The SurgeX® SEQ an d SEQ-1U are 120V/20 Amp three-bank AC power sequencers incorporating SurgeX® Advanced
Series Mode
Federal Commercial Item Description for Endurance.
Bank C (which is next to the two always-on receptacles on the rear panel) can itself be configured to be always on,
increasing the number of always-on receptacles.
SurgeX ICE
inrush currents from large loads such as amplifiers. With SurgeX ICE
account when designing the AC power for a system, and special time -delay ci rcuit breakers are not required: you only
need to ensure that the steady-state currents of all products plugged into the SEQ are within the 20 Amp rating.
The front panel houses a two-line back-lit LCD display which provides status information in normal use and allows
interaction with menu items during programming. Also on the front panel are two screwdriver-accessible rotary enc oders
which are used to step through and select from a menu of items which determine the operation of the unit. The push
button, when pressed, causes the unit to power up or power down. This button can be disabled if not required. The LED
above the button indicates the status of the unit. When the LED is off the unit is fully powered down; when it is on the unit
is fully powered up; when it is flashing the unit is in the process of powering up or down.
A built-in AC voltmeter indicates the line voltage on the LCD display. The internal voltmeter is a peak reading type which
was chosen because most electronic equipment incorporates a power supply that charges mostly during the AC peaks.
Monitoring the peak of the AC provides a more useful indication of the real voltage available to the electronic equipment
plugged into the SEQ.
The SEQ is microprocessor controlled and designed to be versatile and expandable. Two or more SEQs can be connected
together to provide control and power conditioning for larger systems. The SEQ can also control other SurgeX products
with its auxiliary relay contacts and/or its 12V dc output. All options are set via the front panel and all connections are
made at the rear panel. An optional password of up to six letters may be specified, preventing unauthorized access to s etup information. All set-up information is stored in non-volatile memory.
A plug-in Phoenix terminal block on the rear panel accommodates the remote control connections and also the low-voltage
outputs. There are three inputs which control sequencing; one programmable 12V dc output; and one programmable
auxiliary relay providing normally-open contacts. The inputs can be controlled by an applied DC voltage from 5V to 30V, by
a contact closure, or by different types of switch; the input selection being made during programming. The inputs and 12V
output are designed to withstand incorrect connections including polarity reversal and shorts.
Software Version 2.0
power conditioning and surge protection. The surge protection is rated A-1-1, the highest standard of the
Inrush Current Elimination circuitry is incorporated into the SEQ. This eliminates problems associated with
• Unsurpassed SurgeX® Advanced Series Mode® surge elimination
• SurgeX
• SurgeX
• All-time delays and functions easily programmed from the front panel
• Bank C can be configured as always on
• Accepts both DC voltage and contact closure control inputs
• Two or more units can be ganged or cascaded together for larger systems
• Programmable auxiliary relay output can be used to control other SurgeX
• Programmable 12 Volt DC output can be used to control other SurgeX
• Auxiliary relay or 12 Volt DC output can be programmed to provide confirmation feedback
• Built-in AC Voltmeter
• Separate over-ride input can be used to force unit off or force unit on
• Optional password can be used to prevent unauthorized access to set-up information
• Adjustable under-voltage and over-voltage shut-down
• Optional restore after power failure feature
3. Installation
The SEQ is designed to be installed in a 19 inch equipment rack and requires two units (2RU) of rack space. Use the four
thumbscrews (included) to secure the rack ears to the rack rails. These screws can be tightened by hand and do not
require tools.
The SEQ-1U is designed to be installed i n a 19 inch equipment rack and requires one unit (1RU) of rack space. Use the
eleven flathead screws (included) to secure the left and right rack ears to the product. Use the four thumbscrews
(included) to secure the rack ears to the rack rails.
Connect power to the unit by plugging the cord into a 120VAC, 20 Amp wall or floor receptacle. Do not plug the unit into a
re-locatable power tap.
3.1 120 Volt Connections
Software Version 2.0
Impedance Tolerant® EMI/RFI filtering
ICE® Inrush Current Elimination
products or drive LEDs
The SEQ has a total of 14 receptacles: three sequenced banks of four, and two always on.
The SEQ-1U has a total of 8 receptacles: three sequenced banks of two, and two always on. Each receptacle is
rated for a maximum load of 15 Amps but the total load must not exceed 20 Amps. Plug the equipment cords into
the receptacle banks as needed to turn on equipment in the required sequence. The “always on” receptacles
provide power as long as power is supplied to the SEQ. Bank “A” always powers up first and off last.
Remote connections are wired to the green 7-pin plug-in Phoenix termi nal block on the rear of the unit next to the
power cord. The terminal block itself is shipped in the accessory bag. After you have made the connections to the
terminal block, plug it into the connec tor on the rear of the unit. Never solder (tin) wires before inserting in a
terminal block – solder creeps and you will eventually have loose connections!
The connections are shown here:
3.2.1Up/Down Sequence Control Inputs
The SEQ can be controlled by a DC voltage in the range of 5V to 30V, by a contact closure (such as a
relay), or by a switch. In this manual the terms “momentary ” and “latching” are used when describing
switches. A momentary switc h is considered to be a switch which provides a connection only while it is
actually held pressed, and a latching switch is considered to be a switch which remains in either the on
or the off state (like a light switch). Momentary switches are preferred for use with the SEQ since
multiple control locations can be used, and also because some of the functions of the SEQ are not
available when a latching switch is used (see programming section). Switches with gold contacts are
recommended for the best long-term reliability. The type of input is selected totally through
programming, making the electrical connections straightforward. The six control options are discussed
a) DC VOLTAGE: The SEQ will power up when the voltage is present and power down when there is no
voltage. Connect the positive wire to the “Up” input, and the ground (or negative) wire to “Comm on”.
Program the input for “5-30 V DC”.
b) CONTACT CLOSURE: The SEQ will power up when the contacts are closed and power down when
the contacts are open. Connect the two wi res from the contacts to “Up” and “Common”. Program
the input for “Latching”.
c) MOMENTARYSWITCH(ES): The SEQ will power up when a switch is pressed once and power down
when a switch is pressed a second time. Connect the two wires from the switch(es) to “Up” and
“Common”. Program the input for “Momentary”.
d) SEPARATE UP &DOWN SWITCHES: The SEQ will power up when the UP switch is pressed and power
down when the DOWN switch is pressed. Connect the two wires from the UP switch to “Up” and
“Common”, and the two wires from the DOWN swi tch to “Down” and “Common”. Program the input
for “Separate Up & Down”.
e) CENTER-OFF SWITCH: The SEQ will power up when the switch is pressed to the UP position and
power down when the switch is pressed to the DOWN position. Connect the wire from the UP
terminal to “Up”, the wire from the DOWN terminal to “Down”, and the wire from the COMMON
terminal to “Common”. Program the input for “Separate Up & Down”.
f) LATCHING SWITCH: The SEQ will power up when the switch is closed and power down when the
switch is open. Connect the two wires from the switch to “Up” and “Common”. Program t he i np ut f or
Note: The front panel button will not operate with options a, b or f
The SEQ has the option of adding an over-ride func tion for purposes such as providing fire safety override to force the system either on or off. An over-ride is initiated by applying a dc voltage of 5-30V or by a
sustained contact closure. The selection of dc voltage or contact closure is accomplished during
programming. This topic is covered fully in the programming section.
Connect the over-ride signal to the “over-ride” i nput and “common”. In the case of a dc voltage, connect
the positive wire to “over-ride” and the negative wire to “common”.
3.2.3External LED Connections
The SEQ is able to drive external LEDs or other signaling devices through its 12V DC output which can
provide up to 40mA of c urrent. External LEDs connected in this way will mimic the LED on the front
panel. When connecting LEDs to the 12V output, a series resistor is required. For example, many LEDs
work well with 10mA of current, so a 1K resistor is usually a good choice. If more than one LED is
required, then use a separate series resistor for each LED. In this example, four external LEDs could be
powered at 10mA each from one SEQ. If more than four LEDs are required, it will be necessary to
increase the series resistor so that the total load is not more than 40mA.
Connect each LED anode to “12V DC output” through a resistor, and the cathodes to “Common”.
Program the 12V DC Output for “LED”. This causes LEDs connected to the SEQ to flash while the unit is
powering up or powering down in the same manner as the front panel LED.
3.2.4Confirmation Connection
The SEQ offers two ways to provide confirmation feedback to a central controll er: a 12V DC output and
isolated relay contacts. Confirmation tells the controller that the SEQ has indeed powered up or that it is
fully powered down. If the 12V DC output and the Aux Relay contacts are not used for any other
function, you will be free to choose whichever provides the best interface for the application. However, if
one of these outputs is used for another function you will have to use the one that is available.
To use the 12V DC output for confirmation, connect “12V DC output” to the positive input of the
controller and “Common” to ground. The output will be at 12V when all banks are powered up and will be
zero when all banks are powered down. Program 12V DC Output for “Confirm”. Note that the SEQ
common terminal is shared between the inputs and the 12V DC output. If you need relay contacts for
confirmation and you are using the Aux Relay for another function you can connect a small relay
between the 12V DC output and common. The relay coil current must not be more than 40mA, and you
must connect a diode such as a 1N4148 or 1N4002 across the relay coil (cathode to +12V dc) to
suppress the back-EMF from the coil. If you need assistance with this please contact our technical
support department.
To use the Auxiliary Relay contacts for confirmation, connect the contacts to the input of the controller.
The relay contacts will be closed when all
banks are powered up and open when all
banks are powered down. The default for menu
item “Aux Output” is “Confirm” so you do not
need to program this item unless you
previously changed it. The contacts are rated
for 30V DC at 1 Amp.