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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................ 5
1.1 KEY FUNCTIONS (MODES) ....................................................................................... 5
1.1.1 Backlight Features ........................................................................................ 5
1.1.2 Water Resistance ......................................................................................... 5
1.2 BUTTON FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................ 5
1.2.1 The [Mode] Button ......................................................................................... 5
1.2.2 The [+] Button ............................................................................................... 6
1.2.3 The [-] Button ................................................................................................ 6
1.2.4 The [Select] Button ....................................................................................... 6
1.3 LCD DISPLAY ............................................................................................................. 6
1.4 MEASUREMENTS AND UNITS (MARINER AND YACHTSMAN) .............................. 8
1.4.1 Selecting the Units of Measurement (Mariner and Yachtsman) .................. 8
1.6 CARE AND MAINTENANCE ....................................................................................... 9
1.6.1 Battery Replacement .................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER 2 SAILING TIMER MODE ........................................... 11
2.1 SAILING TIMER MEMORY SUB MODE ................................................................... 12
CHAPTER 3 TIME MODE.............................................................. 13
3.1 HOW TO SET THE TIME ........................................................................................... 13
3.2 DAILY ALARM SUB MODE ....................................................................................... 15
4.2.1 How to Set the Daily Alarms ...................................................................... 15
3.3 STOPWATCH SUB MODE ......................................................................................... 15
3.3.1 How to Use the Stopwatch ......................................................................... 16
3.4 COUNTDOWN TIMER SUB MODE .......................................................................... 17
3.4.1 How to Set the Countdown Timer ............................................................... 17
3.4.2 How to Start the Countdown Timer ............................................................. 18
3.5 DUAL TIME SUB MODE ............................................................................................ 18
3.5.1 Setting the Dual Time Function .................................................................. 18
YACHTSMAN) ............................................................................... 19
4.1 PRESSURE DIFFERENCE MEASUREMENT SUB MODE ...................................... 20
4.1.1 How to Start the Pressure Difference Measurement ................................. 20
4.2 4-DAY MEMORY SUB MODE ................................................................................... 21
4.3 SEA LEVEL PRESSURE SUB MODE ....................................................................... 21
4.3.1 Setting the Sea Level Pressure .................................................................. 22
4.4 BAROMETRIC TREND INDICATOR ......................................................................... 22
CHAPTER 5 COMPASS MODE ..................................................... 23
5.1 BEARING TRACKING SUB MODE ........................................................................... 24
5.2 DECLINATION ADJUSTMENT SUB MODE .............................................................. 25
5.2.1 Setting the Local Declination ...................................................................... 25
5.3 CALIBRATING THE COMPASS ................................................................................. 25
5.4 START LINE FUNCTION ........................................................................................... 26
CHAPTER 6 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ....................... 27
6.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 27
6.1.1 Is the Wristop Computer waterproof? ........................................................ 27
6.1.2 How long will the battery last? .................................................................... 27
6.1.3 What do the segments on the circumference mean? ................................ 27
6.1.4 Why do the segments on the circumference go to the left
(counterclockwise)? .................................................................................... 27
6.1.5 Why is there a symbol above the mode indicator bar and what does
6.2 TIME .......................................................................................................................... 28
6.3 BAROMETER ............................................................................................................. 28
6.4 COMPASS.................................................................................................................. 29
it mean? ...................................................................................................... 28
6.2.1 Why do the segments on the circumference increase and decrease
when I am in the Time mode? ..................................................................... 28
6.2.2 What is the longest time I can set in the timer? ........................................ 28
6.3.1 What is the little box on the top left of the display? .................................. 28
6.3.2 Does the Wristop Computer show future trends in weather conditions? ... 28
6.3.3 What does “absolute pressure” and “relative pressure” mean? ................. 29
6.3.4 Is the Wristop Computer temperature compensated? ............................... 29
6.4.1 What is the purpose of the rotating outer bezel? ....................................... 29
6.4.2 Where do I find the correct declination for my area so I can set
my Wristop Computer? .............................................................................. 29
CHAPTER 7 ABBREVIATIONS..................................................... 30
CHAPTER 8 SPARE PARTS AVAILABLE ..................................... 30
CHAPTER 9 TERMS AND CONDITIONS ...................................... 31
9.1 COPYRIGHT ............................................................................................................. 31
9.2 TRADEMARKS .......................................................................................................... 31
9.3 CE COMPLIANCE ..................................................................................................... 31
9.4 ISO 9001 COMPLIANCE ........................................................................................... 31
CHAPTER 10 LIMITS OF LIABILITY ............................................ 32
CHAPTER 11 DISPOSAL OF THE DEVICE .................................. 32
The Mariner/Yachtsman features the following functions: sailing timer, barometer, compass and watch. These are identified as sail mode [SAIL], barometer mode [BARO], compass mode [COMP] and time mode [TIME] in this manual and also on the display of the instrument.
The Regatta features identical [SAIL], [COMP] and [TIME] modes but does not include [BARO] mode.
1.1.1 Backlight Features
The Wristop Computer has an electroluminescent backlight. This is initiated by pressing and holding the [Mode] button in for 2 seconds. The backlight will remain on for 5 seconds. Pressing the [Mode] button during this time will restart the 5 second period, continuing the backlight feature.
1.1.2 Water Resistance
The Wristop Computer is waterproof to a depth of 30m/100ft (according to ISO 2281).
Note: The Wristop Computer models are not dive instruments. Buttons should not be operated (put to use) while under water.
Four buttons are used to operate the Wristop Computer: [Mode], [+] (ON/OFF), [-] (Fast Bearing), and [Select].
1.2.1 The [Mode] Button
Is located on the top right of the Wristop Computer.
• In the main mode level, pressing the [Mode] button allows the user to select or move from one mode or function to the next (TIME, SAIL, BARO, COMP).
• In the sub mode level, pressing the [Mode] button returns the user to the main mode level.
• In the setup process, pressing the [Mode] button accepts the changes or preferences. Pressing the button again will return the user to the main mode level.
• Pressing the button for 2 seconds activates the backlight feature.
1.2.2 The [+] Button
Is located on the bottom right of the Wristop Computer.
• In the setup process, pressing the [+] button changes or scrolls the value upward.
• In the timing functions, this button can act as a start/stop (or On/Off) button.
1.2.3 The [-] Button
Is located on the bottom left of the Wristop Computer.
• Sets the sailing timer value (120 min. – 1 min.)
• In the setup process, pressing the [-] button changes or scrolls the value downward.
• This button is also known as the “Fast Bearing” button. Pressing the [-] button in any of the main modes (except in Sailing Timer) will quickly display the compass mode, showing either the normal compass or bearing tracking feature (depending on what display has been chosen in the compass mode).
1.2.4 The [Select] Button
Is located on the top left of the Wristop Computer.
• In the main mode level, pressing the [Select] button allows the user to enter into the sub modes of the particular function or return to the main mode the user is in.
• In the main mode or sub mode, pressing and holding the [Select] button in for more than 2 seconds allows the user to enter the setup process.
• In the setup process, the [Select] button allows the user to move between settable units or values and determine preferences.
The display is designed to offer maximum clarity and simplicity to the user. The display is divided into several regions or areas.
• The Outer Circumference encompasses the outer boundary of the LCD display.
• A Barometric Trend Indicator provides a quick reference for forecasting weather conditions (Mariner and Yachtsman).
• Field 1 displays values either numbers or text depending on the mode or sub mode the user is in.
• Field 2 displays large numbers and/or related unit of measure of the function.
• A Mode Indictor Bar displays the main modes (functions) of the Wristop Computer (a triangle arrow located just below the bar indicates the mode the user is viewing).
• Field 3 displaying either numbers and/or text.
The Wristop Computer supplies two units of measure: metric or imperial. Metric Unit of Measure Imperial Unit of Measure
°C °F mbar inHg mft
1.4.1 Selecting the Units of Measurement
To change the unit of measure displayed:
1. Check the mode indicator. If the mode arrow is not on TIME, PRESS the [Mode] button until the arrow is directly below TIME on the Mode Indicator Bar.
2. PRESS the [Mode] and [Select] buttons simultaneously and hold in for 3 seconds. Field 1 will display “SET” momentarily and then display “UNI” (Fig. 1).
WARNING: If the user presses the [Select] button (and does not hold for 2 seconds) while in the “UNI” setting mode, the user will be in the Pressure Sensor Calibration. Refer to the next section for details.
3. PRESS the [Select] button and hold in for 2 seconds. Located to the right in Field 2, “mbar” or “inHg” will begin to flash.
4. PRESS the [+] button to toggle between “mbar” and “inHg”.
5. At the unit of measure desired, PRESS the [Select] button to move to the next unit. Located at the top right in Field 1, °C or °F will begin to flash.
6. PRESS the [+] button to toggle between °C and °F.
7. At the unit of measure desired, PRESS the [Select] button to move to the next unit. Located to the right in Field 2,
will begin to flash.
8. PRESS the [+] button to toggle between “m” and “ft”
9. At the unit of measure desired, PRESS the [Mode] button to accept the changes. PRESS the [Mode] button again to return to the main time mode.
Note: If the user does not press any button for 1 minute in the setup mode, the display will automatically exit setup.
Selecting the units of measurement is complete.
WARNING: This is a FACTORY CALIBRATION SETTING. Do not enter this mode. If you enter this mode in error, exit immediately by pressing the [MODE] button to return to the “UNI” setting mode.
Normally there is no need to alter the calibration. If the Pressure Setting Calibration has been altered, you can return the factory setting. Proceed as follows: In the
calibration setting mode, scroll the barometric pressure value up or down until text “dEF” appears. This is the factory setting. Then exit by pressing [MODE].
Perform only the detailed processes discussed in this manual. Do not perform any other service to the Wristop Computer or attempt to open the case or remove the buttons or the bezel.
Protect your Wristop Computer from shocks, extreme heat and prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. If not in use, your Wristop Computer should be stored in a clean, dry environment at room temperature.
The Wristop Computer can be wiped clean with a lightly moistened (warm water) cloth. Applying a mild soap to the area can clean stubborn stains or marks.
Avoid exposing the Wristop Computer to strong chemicals like gasoline, cleaning solvents, acetone, alcohol, adhesives, and paint, as they will damage the unit’s seals, case and finish.
Never attempt to take the Wristop Computer apart or service it yourself. Make sure the area around the sensors (backside of the instrument) is kept free of dirt and sand. Never insert any objects into the sensor openings of the Wristop Computer.
1.6.1 Battery Replacement
The Wristop Computer operates on a three-volt lithium cell Type: CR 2430. The maximum life expectancy is approximately 12-18 months.
A low battery-warning indicator is activated when 5-15 percent of the battery capacity is still available. When this occurs we recommend replacement of the battery.
Extreme cold weather will activate the low battery-warning indicator. Though the indicator is activated, the battery may not need to be replaced due to this condition. In temperatures above 10°C (50°F) and the low battery warning indicator is activated, the battery will need to be replaced.
Note: Heavy use of the electroluminescent backlight, and compass will significantly reduce the life of the battery.
To replace the battery:
1. turn the Wristop Computer to view the backside;
2. insert a coin in the coin slot located on the battery compartment cover;
3. turn the coin counterclockwise to the open position marked on the back of the case;
4. remove the battery compartment cover;
5. remove the old cell from the battery compartment and ensure the O-ring and all surfaces are clean and dry. Do not stretch the O-ring.
6. place the new cell into the battery compartment (negative side down, positive side up);
7. ensure the O-ring is in place to keep the Wristop Computer waterproof and place the battery compartment cover back onto the backside of the Wristop Computer;
8. insert a coin back into the coin slot; and
9. turn the coin clockwise to the close position marked on the back of the case.
Note: Battery replacement should be performed with extreme care so as to ensure the Wristop Computer continues to remain waterproof. It is the operator’s responsibility to take due care to ensure the Wristop Computer remains waterproof. It is also advisable to replace the O-ring seal.
After every battery replacement, it is necessary to calibrate the magnetic sensor. Details on performing this process are found in Calibrating the Compass section of this manual.
To view Sailing Timer: Check the Mode Indicator Bar. If the mode arrow is not on SAIL, PRESS the [Mode] button until the arrow is directly below
SAIL on the bar. In the Sail mode (Fig. 2.):
• Field 1 the selected time to be counted down in minutes, maximum 120 minutes;
• Field 2 the time to be counted down in minutes and seconds; and
• Field 3 the current time and the text “log book” to the left of the current time. To set the count down, PRESS the [-] button, the selection will begin with 120 minutes. It is adjustable in 10-minute
increments, from 120 to 60 minutes, in 5-minute increments, from 60 to 15 minutes, and from 15 minutes to 0 by the minute. Continue pressing the [-] button until the desired minute is achieved. The selected time is stored in Field 1.
To begin the countdown, PRESS the [+] button. [-] will start the timer again from the preset minute. During the count down the timer will activate audible signals.
Interval Audible signal Every full minute Short double beep Every 10 seconds during the last minute Short double beep Every second during the last ten seconds Short single beep At the completion of the count down Long single beep
When the time to count down has been reached, a stopwatch will automatically start running (Fig. 3). The range of the stopwatch is 120: 00,00.
• Field 1 displays the seconds and tenths of seconds of the event;
• Field 2 displays the hours and minutes of the event; and
• Field 3 displays the current time and the text “logbook” to the left of the current time. During this activity when the stopwatch is running, the [-] button can be used to store up to 50 split times (way point times)
to be viewed after the race has been completed. The split time (way point time) will be displayed for 10 seconds after pushing the [-] button.
The stopwatch is stopped by pressing the [+] button twice within two seconds. This will eliminate accidental stops of the stopwatch. The finish time is also stored in the memory. After the stopwatch has been stopped, the [-] button returns the user to the countdown display.
PRESS the [Mode] button once to return to the Sailing Timer main mode.
In the Sail mode, PRESS the [Select] button once. In the first display (Fig. 4):
• Field 1 shows the year of race;
• Field 2 shows the starting time of the race; and
• Field 3 shows starting date of race and the text “log book” and “memory” to the left.
PRESS the [+] button to view the second display. In the second display (Fig. 5):
• Field 1 shows the seconds and tenths of seconds of the timed event;
• Field 2 shows the hours and minutes of the event; and
• Field 3 shows the text “dUr” (dUr = duration).
PRESS the [+] button to display the stored split times (way point times) (Fig. 6):
• Field 1 shows the seconds and tenths of seconds of the split time;
• Field 2 shows the hours and minutes of the split time; and
• Field 3 shows the actual time when the split time was taken. If you stop to view this display the date as well as the year of the split moment will start alternating with the time.
PRESS the [+] and [-] buttons to scroll through the split times. PRESS the [Select] button to exit and return to the main mode.
Note: Only one race can be stored in the memory. As soon as the count down function is restarted, the information from the previous race will be erased from the memory.
The Time mode provides the user with:
• an adjustable 24/12 hour clock display;
• a calendar pre-programmed to the year 2089;
• three daily alarms;
• stopwatch;
• countdown timer; and
• a dual time operation. To view and use the Time mode function: Check the Mode Indicator arrow. If the mode arrow is not on TIME, PRESS the [Mode] button until the arrow is directly
below TIME. In the TIME mode (Fig. 7):
• Field 1 displays the day of the week.
• Field 2 displays the current time.
• Field 3 displays the date (month/day if the 12-hour clock has been chosen; day/month if the 24-hour clock has been chosen).
• The Outer Circumference graphically displays time in seconds.
The TIME mode and all sub modes can be adjusted through the set up program of the Wristop Computer.
To set the Time:
1. PRESS the [Select] button and hold in for 2 seconds. Located in Field 3, the seconds will begin to flash (Fig. 8).
2. PRESS the [+] button to scroll the seconds upward or PRESS the [-] button to reset the seconds to zero.
3. At the seconds desired, PRESS the [Select] button to move to the next setting. Located on right of Field 2, the minutes will begin to flash.
4. PRESS the [+] button to scroll the minutes upward or PRESS the [-] button to scroll the minutes downward.
5. At the minutes desired, PRESS the [Select] button to move to the next setting. Located in the center of Field 2, the hour will begin to flash.
6. PRESS the [+] button to scroll the hour upward or PRESS the [-] button to scroll the hour downward.
7. At the hour desired, PRESS the [Select] button to move to the next setting. Located in Field 1, the 24 or 12 hour clock setting will begin to flash.
8. PRESS either the [+] or the [-] button to toggle between the 24hr and 12hr.
Note: if the 12 hour clock is chosen either AM/PM will appear below the hour in Field 2.
9. At the clock setting desired, PRESS the [Select] button to move to the next setting. Located in the center of Field 2, the year will begin to flash (Fig. 9).
10. PRESS the [+] button to scroll the year upward or PRESS the [-] button to scroll the year downward.
11. At the year desired, PRESS the [Select] button to move to the next setting. Located in the center of Field 3, the month represented by a number will begin to flash.
12. PRESS the [+] button to scroll the month upward or PRESS the [-] button to scroll the month downward.
13. At the month desired, PRESS the [Select] button to move to the next setting. Located to the right of Field 3, the day will begin to flash.
14. PRESS the [+] button to scroll the day upward or PRESS the [-] button to scroll the date downward.
Note: Once the user has determined the year, month and day, the Wristop Computer will supply the day of the week in Field 1.
Note: If the 12-hour clock is chosen, the date will be displayed as month/day. If the 24-hour clock is chosen, the date will be displayed day/month.
15.At the desired day, PRESS the [Mode] button to accept the changes and return to the main mode.
Note: If the user does not press any button for 1 minute in the setup mode, the display will automatically exit setup.
Setting the time is now complete.
The Wristop Computer allows the user to select and enter settings for up to three alarms. In the TIME mode, PRESS the [Select] button once to enter this sub mode. In the Daily Alarm sub mode (Fig. 10):
• Field 1 displays “ON” or “OFF” (the activation status of a particular alarm),
• Field 2 displays the time of a particular alarm, and
• Field 3 displays the alarm (1, 2, or 3) the user is viewing. Pressing the [+] or the [-] button will toggle between the alarms 1, 2, or 3 to view the settings for each alarm.
3.2.1 How to Set the Daily Alarms
1. PRESS the [+] or the [-] button to select the desired alarm to be set (1, 2, or 3).
2. PRESS the [Select] button and hold in for 2 seconds. Located in Field 1, the “ON” or “OFF” will begin to flash.
3. PRESS either the [+] or the [-] button to toggle between “ON” and “OFF”.
4. At the setting desired, PRESS the [Select] button to move to the next setting. Located in the center of Field 2, the hour will begin to flash.
5. PRESS the [+] button to scroll the hour upward or PRESS the [-] button to scroll the hour downward.
6. At the hour desired, PRESS the [Select] button to move to the next setting. Located on the right of Field 2, the minutes will begin to flash.
7. PRESS the [+] button to scroll the minutes upward or PRESS the [-] button to scroll the minutes downward.
8. At the minutes desired, PRESS the [Mode] button to accept the changes and exit the setup program. A small bell will appear at the bottom left side in Field 2 to signify an alarm has been activated.
The Alarm setup is complete. To activate up to three alarms, please repeat steps 1-8 for the selected alarm (1, 2, or 3).
The Wristop Computer stopwatch sub mode can provide split time measurement and two finish times up to 24 hours. In the TIME mode, PRESS the [Select] button twice to enter this sub mode.
In the Stopwatch sub mode (Fig. 11):
• Field 1 displays the seconds and tenths of a second,
• Field 2 displays the current time, and
• Field 3 displays hours and minutes and to the far right “stopwatch”.
3.3.1 How to Use the Stopwatch
There are three timing modes the user can employ:
• an elapsed time measurement;
• a split time measurement; and
• a two finish time measurement. In the elapsed time mode:
1. PRESS the [+] button to start, stop, and restart the stopwatch.
2. PRESS the [-] button to reset the stopwatch to zero once the stopwatch has stopped. In the split time mode:
1. PRESS the [+] button to start the stopwatch.
2. PRESS the [-] button once to stop the stopwatch and to display a split time.
3. PRESS the [-] button a second time to release the split time display and resume the stopwatch.
4. PRESS the [+] button to stop the stopwatch.
5. PRESS the [-] button to reset the stopwatch to zero once the stopwatch has stopped. In the two finish time mode:
1. PRESS the [+] button to start the stopwatch.
2. PRESS the [-] button once to stop the stopwatch to display the finish time of the first person.
3. PRESS the [+] button to stop the stopwatch.
4. PRESS the [-] button a second time to release and display the finish time of the second person.
5. PRESS the [-] button to clear and to reset the stopwatch.
Note: When the stopwatch sub mode is activated, the stopwatch will continue and remain in the background if the user is in other modes or sub modes. The user can identify the stopwatch is still activated by the flashing text “stopwatch” in Field 3.
In the TIME mode, PRESS the [Select] button three times to enter this sub mode. In the countdown timer sub mode (Fig. 12):
• Field 1 displays the seconds,
• Field 2 displays the current time, and
• Field 3 displays the hour and minutes and to the bottom far right the text “timer”.
3.4.1 How to Set the Countdown Timer
1. PRESS the [Select] button and hold in for 2 seconds. Located in Field 1, the seconds will begin to flash.
2. PRESS the [+] button to scroll the seconds upward or PRESS the [-] button to scroll the seconds downward.
3. At the seconds desired, PRESS the [Select] button to move to the next setting. Located on right of Field 3, the minutes will begin to flash.
4. PRESS the [+] button to scroll the minutes upward or PRESS the [-] button to scroll the minutes downward.
5. At the minutes desired, PRESS the [Select] button to move to the next setting. Located in the center of Field 3, the hour will begin to flash.
6. PRESS the [+] button to scroll the hour upward or PRESS the [-] button to scroll the hour downward.
7. At the hour desired, PRESS the [Mode] button to accept the changes and exit the set up program.
The countdown timer setup is complete.
3.4.2 How to Start the Countdown Timer
To start the countdown timer:
1. PRESS the [+] button to start, stop, and restart the timer.
2. PRESS the [-] button to reset the timer to zero once the timer has stopped.
Note: When the countdown timer is activated, the countdown timer will continue and remain in the background if the user is in other modes or sub modes. The user can identify the countdown timer still activated by the flashing text “timer” in Field 3.
In the TIME mode, PRESS the [Select] button four times to enter this sub mode. In the dual time sub mode (Fig. 13):
• Field 1 displays “dUA” indicating “dual time”,
• Field 2 displays the current time, and
• Field 3 displays the dual time (e.g. your home time). The user can display the seconds while in this sub mode by pressing the [+] button, in Field 3 the seconds will appear
for 10 seconds. Afterwards the display returns to showing the dual time.
3.5.1 Setting the Dual Time Function
In the dual time sub mode:
1. PRESS the [Select] button and hold in for 2 seconds. Located in Field 3, the hours will begin to flash.
2. PRESS the [+] button to scroll the hours upward or PRESS the [-] button to scroll the hours downward.
3. At the hour desired, PRESS the [Select] button to move to the next setting. Located in Field 3 to the right of the hour value, the minutes will begin to flash.
4. PRESS the [+] button to scroll the minutes upward or PRESS the [-] button to scroll the minutes downward.
5. At the minutes desired, PRESS the [Mode] button to accept the changes and exit the setup program.
The dual time setup is complete.
The dual time stays the same, even though the time in the main time mode is adjusted. For example, if you set the dual time to show your home time, your home time will always be displayed in this sub mode even though you travel to a different time zone and adjust the time in the main time mode.
Note: The dual time sub mode is completely independent and does not effect the alarms or the memory functions. These are dependent on the current local time.
The Barometer mode provides the user with:
• an adjustable unit of measure mbar or inHg; mbar range 300 to 1 100 mbar, inHg range 8.90 to 32.40;
• a resolution of 1 mbar or 0.05 inHg;
• a one hour interval measuring to estimate barometric trend;
· a difference measurement function;
• an automatic 4-day memory of atmospheric pressure for the last 6 hours in 1-hour intervals, thereafter, in 6-hour intervals;
• temperature compensation (temperature does not effect the pressure within the specified temperature range)
• a temperature range -20° to 60°C or -5° to 140°F; and
• a temperature resolution of 1° C or F.
Note: Body heat will effect temperature when the Wristop Computer is worn on the wrist. To achieve an accurate reading remove the Wristop Computer from the wrist and allow at least 15 minutes before reading the temperature.
If you’ve been in the barometer mode for more than 15 minutes with no rate of vertical movement, you should allow 1 hour for the Wristop Computer to adjust the temperature. To acquire a quicker up-date of the temperature, press the [Mode] button 4 times to re-enter the mode.
To view and use the Barometer mode: Check the Mode Indicator Bar. If the mode arrow is not on BARO, PRESS the [Mode] button until the arrow is directly
below BARO on the bar.
In the Barometer mode (Fig. 14):
• Field 1 displays the current temperature.
• Field 2 displays the current absolute atmospheric pressure.
• Field 3 displays the current time.
• The Outer Circumference graphically displays the atmospheric pressure over 100 millibars or 1 inHg where one complete circle is equivalent to 100 mbar/1 inHg, depending on the unit of measure chosen.
Note: The absolute pressure is the actual pressure in any location at any given time. Where as, sea level pressure is the corresponding pressure at sea level.
In the Barometer mode, PRESS the [Select] button once to enter this sub mode. In the Pressure Difference Measurement sub mode (Fig. 15):
• Field 1 displays the change in temperature.
• Field 2 displays the change in atmospheric pressure.
• Field 3 displays the current time; to the left of the time is the text “differ”.
• The Outer Circumference graphically displays the change in pressure where one full circle equals 100 mbars or 1 inHg.
This sub mode does continue in the background and allows the user to move to other modes and at the user’s convenience can return to this sub mode to show the current reading.
4.1.1 How to Start the Pressure Difference Measurement
1. PRESS the [Select] button and hold in for 2 seconds. Located in Field 1 is the text “SET”; located in Field 2, zero will begin to flash (Fig. 16).
2. PRESS the [Mode] button to accept the flashing zero and start the difference measurement.
If the user does not desire to begin the difference measurement, PRESS either the [+] or the [-] button to toggle to the current barometric pressure reading, then PRESS the [Mode] button to exit the setup program.
Note: If the user does not press any button for 1 minute in the setup mode, the display will automatically exit setup.
In the Barometer mode, PRESS the [Select] button twice to enter this sub mode. This sub mode allows the user to follow changes in pressure that will assist forecasting changes in weather condition (i.e. storms).
In the 4-day memory sub mode (Fig. 17):
• Field 1 displays the day of the week the user is in;
• Field 2 displays the atmospheric pressure; and
• Field 3 displays the time and to the left the text “memory”.
• The Outer Circumference graphically displays the atmospheric pressure where one full circle equals 100 mbars or 1 inHg.
To view the information compiled in the 4-day memory:
• PRESS the [-] button to scroll back down in increments of one hour for the first six hours, after that increments are 6 hours.
• PRESS the [+] button to scroll back up.
Note: Replacing the battery will not erase this information.
Sea level pressure is pressure relative to sea level where as the pressure read in the main barometric display is absolute pressure in the current location.
In the Barometer mode, PRESS the [Select] button three times to enter this sub mode. In the sea level pressure sub mode (Fig. 18):
• Field 1 displays the text “SEA”;
• Field 2 displays the current sea level pressure; and
• Field 3 displays the current time.
4.3.1 Setting the Sea Level Pressure
To set the sea level pressure you have two choices either give the current sea level pressure or give the exact altitude of the location (e.g. lake).
1. PRESS the [Select] button and hold in for 2 seconds. Located in Field 2, the current sea level pressure will begin to flash.
2. PRESS the [+] button to scroll the pressure upward or PRESS the [-] button to scroll the pressure downward.
3. At the desired pressure, PRESS the [Mode] button to accept the changes and return to the main mode or if you want use altitude to set the sea level pressure, PRESS the [Select] button. Located in the field 2 the current reference altitude will begin to flash.
4. PRESS the [+] button to scroll the altitude upward or PRESS the [-] button to scroll the altitude downward.
5. At the desired value, PRESS the [Mode] button to accept the changes and return to the main mode.
Note: Information on the current sea level pressure can be obtained through newspapers, local news and radio weather reports, the local airport facility or through the Internet under local weather. Information on the altitude can be found by utilizing a topographical map identifying the current location with the associated altitude marked.
If the user does not press any button for 1 minute in the setup mode, the display will automatically exit setup.
Located on the top left corner of the LCD display resides the Barometric Trend Indicator. This feature is always displayed in all main modes providing the user a continual quick reference to analyze upcoming weather conditions.
The Barometric trend is comprised of two lines forming an arrow. Each line represents a 3-hour period. The right line represents the last 3 hours. The left line represents 3 hours prior to the last 3 hours. The line can indicate 9 different patterns in the barometric trend.
Situation 6-3 hours ago Situation last 3 hours Dropped heavy (>2 mbars/3hours) Dropping heavy (>2 mbars/3hours) Dropped heavy (>2 mbars/3hours) Remaining stable
Dropped heavy (>2 mbars/3hours) Rising heavy (>2 mbars/3hours) Remained stable Dropping heavy (>2 mbars/3hours) Remained stable Remaining stable Remained stable Rising heavy (>2 mbars/3hours) Risen heavy (>2 mbars/3hours) Rising heavy (>2 mbars/3hours) Risen heavy (>2 mbars/3hours) Remaining stable Risen heavy (>2 mbars/3hours) Dropping heavy (>2 mbars/3hours)
Note: If the user remains at the same elevation, the barometric trend indicator can work as a weather forecasting tool.
The compass mode provides the user with:
• a cardinal or half cardinal point abbreviation;
• bearing degrees;
• a North-South arrow;
• a bearing track mode showing desired direction and actual bearing;
• a rotating bezel;
• a resolution of 1° for the bearing, ±5° for North-South direction; and
• a declination correction feature.
• start line function To view and use the Compass mode: Check the Mode Indicator Bar. If the mode arrow is not on COMP, PRESS the [Mode] button until the arrow is directly
below COMP on the bar. In the COMPASS mode (Fig. 19):
• Field 1 displays the cardinal or half-cardinal point.
• Field 2 displays the bearing in degrees.
• Field 3 displays the current time.
• The Outer Circumference graphically displays the North-South arrow where one-lit segment shows North and three­lit segments show South.
The compass display is active for 45 seconds at a time. After this, the compass enters “sleep” mode and an “---°” indicator appears in the field 2. Reactivate the compass by pressing the [-] button.
The Mariner provides a bubble level for the user to achieve a precise reading within ±3 degrees. The user centers the liquid bubble to ensure the Wristop Computer position is level and takes a reading.
Note: Compass readings should be performed away from objects possessing sources of magnetism. Avoid buildings, large metal objects, power lines, loudspeakers, electric motors etc.
Always take bearings in the open air, not inside tents, caves, or other shelters.
The user can select to change from the cardinal point mode to the bearing track mode and utilize the bearing lock feature in this mode for tracking purposes (Fig. 20).
In the compass main mode:
1. PRESS the [Select] button and hold in for 2 seconds. Located in Field 1, “OFF” will begin to flash and the field 2 shows the text “bEA” (bearing) (Fig. 21).
2. PRESS either the [+] or the [-] button to change the setting between “OFF” and “ON”.
3. At the selection desired, PRESS the [Select] button to move to the next setting. Located in Field 2, the actual bearing in degrees will begin to flash (Fig. 22).
4. Turn the Wristop Computer to the desired direction. Lock the bearing displayed by pressing the [-] button.
5. Adjust the locked bearing, if necessary by pressing the [Select] button and then adjusting the value with the [+] and [-] buttons.
6. At the desired bearing to track, PRESS the [Mode] button to accept the changes and exit the setup program.
Note: If the user does not press any button for 1 minute in the setup mode, the display will automatically exit setup.
The Wristop Computer allows the user to compensate the difference between true north and magnetic north. This process is accomplished by adjusting the declination, resulting in the user obtaining correct compass readings.
In the Compass mode, PRESS the [Select] button once to enter this sub mode. In the Declination Adjustment sub mode (Fig. 23):
• Field 1 displays the declination direction “OFF” where OFF = no declination; W = West; E = East.
• Field 2 displays declination in degrees.
• Field 3 displays the text “dEC”.
5.2.1 Setting the Local Declination
1. PRESS the [Select] button and hold in for 2 seconds. Located in Field 1, “OFF” will begin to flash.
2. PRESS either the [+] or the [-] button to change the declination direction in Field 1.
3. At the direction desired, PRESS the [Select] button to move to the next setting. Located in Field 2, the degrees will begin to flash.
4. PRESS the [+] button to scroll the degrees upward or PRESS the [-] button to scroll the degrees downward.
5. At the degrees desired, PRESS the [Mode] button to accept the changes and exit the setup program.
Note: If the user does not press any button for 1 minute in the setup mode, the display will automatically exit setup.
Local Declination is now set.
A compass calibration should be done when the Wristop Computer is subject to close proximity of magnetic sources, extreme cold weather, every time the battery is replaced or suspected that other environmental conditions have effected the compass readings.
Note: We also recommend calibrating the compass before using the compass the first time and every time leaving for a hike where the compass will be used.
To begin the calibration:
1. PRESS the [Select] button twice when in the main compass mode. Field 1 displays the text “CMP”. Field 3 displays the text “CAL” (Fig. 24).
2. PRESS the [Select] button and hold in for 2 seconds. Located in Field 2, the text “PUSH” will begin to flash (Fig. 25).
3. PRESS the [-] button to start calibration.
4. In Field 2, 360° appears and the Outer Circumference displays all segments lit (Fig. 26). When this occurs, hold the Wristop Computer level and start to slowly turn the device around a full circle in a level position. The direction of turning does not matter. The lit segments will be turned off as the turning proceeds. When the first full circle is completed, the instrument will inform the user within one minute of whether the calibration was successful displaying the text “dOnE” in Field 2 (Fig. 27) or if the process needs to be repeated displaying “PUSH” and “-” in Field 2.
Note: The user may need to perform the rotating of the compass more than twice around for the calibration to be completed. Note: If the text “FAIL” appears in Field 2 (Fig. 28), the battery should be removed and put back in before trying to proceed
with the calibration process. The removal of the battery will “reset” the unit.
5. Once the calibration is successful, PRESS the [Mode] button to accept the process and exit the calibration mode.
Note: It is important to hold the Wristop Computer level during the calibration process to ensure accuracy.
The compass calibration is complete.
The – / + marks on both sides of the display will help determine the favored end of the start line in a race. To use the the function:
1. Align the wristop with the wind direction.
2. Press [BEARING / –] button to lock the bearing.
3. Align the NORTH on the bezel with the NORTH arrow on the compass.
4. Steer along the start line and memorize the heading.
5. You are steering towards the favored end of the line if the corresponding heading reading on the bezel appears on the upper part of the display (between the + marks). If the corresponding heading appears on the lower part of the display (between – marks) you are steering away from the favored end.
6.1.1 Is the Wristop Computer waterproof?
Yes, it is waterproof to a depth of 30 meters (100 ft). Rain and other normal exposure to water will not effect its operation. You can swim wearing your Wristop Computer. However, the Wristop Computer is NOT a diving device.
6.1.2 How long will the battery last?
All users employ the product in different ways. Battery life depends mainly on how much the backlight and the compass are used. The low-battery warning symbol appears on the display when 5 to 15 percent of battery capacity remains. This should give the user plenty of time to safely change the battery.
6.1.3 What do the segments on the circumference mean?
In the Barometer mode, one full circle equals 100 mbar or 1 inHg, and the segments indicate the pressure over a full hundred mbar or over a full inHg. When using the difference measurement function of the barometer, the segments indicate the change in atmospheric pressure either to the right if the pressure has risen or to the left if the pressure has dropped.
In the main Compass mode, the segments indicate the North, i.e. the one segment indicates North and the three segments point South. If you have set the compass to track a certain bearing, the segments on the circumference indicate the difference between the direction in which you want to go and your actual bearing.
6.1.4 Why do the segments on the circumference go to the left (counterclockwise)?
Normally, they always go to the right (clockwise) from the 12-noon position. You are in the difference measurement mode and your unit is showing a decreasing value. In normal mode, the segment
display increases clockwise, but if you are in a mode that shows you differences, all decreasing values go counterclockwise from the center position, and all increasing values go clockwise. So, it is “minus” to the left (counterclockwise), and “plus” to the right (clockwise).
6.1.5 Why is there a symbol above the Mode Indicator Bar and
what does it mean?
The symbol indicates that one, two, or three daily alarms are activated.
6.2 TIME
6.2.1 Why do the segments on the circumference increase and
decrease when I am in the Time mode?
The main function of the segments is related to the Compass mode, where a division into 36 segments is necessary due to the 360-degree scale of a compass. In the Time mode, the segments show the advancement of seconds. Because the number of seconds differs from the number of degrees, it is impossible for the segments to be consecutively lit up; they now light up or extinguish, thereby marking the passing of every second.
6.2.2 What is the longest time I can set in the timer?
The maximum range of the countdown timer is 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds.
6.3.1 What is the little box on the top left of the display?
It is the barometric trend indicator that shows the general direction of weather changes. The display is based on barometer measurements for the last 6 hours.
6.3.2 Does the Wristop Computer show future trends in weather
No, the Wristop Computer continually accumulates data on barometric pressure existent within a 3 to 6 hour window and displays general barometric trends in weather based on the accumulated data.
6.3.3 What does “absolute pressure” and “relative pressure” mean?
Absolute pressure is the actual pressure in any location at any given time. Relative pressure on the other hand equals the corresponding pressure at sea level for a certain altitude that you are at. For example, if you are at an altitude of 1,000 m/3,300 ft the absolute pressure normally is around 900 mbar/26.60 inHg. The relative pressure at sea level would then be around 1,013 mbar/29.90 inHg.
6.3.4 Is the Wristop Computer temperature compensated?
Yes, the Wristop Computer is temperature compensated, which means that for the temperature range specified (-5 to +140°F/-20 to +60°C), the instrument will show accurate pressure. Within this range, the temperature has no effect on the atmospheric pressure reading.
Temperature compensation does not, however, mean that the temperature reading isn’t at all effected by body heat. Body heat will affect the temperature reading, and to get the correct temperature reading of the environment remember to take the Wristop Computer off your wrist and wait about 15 minutes for it to stabilize and show the correct temperature of the surroundings.
6.4.1 What is the purpose of the rotating outer bezel?
The purpose of the rotating bezel is that people can use the instrument as a regular base plate compass if they want to, and use the bezel to e.g. indicate North when in the bearing tracking mode or leaving the compass display for another mode. The bezel is also used for determing the favored end of the start line in a race. (for more information, see chapter 5 Compass mode)
6.4.2 Where do I find the correct declination for my area so I can set my Wristop Computer?
Local declination, either E or W, is usually marked on maps with either one-degree or half-degree accuracy.
dEF - default factory setting of pressure sensor, corresponds to standard (1013 mbar or 29,90 inHg) air pressure
at sea level SNR - sensor (used in pressure sensor calibration) bEG - begin dUR - duration
dUA - dual time SPL - split time CMP - compass bEA - bearing CAL - calibration dEC - declination
Battery Replacement Kit (including battery, battery lid and o-ring) Watch Straps in plastic (Regatta/Mariner) or leather (Yachtsman) Extension strap in plastic Bezel (Available only in Suunto Oy during maintenance) Suunto Oy provides moderate-priced Wristop Computer service to its customers. Batteries are usually available in sport
and watch shops etc.
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