Su pp lie d ac ce ss ori es
Pop s creen --- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- -- ----- -- --- - S19
-5-4 -6
Low handl ing noise , bend an d set, min imized bo unce back gooseneck tube
has very g ood service tim e.
Easy to install with 3 scre ws to most surfac es. Pl ease re fer to the wiring
inform ation below.
Wind scree n
Knowing your microphone
Superl ux prov ides variety selecti on of microp hones for professiona ls an d
amature s. To know your microph one is the first s tep to success ful result.
Type of transducer
About Frequency Response
Sui table for wor king at c ontro lled enviro nmen t, o r fo r ac ousti c
mea sure ments . Al thou gh p eopl e pe rsui t fl atne ss, but f or n oneprofess ionals, it is a ch allenge to make s it works as expe ctation.
Based on years of practi cal exper ience of pro users. There are curves t o be
build fo r vari ous a pplication s, so th at it i s very s imple to use th e
microph one for the pu rpose. Limi ting bandwi dth, and emph asing are typ ical
Popular curve r esponse
Incorp orating switch able filters to ellim inates interf erence, such as subsonic filter to cut air-condition er and floor vibra tions. And a llows full f lat
when use d in controlled e nvironment.
Variabl e response
Super C ardioid dyn amic microph one feature s very high sensit ivity at 43dBV/ Pa f or high intelligibl e speech applicati on. Reduc ed off-ax is
sensit ivity to keep low er backg round no ise and maximized on-axis
sensit ivity for high est gain before f eedback in live s ound system.
User shall keep 15 cm to 40 cm from microphon e, and mainta in ave rage
speech level . Up close will resul t exc essive bass due to pro ximity effect
which in terfere inte lligibilit y. Mai ntain their speaki ng in f ront o f the
microph one for high gai n before feedba ck.
Qualit y conference microp hone incor porating b uilt-in li miter to p revent
distor tion due to exci ting user or clo se up speaker.
Choice s of goose neck for various de mands. For aestheti c, single or double
bend goosen ecks are b etter choice over fully bend des ign. Low ben ding
noise is anoth er i mportant feat ure o f go od g ooseneck microp hone. User
shall n ot bend the gooseneck to hard or ru sh which ma y generate excessive
noise wh ich disturbs t he audience.
In most cases, each at tendee has his own microph one o r sh are a
microph one every 2 att endee. A lthough there are numbers of micro phones
in one sp ace wh ich is not a go od cri terion for fe edback problem, system
operat or shall keep as less turn -on microp hone as possible for best result.
Auto-m ixer i s a good choice for multi ple mi crophones instal lation which
limit the numbe r of turn -on m icrophone at the one time. Advanc ed a uto
mixer features dynamic threshold and auto gain re duction a ccording to the
number o f turn-on micro phones to keep th e same system ga in.
Wind s creen is vital for windy en vironment such as o utdoor or close to aircondit ioning fan.
Keep caps ule and wind scre en clean for goo d audio perfor mance.
Dynami c mic rophone shall be kept in l ow hu midity environme nt fo r bes t
sound per formance. St ore the condense r microphones i n airconditio ned
room or dehum idifier to keep a way form moisture . Clean air is anoth er
import ant f actor. Keep awa y from smokin g envi ronment to av oid t ar
residua ls.
Using dynamic gooseneck microphone
Narrowe r t han cardioid pa ttern. Suita ble for multipl e microphone se tup.
Least sensi tive angle po inting toward s ide to rear where mo st stage monit ors
are locat ed. Same proxim ity effect as card ioid micropho ne.
Super Cardioid
Durabl e and simple structure, operates in all kinds o f environmen ts. A good
dynami c microphone is c apable to op erate at very h igh sound pres sure level
withou t distorti on. Due to st ructure lim it, dynamic s cannot be built as sma ll
as conde nser, but dynami cs doesn require p ower to operat e.
Dynami cs
Wi ri ng di ag ra m
PRA 538S/ PRA53 8M
Mic .
Uni t
Shi eld
Bla ck
Col d
PRA 538SS /PRA5 38MS
Mic .
Uni t
Bla ck
Shi eld
Col d
PRA 538MS /P
Whi te
Gre en
Bla ck
Mic .
Uni t
Shi eld
Col d