User Manual
Suntech International Ltd.
ST3500 User Manual
1. Introduction
This document describes features, protocols and detail operation of ST3500.
If there is another operation description document for special buyer to customize or model and
the contents of the document is different with this, customizing document should be applied for
special buyer.
2. Overview
Device consists of WCDMA, GPS and event parts.
The main purpose of device reports getting GPS position and other informs of vehicle to server
Device can control or check connected lines and support additional functions.
2-1. Operation Mode
The device has 3 operation modes, driving, parking and emergency.
** Driving : Driving status when ignition is on.
** Parking : Parking status that starts if ignition is off during more than T1.
** Emergency : Once panic button is On or any other status as per designed.
The device sends emergency reports until A1 times or receiving server acknowledge.
2-2. Report
AVL reports GPS and some information at predefined interval, depending on the current modes.
Also, AVL sends some alerts, for example, movement at the parking condition, changing of
connected input line and so on.
Device distinguishes all reports with 6 types, Status report, emergency, event, alert, alive and
command response.
Device can store reports when reporting route (For example, WCDMA condition) is not successful.
Storage capacity is up to 2,000 status reports, 50 emergency reports, 50 alert reports (include
event reports) and 1500 bytes as command response. In case of status reports, oldest report is
erased and new report is buffered when the buffer is full and new status report enters (FIFO).
When reporting condition is recovered, device starts sending all buffered reports.
Also, this capacity can increase if it is needed.
Each type of reports has priority, and priority is as below.
Emergency Command Response Alert Status Report Alive (Lowest)
ST3500 User Manual
Emergency is the first to be sent after recovering WCDMA condition.
2-3. Setting Parameter
Parameters of device can be changed by WCDMA or SMS, and some control can be realized also
in the same way.
Detail protocols are described in Chapter 4.
2-4. Features
Key features are described here;
- Power Down
Device can process two steps of power-down, Sleep and Deep Sleep, for reducing power
consumption when the vehicle is parked.
- LED Indicator
LED indicates WCDMA and GPS states. It’s helpful to check error cause.
- Events
Device has 2 output lines, 3 input lines and ignition line.
- Update Firmware by Over The Air (FOTA)
When Firmware of device has some error or has to be changed for a new service to be
implemented, device can update internal ROM file by over the air (FOTA), remotely via WCDMA.
Customers do not need to visit every vehicle to download the new firmware.
Method of FOTA describes at “SunTech_OTA_UA_Protocol” document in detail.
- Parking Lock
Device can check whether the vehicle moves off the preset parking boundary or starts driving
without ignition on. In the case that it notes the unauthorized moving or driving, it sends
emergency report immediately.
- Over speed
Device can check speed of vehicle and send alert of over-speed to server.
- GPS Antenna Checking
Device can alert when GPS antenna is disconnected.
ST3500 User Manual
Protocol Version. This is fixed with “02”.
It’s applicable only for models that have external antenna.
- Main Power Checking
The device can recognize the main power and inform to server when main power line is
disconnected or main power drops below preset value.
It’s applicable only for battery model.
- Battery Error Alert
Device can alert about battery error related on charging.
It’s applicable only for battery model.
3. Protocol Construction
All command and reports are string and follows below format.
Every filed is distinguished by semi colon.
All report string from device is ended by ‘\r’ (0x0D).
Command message format (from server to device)
Device ID is unique number of each device that consists of 6digits.
If the command has invalid value or DEV_ID of the command that is sent by WCDMA or SMS is
not matched with DEV_ID of the unit.
Report message format (from device to server)
ST3500 User Manual
Software version that the device has.
WCDMA authentication
0 : PAP(‘NO’ in Synctrack)
1 : CHAP(‘YES’ in Synctrack)
A : Automatic WCDMA set.
In this case, parameters in APN, USER_ID and
USER_PWD field should be empty.
Password for WCDMA Access
Phone number what the device sends SMS report to.
This can be used for backup in the area that if WCDMA
condition is not good. Or, it can be used main report
method when IP and Port are empty.
4. Commands
When the device is received a command, it responds with response string and changes some
parameters or acts related operation.
4-1. Network Parameters Setting
● Definition : Set network parameters and PIN number.
ST3500 User Manual
For no use, it should be empty.
PIN Number to release PIN lock if it is enabled
[command] ST3500NTW;850000;02;0;internet;;;;8600;;;;
[response] ST3500NTW;Res;850000;010;0;internet;;;;8600;;;;
** If network does not require User ID and Password, these fields should be empty.
Automatic WCDMA Set
It the device is set to ‘Automatic WCDMA Set’, the device set WCDMA parameters automatically depending
on inserted SIM.
For example, if Airtel SIM is inserted, the device set AUTH to 0, APN to “”, USER_ID and
USER_PASS to empty.
And the device reports response string after adding real WCDMA parameters when automatic WCDMA set
is selected.
Interval for sending status report in parking mode
Range : 0 ~ 86400
If 0, report in parking will be sent only one time when
vehicle starts parking.
Interval for sending status report in driving mode
Range : 0 ~ 60000
4-2. Report Parameter Setting
● Definition : Set parameters related on report interval.
ST3500 User Manual
If 0, report in driving will be sent only one time when
vehicle starts driving.
Interval for sending status report in emergency mode
Range : 0 ~ 9999
If 0, emergency report will be sent only one time when
emergency state occurs.
Number of attempts for emergency report until the device
gets acknowledge from server
If 0, no emergency report will be sent.
Distance interval for sending status report.
Range : 0 ~ 60000 (60km)
If 0, status report related on moving distance is disabled.
If not 0, stats report is send when traveled distance
reaches predefined SND_DIST.
Interval for sending keep alive string
Interval for sending status report in parking mode
Interval for sending status report in driving mode
Report No in one SMS message
Report STT message if it’s greater than ANGLE_RPT.
0 : Disable
Range : 1 ~ 179
Set the type of reporting.
0: FIFO : First in First Out.
1: LIFO : Last In First Out.
[command] ST3500RPT;850000;02;180;120;60;3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
[response] ST3500RPT;Res;850000;010;180;120;60;3;0;0;0;0;0;0;0
** If report interval is set big number, network may disconnect WCDMA connection because WCDMA
communication is not progressed for a long time. So, unit may not receive command by WCDMA. T4 is for
protecting against this disconnection by sending short data with short term.
** Alive report can be sent only when the device has no data to send during T4 interval.
4-3. Event Parameter Setting
ST3500 User Manual
Delay for entering idle mode after ignition goes to off
Delay for entering active mode after ignition goes to on
0 = Falling Edge
1 = Rising Edge
2 = Both Edge (Falling & Rising)
3 = Panic Button
4 = Call1 Button
5 = Call 2 Button
6 = Reserved
7 = Anti-Theft Button
13 = Disable Immobilizer if it’s activated by jammer
Default = ‘3’.
Only the device that included voice option (audio circuit)
can be set to ‘Call1 Button’ or ‘Call2 Button’.
Input1 chattering time.
Range : 0 ~ 9999
Default = 3 sec.
If 0, input1 is not checked.
● Definition : Set parameter related event.
ST3500 User Manual
0 = GPIO
1 = immobilizer
2 = Immobilizer & Auto active
Auto active means immobilizer is activated
when the vehicle starts parking.
3 = Pulse
4 = LED Out for indicating call status. Refer 7-2-3.
5 = Buzzer
0 = Open when out1 is active
1 = GND when out1 is active
Pulse number when out1 type set to pulse.
Range : 0 ~ 9999
If pulse no is 9999, pulsing runs permanently.
Active time of pulse1
Range : 0 ~ 9999
It should be set with even number.
Inactive time of pulse1
Range : 0 ~ 9999
It should be set with even number.
It’s available when extra events support RS232.
0 = No use
1 = 4800bps
2 = 9600bps
3 = 19200bps
4 = 38400bps
5 = 115200bps
If the device does not support RS232, it should be 0.