battery is fully charged.
11.- VOL UME: Ge neral v olume c ontro l.
12.- EC HO: Decrease or enhance the echo effect.
13.- MIC VOL: Vol ume control for the handheld wireless microphone and MIC IN micro input.
14.- Connection port of USB storage devices.
.- Conn ectio n port of T F memor y cards .
15.- LI NE IN: Li ne leve l auxiliary input.
16.- DC INPUT: Connection terminals for DC 12V.
17.- PO WER: On /Off swi tch of th e porta ble amp lifier.