Sun Microsystems X6250 User Manual

Sun Blade
Windows Operating System
X6250 Server Module
Installation Guide
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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Preface vii
1. Getting Started 1
About Windows Server Installation 1
Important Installation Considerations 2
Supported Windows Operating Systems 4
Assisted Installation Using Sun Installation Assistant (SIA) 4
SIA Media Availability, Updates and Documentation 5
Manual Installation 5
2. Downloading Server-Specific Driver Packages 7
3. Selecting the Delivery Methods 9
Select a Mass Storage Drivers Method 10
Select a Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 Distribution Media
Method 11
4. Prepare for Mass Storage Driver Delivery 13
Create a Floppy Disk 13
To Create a Floppy Disk for the Sun Blade X6250 Server Module 14
Copy the Floppy Image File 17
To Copy the Floppy Image File 17
5. Configure the JavaRConsole System 19
JavaRConsole System Requirements 20
Setting Up the JavaRConsole System 20
To Set Up the JavaRConsole System for Servers With ILOM 20
To Set Up the JavaRConsole System for Servers With ELOM 25
6. Installing Windows Server 2003 29
Installation Requirements 29
Installing the Operating System 31
7. Installing Windows Server 2008 37
Installation Requirements 37
Installing the Operating System 39
8. Update the Critical Server-Specific Drivers 45
Updating the Server-Specific Drivers 46
To Update the Server-Specific Drivers 46
Installing Supplemental Software 51
To Install Supplemental Software 51
Additional Information for Supplemental Software 52
Managing RAID Using the StorageTek RAID Manager 53
Using Intel NIC Teaming 53
To Access Intel NIC Teaming Configuration Settings 53
Completing the IPMItool Installation 56
Requirements 56
To Install Microsoft’s IPMI System Management Driver (Windows
Server 2003 R2 SP2) 57
9. Incorporating Sun Blade X6250 Server Module Drivers Into WIM or RIS Images 59
Determine Required Drivers 60
iv Sun Blade X6250 Server Module Windows Operating System Installation Guide • September 2008
Add Drivers to a WIM Image 60
Before you Begin 60
To Add Drivers to the WIM Image 61
Adding Drivers to a RIS Image 63
Before you Begin 63
To Add Drivers to a RIS Image 63
A. Configure Windows Network Communication Settings With Multiple Network
Interfaces 67
Determine Which Network Data Ports Are Actively Connected to a
Network 68
Confirm Physical Port MAC Addresses and Match Them to Window
Device Names 69
Launch the Manage Your Server Program After Windows Setup
Completes 71
B. Preparing Sun Blade REM Disks for the Operating System 73
Using the Adaptec Configuration Utility 73
Additional Information 74
Index 75
Contents v
vi Sun Blade X6250 Server Module Windows Operating System Installation Guide • September 2008


This document contains instructions for installing the Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 operating system onto a Sun Blade X6250 server.
Related Documentation
The document set for the Sun Blade X6250 Server is described in the Where To Find documentation at:
Translated versions of some of these documents are available at the web site described above in French, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Japanese. English documentation is revised more frequently and might be more up-to-date than the translated documentation.
For all Sun hardware, Solaris and other documentation, go to:
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Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites
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Typographic Conventions
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AaBbCc123 What you type, when contrasted
AaBbCc123 Book titles, new words or terms,
AaBbCc123 Titles of dialog boxes, text in
* The settings on your browser might differ from these settings.
Meaning Examples
Use dir to list all files. and directories; onscreen computer output
with onscreen computer output
words to be emphasized. Replace command-line variables with real names or values.
dialog boxes, options, menu items and buttons.
Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide.
These are called class options.
Yo u must have administrator
privileges to do this.
To delete a file, type del filename.
1. On the File menu, click Extract All.
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Sun Blade X6250 Server Module Windows Operating System Installation Guide , part number 820-1184-14
viii Sun Blade X6250 Server Module Windows Operating System Installation Guide • September 2008

Getting Started

This chapter describes the information you will need to know before installing the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 operating system on a Sun Blade X6250 server module.
Note – This chapter contains important guidelines and information to help you in
the installation process. Make sure to read the remainder of this chapter before beginning the Windows Server installation.
The following sections are included in this chapter:
“About Windows Server Installation” on page 1
“Important Installation Considerations” on page 2
“Supported Windows Operating Systems” on page 4
“Assisted Installation Using Sun Installation Assistant (SIA)” on page 4
“Manual Installation” on page 5

About Windows Server Installation

To install the Windows operating system, the Sun Blade X6250 server module might use either an optional compact flash card (Windows Server 2003 only), an SSD (Solid State Drive), or internal SAS hard disk mass storage connected to a RAID Expansion Module (REM). When installing Windows Server 2003, except for compact flash and SSD, mass storage drivers are not included with the Windows Server 2003 distribution media. When installing Windows Server 2008, the required mass storage drivers are included with the Windows Server 2008 distribution media.
The following chapters in this document describe how to install the Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 operating system. The installation procedures apply to both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008.

Important Installation Considerations

Please note the following important considerations before beginning the Windows Server operating system installation on your Sun Blade server module:
When you install the Windows operating system, any data on the boot drive,
including any preinstalled operating system, will be overwritten.
If you have an optional RAID Expansion Module (REM) connected to mass
storage, and you want to include your boot drive as part of a RAID configuration, you must configure your RAID volume(s) using the controller’s BIOS configuration utility (accessible during server boot) before you install the Windows operating system.
Note – For configurations that require additional hardware, you must install the
hardware before you can install the operating system. You might also need to configure the boot device priority in the server’s BIOS setup program.
If you have an optional Sun Blade RAID 5 Expansion Module (Adaptec™-based),
you must create an array volume using the controller’s configuration utility on any disk you want Windows to be able to access. If you are performing an initial installation of Windows and want to boot from mass storage connected to the controller (even if do not want it part of a RAID), use the controller’s BIOS configuration utility (accessible during server boot) to create an array volume on the disk before you install the Windows operating system. Details on doing this can be found in Appendix B.
Note – More information about using your controller’s BIOS configuration utility is
described in the Sun Blade X6250 Server Module Installation Guide (820-1182).
A primary consideration during operating system installation is providing the
mass storage drivers for the disk controller. Windows Server 2008 includes the mass storage drivers required for your server. Windows Server 2003 does not contain the mass storage drivers required for your server.
If you install Windows using the Sun Installation Assistant (SIA), all
required drivers are supplied at the time of installation. SIA can install Windows via a local or remote CD/DVD. For more about SIA, see “Assisted
Installation Using Sun Installation Assistant (SIA)” on page 4.
2 Sun Blade X6250 Server Module Windows Operating System Installation Guide • September 2008
If you install Windows manually, using the Microsoft Windows installation
media, Windows Server 2003 requires that the mass storage drivers be delivered from a floppy disk. The Windows Server 2003 installation program can only read mass storage drivers from a floppy disk.
For a manual installation, there are three methods that can be used to deliver the
mass storage drivers for Windows Server 2003 installation:
Use a physical USB floppy drive connected to the Sun Blade server module.
Note – Your server module has only 2 USB ports. You must use the dongle cable
included with the system to attach a USB floppy drive. The second USB port is then available for a USB hub for the keyboard, mouse and a CD/DVD drive.
Use a remote KVMS (remote Keyboard, Video, Mouse, Storage—allows
redirection of the server keyboard, video output, mouse and storage devices via a networked system) to redirect the floppy to a physical floppy drive on another system that is hosting the JavaRConsole (JavaRConsole system—a remote console run from a networked system).
Use a remote KVMS to redirect the floppy to a floppy image file on another
system that is hosting the JavaRConsole.
For a manual installation, there are also three methods for delivering the
Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 distribution media for installation:
Use the physical CD/DVD drive connected to the Sun Blade server module (see
note above).
Use a remote KVMS to redirect the CD/DVD drive to a physical CD/DVD
drive on the JavaRConsole system.
Use a remote KVMS to redirect the CD/DVD drive to a Windows CD/DVD
image on the JavaRConsole system.
The installation procedures described in this document will guide you through the process of selecting an installation method for the mass storage driver and operating system media.
Note – If you use the RKVMS method for any of these installations, you will need to
refer to the appropriate documentation. For servers with ILOM, see the Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager 2.0 User's Guide (820-1188) for details on setting up the hardware needed for the installation. For servers with ELOM, see the Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide (820-3541) for further information
Chapter 1 Getting Started 3

Supported Windows Operating Systems

The Sun Blade X6250 server supports the following Microsoft Windows operating systems at the time of publication of this document:
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2, Standard Edition (32-bit)
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2, Enterprise Edition (32-bit)
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2, Standard x64 Edition (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2, Enterprise x64 Edition (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Standard Edition (32 or 64-bit)
Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Edition (32 or 64-bit)
Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Datacenter Edition (32 or 64-bit)
The updated list of supported operating systems is at the following server-specific URL:

Assisted Installation Using Sun Installation Assistant (SIA)

The Sun Installation Assistant (SIA) is a tool supported for use with x64 Sun Fire and Sun Blade servers that assists in the installation of supported Linux and Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 operating systems (OS). With SIA, you can install the OS, the appropriate drivers, and if necessary, additional system software by simply booting the SIA media and following the prompts.
SIA does not automate the OS installation process. You still need to follow the installation procedures for your OS, but you do not have to inventory your system hardware, search out and download device drivers most recently supported by Sun, nor will you need to create a separate driver CD. SIA does that work for you.
4 Sun Blade X6250 Server Module Windows Operating System Installation Guide • September 2008

SIA Media Availability, Updates and Documentation

The Sun Installation Assistant CD/DVD ships with Sun servers that support the x64 processor architecture. For a complete list of supported Sun server platforms, refer to the SIA information page at:
In addition, an ISO CD image of the Sun Installation Assistant is available for download from the Sun Download page at:
Updates to the SIA program can be obtained easily during the SIA installation by using the Remote Update option in the SIA.
Documentation describing how to use SIA can be found with the rest of the documentation for your server on the Sun documentation web site:

Manual Installation

This method is for more advanced users that are planning to manually install Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 locally, or remotely, on one or more servers.
Note – If you plan to install Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 using a
Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) server, refer to Chapter 9, “Incorporating Sun
Blade X6250 Server Module Drivers Into WIM or RIS Images” on page 59.
To install Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 from CD media onto a your server, complete the following procedures in order:
1. Downloading Server-Specific Driver Packages (see Chapter 2).
2. Selecting the Delivery Methods (see Chapter 3).
3. Prepare for Mass Storage Driver Delivery (see Chapter 4).
4. Configure the JavaRConsole System, only required if you are planning to install Windows from a remote console (see Chapter 5).
Chapter 1 Getting Started 5
5. Installing Windows Server 2003 (see Chapter 6).
6. Installing Windows Server 2008 (see Chapter 7).
7. Update the Critical Server-Specific Drivers (see Chapter 8).
After completing these procedures, you will have successfully installed the Windows Server operating system.
6 Sun Blade X6250 Server Module Windows Operating System Installation Guide • September 2008

Downloading Server-Specific Driver Packages

This chapter describes how to download the server-specific driver packages needed for Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 installation.
Note – If you have the Tools and Drivers CD, you can skip this chapter and proceed
to Chapter 3. You can use the CD for creation of the mass storage driver floppy disk and the installation of the other server-specific drivers. The latest version of the Tools and Drivers CD for your server is also available as a downloadable image on the Sun download site.
To download the drivers:
1. Go to the driver download site for your server.
2. Choose one of the following download options:
If you are installing using the Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008
media, download to a hard drive location or media that will be accessible during the installation. Extract the following sub-packages contained in the .zip file: (contains the disk controller drivers for the Sun Blade
X6250). You will use this package to create driver media for your Windows Server 2003 installation, see Chapter 3.
InstallPack.exe (program to update server-specific device drivers after
installing Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008) (for experts only, server-specific driver archive for
Windows Server, English). Download this file if you want to perform a PXE installation described in Chapter 9, “Incorporating Sun Blade X6250 Server
Module Drivers Into WIM or RIS Images” on page 59.
7 (for experts only, supplemental software archive). Download
this file if you want to incorporate the supplemental software into a PXE installation.
If you are installing Windows Server using a PXE server (advanced
installation), extract the contents of the file on the PXE server.
Note – The xxxxx number identifies the version of the package (for example,
3. Make sure that the driver packages are available as you begin the operating
system installation. Proceed to Chapter 3 to select the delivery methods.
8 Sun Blade X6250 Server Module Windows Operating System Installation Guide • September 2008

Selecting the Delivery Methods

In this chapter, you will decide on the delivery methods to provide the mass storage drivers and the Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 media for installation.
To select mass storage driver media and Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 distribution media delivery methods, complete the following procedures:
1. Select a Mass Storage Drivers Method.
2. Select a Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 Distribution Media
3. Make a note of the delivery methods you selected and proceed to Chapter 4.

Select a Mass Storage Drivers Method

Select a method listed in TABLE 3-1 that meets the need of your environment for providing the appropriate mass storage drivers for Windows Server 2003 installation. Make note of the method you have selected
Note – For Windows Server 2008, the Windows distribution media includes all
drivers necessary to install Windows on the Sun Blade X6250 server module. If you are installing Windows Server 2003, you will need to supply mass storage drivers during the installation using one of the methods described below.
TABLE 3-1 Delivery Methods for Windows 2003 Mass Storage Drivers
Mass Storage Drivers Delivery Method Additional Requirements
Floppy Disk Local: Uses a physical USB floppy drive externally connected to a USB port on the server module dongle cable. Do not connect it to a hub, as this could cause the installation to fail. You can use a hub on the other dongle USB connector to connect additional devices, such as a keyboard and mouse.
Floppy Disk Remote: Uses a remote KVMS to redirect to a physical floppy drive on the system hosting the JavaRConsole.
Floppy Image: Uses a remote KVMS to redirect to a floppy image file on the system hosting the JavaRConsole. Only available for server modules supporting ILOM. This method can not be used for server modules using ELOM.
* If you do not use a USB floppy drive designed for Windows, it might appear that the drivers are installed during the OS installation,
but when you reboot the system, the graphical part of the Windows setup will be unable to find the drivers again and the installation will fail with an error message.
• External USB floppy drive listed as “Designed for Windows” Windows Marketplace site:
• Floppy disk
• Server module dongle cable
• JavaRConsole system with network access to your Sun Blade server module’s network management port and an attached floppy drive
• Floppy disk
• JavaRConsole system with network access to your Sun Blade server module’s management network port
• Floppy image file
on the
Ease of Configuration and Installation
Medium: Installation time will be minimally increased over the Floppy Disk Local method.
Medium: Installation time will be minimally increased over the Floppy Disk Local method.
10 Sun Blade X6250 Server Module Windows Operating System Installation Guide • September 2008

Select a Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 Distribution Media Method

Select a method listed in TABLE 3-2 that meets the need of your environment for providing the Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 distribution media for the Windows installation on your server. Make a note of the method that you selected.
TABLE 3-2 Delivery Methods for Windows Server Distribution Media
Windows OS Media Delivery Method Additional Requirements Ease of Configuration and Installation
Windows Local: Uses an external CD/DVD drive connected to the USB port on the server module dongle. A USB hub may also be used.
Windows Remote: Uses a remote KVMS to redirect the CD drive to a physical CD drive on the system hosting the JavaRConsole.
Windows Image: Uses a remote KVMS to redirect the CD drive to a Windows media image file on the system hosting the JavaRConsole.
* If you do not use a USB floppy drive designed for Windows, it might appear that the drivers are installed during the OS installation,
but when you reboot the system, the graphical part of the Windows setup will be unable to find the drivers again and the installation will fail with an error message.
• External USB CD/DVD drive listed as “Designed for Windows” Marketplace site:
• Server module dongle cable
JavaRConsole system with the network access to the Sun Blade server module network management port and an attached CD/DVD drive
JavaRConsole system with network access to the Sun Blade server module management network port
on the Windows
Medium: Installation time will be significantly increased over the Windows Local method.
Medium: Installation time will be significantly increased over the Windows Local method.
Chapter 3 Selecting the Delivery Methods 11
12 Sun Blade X6250 Server Module Windows Operating System Installation Guide • September 2008

Prepare for Mass Storage Driver Delivery

This chapter contains instructions on preparing the necessary mass storage drivers media for Windows Server 2003 installation.
Note – For Windows Server 2008, the Windows distribution media includes all
drivers necessary to install Windows on the Sun Blade X6250 server module. If you are installing Windows Server 2003, you will need to supply mass storage drivers during the installation using one of the methods described here.
Depending on the method selected in Chapter 3, you will use one of the procedures in this chapter. See
TABLE 4-1.
TABLE 4-1 Mass Storage Driver Delivery Methods
Delivery Method Section to Read
Floppy Disk Local
Floppy Disk Remote
Floppy Image
“Create a Floppy Disk” on page 13
“Create a Floppy Disk” on page 13
“Copy the Floppy Image File” on page 17

Create a Floppy Disk

For the Floppy Disk Local or Floppy Disk Remote delivery method, you need to create a floppy disk containing the mass storage drivers before proceeding with the Windows Server 2003 installation.
Ensure that the following system configurations and materials are readily available:
System with a floppy drive
Floppy disk
The latest Tools and Drivers CD for you server, or (See
“Downloading Server-Specific Driver Packages” on page 7 for details on
To Create a Floppy Disk for the Sun Blade X6250
Server Module
Sun provides a wizard to help create the necessary floppy disk required for Windows Server 2003 installation. The Sun Mass-Storage Driver Disk Creation wizard may be started using one of the following methods: from the main menu of your server’s Tools and Drivers CD, or from the mkfloppy.exe wizard. Directions for using either method are described below.
1. Start the Sun Mass-Storage Driver Disk Creation wizard using one of the following methods:
Insert the Tools and Drivers CD into a Windows system with a CD/DVD
drive. The CD will autostart. At the main menu, select Make a Mass-Storage Driver Disk, and then proceed to Step 2.
If you have downloaded from the Sun download site (see
“Downloading Server-Specific Driver Packages” on page 7), do the following
to copy and extract the files:
i. On a system running Microsoft Windows software with a floppy drive,
copy the file to a temporary directory.
ii. Start Windows Explorer.
iii. Navigate to the folder where you placed the downloaded file.
iv. Select
v. On the File menu, click Extract All.
Note – If your version of Windows Explorer does not natively support compressed
folders, use a third-party utility to extract the contents of the zip file. Make sure to maintain the directory structure of the folders after extracting them.
vi. Extract the files into a new (empty) folder.
14 Sun Blade X6250 Server Module Windows Operating System Installation Guide • September 2008
vii. Start Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder containing the
extracted files.
viii. In Windows Explorer, open the directory containing the extracted files and
double-click the mkfloppy.exe wizard, and then proceed to the next step.
2. At the Mass-Storage Driver Disk Creation wizard welcome page (see
FIGURE 4-1), click Next.
Insert a blank floppy disk into drive A: when prompted.
FIGURE 4-1 Mass-Storage Drivers Disk Creation Wizard Welcome Page
3. At the Select a Drivers Disk to Create page (see FIGURE 4-2), select the
appropriate driver for your installed disk controller, and then click Next.
Follow the instructions in the wizard to create the mass storage driver floppy disk for your server.
Chapter 4 Prepare for Mass Storage Driver Delivery 15
FIGURE 4-2 Select Driver Disks to Create Page
4. At the Format 3 1/2 Floppy page (see FIGURE 4-3), click the Start button to begin formatting.
FIGURE 4-3 Format 3 1/2 Floppy Page
5. When the floppy disk formatting is complete, click the Close button.
The Format 3 1/2 Floppy page closes and you are returned to the Mass-Storage Driver Disk Creation wizard.
16 Sun Blade X6250 Server Module Windows Operating System Installation Guide • September 2008
6. Click Next and follow the instructions in the wizard to complete the creation of the mass storage driver floppy disk, and then do one of the following:
If you are installing Windows remotely using the Floppy Disk Remote
method, proceed to Chapter 5 to setup your remote console.
To begin installing Windows Server 2003 using the Floppy Disk Local method,
proceed to Chapter 6.

Copy the Floppy Image File

Use this procedure if you choose the Floppy Image method to install the mass storage drivers.
Ensure that a JavaRConsole system is available to host the driver files. This system must have access to the driver package downloaded from the driver download site or on the Tools and Drivers CD (system software release 2.0, or later) as shown in “Downloading Server-Specific Driver Packages” on page 7.

To Copy the Floppy Image File

To copy the floppy image file using a Windows system:
1. Prepare the driver files:
If you are using the Tools and Drivers CD to access the floppy package, do
the following:
i. Insert the CD into the JavaRConsole system.
ii. Navigate to the following directory:
the following image is available:
-- smi.img (for the Sun Blade RAID 5 Expansion Module)
and then proceed to Step 2.
If you have downloaded from the download site, do the
following to copy and extract the files:
i. Copy the file to a temporary directory.
ii. Start Windows Explorer.
iii. Navigate to the temporary folder where you placed the downloaded file.
Chapter 4 Prepare for Mass Storage Driver Delivery 17
iv. Select
v. On the File menu, click Extract All.
Note – If your version of Windows Explorer does not natively support compressed
folders, use a third-party utility to extract the contents of the zip file. Make sure to maintain the directory structure of the folders after extracting them.
vi. Navigate to the folder where the extracted files reside.
vii. Navigate to the image folder, and then proceed to the next step.
2. Copy the smi.img file to a folder on the JavaRConsole system that will be available
during installation.
Note the smi.img file location.
3. To install Windows remotely using the Floppy Image method, proceed to
Chapter 5 to setup your remote console.
18 Sun Blade X6250 Server Module Windows Operating System Installation Guide • September 2008
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