Features and How to set parameters
Suntech International Ltd.
Operation Manual
Vehicle Information Device
Suntech International Ltd.
Features and How to set parameters
Suntech International Ltd.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2. Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 4
2-1. Parameter change ........................................................................................................................ 4
2-2. Features ....................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Device Pinout & Wiring Color Code .................................................................................................. 5
3-1. Device Pinout ............................................................................................................................... 5
3-2. Serial Connection Options .......................................................................................................... 5
3-2-1. Pigtail Cable Adapter for RS232 connection to Tablet ............................................................................... 5
3-2-3. BLE Connection Mode ................................................................................................................................ 5
3-3. Cable adapter for RS232 to Telematics Box .............................................................................. 6
3-4. Cable adapter for connection to vehicle .................................................................................... 6
3-4-1. J1939 Type I Cable ..................................................................................................................................... 6
3-4-2. J1939 Type II Cable .................................................................................................................................... 6
3-4-3. J1708 Cable ................................................................................................................................................ 6
4. Device Functionality .......................................................................................................................... 7
4-1. Indication with LED ................................................................ ..................................................... 7
4-1-1. Red LED for CAN Data ............................................................................................................................... 7
4-1-2. Blue LED for Bluetooth connection……………………………………………………………………………….7
4-2. Power Saving ............................................................................................................................... 7
5. Commands ......................................................................................................................................... 8
5-1. Version ......................................................................................................................................... 8
5-2. CAN Baud rate ............................................................................................................................. 8
5-3. Vehicle Protocol .......................................................................................................................... 8
6. Report ................................................................................................................................................. 9
7. Supported Accessories ..................................................................................................................... 9
Revisions ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Features and How to set parameters
Suntech International Ltd.
We, at Suntech, announce that this document and all other related products (i.e. device, firmware, and software)
have been developed by the company, Suntech International Ltd., which is hereinafter referred to as “Suntech”.
The information in this manual is believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of releasing. We, at Suntech, also
assume no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from the use of this manual, and expressly disclaim any
liability or damages for loss of data, loss of use, and property damage of any kind, direct, incidental or
consequential, in regard to or arising out of the performance or form of the materials presented herein or in any
software program(s) that may accompany this document. When this document is released, it is most compatible
with a specified firmware version. Now that the functionalities of the devices are being developed and improved
continuously from time to time by Suntech, any alteration on the protocol, the firmware functions, the hardware
specifications of the product is subject to change without prior notice.
We, at Suntech, notify that Suntech holds all parts of intellectual rights applicable in the copyright laws in all the
countries. The information contained in this document cannot be reproduced in any form without prior written
consent made by Suntech. Any software programs that might accompany this document can be used only in
accordance with any license agreement(s) between the purchaser and Suntech.
Our customers are required to be aware that connecting the wire inputs can be hazardous to both of the installer
and your vehicle’s electrical system(s) if not done by an experienced installer. This document assumes you are
aware of the inherent dangers of working in installing the device on the vehicle(s) and the machinery.
Document Amendments
When it comes to the firmware version column with specific firmware number, any amendment(s) on the comments
column should be made on this relevant firmware version (and the versions thereafter). Before applying any
changes made in this protocol, you are required to make sure that you have upgraded the firmware suitable for the
specified version.
Features and How to set parameters
Suntech International Ltd.
1. Introduction
The ST20B is an ELD device. It is designed to collect data through the vehicle diagnostic connector, and interact
with a connected tablet.
Please note that this Operation Manual is for the standard model. In case specific requirements are incorporated into
this Manual, such a manual applies only for the case.
2. Overview
Main function of device installed on a vehicle is to report vehicle data required for ELD.
2-1. Parameter change
Parameters which have already been set on the device can be changed via RS232 connected with PC if a user
needs to do so. Some controlling functions can also be implemented in the same way.
- 9600bps, No parity, 8bit Data, Stop bit 1
2-2. Features
Key features of the ST20B device are as follows:
- Power Saving Modes (Power Down Modes)
- LED Indicators
The LEDs indicate whether or not the CAN communication is available from the vehicle
- I/O Lines
Device has:
1 Output line
1 Input lines
1 Ignition Output line
o Ignition status is detected by the CAN data
- Upgrading Firmware
In case ‘firmware’ of the device has an (some) error(s) or needs to be upgraded to provide the user with newly
implemented services, the device can upgrade its internal ROM file by RS232 connection.
Over the air (OTA) updates will need to be handled by the device the ST20B is connected to, either a tablet
or telematics box.
RS232 baud rate is 115200 bps for upgrading firmware.