Swann NVK-460 Setup

Welcome to the Setup Wizard! The Setup Wizard automatically runs the first time you start your NVR and will guide you through all the important
settings you need to get up and working. Please be patient as it can take a moment for the wizard to appear after turning on your NVR.
QW460200814E | © Swann 2014
The Setup Wizard EN
• Change Wi-Fi settings
• Choose a language
• Select a video standard
• Select a time zone
• Adjust the system time and date
• Select settings for Daylight Savings
• Configure an email account for alert notifications
• Create a new security code for the NVR
This quick start guide gives you the choice of configuring your NVR to run in “AP” mode or “Station” mode. “AP” is the
default mode of operation and the recommended method of configuration. In this mode the included cameras communicate di­rectly with the NVR with no configuration required, however a cable connection to your router is required for Internet access. In “Sta­tion” mode the NVR and cameras connect to your Wi-Fi network. This gives you the freedom of placing the NVR in different locations without being tethered to your router. Wi-Fi booster devices can also be used to extend the overall coverage allowing you to mount the cameras that were once outside the range of the NVR.
During the wizard you will:
Please follow the instructions in the “Getting to know your NVR (blue colour)” quick start guide before commencing the Setup Wizard.
Before proceeding to the Setup Wizard, you need to enable each check­box for the equipment required. It’s recommended to have the NVR and cameras close by during setup before doing a permanent installation.
AP Mode - If you would like to setup your NVR in this mode follow the
instructions on page 3. Please make sure the NVR is connected to your router using the provided Ethernet cable and that each camera is con­nected to the power adapter using the provided power splitter.
Station Mode - To setup in this mode follow the instructions on page 4.
Please make sure the NVR is connected to your router using the pro­vided Ethernet cable. There is an additional Ethernet cable to connect one of the cameras to your router. If you have additional Ethernet cables on hand, use these to connect each camera to your router. Make sure that each camera is connected to the power adapter using the provided power splitter.
Click “Proceed” to continue.
Introduction 1
Wi-Fi Configuration - AP Mode 2
1. Click “Hide SSID” to hide the presence of the NVR from computer and
mobile devices over Wi-Fi. This is optional but it will increase the overall security of your NVR if it is enabled.
2. Create a key that you are familiar with (it can be a mixture of numbers
and letters) or use the same key that you use to connect your comput­er and mobile devices to your Wi-Fi network. Click the “abc” button to change from lowercase to uppercase and click again to change to num­ber input only. Uncheck “Show Key” if you want the key to be invisible.
3. Sometimes Wi-Fi products can conflict with each other or decrease
the available coverage if they share the same channel number. This can
relate to your own Wi-Fi router or other Wi-Fi products within your vicin­ity. Check the settings for your Wi-Fi router to see what channel number is used and select a different channel number for your NVR. If the Wi-Fi coverage hasn’t improved or has deteriorated, try selecting a different channel number.
4. Click the next button (triangle). Take note of the warning message
that appears then click “OK”. This will take you to the next step in the Setup Wizard. All cameras will disconnect from the NVR momentarily. Don’t worry this is normal. After a moment or two, all cameras will re­connect to the NVR.
AP mode allows wire­less communication with the provided cameras, however the NVR must be con­nected to your router using the provided Ethernet cable for an Internet connection and for remote ac­cess using the Swan­nView Link mobile app and for Windows.
Click the dialogue box to access the on­screen keyboard. Click the “abc” button to change from lower­case to uppercase and click again to change to number input only.
Wi-Fi Configuration - Station Mode
1. WIFI Mode - Click this to change to “Station” mode. Take note of the
warning message that appears then click “OK” to reboot the NVR. When the NVR has rebooted you will see the introduction page again. Enable each checkbox and click “Proceed” to continue.
2. SSID - The NVR and the camera(s) can now be configured to your Wi-
Fi network. Click the “Scan” button. Your Wi-Fi router will be displayed (see above screenshot). You may also see other Wi-Fi routers within your vicinity. Select your Wi-Fi router then click “OK”.
3. Key - For the “Key”, input the password for your Wi-Fi router. This will
be the same key that you use to connect your computer and mobile de-
vices to your Wi-Fi network. Click “Show Key” to display your password so you confirm that you have input it correctly.
You’re now ready to sync the Wi-Fi settings to the camera(s). Continue and follow the instructions below.
Wi-Fi Configuration - Station Mode (cont.)
4. Sync - Click the “Sync” button. The camera(s) connected to your rout-
er will be displayed (see above screenshot). Click the checkbox to select the camera(s), click the “Sync” button then click “OK”.
5. Disconnect the Ethernet cable from the LAN connection on the cam-
era(s). The camera(s) will momentarily disconnect then reconnect. If you’re syncing a single camera at a time, connect the Ethernet cable to the LAN connection, click the “Refresh” button and repeat the above step until all cameras have been synced. When the last camera has been synced to the NVR click the “Finish” button.
6. If required, you can disconnect the Ethernet cable from the NVR so it
can communicate with your Wi-Fi network. A green Wi-Fi icon will ap­pear at the top right indicating the NVR’s Wi-Fi signal strength.
7. Click the next button (triangle) to continue.
Due to the variances in Wi-Fi networking technology and the loca­tion that you are in, the overall playback quality may change when running in “Station” mode.
1. Language - Choose a language you would like the system menu to be
displayed in. In addition to the default English selection, both Spanish and French languages are available.
2. Video Standard - Select the correct video standard for your country.
USA, Canada and some Latin American countries use NTSC. UK, Aus­tralia and New Zealand use PAL.
3. Time Zone - Select a time zone relevant to your region.
4. Resolution - Select a resolution that is suitable for your HDTV or Mon-
itor. 1920 x 1080 resolution provides you with the best display quality.
UID & QR Code - This is a unique ID number for your NVR. You will use
this later when configuring the mobile app and Windows software. You can access this anytime by clicking the “Setup Wizard” button on the Menu Bar.
7. Click the next button (triangle) to continue.
General Configuration 5
+ 12 hidden pages