Before You Begin
Congratulations on your purchase of this Swann 720p Network Video
Camera with Power Over Ethernet. You’ve made a fine choice for keeping
a watchful eye over your home or business. The NHD-POE cameras
deliver brilliant and amazingly clear high definition images and videos in
both day and nighttime conditions even in complete darkness. Designed
in an elegant, unobtrusive weatherproof casing with an integrated
3-axis mounting bracket, the NHD camera is versatile enough to be
installed on walls and ceilings - indoors or outdoors and will be an
excellent addition to your Swann POE NVR monitoring solution.
Limited Warranty Terms & Conditions
Swann Co mmunications w arrants this pr oduct against d efects in work manship and mater ial for a
period o f one (1) ye ar from its origi nal purchase date. You mu st present your r eceipt as proof of date
of purchas e for warrant y validation. A ny unit which pro ves defective d uring the stated p eriod will be
repaire d without charg e for parts or l abor or replaced a t the sole discreti on of Swann. The end u ser
is respo nsible for all frei ght charges incur red to send the pro duct to Swann’s repair ce nters. The end
user is re sponsible for all s hipping costs inc urred when ship ping from and to any co untry other than
the countr y of origin.
The war ranty does no t cover any incident al, accidental or co nsequential dama ges arising fr om the use
of or the inab ility to use this pr oduct. Any cos ts associated w ith the fitting o r removal of this pr oduct
by a trade sman or other pers on or any other cost s associated wi th its use are the re sponsibilit y of the
end user. This w arranty app lies to the origina l purchaser of the pr oduct only and is no t transferab le to
any third p arty. Unautho rized end user or thi rd party mo difications to any c omponent or evid ence of
misuse or a buse of the device w ill render all war ranties void .
By law s ome countries do no t allow limitatio ns on certain excl usions in this war ranty. Where
applic able by local law s, regulation s and legal right s will take precede nce.
For Australia: Our goods co me with guarante es which cannot be e xcluded under Aus tralian
Consume r Law. You are entitled to a r eplacement or ref und for a major failu re and for compens ation
for any other r easonably fore seeable loss o r damage. You are also en titled to have the goo ds repaired
or repla ced if the goods fai l to be of acceptable qua lity and the fail ure does not amount to m ajor
FCC Verification
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class B digital device,
pursuan t to part 15 of the FC C Rules. The se limits ar e designed to p rovide rea sonable pr otection aga inst
harmful i nterferenc e in a residential i nstallati on. This equipm ent generates , uses and can r adiate radio
frequen cy energy an d, if not install ed and used in accor dance with the in struction s, may cause har mful
interfe rence to radio or te levision rece ption, which ca n be determined by t urning the equip ment off and
on, the use r is encouraged to tr y to correct t he interference b y one or more of the foll owing measure s:
• Reorient o r relocate the rec eiving antenna
• Increas e the separation b etween the equi pment and the recei ver
• Connec t the equipment into an o utlet on a circuit dif ferent from that t o which the receiv er is
• Consult t he dealer or an exper ienced radio/ TV techni cian for help
These de vices comp ly with par t 15 of the FCC R ules. Ope ration i s subject t o the follo wing two c ondition s:
• These de vices may not cau se harmful inter ference, and
• These de vices must accep t any interferenc e received, incl uding interfer ence that may cause
undesired operation.
Important Note:
All jurisdictions have specific laws and regulations relating to the use of c ameras. Before using any
camer a for any purpo se, it is the buy er’s responsi bility to be a ware of all app licable la ws and regul ations
that prohi bit or limit the use of c ameras and to comp ly with the applic able laws and re gulations.
Modifications not approved by the party responsible for compliance could void user’s authorit y to
operate the equipment.
• Make sure pr oduct is fixed cor rectly and st able if fastened in p lace.
• Do not oper ate if wires and ter minals are exp osed.
Layout of the Camera
Mounting Bracket - Allows the camera to installed either on a wall or ceiling.
Camera Housing - Contains the camera, associated circuitr y and electronic
IR LEDs - These infrared LEDs are used by the camera to illuminate targeted areas
when in complete or near-total darkness.
Illumination Sensor - Detects the amount of incoming light and turns on the IR LEDs
for night vision when necessary.
Quick Reference
Default Camera Account Configuration
Username: admin
Password: 123 4 5