Sunstech EB-I3 4GB User Manual

Manual de usuario
Manuel de l'Utilisateur
Manual de utilizador
I. Preca ution s
As th is product is a preci sion el ectro nic produc t, please follow th e precauti ons bel ow in use :
1.Do n ot disa ssemb le your u nit wit hout pe rmiss ion. Conta ct your d ealer i f you have any ques tion.
2.Do n ot use it i n any ele ctrom agnetic en vironmen t.
3.Do n ot heav ily press or s queez e it when c arrying o r stori ng your unit .
4.St ay away from any humid e nvironment to p rotec t it agai nst water drop or s plash whe n carryin g or stor ing you r unit.
5.Do n ot clea n it with w ater or any ot her che mical a gent. Just u se a soft cloth to cle an its su rface.
6.Do n ot pres s its keys vio lentl y.
7.Do n ot expo se it to di rect su nligh t. Keep i t away fro m any high-t emper ature or low-te mpera ture env ironm ent.
8.Do n ot vibr ate or strik e it viol ently. P revent i t from fa lling d own.
9.Pl ease li mit the volu me to a mod erate level, as d octor s have warne d us that l ong exp osure to hig h volume wil l damag e our hea ring. Tur n down the vol ume or stop usi ng your u nit immedi ately w hen you get ti nnitu s.
10.Follow th e symbo l on your unit t o inser t the expansio n card li ghtly i n the correc t dir ectio n, in ord er not to dama ge the ca rd slot.
11.I t will get ho t when conne cted to t he comp uter for lon g. Please disco nnect it whe n not in us e.
12.D o not use i t in any ex treme ly hot, cold, dus ty, humid or dry envi ronment.
13.D o not dis conne ct it whe n your un it is for matting, uplo ading o r downl oadin g fil es, or the fil es coul d be corr upted.
14.T his produc t is subjec t to chan ge in per formance and f uncti on with out fur ther not ice.
15.P lease foll ow the corre ct file m anage ment st eps to save an d expor t files. We shall not b e liabl e for any file l oss cau sed by your impro per ope rations.
16.P lease d o disk de fragment ation to you r unit regul arly: con nect yo ur unit t o the com puter thro ugh the a ttach ed USB ca ble to do form atting (pl ease ba ckup th e data on yo ur unit b efore cl ear it by form attin g).
17.I t is normal t hat the m emory inform ation i ndicated o n your unit ma y be slig htly dif ferent from tha t displ ayed on the compu ter, as the sys tem fir mware an d the FAT in Flash m emory tak e a certain a mount of spa ce (sub ject to t he spec ific fi rmware ver sion an d Flash memory t ype).
18.T he viru s carri ed by the comp uter may des troy the fil es and fi rmware progra ms on yo ur unit, so pl ease st rengt hen the v irus preventi on.
19.We s hall no t be liab le for any dat a loss ca used by prod uct dam age, repai r or any oth er reas on.
20.P lease foll ow the op erating in struc tions in this Ma nual an d backup the imp ortant da ta in time.
21.D o not use y our uni t in any place w here the use o f elect ronic d evice s is not per mitte d.
22.N otes for cha rging: a)Your u nit is eq uippe d with a re charg eable L i-Poly mer bat tery. Plea se ensu re 8 hou rs of cha rging for the fir st seve ral tim es and en sure no power is le ft befo re cha rging, in order to extend the b atter y's service life. b)Even if t he battery has b een ful ly char ged, an addi tiona l 30 minu tes of ch arging is recomm ended for lo nger pl ay time. c)Do n ot repl ace the batt ery by yo ursel f. It must be re placed by professi onals w ith a bat tery of the same o r equiv alent t ype. d)Th e battery's se rvice life is su bject t o its ser vice conditi ons and p roduc tion ti me.
23.Tw o charging m ethod s: a)Conne ct your u nit (wh ether p owered on or o ff) to a compu ter throug h the USB cab le. b)Conne ct the unit to the p ower suppl y by the ch arger (ada pter) . c)It is no rmal th at your unit a nd its ch arger will g et hot in c harging. Not es: If yo ur unit i s powere d on, it wi ll auto e nter th e charging i ndica tion st ate (po wer-o ff chargin g state) whe n you connec t it to the charge r and lon g press the key for 3 se conds. The i nformati on in thi s Manua l may be sl ightly dif ferent from you r actua l unit du e to so ftwar e updat ing, but the b asic pr incip les and o perat ions are the s imila r. This p roduc t is not water proof. We shall reser ve the right to im prove th is prod uct, so i t is subj ect to chan ge in spe cific ation s and des ign withou t further n otice !
II. A ccesso ries
E-b ook Rea der 1 USB C able 1 Cha rger 1 Use r's Man ual 1 Not e: The access ories m ay vary w ith pro duct models.
III . Featur es
1.Protect vision: f licke r-free, zoomi ng in/o ut easi ly with out hur ting your e yes.
2.Sh arp ima ge in str ong lig ht: anti gla re in strong l ight (E -ink sc reen), ful l of outd oor rea ding fu n.
3.No r adiat ion: free of r adiation , safer a nd heal thier t han many oth er elec troni c devic es.
4.Ful l view an gle: hi gh-defi nitio n displ ay, view a ngle of n early 1 80°.
5.Ul tra-l ow power consum ption : intellig ent power ma nagem ent, su pportin g page tur ning fo r consecut ive 7,0 00 time s.
IV. Functi ons
1.Su pport mul tiple t ext for mats, incl uding TXT, PDF, EPUB, HTM /HTML , FB2, etc.
2.Su pport MP3 , WMA an d other m usic fo rmats, provid e built -in spe aker.
3.Provide 6. 0-inc h E-ink s creen , no reflect ion.
4.Provide ca rd slot.
(No te: Now there are vari ous typ es of mem ory cards of dif ferent c apaci ties, ple ase pay attenti on to their compa tibil ity. The unit has bee n proved t o be com patible al so with t he Clas s Micro S D HC.)
5.You ca n liste n to musi c while read ing E-b ooks, a nd use bo okmar ks
6.Provide US B 2.0 por t.
V. Func tiona l Diagr am:
1 2 4 5 633
7 8
Exp lanat ions for Keys :
9 10 11 12
1. : zo om in/o ut the im age whe n you read a tex t;
2.M : When you are readi ng a book o r looki ng at a pic ture if y ou press the k nob "M", it ca n acces s a subme nu with d ifferent opti ons.
3. Di recti on keys : in musi c playing: u p key: incr ease volum e; down k ey: decrease vol ume; le ft key: press it t o play th e previous s ong, or long p ress it to rewind ; right key : press it to play t he next s ong, or long p ress it to fas t forwa rd; in te xt read ing: pag e up/do wn.
4. OK /ENTE R.
5. :P lease i t to return to t he musi c inter face, p ress it agai n to the cu rrent inte rface.
6. : sw itch be tween p ortrait mode ( vertica l) and lands cape mo de (hor izont al) in tex t readi ng.
7. Pow er key: sli de it to “ ” to tur n on/of f your un it abou t 5 seconds la ter.
8. Lock ke y: slide th e power key to “ ” to lock the ke yboar d, and slide i t to the mi ddle pos ition t o unloc k the key board.
9. Ea rphon e jack.
10. TF c ard slo t: to expand t he capa city.
11. U SB port: co nnect y our uni t to the compu ter throug h the USB p ort and USB c able.
12. R ESET key: press th is key to rese t it when your u nit has n o respo nse for long.
VI. B asic Op erati ons
1.Pow er On Sli de the po wer key to “ ” to turn o n/off y our uni t about 5 s econds lat er.
2.Vol ume Con trol Press th e up/down ke y to increas e/dec rease the vo lume in m usic pl aying.
3.Fas t Forward & Re wind Long pre ss the le ft/ri ght key t o rewind/f ast for ward in m usic pl aying
4.Previ ous/N ext Press th e left/ right k ey to swi tch to the previo us/ne xt file in music p layin g or phot o vie wing.
5.Conne ction to Compu ter and Fi le Transfer Connec t your un it to a com puter t hrough the U SB cabl e to act as a r emovable d isk (US B flash d isk) th at supp orts data tran sfer. Just di rectl y copy your favor ite text and mus ic file s to this p roduc t witho ut the he lp of any third-p arty a pplic ation .
6.Re set If yo ur unit h as no res ponse for lo ng, please l ong press RE SET and t hen res tart your uni t.
VII . Opera ting In struc tions
Turn o n your un it to enter th e main inter face, a nd then u se the di rection keys t o sel ect among H istor y Browse r, E-boo k, Musi c, Phot o, FM Radi o, System S ettin gs, Exp lorer ,Cal endar a nd User manu al.
7.1 H istor y Brows er Sel ect Histo ry Brows er at the m ain int erface an d press O K to enter it. Press the bac k key to ex it when n ecessary.
Not e: The histor y browse r list co ntain s the recent book s read.
7.2 E -book
1)En ter E-b ook. Sel ect E-boo k at the ma in interface a nd press OK to e nter it.
2)Se lect and read fi les. Press th e up/down ke y to sele ct a file a nd pres s OK to read it. Press the b ack key t o exi t and return t o the E-b ook lis t when ne cessa ry.
Rea d Files
You can p erform th e followin g opera tions w hen readin g a book:
1)Zoom in /out th e image .
2)Sw itch betwe en the la ndsca pe mode ( horiz ontal ) and por trait mode (ve rtical) .
3)Ju mp to your des ired pa ge.
4)In l andsc ape mod e (horizonta l), press th e left/ right /up/d own key t o page up /down.
5)In p ortrait m ode (ve rtical) , press the up /down/le ft/righ t key to page up /down .
6)Press O K to enter the f unction menu for te xt view ing.
7)Go t o page Press OK to sel ect Jum p Page, and yo u will se e the interfac e below. Press the up/ down ke y to select a numb er (up to the la st page n umber ) as the ta rget pa ge num ber and p ress OK to jum p to the ta rget page. Press the b ack key to exi t when nec essar y.
Ebook 04:23 26
Go to pag e
Save bo okmar k
Load bo okmar k
Delet e book mark
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8)Sa ve book marks Press OK to sel ect Sav e Bookm arks (s ave 5 bookmark s at most for a si ngle fi le), an d you w ill see t he popu p menu below. Pres s the bac k key to exit wh en nece ssary.
Ebook 04:23 26
1 Empty
2 Empty
3 Empty
4 Empty
5 Empty
9)Load bo okmarks Press OK to sel ect Loa d Bookmar ks, and you wi ll see th e inter face be low. Sel ect a boo kmark to load an d press O K. Press the b ack key to exi t when ne cessa ry.
Ebook 04:23 26
1 Empty
2 Empty
3 Empty
4 Empty
5 Empty
10)D elete B ookmark s
11)Zoom : M/L/X L/XXL
Not es:
1)If y ou pres s to zoom in or press t o enter the la ndsca pe mode ( horiz ontal ) whe n readi ng a DOC, HTM/ HTML, P DF or CHM f ile, th e system wil l displ ay a zoo med-i n page from to p to bottom wh en you page do wn. But t he tota l numbe r of pag es rema ins unc hanged.
2)If y ou pres s to zoom in or press t o enter the la ndsca pe mode ( horiz ontal ) whe n readi ng a PDF file, t he system ca n not dis play th e whole f ile at one vie w. Pleas e pre ss the di recti on keys to move the f ile or press O K to enter the c ut whit e edge mod e or auto t ypese t mode to read t he whol e file at o ne view.
3)As for a fi le of larger s ize, it will t ake mor e time to ente r it. Please b e patie nt and wai t.
4)As for a fi le with p hotos, it wi ll take m ore time to en ter it, page u p/dow n and jum p pag e. Please be p atien t and wait. (P lease n ote some pho tos may f ail to be disp layed if th e file is t oo large in si ze.)
5)For your convenien ce of readin g and man aging book s, plea se create a di rectory of 2 or 3 l evels to cla ssify t he book s. Do not u se too many chara cters o r speci al cha racte rs in any dire ctory nam e or book n ame, as the sy stem may fai l to recognize the se name s.
7.3 M usic
1) En ter Mus ic.
Sel ect Music at the m ain inter face and pre ss OK to enter it.
2) At t he musi c playing in terface: The re are Play Mus ic and Repe at One optio ns. Please p ress th e relevant keys t o per form thes e operatio ns. A. Pl ay Musi c: play the se lecte d music f ile and p ress (E nter) to stop pla ying. B. You can p ress and hol d “enter ” to select b etwee n:
1. Pl ay Mode Onl y once, Repe at one, R epeat all, S equen tial, R andom .
2.Se t EQ Nor mal, Ba ss, Pop, Rock , Class ic, Jaz z.
3) Press t he up/d own key to inc rease/de crease the v olume i n music p laying.
4) Press t he left /righ t key to sw itch to the previ ous/n ext song in musi c playi ng.
5) Long pr ess the l eft/r ight ke y to rewind/ fast forward i n music p laying.
6) Press t he play/pa use key t o play/pau se the cu rrent s ong in mu sic playin g. Not e: It is no rmal th at the pl ay time will b e refreshe d every 5 s econds at the
mus ic play ing interf ace so as t o reduce the s creen re fresh a nd power con sumpt ion.
7.4 P hotos
1)En ter Pho to Sel ect Photo at the m ain interfac e and press OK t o enter the ph oto lis t.
2)Se lect and vi ew photos. Press enter an d a sub-men u will ap pear:
- Browse m ode: Ma nual mo de and au to-mo de
- Flip tim e
7.5 R adio Antenn a: Plea se inse rt the earp hone as t he antenna a nd adju st its di recti on befo re enj oying t he FM radio function. Sel ect FM Ra dio at th e main in terface a nd press OK to e nter the aut o and man ual sea rch interfac e. Press Enter k ey and th e followin g optio ns will a ppear : Add chan nel, Ge t chann el, Del ete channe l, My favori te, Auto S earch . For Au to Search: p ress (E nter) to sel ect Aut o Searc h and press OK to aut o searc h cha nnels a nd disp lay the s ignal informa tion. For Manu al Search: p ress “Naviga tors ke y” to selec t Manual Se arch and press th e lef t/right key to a djust t he frequen cy; wh en a chan nel is found , the system w ill aut o recognize its s ignal ; press OK to enter i nto sub -menu a nd sele ct: Add Chan nel, Ge t Chann el, Del ete Channe l, My favori te, Auto S earch
7.6 S ystem sett ings
1) En ter Syst em Sett ings Sel ect Sys tem Set tings at the m ain inter face and pre ss OK to enter t he system set ting li st.
2) Syste m setti ng list The s ystem sett ing lis t contains t he foll owing opti ons: A) La nguag e: sele ct a lang uage fr om Engl ish, Sp anish , French a nd Port ugues e. B) Da te & Time: press the l eft/rig ht key to swit ch amon g the items li ke year, mont h, day, h our, minute a nd second an d press t he up/d own key to sel ect a val ue for ea ch ite m. C) Au to Off : set the t ime for a uto power off as yo u desire. D) Cl ear his tory : format the d isk of th is product. E) Re store to Fact ory Se tting s: make t he system resto re to the fact ory setti ngs. F) Syste m Infor matio n: indi cate the man ufacturer, product mode l, soft ware versi on and C PU.
7.7 E xplor er
7.8 C alend ar Sel ect Cal endar i n the mai n inter face and press O K to ente r it (the d irect ion keys can h elp you i n check ing the c alend ar).
XI. I nstru ctions on B atter y and Powe r Suppl y
11. 1 Durin g the cha rging p rocess, the ico n will ap pear on t he top right c orner. Whe n the cha rging is fin ished, thi s icon wi ll be aut o replaced by .
11. 2 In case o f low bat tery ( ), the s ystem will a sk you to charge th e produ ct in tim e.
11. 3 Pleas e ensure at le ast 8 con secut ive hours of p ower- off cha rging fo r the fir st tim e so as to op timize the b atter y perf orman ce.
11. 4 Pleas e ensure no po wer is left before charging a nd the produ ct is fully c harged dur ing the f irst th ree tim es. Subseq uentl y, it will t ake abo ut 2.5- 3 hours for a si ngle cha rging. But it wil l take mo re time for a power -on cha rging.
11. 5 Pleas e ensure a ful l disch arge an d full ch arge for this pro duct an d do mai ntena nce to the Li- polym er battery every thre e month s.
11. 6 When the char ging is f inish ed, please u nplug t he USB ca ble from thi s produ ct and t hen unp lug the c harge r from the power so cket. D o not ins ert the cha rger into the p ower socke t before connec ting it to this pr oduct .
11. 7 Pleas e fully c harge the ba ttery before putt ing it away for lon g and ens ure a dis charg e and cha rge every three mon ths.
11. 8 In case o f low bat tery, plea se charge it b efore usin g the produc t again. Whe n the p roduc t runs ou t of batt ery, pleas e charge it be fore conne cting i t to the com puter. Chargin g is require d in the followin g cases : A) The batt ery ico n indic ates no p ower. B) The s ystem is aut o off, and a uto off a gain qu ickly aft er bein g restarted. C) The keys have no respo nse. D) To ensu re the ch arging sta bilit y, please tr y to char ge this p roduc t with th e help of th e stand ard cha rger rather tha n the com puter.
1. The p roduc t fails t o be turn ed on. Ans wer: Conne ct it to th e charg er or to a compu ter to ch eck whe ther th e battery vol tage is too lo w. If so, charg e it and tr y again. If i t still f ails to b e turne d on, ple ase con tact ou r Customer S ervice De partmen t.
2. No s ound ca n be hear d from the ear phone. Ans wer: Ch eck whe ther th e volume is se t as “0”. If not , check w hethe r the ear phone is in serted prope rly.
3. The k eys have no respo nse. Ans wer: Ch eck whe ther th e keybo ard is locke d. If so, unlo ck it and t ry again.
4. The re is seriou s noise f rom the p roduc t. Ans wer: Ch eck whe ther th e earph one plu g is clea n and remove the di rt if any. Che ck whet her the c urrent mus ic file i s damag ed by pla ying an other f ile.
5. The p roduc t fails t o download f iles. Ans wer: Ch eck whe ther it i s properly c onnec ted to th e compu ter. Che ck whet her the re is space avail able in t he memo ry. Che ck whet her the U SB cabl e is dama ged.
6. Wha t if the produ ct is crashed? Ans wer: If t he prod uct is cr ashed i n opera tion, p lease p ress RESET and rest art the pro duct. To prev ent unexpe cted cr ash, pl ease do n ot pres s the keys sim ultan eousl y but one by on e. Cha rge the p roduc t immed iately whe n it runs o ut of power.
7. Why the se rvice tim e on a sing le charge is d ifferent f rom time to ti me? Ans wer: The L i-Poly mer bat tery's se rvice time may v ary with it s worki ng tem perature, environme nt and co nditi ons.
The b atter y's ser vice time m ay be reduce d under a n extre mely hi gh or low enviro nmental te mpera ture. Pl ease us e this pr oduct u nder no rmal te mpera tures! Mor eover, the batte ry's service tim e is also s ubjec t to the vo lume, oper ation fre quenc y and pow er on/o ff frequen cy.
XII I. Spec ifica tions
Ite m Sub -item Des cript ion
Int erface
Sto rage
Scr een
Int erface ty pe
Mul ti-th read
Med ia Cap acity
Cap acity e xpans ion
File system s uppor ted
Siz e
Ope ratio n mode
Mini USB
Sup ported
6.0 i nch
E-i nk
Key s
Mp3: MPEG1 /2/2. 5 Audio Layer 3 Bit r ate: 64Kbps~320 Kbps
Mus ic Format
Sam pling r ate: 8-48K Hz WMA ( WMA1.WM A2) Bit r ate: 64Kbps~320 kbps Sam pling r ate: 44.1 KH z
Text Fo rmat
Spe aker
Pho to
Bat tery
Lan guage
Work ing Tempe ratur e
Equ ipped
Format supp orted
Res oluti on supp orted
Audio pl ay time
Page t urnin g for E-b ook
Cha rging time
Spe cific ation
Lan guage a vailable
Bui lt-in s peake r
JPG , JPEG, B MP (24 bi ts), GI F (stat ic disp lay)
400 0*300 0
Lit hium ba ttery of 1800m Ah
7.5 h ours (a t volume lev el 15 in ea rphon e) 700 0 times
2.5 -3 hour s
5V, 1A
Eng lish, S panis h, Frenc h and Por tugue se
Not es for play time: "Pl ay time” men tione d in this M anual m eans th e play ti me unde r such condi tions a s accept able wo rking temper ature, volume l evel 15 in ear phone a nd MP3 bi t rate of 128 kbps. P lease u nders tand th at the ac tual pl ay time m ay slig htly diffe r from the abo ve play time a s affec ted by wor king envi ronment!
Warr anty condi tions
-The warr anty of t his pro duct is for 2 ye ars sin ce the pu rchase dat e.
-The warr anty wi ll excl ude breakd owns ca used by bad us e of the produ ct, wro ng ins talla tion or i nstal latio n in not de sirable pl aces for a pro per mainte nance o f the pro duct, r ips, up dates of the p roduc ts that a re not the sup plied b y the bra nd, pieces wore away for its us e or for not dom estic o r inapp ropri ate use. Also are exclude d bre akdowns ca used for man ipula tions o f the produc ts by peo ple or co mpani es ali en to our comp any.
-For any re quest r egarding t he warr anty te rms, the pur chase rece ipt mus t be att ached.
Correc t dispo sal of th is Prod uct
(Waste Ele ctrical & E lectr onic Eq uipme nt(W EEE) Your pr oduct is desig ned and m anufa cture d with hi gh qual ity mat erial s and compon ents wh ich can b e recyc led and reus ed. Thi s symbo l means t hat electric al and el ectro nic equ ipmen t, at the ir end- of-life shou ld be dis posed o f separate ly from your hou sehol d waste. Ple ase dis pose of t his equ ipmen t at your loca l communit y waste col lecti on/re cycli ng cent re. In th e Europ ean Uni on there are sepa rate colle ction system s for use d electri cal and e lectr onic produ cts. Pl ease he lp us to conse rve the e nvironme nt we live in!
I. Preca ucion es
Est e producto e s un prod ucto el ectró nico de p recis ión, po r lo que de be segu ir las pre cauci ones de uso in dicad as a cont inuac ión:
1.No d esmon te la uni dad sin perm iso. Si tien e algun a pregu nta póngas e en cont acto con s u distr ibuid or.
2.No u tilic e el aparato e n un entorno e lectromagn ético.
3.Cuand o lleve o g uarde la uni dad no la p resio ne ni la compr ima con m ucho pe so.
4.Cuand o lleve o g uarde la uni dad man ténga se alej ado de cualq uier en torno húm edo par a proteger la de got as o salp icadu ras de ag ua.
5.No l a limpi e con agu a ni ning ún otro agen te químico. Úni camente ut ilice u n paño sua ve para limp iar la su perfici e.
6.No p ulse la s tecla s con violen cia.
7.No l a expon ga directame nte a la luz sol ar. Manténg ala ale jada de c ualqu ier ent orno con una t emper atura alta o b aja.
8.No l a haga vi brar ni l e dé tirones v iolen tos. Evite que se c aiga.
9.Li mite el volu men a un ni vel mod erado, y a que los m édico s han advertid o que una exp osici ón larga a un vo lumen e levad o dañará nue stros o ídos. Baje e l volumen o dej e de usar l a unida d inmed iatam ente en caso d e que sie nta un zu mbido.
10.S iga el sí mbolo d e la unid ad para i ntroduci r la tarj eta de ex pansi ón lige ramente en la d irección c orrec ta para n o dañar l a ranura de la m isma.
11.S e calen tará cu ando se c onect e al ordenad or dura nte un rato largo. Des conéc tela cu ando no l a esté ut iliza ndo.
12.N o la util ice en un e ntorno extremad amente cal uroso, f río, polvo riento, húmed o o sec o.
13.N o desco necte l a unida d cuand o la esté form atean do, carg ando o de scarg ando arc hivos o cuan do los archi vos pue dan est ar daña dos.
14.E ste produc to está s ujeto a c ambio s de func ionam iento s in previo aviso.
15.S iga los p asos co rrect os de ges tión de a rchivos pa ra guardar y expo rtar arch ivos. No no s hacem os respons ables d e cualq uier archi vo que se p ierda debi do a un man ejo ina decua do de su pa rte.
16.R ealic e una des fragment ación d el disc o de la uni dad con regu larid ad: con ecte su un idad al o rdena dor median te el cab le USB ad junto para form atear ( haga copia s de se gurid ad de los d atos qu e guarde en la u nidad a ntes de limp iarla m edian te el for mateo).
17.E s norma l que la in forma ción de l a memor ia que se i ndica e n la unid ad pued a ser a lgo difere nte de la que se m uestr a en el ordena dor, ya que el fi rmware del
sis tema y la FAT de la m emoria flash o cupan u na cier ta cantid ad de esp acio (q ue dep ende de l a versión es pecíf ica del f irmwa re y del tipo de m emori a flash ).
18.E l virus d el orde nador pued e destr uir los a rchivos y lo s programa s del fir mware de la u nidad , por lo que deb e refor zar la prevenci ón de vir us.
19.N o nos hac emos respo nsabl es de cua lquie r pérdida de d atos qu e se deba a dañ os en el pr oduct o, repar ación o c ualqu ier otro mot ivo.
20.S iga las i nstru ccion es de fun ciona miento de es te Manu al y guarde co pias de seg urida d de los da tos imp ortantes a tie mpo.
21.N o utili ce su uni dad en un l ugar do nde no es tén per mitid os los di sposi tivos ele ctrón icos.
22.N otas so bre la ca rga: a)La u nidad e stá equ ipada c on una bater ía de pol ímero -liti o recar gable. Para pro longa r la vida d e la batería , asegú rese de c argar dura nte 8 horas la s prime ras veces y as egúre se de que n o queda e nergía antes de c argar. b)Aunqu e haya carga do comp letam ente la batería , se reco miend a una carga adi ciona l de 30 min utos pa ra una reproduc ción de m ayor duración . c)No s ustit uya la ba tería por sí m ismo. Debe s ustit uirla u n profesio nal por u na bat ería de l mismo t ipo o equ ivalente. d)La v ida de la b aterí a está su jeta a su s condicio nes de se rvicio y su t iempo d e pro ducción.
23.D os méto dos de ca rga: e)Conec te la unidad (en cendi da o apag ada) a un o rdenador m edian te el cab le USB. f )Conec te la unidad al su minis tro elé ctrico con el carga dor (ad aptad or). g)Es n ormal q ue la uni dad y el ca rgado r se cali enten al car garse. Not as: Si su u nidad e stá enc endid a, entrará a utomátic ament e en el est ado de ind icaci ón de car ga (est ado de ca rga apagad o) al con ectar la al car gador y p ulsar l a tec la durante 3 s egund os. La in forma ción de e ste manual p uede se r algo di ferente de su uni dad actual deb ido a la ac tualizació n del sof tware , pero los pri ncipi os y oper acion es bási cos son sim ilare s. Est e producto n o es resi stente al ag ua. Nos r eservamos el d erech o de mejo rar el produ cto, por lo qu e está su jeto a cambi os en la s espec ifica cione s y el dise ño sin previ o aviso.
II. A ccesor ios
Lec tor de li bros electrónico 1 Cab le USB 1 Cargad or 1 Man ual de us uario 1 Not a: Los acces orios p ueden vari ar depe ndien do de los m odelo s del pro ducto.
III . Carac terís ticas
1.Protege la v ista: s in centell eo, aumento/redu cción f ácil si n dañar l a vista . agen ní tida ba jo una lu z fuerte: a ntirrefl ejo baj o una luz f uerte (panta lla con tin ta elec tróni ca), di versión to tal leyend o en el exterior.
3.Si n radia cione s: libre de ra diaci ones, más se guro y má s sano qu e mucho s otros dis posit ivos el ectró nicos.
4.Án gulo de v isión c omple to: visual izaci ón de alt a defin ición , ángul o de visi ón de cas i 180 º.
5.Consu mo de ene rgía ul trabajo: g estió n intel igente de la e nergía, se p uede pa sar la pá gina ha sta 700 0 veces consecu tivas.
IV. Funcio nes
1.Compa tible c on múlt iples form atos de texto, in cluid o TXT, PDF, EPUB, HT M/HTM L, FB2 , etc.
2.Compa tible c on MP3, WM A y otros fo rmato s de músi ca, con a ltavoz incorp orado.
3.Pantalla d e tinta e lectrónica d e 6.0 pul gadas s in reflejo.
4.In cluye r anura p ara tarjet a.
(No ta: Hay vari os tipo s de tarj etas de m emori a de dist intas c apaci dades, preste ate nción a s u compat ibili dad). La unid ad ha sid o testa da para q ue sea com patible ta mbién con la s tarje tas de ti po Micr o SD HC.) .
5.Puede e scuch ar músi ca mien tras le e libros ele ctrón icos y ut iliza r marcapág inas
6.In cluye u n puerto US B 2.0.
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