Sun Microsystems,Inc. hasintellectual property rights relating to technologyembodied inthe product that is described inthis document. In
particular,and withoutlimitation, theseintellectual property rights mayinclude oneor more of theU.S. patentslisted at and oneor more additional patentsor pendingpatent applicationsin theU.S. andin othercountries.
This distributionmay includematerials developedby thirdparties.
Parts ofthe productmay bederived from Berkeley BSDsystems, licensedfrom the University of California. UNIX is a registeredtrademark in
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Sun, SunMicrosystems, theSun logo,Java, OpenSolaris,Sun Studio,Solaris andSun Bladeare trademarks or registered trademarksof Sun
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Intel isa trademarkor registered trademark ofIntel Corporationor itssubsidiaries inthe UnitedStates andother countries.The Adobelogo isa
registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated.
The OPENLOOK andSun(TM) GraphicalUser Interfacewas developedby SunMicrosystems, Inc.for itsusers andlicensees. Sun
acknowledges thepioneering effortsof Xerox in researching and developing the concept of visual or graphical user interfaces for the computer
industry. Sun holds a non-exclusive license from Xeroxto theXerox GraphicalUser Interface,which licensealso coversSun's licenseeswho
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Use ofany spareor replacement CPUs islimited torepair or one-for-one replacement ofCPUs inproducts exported in compliance with U.S.
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Cette distributionpeut comprendre des composantsdéveloppés pardes tierces parties.
Des partiesde ceproduit pourront être dérivées des systèmes Berkeley BSD licenciés par l'Université de Californie. UNIX est une marque
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Sun, SunMicrosystems, lelogo Sun,Java, OpenSolaris,Sun Studio,Solaris etSun Bladesont desmarques, ou des marques déposée de Sun
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Intel estune marqueou unemarque déposée de Intel Corporation, ou ses filiales, aux Etats-Unis, et dans d'autres pays. Le logo Adobe. est une
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L'interface d'utilisationgraphique OPENLOOK etSun(TM) aété développéepar SunMicrosystems, Inc.pour sesutilisateurs etlicenciés. Sun
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L'utilisation depieces detacheesou d'unitescentrales deremplacement estlimitee auxreparations ou a l'echange standard d'unites centrales
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1.Preparing to Install the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module1
About Your Server Module Shipment1
Server Module Specifications3
Physical Specifications3
Electrical Specifications3
Environmental Requirements4
Server Module Installation Task Checklist4
Commonly Used Terms5
2.Install Server Module Optional Components7
Locations of Server Module Optional Components8
Before You Begin10
Tools and Supplies Needed10
Removing or Installing Server Module Cover11
▼Remove Cover From Server11
▼Install Cover on Server11
Removing or Replacing Filler Panels12
▼Remove or Insert Filler Panels12
Server Module Optional Components Installation Procedures14
Adding Memory Modules14
Memory Module Installation Considerations15
DIMM and CPU Physical Layout15
DIMM Population Rules16
DIMM Rank Classification Labels17
▼Install DIMMs18
Adding a CPU Module19
▼Install the CPU20
Adding a CompactFlash Module22
▼Install CompactFlash Module22
Adding a RAID Expansion Module23
▼Install REM Option 4620A or 4607A24
▼Install Backup Battery for REM Option 4620A26
Adding a Fabric Expansion Module27
▼Install FEM27
Adding a Hard Disk Drive or Solid State Drive29
Internal System Software Designation for Drives29
▼Add a Drive30
3.Installing and Powering On the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module33
Installing the Server Module Into the Chassis34
Before You Begin34
▼Install Server Module Into a Powered-On Chassis35
Powering On the Server Module38
▼Verify Standby Power State on Server38
▼Apply Main Power to Server SP and Host39
▼Power Off the Server40
▼Troubleshoot Server Power States40
ivSun Blade X6270 Server Module Installation Guide • December 2009
Attaching Devices to the Server Using a Dongle Cable41
▼Attach Devices to Server Using the 3-Cable Dongle42
4.Setting Up ILOM45
IP Configuration Task Checklist46
Logging In to ILOM47
▼Log In to ILOM Using a Serial Connection47
▼Log In to ILOM From an Ethernet Connection Using the CLI48
Configuring an IP Address49
Configuring a DHCP Network49
▼Use DHCP for SP Network Configuration49
Configuring a Static Network50
▼Assign a Static IP Address to Server Module SP Using the CLI51
5.Configuring the Preinstalled
Solaris 10 Operating System53
Before You Begin54
Installation Worksheet54
Configure the Preinstalled Solaris 10 Operating System58
▼Configure the Preinstalled Solaris 10 OS58
▼(Optional) Redirect the Console Output to the Video Port60
Configuring X6270 Server Module RAID Drives61
RAID Drive Overview61
RAID Drive Options62
Mirroring the Preinstalled Solaris OS With LSI RAID63
▼Create a Mirror Image of the Preinstalled Solaris OS With LSI RAID63
Mirroring the Preinstalled Solaris OS with Sun StorageTek REM Card64
▼Create a Mirror Image of the Preinstalled Solaris OS64
Solaris 10 Operating System User Information66
Solaris 10 User Documentation66
Solaris 10 OS Training66
Using the Solaris Installation Program66
Sun Java Enterprise System67
Sun Studio 1167
Reinstalling the Solaris Operating System67
Download Solaris Operating System67
6.Configuring the Preinstalled
OpenSolaris Operating System69
Before You Begin70
Installation Worksheet70
Configuring the Preinstalled OpenSolaris Operating System74
▼Access the System Over the Network74
▼Access the System Locally75
▼Configure the Preinstalled OpenSolaris Operating System76
▼(Optional) Redirect the Console Output to the Video Port77
Modify the GRUB Menu to Autoboot (Optional)78
Getting Started on OpenSolaris79
Configuring Server RAID Drives80
RAID Drive Overview80
RAID Drive Options81
Mirroring the Preinstalled OpenSolaris OS With LSI RAID82
▼Create a Mirror Image of the Preinstalled OpenSolaris OS With LSI
Mirroring the Preinstalled OpenSolaris OS With Sun StorageTek HBA Card83
▼Create a Mirror Image of the Preinstalled OpenSolaris OS With Sun
StorageTek HBA Card83
OpenSolaris Operating System User Information85
Using the OpenSolaris Installation Program85
Reinstalling the OpenSolaris Operating System85
viSun Blade X6270 Server Module Installation Guide • December 2009
Download OpenSolaris Operating System86
viiiSun Blade X6270 Server Module Installation Guide • December 2009
This Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Installation Guide contains procedures for
installing the server module into a chassis, connecting to the service processor, and
configuring the preinstalled Solaris™ Operating System option or OpenSolaris
Operating System, if ordered.
Product Updates
For product updates that you can download for the Sun Blade™ X6270 Server
Module, please visit the following web site:
Find the Hardware Drivers section and click x64 Servers & Workstations. The Sun
Blade X6270 Server Module site contains updates for firmware and drivers, as well as
CD-ROM ISO images.
Related Documentation
The documents listed in the following table are available online at:
At that site, search for the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module.
TitleContentPart NumberFormat
Sun Blade X6270 Server
Module Product Notes
Sun Blade X6270 Server
Module Getting Started Guide
Sun Blade X6270 Server
Module Installation Guide
Sun Blade X6270 Server
Linux, VMware, and
Solaris Operating Systems
Late-breaking information
about the server module
Basic installation information
for setting up the server
Detailed installation
information for setting up the
server module
Installation instructions for
the Linux, VMware, and
Solaris operating systems
Print option
Installation Guide
Sun Blade X6270 Server
Module Windows Operating
System Installation Guide
Sun Installation Assistant for
Linux and Windows User’s
Sun Blade X6270 Server
Module Service Manual
x64 Servers Utilities Reference
Sun x64 Servers Diagnostics
Sun Integrated Lights Out
Manager 3.0 Documentation
Installation instructions for
the Windows Server
operating system
Instructions for using the Sun
Installation Assistant (SIA)
when installing a Windows or
Linux operating system
Information and procedures
for maintaining and
upgrading the server module
Information for using
applications and utilities
common to x64 servers and
server modules
Information about how to use
the diagnostic software tools
provided with x64 servers
These documents cover ILOM
features and tasks that are
common to servers and
server modules that support
ILOM 3.0.
xSun Blade X6270 Server Module Installation Guide • December 2009
TitleContentPart NumberFormat
Sun Integrated Lights Out
Manager 2.0 User’s Guide
Sun Integrated Lights Out
Manager (ILOM) Supplement
for Sun Blade X6270 Server
Important Safety Information
for Sun Hardware Systems
ILOM features and tasks that
are common to servers and
server modules that support
ILOM 2.0
ILOM information that is
specific to the server module
Multilingual hardware safety
and compliance information
for all Sun hardware systems
Translated versions of some of these documents are available at the web site
described above in French, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese. English documentation
is revised more frequently and might be more up-to-date than the translated
Documentation, Support, and Training
Sun FunctionURL
Sun Documentation
Typographic Conventions
AaBbCc123The names of commands, files,
AaBbCc123What you type, when contrasted
AaBbCc123Book titles, new words or terms,
* The settings on your browser might differ from these settings.
Edit your.login file.
and directories; on-screen
computer output
with on-screen computer output
words to be emphasized.
Replace command-line variables
with real names or values.
Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail.
Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide.
These are called class options.
Yo u must be superuser to do this.
To delete a file, type rm filename.
Using UNIX Commands
This document might not contain information about basic UNIX®commands and
procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring
devices. Refer to the following for this information:
■ Software documentation that you received with your system
■ Solaris Operating System documentation, which is at:
Sun Welcomes Your Comments
Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and
suggestions. You can submit your comments by going to:
Please include the title and part number of your document with your feedback:
Sun Blade™ X6270 Server Module Installation Guide, part number 820-6175-11
xiiSun Blade X6270 Server Module Installation Guide • December 2009
Preparing to Install the Sun Blade
X6270 Server Module
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ “About Your Server Module Shipment” on page 1
■ “Server Module Specifications” on page 3
■ “Server Module Installation Task Checklist” on page 4
■ “Commonly Used Terms” on page 5
About Your Server Module Shipment
Standard configurations for the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module are assembled at the
factory and shipped ready for installation in a Sun Blade 6000 or 6048 Series Chassis.
Optional server module components that you purchase independent of the standard
configuration are shipped separately and, in most cases, should be installed prior to
installing the server module into the chassis.
A summary of the standard configurations and optional components available for
the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module follows in
TABLE 1-1.
TABLE 1-1Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Configurations and Options
X6270 Server
Standard Server
Memory and
The following standard components are shipped on the Sun Blade X6270
Server Module:
• Service Processor (SP) – One SP per server. SP provides remote
keyboard, mouse, and video functionality, IPMI baseboard management
controller (BMC) functionality, and interfaces to the chassis monitoring
module (CMM). The SPs and CMM work together to form a complete
server module and chassis management system.
• Indicators and Buttons – The Sun Blade X6270 Server Module includes
standard service indicator LEDs and buttons.
• Flexible I/O Network Connectivity – Supported I/O network
connectivity can include these optional components: fabric expansion
module, chassis network express modules, and chassis PCI express
• Front Panel I/O Device Connection – The Sun Blade X6270 Server
Module front panel provides a universal connection port for attaching
devices directly to the server using a dongle cable.
Servers are typically ordered and shipped with preinstalled memory and
CPU configurations. Some of the preinstalled memory and CPU
assemblies offered (and shipped) for the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module
can include:
• 2 Xeon Quad-Core E5520 CPU – 2.26GHz, Turbo, 80W
• 4GB Memory – 2x 2GB DDR3 1066MHz DIMMs
• 2 Xeon Quad-Core E5540 CPU – 2.53GHz, Turbo, 80W
• 12GB Memory – 6 x 2GB DDR3 1066MHz DIMMs
• 2 Xeon Quad-Core X5570 CPU –2.93GHz, Turbo, 95W
• 24GB Memory – 6 x 4GB DDR3 1333MHz DIMMs
The following optional server module components can be ordered and
shipped separately:
• CPU assembly options
• DDR3 memory kits
• Compact flash option
• SATA and SAS storage drives
• Dongle cable option
• Fabric Expansion Module (FEM) options
• RAID Expansion Module (REM) options
• Operating system software
• Printed documentation - Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Installation
2Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Installation Guide • December 2009
Server Module Specifications
Physical Specifications
The Sun Blade X6270 Server Module is designed to be installed in a Sun Blade 6000
or 6048 Modular System chassis. For additional specifications regarding the Sun
Blade 6000 or 6048 Modular System, refer to the chassis documentation.
TABLE 1-2 gives the physical specifications for the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module.
TABLE 1-2Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Physical Specifications
Height12.87 inches327 mm
Width1.7 inches44 mm
Depth20.16 inches512 mm
Weight17 pounds7.71 kg
Electrical Specifications
The Sun Blade X6270 Server Module is 12.9 x 20.1 x 1.7 inches in a 1U form factor.
The server module connects to a Sun Blade Modular System, or chassis, which
provides 12V main power to each module, as well as cooling through fans. In
addition to the 12V main power, the chassis provides 3.3V AUX power to each
server module to power the local FRU ID EEPROM. This 3.3V AUX power enables
the chassis monitoring module (CMM) to query each server module slot prior to 12V
main power and 12V fan power application to validate that there is sufficient power
and cooling to support the server modules installed in the chassis.
Chapter 1 Preparing to Install the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module3
Environmental Requirements
TABLE 1-3 gives the environmental requirements for the Sun Blade X6270 Server
TABLE 1-3Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Environmental Requirements
Operating temperature5oCto35oC noncondensing
Operating humidity10% to 90% noncondensing (27
Nonoperating humidity93% noncondensing (38
Operating altitude3048 meters at 35
Nonoperating altitude12,000 meters
C max. wet bulb)
C max. wet bulb)
Server Module Installation Task
TABLE 1-4 summarizes an ordered list of tasks that you must perform to properly
install the server module into a Sun Blade 6000 or 6048 Series Modular System.
TABLE 1-4Installation Task Checklist
StepTask DescriptionFor Instructions, See:
1Unpack the Sun Blade X6270 Server
Module and any optional components
ordered for the server from the
shipping containers.
2If applicable, install the optional server
module components prior to installing
the server module into the chassis.
3Install the server module into a
powered-on Sun Blade 6000 or 6048
Series Chassis.
4Verify the power state of the server
module and apply main power to the
server module SP and host.
4Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Installation Guide • December 2009
• Chapter 1 “About Your Server
• Chapter 2 “Install Server Module
• Chapter 3 “Installing and Powering
• Chapter 3 “Installing and Powering
Module Shipment” on page 1
Optional Components” on page 7
On the Sun Blade X6270 Server
Module” on page 33
On the Sun Blade X6270 Server
Module” on page 33
TABLE 1-4Installation Task Checklist (Continued)
StepTask DescriptionFor Instructions, See:
5Connect a management station to
configure an IP address.
6If ordered, configure the factory-
installed Solaris Operating System or
OpenSolaris operating System image
shipped on the SAS or SATA storage
If applicable, install one of the
following operating systems:
• Red Hat Linux Enterprise 5
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
• Solaris 10 Operating System
• OpenSolaris Operating System
• VMWare
• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or
2008 Operating System
• Chapter 3 “Installing and Powering
On the Sun Blade X6270 Server
Module” on page 33
• Chapter 4 “Setting Up ILOM” on
page 45
• Chapter 5 “Configuring the
Preinstalled Solaris 10 Operating
System” on page 53
• Chapter 6 “Configuring the
Preinstalled OpenSolaris Operating
System” on page 69
• Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Linux,
VMware, Solaris, and OpenSolaris
Operating System Installation Guide
• Sun Blade X6270 Server Module
Windows Operating System Installation
Guide (820-6177)
Commonly Used Terms
The following table identifies some of the terms commonly used in this guide to
describe the installation process of a server module in a Sun Blade 6000 or 6048
Series Chassis.
Chapter 1 Preparing to Install the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module5
TABLE 1-5Commonly Used Terms
Server ModuleBlade server hardware.
ChassisSun Blade 6000 or 6048 Modular System hardware.
For additional information about these chassis systems, see the
documentation for Sun Blade 6000 or 6048 Series Chassis at:
CMMChassis monitoring module (CMM) hardware.
SPEmbedded service processor (SP) on server module and CMM.
ILOMSun Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) is the embedded management
software on the server module SP and CMM SP that enables you to
manage your system.
For additional information about ILOM, refer to Sun Integrated Lights Out
Manager 2.0 User’s Guide or the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager 3.0
Documentation Collection.
6Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Installation Guide • December 2009
Install Server Module Optional
This chapter describes how to install the following customer-installable options on
the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module:
• Memory modules• Fabric expansion module (FEM)
• CPU module• RAID expansion module (REM) and battery
• Compact Flash module• Hard disk or solid state storage drives
Caution – The installation procedures in this chapter assume that the server
module has not yet been installed and powered-on in the system chassis. For
information about replacing or adding options on a server module that is installed in
the system chassis and powered-on, see the service procedures in the Sun BladeX6270 Server Module Service Manual.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ “Locations of Server Module Optional Components” on page 8
■ “Before You Begin” on page 10
■ “Server Module Optional Components Installation Procedures” on page 14
Locations of Server Module Optional
FIGURE 2-1 shows the locations of the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module optional
components that are documented in this chapter.
FIGURE 2-1 Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Option Locations
Figure Legend Server Module Optional Componets
1Fabric expansion module (FEM)
2aRaid expansion module (REM)
2bREM battery
8Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Installation Guide • December 2009
Figure Legend Server Module Optional Componets
3Compact Flash module
The Compact Flash module is shown in FIGURE 2-1 under the REM.
The DIMMs in
Note - Processor chip contains memory controller. Do not attempt to populate DIMMs
sockets next to unpopulated (empty) CPU sockets.
4bDIMM filler panels
DIMM filler panels are shown populated in DIMM slots 0, 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7.
The DIMM filler panels should remain in unpopulated DIMM slots until the DIMM
filler panel can be replaced with a DIMM. Otherwise, you might experience a reduction
in system performance.
5CPU heatsinks (up to two CPUs can be installed)
The minimum CPU configuration shipped includes one CPU with a heatsink. An air
baffle is shipped to cover the empty CPU socket (not shown in
CPUs can be ordered.
In the example shown in
6Storage drives (hard disk drives or solid state drives) (up to 4 drives may be populated)
FIGURE 2-1 are shown populated in DIMM slots 2, 5, 8 for each CPU.
FIGURE 2-1). Additional
FIGURE 2-1, the CPUs are installed under the two heatsinks
Note – Server module options and their part numbers are subject to change over
time. For the most up-to-date list of components for the Sun Blade X6270 Server
Module, click on the X6270 Server Module product page at:
Chapter 2 Install Server Module Optional Components9
Before You Begin
This section describes common information and procedures that apply to the
installation of all server module options. Prior to installing a server module option,
you should consult these sections:
■ “Tools and Supplies Needed” on page 10
■ “Removing or Installing Server Module Cover” on page 11
■ “Removing or Replacing Filler Panels” on page 12
Tools and Supplies Needed
Prior to adding optional components to the server module, you should obtain the
following items:
■ Antistatic surface and wrist strap.
To prevent static damage whenever you are accessing any of the internal
components, you must:
■ Place static sensitive components on an antistatic surface. The following items
can be used as an antistatic surface:
■ The bag used to ship the component.
■ Sun Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) mat, Sun part number 250-1088
■ Use an antistatic wrist strap.
Attach the antistatic wrist strap to your wrist and ground the other end of the
strap to the system chassis (sheet metal). For additional information, see the
instructions that are shipped with the strap.
Caution – Internal modules and options are electronic components that are
extremely sensitive to static electricity. Ordinary amounts of static from your clothes
or work environment can destroy components.
■ Allen wrench (4mm) is required for CPU installation procedure.
■ No. 2 Phillips screwdriver is required for REM battery procedure.
10Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Installation Guide • December 2009
Removing or Installing Server Module Cover
As needed, consult the following procedures when removing or installing the server
module cover.
■ “Remove Cover From Server” on page 11
■ “Install Cover on Server” on page 11
▼ Remove Cover From Server
1. Press down on the cover release button and, using the indent for leverage, slide
the main cover toward the rear of the chassis approximately 0.5 inch (12 mm).
FIGURE 2-2 Removing the Main Cover
2. Grasp the cover by its rear edge and lift it straight up from the chassis.
▼ Install Cover on Server
1. Slide the cover under the tabs at the front of the server module.
2. Gently press down on the cover to engage it with the chassis.
3. When applicable, install the server in the chassis and power on the system.
For instructions, see “Powering On the Server Module” on page 38.
Chapter 2 Install Server Module Optional Components11
Removing or Replacing Filler Panels
Each server module arrives with module-replacement filler panels for CPUs, storage
drives, and memory modules. These filler panels are installed at the factory and
must remain in the server until you are ready to replace them with a purchased
A filler panel is a metal or plastic enclosure that does not contain any functioning
system hardware or cable connectors. These panels must remain in any unused
module slots (storage drives, DIMMs, servers, and CPUs) to ensure proper air flow
throughout the system. If you remove a filler panel and continue to operate your
system with an empty module slot, the operating performance for your system
could decline.
▼ Remove or Insert Filler Panels
To remove or insert server module filler panels follow the procedures in TABLE 2-1.
Server Module1. Locate the server module filler panel
to be removed from the chassis.
2. To unlatch the server module filler
panel from the chassis, press the
button on the release lever handle,
then lower the lever into the fully
open position.
3. To remove the filler panel from the
chassis, hold the release lever then
gently slide the filler panel toward
Memory Module 1. Locate the memory module filler panel
to be removed from the motherboard.
2. Simultaneously press down on both
ejector levers at the ends of the
memory module slot.
3. Lift the filler panel straight up to
remove it from the memory module
1. Locate the vacant server module slot in the
2. Ensure that the release lever is fully opened,
then align the filler panel with the vacant server
module slot.
3. Slide the filler panel into the vacant server
module slot.
As the release lever makes contact with the
chassis, the lever will start to rise.
4. Close the release lever until it locks the filler
panel in place.
1. Locate the vacant memory module slot on the
2. Ensure that ejector levers at both ends of the
memory module slot are in a fully opened
3. Align the memory module filler panel with
with the empty slot, then gently press the filler
panel into slot until both ejector levers close,
locking the filler panel in place.
12Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Installation Guide • December 2009
1. Locate the disk drive filler panel to be
removed from the server.
2. To unlatch the disk drive filler panel,
press the release lever button then tilt
the lever up into the fully opened
3. To remove the filler panel from the
slot, hold the opened release lever and
gently slide the filler panel toward
1. Use an Allen wrench (4mm) to loosen
the two mounting screws.
2. Gently pull up the air baffle to expose
the empty CPU socket.
1. Locate the vacant disk drive module slot in the
server, then ensure that the release lever on the
filler panel is fully opened.
2. Slide the filler panel into the vacant slot by
pressing the middle of the filler panel faceplate
with your thumb or finger.
The release lever will rise as it makes contact
with the chassis. Do not slide the filler panel in
all the way. Leave the filler panel out
approximately 0.25 to 0.50 inch (6 to 12 mm)
from the opening.
3. Using your thumb or finger, press on the
middle of the filler panel faceplate until the
release lever engages with the chassis.
4. Close the release lever until it clicks into place
and is flush with the front of the server.
1. Lower the air baffle over the CPU socket, and
align the holes for the mounting screws on the
2. Insert the two mounting screws, then use an
Allen wrench (4mm) to tighten the screws.
Note – For instructions for adding or replacing chassis component filler panels (for
example, network modules or chassis monitoring modules), consult the
documentation supplied with your chassis.
Chapter 2 Install Server Module Optional Components13
Server Module Optional Components
Installation Procedures
The Sun Blade X6270 Server Module is shipped with a standard configuration. The
optional components ordered for the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module are shipped
separately and can be installed by the customer, with the exception of the CPU
option. The CPU option should be installed by a qualified Sun service technician.
Caution – The server module options installation procedures in this chapter assume
that the server module has not yet been installed or powered-on in the system
chassis. For information about replacing or adding options on a server module that
is installed in the system chassis and powered-on, see the Sun Blade X6270 ServerModule Service Manual.
When installing server module optional components, refer to the following
■ “Adding Memory Modules” on page 14
■ “Adding a CPU Module” on page 19
■ “Adding a CompactFlash Module” on page 22
■ “Adding a RAID Expansion Module” on page 23
■ “Adding a Fabric Expansion Module” on page 27
■ “Adding a Hard Disk Drive or Solid State Drive” on page 29
Adding Memory Modules
The Sun Blade X6270 Server Modules are shipped with standard memory
configurations. If you ordered additional memory, a kit for the additional memory is
shipped separately.
Refer to the following information when adding memory modules to the X6270
Server Module:
■ “Memory Module Installation Considerations” on page 15
■ “DIMM and CPU Physical Layout” on page 15
■ “DIMM Population Rules” on page 16
■ “DIMM Rank Classification Labels” on page 17
■ “Install DIMMs” on page 18
14Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Installation Guide • December 2009
Memory Module Installation Considerations
The Sun Blade X6270 Server Module supports a variety of DIMM configurations that
can include single-rank (SR) DIMMs, dual-rank (DR) DIMMs, or quad-rank (QR)
DIMMs. When adding additional memory modules to the Sun Blade X6270 Server
Module, you should consider the following:
■ Physical layout of the DIMMs and CPUs.
For details, see “DIMM and CPU Physical Layout” on page 15.
■ DIMM population rules.
For details, see “DIMM Population Rules” on page 16.
DIMM and CPU Physical Layout
The physical layout of the DIMMs and CPUs on a Sun Blade X6270 Server Module is
shown in
FIGURE 2-3 CPU and DIMM Physical Layout
Figure Legend CPU and DIMM Layout
CPU 0 location
Chapter 2 Install Server Module Optional Components15
Figure Legend CPU and DIMM Layout
CPU 1 location
Channel locations for CPU 0
Three channels per CPU with
each channel containing three
color-coded DIMM slots (black,
white, and blue)
Channel locations for CPU 1
Three channels per CPU with
each channel containing three
color-coded DIMM slots (blue,
white and black).
DIMM slot numbering per CPU;
with D8 as the farthest slot away
from CPU
DIMM Population Rules
The DIMM population rules for the Sun Blade X6270 Server Module are as follows:
1. Do not populate any DIMM socket next to an empty CPU socket. Each processor
contains a separate memory controller.
2. Each CPU can support a maximum of:
■ Nine dual-rank (DR) or single-rank (SR) DIMMs; or
■ Six quad-rank (QR) DIMMs with two per memory channel; or
■ Three QR DIMMs with one per channel and three DR or SR DIMMs.
3. Populate DIMMs by location according to the following rules:
16Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Installation Guide • December 2009
■ Populate the DIMM slots for each memory channel that are the farthest from
the CPU first.
For example, populate D8/D5/D2 first; then D7/D4/D1 second; and finally,
D6/D3/D0. See
■ Populate QR DIMMs first, followed by SR or DR DIMMs.
■ Populate QR DIMMs in blue sockets (D8/D5/D2) first then white sockets
(D7/D4/D1). See
Note that QR DIMMs are supported only in white sockets if adjacent blue
socket contains a QR DIMM.
4. For maximum performance, apply the following rules:
■ The best performance is ensured by preserving symmetry. For example, adding
3x of same kind DIMMs, one per memory channel, and ensuring that both
CPUs have the same size of DIMMs populated in the same manner.
■ In certain configurations, DIMMs will run slower than their individual
maximum speed. See
TABLE 2-2DIMM Speed Considerations
TABLE 2-2 for further details.
1DIMMs are available in two speeds: 1066 MHz and 1333 MHz.
2DIMM speed rules are as follows:
■ 3x DIMM per channel = 800
■ 2x DIMM per channel = 1333 MHz (for single-rank and dual-
rank DIMM or = 800 MHz (for quad-rank DIMMs)
■ 1x DIMM per channel = 1333 MHz (if using 1333 MHz
■ 1x DIMM per channel = 1066 MHz (if using 1066 MHz
3The system operates all memory only as fast as the slowest DIMM
This DIMM configuration requires CPUs supporting 1333 MHZ.
DIMM Rank Classification Labels
DIMMs come in a variety of ranks: single, dual, or quad. Each DIMM is shipped
with a label identifying its rank classification.
TABLE 2-3 identifies the corresponding rank classification label shipped with each
Chapter 2 Install Server Module Optional Components17
TABLE 2-3DIMM Classification Labels
Rank ClassificationLabel
Quad-rank DIMM4Rx4
Dual-rank DIMM2Rx4
Single-rank DIMM1Rx4
▼ Install DIMMs
1. Remove the cover from the server.
See “Remove Cover From Server” on page 11.
2. Remove the DIMM filler panel.
See “Remove or Insert Filler Panels” on page 12.
3. To install a DIMM, do the following:
a. Determine the DIMM socket location to populate.
See “DIMM Population Rules” on page 16.
b. Ensure that the DIMM ejector levers are open (angled outward).
See ejector lever position in
c. Align the DIMM notch to the DIMM connector key.
d. Using both thumbs, press the DIMM straight down into the DIMM
connector slot until both ejector levers close, locking the DIMM in the
Note – The DIMM must be inserted evenly, straight down into the DIMM connector
slot, until the ejector levers lock into place.
18Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Installation Guide • December 2009
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