Swann DVR8-NET-8000 User Manual

8 Camera Digital Video Recorder
Multi Function Monitoring & Recording Solution
Ver 2.0
8 Channel Digital Video Recorder
Security Notice
z Power supply
This Digital Video Recorder uses DC 12 voltage indoor power supply. The voltage of the power must be verified before using. When the DVR is not in use for a long time, pull out the plug from the socket and disconnect the power.
z Security
This DVR is for indoor use only; in order to avoid the danger of a short circuit or electric shock, please do not expose the DVR to rain or a moist environment. If any solid or liquid enters the unit’s case, please turn off the power supply immediately, and ask for qualified technician to check the DVR before restart the unit. This DVR is precise instrument; do not attempt to repair any component of the DVR by yourself as this will void your warranty. If your DVR malfunctions in any way, please contact a dealer in your area or Swann Technical Support directly.
z Installation
Please choose appropriate site to install the DVR, to ensure well adequate ventilation around the DVR to avoid excessive heat. Do not install the DVR near a radiator, ventilating trunk, heat sources, under direct sunshine, dusty location, or anywhere there is a chance of mechanical librations or impact.
Features of this DVR
z Video input: 8 channels input; video output: 3 output. z Audio input: 4channels input; audio output: 2 output z Four optional levels of image quality: very high, high, normal, low. Record and playback
frame rate changeable for recording.
z Compression mode: Modified MJEPG. z Compatible with NTSC and PAL format. z Support alarm recording and time recording. z Multi-function searches: be able to distinguish different alarm records and time records from
ordinary records; be able to search by time, segment or event.
z Support various playback modes: pause, several fast forward and backward play modes. z Support zoom, auto function, watermark security z 8 alarm inputs and 1 relay alarm output. z Equipped with remote device and PTZ control enable. z Support video loss alarm and motion detection functions. z Triplex operation can play back and search play while it is recording. z Support network view . z Support USB backup and CD-RW backup. z 480 frames (NTSC, PAL is 400) per second for view, 120 frames (NTSC, PAL is 100) per
second for recording.
PLEASE NOTE: The information on this Installation Guide was correct at time of printing. Product features and specifications are subject to change without notification.
8 Channel Digital Video Recorder
Table of Contents
SYSTEM SETUP ..................................................................... 1
USING THE SETUP MENU .................................................................................................................1
ACCESSING THE MENU ...................................................................................................................1
SYSTEM SETUP ...............................................................................................................................1
TIME/DATE SET ..............................................................................................................................2
HDD FORMA T SET..........................................................................................................................3
FACTORY RESET..............................................................................................................................4
CHANGE PASSWORD .......................................................................................................................4
FIRMWARE UPDATE ........................................................................................................................5
DISPLAY SETUP...............................................................................................................................6
CAMERA NAME.............................................................................................................................6
COLOR SETUP ...............................................................................................................................7
AUTOSEQ SETUP ...........................................................................................................................8
RECORD SETUP.............................................................................................................................8
AUDIO CH SETUP ..........................................................................................................................9
REC CH SETUP ...........................................................................................................................10
NETWORK SETUP........................................................................................................................11
N/W ENABLE SET.......................................................................................................................11
MAC SET.....................................................................................................................................12
SENSOR SETUP............................................................................................................................12
MOTION DETECTION SETTINGS...................................................................................................13
MOTION AREA SET .....................................................................................................................14
SCHEDULE SET ........................................................................................................................... 15
BACKUP SET...............................................................................................................................16
STORAGE INFO............................................................................................................................17
PROTOCOL SET ...........................................................................................................................17
BUTTONS ON THE FRONT PANEL ............................. 18
1. R
ECORDING/PLAYING CONTROL BUTTONS AREA ....................................................................18
2. F
UNCTION CONTROL AREA ......................................................................................................19
SYSTEM CONNECTION................................................... 21
ACK PANEL AND CONNECTION TERMINALS ................................................................................21
IDEO AND AUDIO CONNECTION ..................................................................................................22
LARM CONNECTION....................................................................................................................23
ARD DISK CONNECTION..............................................................................................................24
QUICK USER GUIDELINE .............................................. 25
T ART THE DVR............................................................................................................................25
8 Channel Digital Video Recorder
2.TURN OFF THE DVR......................................................................................................................25
ORMAL RECORDING....................................................................................................................25
LARM RECORDING......................................................................................................................25
IME RECORDING..........................................................................................................................26
LA YBACK.....................................................................................................................................26
EARCH PLAY................................................................................................................................26
TIME SEARCH ...............................................................................................................................28
EVENT SEARCH............................................................................................................................. 28
START STOP SEARCH...................................................................................................................29
BACKUP ..............................................................................................................................30
BACKUP ........................................................................................................................31
UPDATE ...............................................................................................................................33
OOM OPERA TION.......................................................................................................................33
NFORMATION DISPLAY ...............................................................................................................34
OPERATION ..........................................................................................................................35
EFAULT SETTING................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
18.REMOTE CONTROL......................................................................................................................36
PC VIEW SOFTWARE OPERATION................................................................................................37
APPENDIX A: TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE................................... 43
APPENDIX B: RECORD TIME TABLE ........................................... 46
8-Channel Digital Video Recorder
SSyysstteemm SSeettuupp
Before using the DVR, please set up the system according to your needs and location;
otherwise the DVR will run in the default settings which may be unsuitable for you.
1. Using the Setup Menu
When in setup mode, press UP and DOWN button to move the cursor through the various settings, long press will make the cursor move among the options one by one. The selected option will be highlighted in yellow color.
While choosing digital fields, e.g. year, month, day, hour, minute, second etc, press LEFT or RIGHT button moving to different digits of one field. Long press will move the cursor among digits one by one. Press “LEFT” or “RIGHT” button to change the value when the cursor is highlighting, then press “ENTER” button to enter sub menu and press “Menu” button returning to previous menu.
2. Accessing the Menu
To access the main menu, please long press "Search/Menu" button, and then input the correct password (the password level setting determines if need to input password here)
The password can be a combination of 4 digits of “0-9”. The default is “0000”. To enter the menu, you must input the correct password by pressing the digit buttons. If the password you have inputted is incorrect, the system will automatically return to the main screen. If you want to cancel the input of the password, you can press the Menu button to return to the main screen again. While inputting the password, in order to avoid being revealed to bystanders, the password you input is displayed on the screen as “*” signs. To change the password, please refer to the “password change” section.
3. System Setup
When the cursor moves to System Setup, please press the enter button and the System Setup
8-Channel Digital Video Recorder
window will appear, which is illustrated as below.
LANGUAGE SET : language set of the DVR, press “RIGHT” or ”LEFT” to change language.
PLAY REPEAT: continuously play the record list in HDD, if set to” YES".
VIDEO SYSTEM: switch the video format to suit the TV standard of your country, NTSC or
BUZZER SOUND: buzzer switcher, if set to “OFF”, the buzzer will not work.. If motion detection is enabled, the buzzer will sound when motion is detected.
4. Time/Date Set
When the cursor moves to TIME/DATA SET, press the Enter button and the Time/date set window will appear as illustrated as below:
8-Channel Digital Video Recorder
Please press up, down, left, and right buttons to move the cursor, press "LEFT" and "RIGHT" buttons to modify the value.
FORMAT: the date display format, which can be different for USA, EURO and Australian
DISPLAY: if set to “OFF”, the time will not display no the screen.
5. HDD Format Set
When the cursor moves to HDD FORMAT SET, please press the Enter button and the HDD Format Setup window will appear, which is illustrated below.
If you select “YES” and press the enter button, all video files on the HDD will be deleted. If you do not want to delete all recording, please select “NO”.
8-Channel Digital Video Recorder
6. Factory Reset
When the cursor moves to FACTORY RESET, press the enter button, and the Factory Reset window will appear.
If you select “YES” and press the enter button, all the DVR settings will reset to default, if
you do not want to reset to default settings, please select “NO”.
7. Change Password
When the cursor moves to CHANGE PASSWORD, please press the enter button, and the
Change Password window will appear.
Password Level: password type of the DVR, the DVR has various types of password: SETUP: If set to “YES”, you have to input password to enter menu. SYSTEM: If set to “YES”, you have to input password to boot the DVR. ALWAYS: If set to “YES”, you have to input password to all operation. If you select the Password Change and press the Enter button, the Password change window
8-Channel Digital Video Recorder
will display as below:
Please enter the current password, then input new password and confirm the password.
8. Firmware Update
When the cursor moves to FIRMWARE UPDATE, please press enter button, and the
firmware update window will appear.
Update Method: There are two methods to update the DVR firmware, USB (for USB thumb
drives) and Network (not support)
USB update: create a new folder named “firmware” in the USB thumb drive’s root directory, copy the update file to the folder, and plug in the USB thumb drive. Enter the Firmware Update menu, select Update Start and press enter button, the system will start updating. When updating is finished, the window below will be displayed, please manually reboot the DVR.
8-Channel Digital Video Recorder
9. Display Set
When the cursor moves to Display Set, please press the Enter button, the Display Set window will appear.
10. Camera Name
When the cursor moves to Camera Name, please press the Enter button, the Camera Name Setup window will appear.
8-Channel Digital Video Recorder
Press the up or down button to select channels, press the Enter button to change the channel name.
Each channel’s name is a combination of eight characters. Press left or right button to select each character, press LEFT or RIGHT button to modify each character, and then press enter button to save this name.
DISPLAY: if Display is set to “OFF”, the channel’s name will not display on the screen.
11. Color Set
When the cursor moves to Color Set, please press the Enter button, the Color Setup window will appear.
CON: picture contrast
BRI: picture brightness
HUE: picture hue
SAT: picture saturation
8-Channel Digital Video Recorder
Press LEFT or RIGHT button to select CON/BRI/HUE/SAT, press UP or DOWN button to change the value, if setup over, press UP or DOWN button to change channel.
12. Autoseq Set
When the cursor moves to Autoseq Set, please press enter button, the Auto Sequence Setup window will appear.
Press the UP or DOWN button to select channel, press LEFT or RIGHT button to change the auto Sequence time.
13. Record Set
When the cursor moves to Record Set, then press the Enter button, the Record Setup window will appear, which is illustrated as below. Press UP or DOWN button to move the cursor. Then press the LEFT or RIGHT button to change the value. While the DVR is in recording or playback mode,
8-Channel Digital Video Recorder
you cannot access this menu unless you stop record or play first.
OVER WRITE: if set to “YES”, the DVR will automatically overwrite the HDD from the beginning when the HDD is full. If set to “NO”, the DVR will automatically stop recording when the HDD is full. If there are two HDD in the DVR, when the MASTER HDD is full, the video will store to the SLAVE HDD, and when the SLAVE HDD is also full, the DVR will overwrite the MASTER HDD if set this to yes, otherwise it will stop recording.
REC SPEED: the recording frame rate of the DVR, factory default setting is 30F/SEC under NTSC (25F/1SEC under PAL). This means the DVR records the events at the speed of 30 shots of frames per second. The higher of the record frame rate, the more natural look will be displayed on the screen when you playback the footage. The lower of the record frame rate, the more you can save the space on the hard disk. The highest frame rate is 120F/SEC(PAL is 100F/SEC) when the resolution is in 320 mode
REC QUALITY: There are four different video quality settings: LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, VERY HIGH. The higher of the video quality, the clearer images you can get when you playback. The lower of the video quality, the more you can save the space on the hard disk drive.
RESOLUTION: the record picture size of the DVR have two modes:CIF and FIELD, default is CIF. In FIELD mode, the recorded picture is twice the size of that in CIF mode. In CIFmode the REC speed is 120F/SEC NTSC (PAL is 100F/SEC) and the maximal REC speed in FIELD mode is 60F/SEC NSTC (PAL is 50F/SEC).
PB SPEED: the frame rate of playback, default is AUTO, which means the same as record.
14. Record CH Set
When the cursor moves to REC ch Set, please press enter button, the REC ch setup window will appear. This screen is different for CIF and FIELD modes . In FIELD mode, the window is illustrated as below, press UP and DOWN buttons to select channel and press LEFT or RIGHT button to change the setting, if the channel is set “OFF”, this channel will not record when in recording mode. If the resolution is set to "CIF ", the REC ch Setup window can not be setup.
8-Channel Digital Video Recorder
15. Audio CH Set
When the cursor moves to Audio CH Set, press the Enter button, the Audio CH Set window will appear, as illustrated below. There are four audio input channels, for each channel you can select anyone of the 8 channels. Although there are four audio input channels, you can only record from one channel’s audio at the same time. To setting the audio correctly, you have to select one channel within these four channels in the Audio Select menu.
16. Record Length Set
To set the file package time in continuous time record mode
8-Channel Digital Video Recorder
17. Network Set
When the cursor moves to Network Set, press the Enter button, and the network setup window will appear. Please note if the Netviewer software is connected to the DVR. You cannot access this menu unless you close the Netviewer software.
IP MODE: the DVR has 2 IP modes, STATIC IP and DHCP, if you select STATIC IP, you can set the IP address manually, if you select DHCP mode, the DVR will automatically get the IP address. For STATIC IP, press UP or DOWN button to move the cursor among the digits, you can press LEFT and RIGHT buttons to modify the digits, press enter to save you change. WEB SERVER PORT: the WEB transmit port for data. Default is 0080. NETWORK ENV: the DVR has three types of different network conditions: LOCAL, EXTER_LAN, and EXTER_WAN. If in local network, please select LOCAL. If for internet use, please choose EXTER_LAN. If the internet condition is not very good, please select EXTER_WAN. VIDEO PORT: the video transmit port for the computer. Default is 5000. COMMAND PORT: the command transmit port for the computer. Default is 5001. If you change any of the VIDEO PORT and COMMAND PORT or MAC address, you have to restart the DVR before you use the “net viewer” software.
Note: if you have change the MAC address, you can not see the “MAC ADDR SET”.
18. N/W Enable Set
When the cursor moves to N/W Enable, press the Enter button, and the N/W Enable setup window will appear.
8-Channel Digital Video Recorder
If one channel here set OFF, this channel will not transmit to the network, so if you want to see a channel from network, you must to set this channel ON.
19. Mac Set
When the cursor moves to Mac Set then press the Enter button, the Mac Set window will appear.
If you have more than one DVR in a local area network, you have to set each DVR to have an exclusive MAC address, but remember that you have only one chance to modify the MAC address, once you have changed the MAC address, this menu will not appear again. If you want to change the MAC address again, please load the factory set, then you can change the MAC address. For MAC address, you’d better set the first two bytes to “00 00”, and change other bytes.
20. Sensor Setup
When the cursor moves to Sensor Set, then press the Enter button, the sensor setup window will appear. Press UP or DOWN button to move the cursor. Press LEFT or RIGHT to change the value.
8-Channel Digital Video Recorder
ALARM ENABLE: alarm trigger switch, can be set to off, N.C(normal closed) or N.O(normal open). If users set it to off, the DVR will ignore the alarm input. MOTION ENABLE: Motion alarm switch, can be set to ON or OFF. If set to off, the DVR will ignore the motion alarm. MOTION LEVEL: motion sensitivity level, if the figure in the picture is small, please set to high or very high, default is normal. BUZZER TIME: buzzer sound time when there is a sensor or motion alarm. SENSE RECTIME: when a motion or sensor alarm is triggered, the recording time of DVR, default is 10 seconds.
Note: Users should press Schedule button after setting up the parameters so to activate
the settings.
21. Motion Detection settings
1) When surveying nearby objects (2-10 meters)
When in daytime, please set motion detection sensitivity to Normal level; when in night, please set to low.
2) When surveying objects in 50-100 meters area
The objects 50-100 meters away will be quite small on the screen. When in daytime, please set motion detection sensitivity to high level.
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