Product De
what time
In the cas
receiver 3
hour the
In case of
before the
In case of
rules) and
not able t
SOS button
When the
timeout p
for Wifi a
interval an
of GPS a
seconds b
PS will b
ns at regul
the Wifi as
both sourc
it will only
get a GPS
device is
y a “SOS”
riod it will
cess points
the local
s the locati
efore sendi
turned o
r intervals
location so
s are confi
ry the wifi l
N and if
essage. It
end a loca
If it finds,
location so
on source,
g the mes
1 minute
nd increase
urce, the d
ured, the
ocation sou
his button
ill also tur
ion messag
it send a l
rce. The l
the device
sage. If the
before. T
the probab
vice will sc
evice will t
rce if 5 sec
is pressed,
on the GP
. If it is no
cation me
cation sour
will turn o
time inter
is is done
ility to get
n for wifi
y to get a
nds before
it will trig
. If it is abl
able to ge
sage. If it
e can be
n or wake-
al is great
to keep t
GPS fix.
ccess point
PS fix (usi
the transm
er the de
e to get a f
t a fix it wil
annot get
PS, Wifi o
p the GP
r than 1 (?
e messag
s 5 second
g the sam
ssion it wa
ice to sen
x within th
try to sca
GPS or Wif
‐ Acceler
‐ Hall/Ma
‐ Temp e r
Geo fence
The devic
inside or
radius in
In order t
until there
The check
this case t
The device
it does no
will monit
utside the
eters. Ther
save po
. At the sp
is a fix or a
can also b
e check is
will keep i
send any
r the locat
circular fen
is a limit o
er, the cus
cified time
timeout is
one every
ion based
e. A circul
10 (TBD) c
omer can
the device
to be trig
ime the ac
e memory t
n the GPS
r fence is
ircular fenc
configure t
will wake-u
ered by th
he status of
receiver an
efined as a
e time int
the GPS
e accelero
r hall sens
the fences
check if t
GPS coor
rval betwe
eceiver an
eter or hal
rs are trigg
(if it is insid
e device i
inate and
n the GP
keep it o
sensors. I
e or outsid
while the
At power-
fix. This wil
evice is On.
p the devic
l be used t
will turn t
trigger the
e GPS on
fences stat
nd will set
s change t
he fences r
ference at
he first GP