Suunto n6HR Menu Structure
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1. GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................8
2. HOW TO USE YOUR SUUNTO N6HR .................................................................9
2.1. BUTTONS ..................................................................................................10
2.2. CHANNELS ...............................................................................................13
2.3. MODES ......................................................................................................14
2.4. SIGNAL COVERAGE ................................................................................15
2.5. STATUS ICONS ........................................................................................16
3. TIME CHANNEL ..................................................................................................18
3.1. RECEIVING THE TIME .............................................................................19
3.2. CHOOSING A WATCH FACE ...................................................................20
3.3. WATCH FACE SUB-MODES ....................................................................21
3.3.1. Downloading a watch face ..............................................................21
3.4. CHRONO MODE .......................................................................................22
3.5. CHRONOGRAPH ......................................................................................22
3.6. TIMERS .....................................................................................................23
3.6.1. Timer-Stop ......................................................................................23
3.6.2. Timer-Chrono ..................................................................................24
3.6.3. Timer-Repeat ..................................................................................25
3.7. LOGBOOK .................................................................................................26
3.8. ALARMS ....................................................................................................27
4. HEART RATE TRANSMITTER BELT .................................................................28
4.1. PUTTING ON YOUR TRANSMITTER BELT .............................................28
4.2. MONITORING YOUR HEART RATE ........................................................29
4.3. SETTING THE HR LIMITS .......................................................................29
4.4. TRANSMITTER BELT USAGE IN WATER ............................................... 30
4.5. CARE OF THE TRANSMITTER BELT ...................................................... 30
4.6. ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE ................................................. 30
4.7. WARNINGS ............................................................................................... 31
5. BATTERY ........................................................................................................... 32
5.1. BATTERY LEVEL INDICATOR .................................................................33
5.2. CHARGING THE BATTERY ..................................................................... 34
6. SETTINGS ..........................................................................................................36
6.1. DATE .........................................................................................................36
6.2. TIME ..........................................................................................................37
6.2.1. Setting the time ...............................................................................37
6.2.2. Setting the time zone ......................................................................38
6.2.3. Setting the dual zone ......................................................................38
6.3. GENERAL ................................................................................................. 39
6.4. UNITS ........................................................................................................ 41
7. SUUNTO N6HR TRAINING MANAGER ............................................................42
7.1. SUUNTO N6HR TRAINING MANAGER TUTORIAL ................................ 42
7.1.1. Getting started ................................................................................ 42
7.1.2. Planning your training schedule ...................................................... 43
7.1.3. Training and gaining ....................................................................... 43
7.1.4. Reviewing your results .................................................................... 43
7.1.5. Sharing your experiences ...............................................................44
7.2. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................44
7.3. PC INTERFACE ........................................................................................45
7.4. INSTALLATION .........................................................................................46
7.4.1. Installing the Suunto n6hr software .................................................46
7.4.2. Calendar synchronization ...............................................................47
7.4.3. Changing the calendar synchronization ..........................................47
7.4.4. Updating the USB drivers ................................................................47
7.5. CONNECTING YOUR SUUNTO N6HR TO A PC .....................................48
7.6. UNINSTALLING SUUNTO N6HR TRAINING MANAGER ........................48
7.7. UNINSTALLING SUUNTO N6HR DRIVERS .............................................48
8. SUUNTOSPORTS.COM .....................................................................................49
8.1. USING SUUNTOSPORTS.COM ...............................................................50
9. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS .................................................................51
10. GETTING HELP ...............................................................................................56
11. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................57
12. TERMS AND CONDITIONS .............................................................................59
12.1. COPYRIGHT ............................................................................................59
12.2. TRADEMARKS ........................................................................................59
12.3. PATENTS ................................................................................................59
12.4. ABOUT YOUR SUUNTO N6HR AND SERVICE .....................................60
12.5. FCC COMPLIANCE .................................................................................60
12.6. CE COMPLIANCE ...................................................................................61
12.7. ISO 9001 COMPLIANCE .........................................................................61
13. WARRANTY ................................................................................................... 62
13.1. LIMITS OF LIABILITY .............................................................................62
13.2. AFTER SALES SERVICE ....................................................................... 63
Wherever life takes you, your new Suunto n6HR keeps you up to date. When you sign up for the MSN
receive. This dynamic wireless technology discreetly displays the information that matters most to you. With a quick glance at your wrist, you stay informed about the news, stocks, weather, sports, and more. The MSN Direct-ready watches are every bit as fun as they are informative. With different watch faces you can customize the look of your Suunto n6 The HR transmitter belt allows you to measure your heart rate accurately and check that it stays within desired limits. Once you've finished your training, you can use the Suunto n6 You can then save the results in your logbook or share them with your friends at the web community.
NOTE: This product requires a subscription to the MSN Direct wireless service, which is available in most major cities in North America.
Direct service, you can choose exactly what information you want to
HR to fit your personal style.
HR Training Manager PC software to view graphs and stats of your session.
To get acquainted with your new Suunto n6 signal coverage, and status icons, keep reading. There are two ways to receive content on your new Suunto n6
Automatic Service
You will automatically receive the following channels without a subscription:
• Daily high/low temperatures for your city
• National news
• Stock indices
• Monthly calendar
Subscription Plans
To personalize the content you receive, activate the MSN Direct service at After choosing a subscription plan, you can choose to receive the local news, weather reports, sports scores and standings, movie times, stock quotes, and more.
HR and learn about channels, modes,
Y our Suunto n6
HR includes five buttons, each of which has several different functions.
• Starts the chronograph (Chrono mode).
• Stores lap/split times (Chrono mode).
Long press
• Activates the backlight in all the modes. Fo r personalized use of the backlight, see
Chapter 6. Settings.
CHANNEL/MODE Short press
• Returns to the mode or channel splash screen.
• Scrolls the channel splash screens on the display.
Long press
• Returns to the Time channel splash screen.
NEXT/STOP Short press
• If a mode/channel splash screen is active, it navigates to the next splash screen.
• Scrolls the menus up.
• When setting/changing a selected item, it scrolls the options on the display.
• When changing values, it increases the value.
• Changes the watch faces (Time mode).
• Stops the chronograph (Chrono mode).
• After you have stopped the chronograph, it scrolls the stored lap/split times on the display.
Long press
• When you press and hold the button down for 2 seconds in menus and splash screens, it starts to scroll through the options until you release it.
• Resets the display after you have stopped the chrono time (Chrono mode).
PREVIOUS Short press
• If a mode/channel splash screen is active, you can use this button to navigate to the previous splash screen.
• Scrolls the menus down.
• When setting/changing a selected item, it scrolls the options on the display.
• When changing values, it decreases the value.
• Changes watch faces (Time mode).
• It selects either the lap/split reading, the timer reading or the current time for the lowest field (Chrono mode).
Long press
• When you press and hold the button for 2 seconds in menus, watch face selections and splash screens, it starts to scroll through the options until you release it.
ENTER Short press
• It navigates to the main display. (The main display opens automatically after a few seconds if you do not push any buttons.)
• Navigates to the submenus in the Chrono, Settings and Alarms modes.
• Accepts the settings.
• Changes the watch face sub-modes (Time mode).
• After the last setting, it takes you back to the Settings menu.
Long press
• Accepts the settings and returns to the main display.
• Activates/deactivates the HR limits function (Chrono mode)
Channels and their modes organize the information on your Suunto n6
HR. Similar to
the channels on your television set, you see different types of content—such as the news and weather—when you switch channels on your Suunto n6
HR. When you
activate the MSN Direct service, you can select the channels you want to display. Each channel appears on the Suunto n6
HR display with an icon and the name of the
• To return to the Time channel, long press CHANNEL/MODE.
• To view the next channel, press CHANNEL/MODE, NEXT/ STOP or PREVIOUS.
• To display the contents of the current channel, release the button.
2.3. MODES
Each channel has one or more modes. For example, the Time channel includes the Time, Chrono, Logbook, Alarms and Settings modes. The name of the current mode appears on the Suunto n6
HR splash screen.
•To view the current mode, press CHANNEL/MODE once.
•To view the next mode within that channel, press NEXT/STOP or PREVIOUS.
The MSN Direct service is delivered over a wireless network that is based on FM radio broadcast signals. Your Suunto n6
HR indicates the strength of the broadcast
signal by displaying a signal strength icon. The icon appears in the upper right corner of the status bar on most channel screens. The status bar appears on most channel screens a few seconds after the last button press. Signal strength can vary based on your location. Sometimes topography (hills, valleys), building structures, or nearby electronics can interfere with the broadcast signal that your Suunto n6
HR uses to receive information. Your Suunto n6HR should
receive information even at a low signal strength. The network sends two types of information to your Suunto n6
HR—broadcast and
personal. Broadcast information—such as news stories and current temperatures—is sent to every Suunto n6 see is actually captured by your Suunto n6
HR with MSN Direct, but only the information that you want to
HR. Regardless of where you travel in
North America, as long as you are within an MSN Direct coverage area, you shou ld receive broadcast information. Your personal information—such as your messages and calendar appointments—is encrypted with a unique key to help maintain your privacy. You receive personal information when you are within the range of your home coverage area. Your home coverage area is the metropolitan area where you live. For more information about your home coverage area, including what to do when you travel, go to the MSN Direct Website at and click the Help link.
Your Suunto n6
HR displays various icons. The location of the icons depends on the
watch face used. The following table describes each icon.
Icon Description
New Message indicates that a new message has arrived.
Battery Charging indicates that the battery is currently charging.
Battery Low appears when the battery level is reduced to 30%. You
need to charge your Suunto n6
HR soon.
Alarm On indicates that one of the alarms is set and will sound at the appropriate time.
Chrono Running: Indicates that the chronograph is currently running.
Signal Strength: Shows you the strength of the broadcast signal that your Suunto n6
HR is receiving.
• A full signal is indicated by .
• A remote signal is indica ted by and it means that your Suunto
HR may not be receiving your personal information. This can
n6 happen before the signal confirms the home coverage area for your Suunto n6
HR, or if you travel out of your home coverage
• No signal is indicated by and it means that your Suunto n6
has been out of your home coverage area longer than 10 minutes and cannot find a signal.
Radio Off: Means that the watch radio is off and your Suunto n6
cannot receive a broadcast signal.
HR limits alarm: Indicates that the measured HR is outside the set limits.
HR received: Indicates that your Suunto n6
HR receives the heart
rate signal from the HR transmitter belt. Timer activated: Indicates that one of the timers is active.
Your Suunto n6HR comes with five channels—Time, Weather, News, Stocks, and Calendar—that are available for use even before you activate the MSN Direct service. The Time channel is fully operational and ready to go. The Weather, News, Stocks, and Calendar channels have limited capabilities until you activate and personalize MSN Direct. The Weather channel will display daily high and low temperatures for your local city, the News channel will receive national news stories, the Stocks channel will display major stock indices information, and the Calendar channel includes a month-view calendar. Once you activate MSN Direct, you can receive messages from others, view your personal appointments, and view an events calendar for the things that interest you, such as sports schedules, financial events, and local cultural events. You can also subscribe to and receive personalized information from a number of additional channels, such as News, Weather, Stocks, and Sports. This guide provides instructions for using the Time channel. For instructions on using the other channels—including Messages and Calendar—go to the MSN Direct Web site at and click the Help link.
NOTE: Before you activate MSN Direct, you can also see the Register channel on your Suunto n6 to activate the service, including the MSN Direct Website address and your Suunto n6
HR ID. The instrument ID is a number that uniquely identifies your Suunto n6HR so
that you can receive personal messages and information. The Register channel disappears when you activate MSN Direct.
HR. This is a temporary channel that displays the information you need
When your Suunto n6
HR receives a broadcast signal, it should automatically receive
the correct time from an atomic clock. This happens even if you have not yet activated the MSN Direct service. As long as your Suunto n6
HR keeps on receiving
the signal, you do not need to set the time. The time is accurate to a few thousands of a second, and it automatically adjusts for daylight saving time and leap years. In addition, your Suunto n6
HR automatically switches to different time zones as you
travel from place to place.
NOTE: When you turn on your Suunto n6 time from an atomic clock.
If you are in an area where your Suunto n6
HR, it may take a few minutes to receive the
HR cannot receive a signal, you can set the
time manually. You can also change the time display from a 12-hour clock to a 24­hour clock, and you can override the automatic time zone setting. For more details, see Chapter 6. Settings.
You can change the face that is displayed on your Suunto n6
To choose a new watch face:
1. Long press CHANNEL/MODE to go to the Time channel. Wait for the current watch face to appear.
2. Select the desired watch face with PREVIOUS or NEXT/STOP.
The watch faces have a few sub-modes that you can adjust with the ENTER button. With the sub-modes you can customize the watch face to display the date, dual time, heart rate (and on some watch faces seconds) in addition to the regular time display. If you change the watch face, the previously selected sub-mode will also be visible there provided that the watch face supports it. So, for example, if you have selected to display the date, and you then decide to choose a new watch face, the date will be visible there, too. However, if your current watch face displays seconds, and you then select a watch face that does not support such a sub-mode, the seconds will not be displayed.
3.3.1. Downloading a watch face
Give your Suunto n6
HR a new look to reflect your personal style. You can download
one or two faces, and keep up to two downloaded faces at a time. New watch faces will be added regularly. To download a new watch face, register as an MSN direct user and select the desired watch face.
NOTE: You can only store two downloaded watch faces at a time on your Suunto n6
HR. If you try to add more, the first watch face that you downloaded is removed.
In this mode, you can time your activities and monitor your heart rate. You can also use various timers to customize your training sessions and set the heart rate limits. The heart rate is visible on the top row of the main display when you wear the HR transmitter belt and your Suunto n6
HR receives the HR signal
from the belt. If there is no signal, the top row displays ---.
With the chronograph you can time events—such as your daily run—and record lap times. You can record up to 50 laps. To use the chronograph:
1. Enter the Chrono mode.
2. Press START/LAP/LIGHT to start the chronograph.
3. Press START/LAP/LIGHT while the chronograph is running to store a split time.
NOTE: The chronograph will temporarily freeze, then continue counting. Your split time and number are displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen.
4. Press NEXT/STOP to stop the chronograph.
5. Press NEXT/STOP to view your individual splits.
6. Press and hold NEXT/STOP for 2 seconds to reset the chronograph.
Suunto n6
HR has three different training timers that you can use alongside the
chronograph. For example, you can use these versatile timers for countdown time measurement before the start of a competition, for work and rest intervals in circuit training, or to automatically start the chronograph after a warm-up period. Different timers function differently according to their type and purpose.
3.6.1. Timer-Stop
This is a countdown timer. It starts the set countdown time when activated and stops it after the time has run out. When the timer reaches zero, you will hear a beeping sound.
1. Enter the Chrono mode.
2. Press ENTER to access the chronograph sub-menu.
3. Select Timer Intervals.
4. Select Timer-Stop.
5. Set the desired countdown time (seconds and minutes) with PREVIOUS or NEXT/ STOP, and accept the selections with ENTER. The message ‘
SET’ is displayed, and you return to the chronograph display.
6. Press ENTER to access the chronograph sub-menu.
7. Select Timer.
8. Select Timer-Stop. The message ‘
TIMER-STOP ACTIVATED’ is displayed, and you
return to the chronograph display.
9. Use PREVIOUS to toggle between the chronograph, timer and current time.
10.Press START/LAP/LIGHT to start the countdown. When the countdown reaches zero, the timer stops automatically. You can also stop the timer manually by pressing NEXT/STOP.
11.Press and hold NEXT/STOP for 2 seconds to reset the chronograph.
3.6.2. Timer-Chrono
This is a combined countdown timer and chronograph. Y ou can set a countdown time, and when it reaches zero, you will hear a beeping sound, and then the chronograph is activated.
1. Enter the Chrono mode.
2. Press ENTER to access the chronograph sub-menu.
3. Select Timer Intervals.
4. Select Timer-Chrono.
5. Set the desired countdown time (seconds and minutes) with PREVIOUS or NEXT/ STOP, and accept the selections with ENTER. The message ‘
SET’ is displayed, and you return to the chronograph display.
6. Press ENTER to access the chronograph sub-menu.
7. Select Timer.
8. Select Timer-Chrono. The message ‘
TIMER-CHRONO ACTIVATED’ is displayed, and
you return to the chronograph display.
9. Use PREVIOUS to toggle between the chronograph, timer and current time.
10.Press START/LAP/LIGHT to start the countdown. When the countdown reaches zero, the chronograph starts counting up.
11.Press START/LAP/LIGHT to store splits.
12.Press NEXT/STOP to stop the chronograph.
13.Press NEXT/STOP to view your individual splits.
14.Press and hold NEXT/STOP for 2 seconds to reset the chronograph.
3.6.3. Timer-Repeat
This feature allows you to set multiple intervals for your chrono­graph. Suunto n6
HR activates the set interval times one after
another and after they are finished, it stops the chronograph. Y ou will hear a beeping sound after each interval.
1. Enter the Chrono mode.
2. Press ENTER to access the chronograph sub-menu.
3. Select Timer Intervals.
4. Select Timer-Repeat.
5. Select the number of intervals (1-20) you need with PREVIOUS and NEXT/STOP, and press ENTER.
6. Set the first interval (seconds and minutes) with PREVIOUS or NEXT/STOP, and accept the selections with ENTER.
7. Set the next interval(s) in a similar manner. After the last one is set, the message ‘
TIMER-REPEAT INTERVALS SET’ is displayed, and you return to the chronograph
8. Press ENTER to access the chronograph sub-menu.
9. Select Timer.
10.Select Timer-Repeat. The message ‘
TIMER-REPEAT ACTIVATED’ is displayed and
you return to the chronograph display.
11.Use PREVIOUS to toggle between the chronograph, timer and current time.
12.Press START/LAP/LIGHT to start the chronograph. An alarm will sound at each designated interval. The chronograph stops automatically when all intervals have been met. If you wish to continue with the chronograph, press START/LAP/LIGHT.
13.Press and hold NEXT/STOP for 2 seconds to reset the chronograph.
Logbook information is recorded whenever the chrono is activated. The log book can contain a maximum of 20 logs. When the memory is full and you store new logs, the oldest are erased automatically. You can clear the logbook memory completely with your Suunto n6
HR Training Manager.
To view logbook information:
1. Enter the Logbook mode.
2. Select the desired log with PREVIOUS and NEXT/STOP and press ENTER.
3. Scroll the information with PREVIOUS and NEXT/STOP. The information is displayed in the following order:
• Total time and number of laps
• Average, highest and lowest heart rate values
• Heart rate within the set limits
• Heart rate below the low limit
• Heart rate above the high limit
• Log time graph
NOTE: Time information is always stored but the HR information is only stored if the HR signal was present when you activated the chronograph.
Suunto n6
HR has three separate alarms that you can set to remind you about specific
events or to wake you up in the morning. To set and activate alarms:
1. Enter the Alarms mode.
2. Select a suitable alarm with PREVIOUS and press ENTER.
3. Set the alarm either On or Off with PREVIOUS and press ENTER.
4. Set the minutes and hours (and am/pm on the 12h mode) with PREVIOUS and press ENTER.
Suunto n6
HR sounds the alarm and displays an illuminated
alarm message (see below) for 30 seconds at the set time. The message automatically disappears after 30 minutes. You can dismiss the alarm by pressing any of the Suunto n6
Here you can learn how to use the heart rate transmitter belt in your training activities. This chapter also contains important information on HR limits, care of the transmitter belt, possible disturbances in the signal reception, and warnings. For information on replacing the battery, see Chapter 5. Battery.
We recommend that you wear the transmitter against your bare skin to ensure flawless operation.
• The electrodes must be wet during the exercise. Raise the transmitter a little off your chest and moisten the grooved electrode area on the backside.
• Check that the wet electrode areas are firmly against your skin and the logo is in a central upright position.
Y ou can monitor your heart rate in the Chrono mode. The heart rate is visible on the top row of the main display when you wear the HR transmitter belt and your Suunto n6 signal from the belt. If your Suunto n6
HR receives the HR
HR receives the signal,
the HR text blinks at the same pace as your current heart rate. If there is no signal, the top row displays ---.
With this function you can set the limits for your target heart rate zone. This is useful when you, for example, want to keep your HR at an optimum level for fat burning. When the chronograph is active, your Suunto n6
HR alerts you whenever your heart
rate goes outside the preset zone using alarm signals. To set the HR limits:
1. Enter the Chrono mode.
2. Press ENTER to access the chronograph sub-menu.
3. Select HR limits.
4. Set the HR limits On with PREVIOUS and NEXT/STOP and press ENTER.
NOTE: When the chronograph is active, you can toggle between HR limits on and off by long pressing ENTER.
5. Adjust the High and Low limits with PREVIOUS and NEXT/STOP, and press ENTER.
Heart rate measurement in water is technically demanding for the following reasons:
• Pool water with a high chlorine conten t and seawate r may be very conductive, and the electrodes of the transmitter may get short-circuited.
• The transmitter unit cannot detect the ECG (electrocardiogram) signals.
• Jumping into the water or strenuous muscle movement during swimming may cause water resistance that shifts the transmitter on the body to a location where it cannot pick up the ECG signal.
• The ECG signal strength varies depending on the individual’s tissue composition. People have more problems with heart rate measurement in water than elsewhere.
Wash the transmitter belt with mild soap and water after each use. Rinse it with clean water, and dry thoroughly and carefully. Store it in a cool and dry place. Never leave it wet because moisture keeps the electrodes wet and the transmitter activated thereby shortening the battery life. Do not bend or stretch the transmitter; this may damage the electrodes.
Disturbances in the HR signal reception may occur near high voltage power lines, traffic lights, overhead lines of electric railways, electric bus or tram lines, televisions, car motors, bike computers, some motor driven exercise equipment, cellular phones or when you walk through electric security gates.
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