Sun Installation Assistant 2.2
User's Guide for the Sun Fire
X4640 Server
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
4150 Network Circle
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Part No: 821–0551–10
October 2009, Rev. A
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Getting the Software .................................................................................................................... 63
Preparing the USB Flash Drive ................................................................................................... 64
Setting BIOS Parameters and Booting O the SIA USB Flash Drive ..................................... 69
Index ......................................................................................................................................................71
Sun Installation Assistant 2.2 User's Guide for the Sun Fire X4640 Server • October 2009, Rev. A4
This preface describes related documentation, submitting feedback to Sun, and a document
change history.
“Related Books” on page 5
“About This Documentation (PDF and HTML)” on page 6
“Related Third-Party Web Site References” on page 6
“Sun Welcomes Your Comments” on page 7
“Change History” on page 7
Related Books
The following is a list of documents related to your Sun FireTMX4640 server. These and
additional support documents are available on the web at:
Sun Fire X4640 Server Getting Started GuidePictorial setup quick reference.
Sun Fire X4640 Server Installation GuideHow to install, rack, and congure the server up to
initial power-on.
Sun Fire X4640 Server Product NotesImportant late-breaking information about the Sun
Fire X4640 server.
Sun Installation Assistant 2.2 User's Guide for the Sun
Fire X4640 Server
Sun Fire X4640 Server Solaris OS Installation GuideHow to install the Solaris OS on your server.
Sun Fire X4640 Server Linux OS Installation GuideHow to install a supported Linux OS on your server.
Sun Fire X4640 Server Windows OS Installation Guide How to install supported versions of Microsoft
A Sun tool used to perform an assisted installation of a
supported Windows or Linux OS, upgrade rmware
(regardless of OS), and other tasks.
Windows on your server.
About This Documentation (PDF and HTML)
Sun Fire X4640 Server ESX OS Installation GuideHow to install supported versions of the ESX OS on
Sun Fire X4640 Server Diagnostics GuideHowto diagnose problems with your server.
Sun Fire X4640 Server Service ManualHow to service and maintain your server.
Sun Fire X4640 Server Safety and Compliance GuideSafety and compliance information about your server.
your server.
Sun ILOM 3.0 Supplement for the Sun Fire X4640
Sun x64 Server Utilities Reference ManualHow to use the available utilities included with your
Sun x64 Server Disk Management OverviewInformation about managing your server's storage.
Version-specic supplemental information for your
server's Integrated Lights Out Manager.
Translated versions of some of these documents are available at the web site described
previously in Simplied Chinese, Japanese, and French. English documentation is revised more
frequently and might be more up-to-date than the translated documentation.
About This Documentation (PDF and HTML)
This documentation set is available in both PDF and HTML. The information is presented in
topic-based format (similar to online help) and therefore does not include chapters, appendices
or section numbering.
RelatedThird-Party Web Site References
Third-party URLs are referenced in this document and provide additional, related information.
Note – Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this
document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising,
products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not
be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by
or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available
on or through such sites or resources.
Sun Installation Assistant 2.2 User's Guide for the Sun Fire X4640 Server • October 2009, Rev. A6
Sun WelcomesYour Comments
Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and
suggestions. To share your comments, go to
Change History
The following changes have been made to the documentation set.
October 2009, initial publication.
Change History and click Feedback.
Introduction to Sun Installation Assistant
This section introduces the Sun Installation Assistant (SIA) version 2.2 and describes how to get
started using SIA to perform deployment or recovery tasks on your Sun Fire X4640 server.
Learn about requirements and tasks that can be
performed using SIA.
Start and prepare SIA for deployment or recovery
tasks from local or remote media.
Perform an assisted operating system installation of
Perform a system rmware upgrade (system
BIOS/ILOM or disk controller HBA).
Perform an SIA task (OS install or rmware upgrade)
using a PXE-based SIA image in attended mode.
Perform an SIA task (OS install or rmware upgrade)
using a PXE-based SIA image in unattended mode.
Troubleshoot an SIA installation.“Troubleshooting SIA” on page 59
“Getting Started With Sun Installation Assistant 2.2”
on page 11
“Starting SIA and Preparing for Deployment or
Recovery Tasks” on page 15
“Installing Linux With SIA”on page 25
“Using SIA to Upgrade System Firmware” on page 33
“Performing an SIA PXE-Based Attended Installation”
on page 39
“Performing an SIA PXE-Based Unattended
Installation” on page 43
Getting Started With Sun Installation Assistant
The Sun Installation Assistant (SIA) is a tool designed to be used with x64 Sun Fire and Sun
Blade servers to assist in the deployment of supported Linux operating systems (OS), as well as
system rmware upgrades. With SIA, your deployment tasks can be completed using the
graphical wizard-based interface or in unattended mode.
Note – As of the release of this document, SIA can not be used to install Windows Server 2008
R2. You will need to perform a manual installation of Windows. For more information on
performing a manual installation of Windows, see the
Installation Guide
For operating system installation, when used in interactive mode by booting the SIA
interface, SIA assists in the OS installation process. You will need to provide a retail version
of OS distribution media and SIA will hand you o to the OS native installer as required. SIA
will automatically inventory your system hardware and download the latest device drivers
supported by Sun. This means you will not need to create a separate drivers disk. SIA does
that work for you.
For system rmware upgrades, SIA can be used to upgrade the system BIOS, service
processor, and optional HBA (host bus adapter used for disk control) rmware with the
latest xes and enhancements.
For automated deployment, SIA can be used in unattended mode to automate the process of
OS installation or system rmware upgrades. A special text-based SIA state le is used to
automatically answer prompts you would have answered in interactive (attended) mode.
Sun Fire X4640 Server Windows
Note – As of the release of this document, SIA can not be used to install Red Hat Enterprise
Linux versions 4.8 or 5.3 in unattended mode. You can use a normal PXE-based installation
of these operating systems that does not use SIA. For more information on performing a
PXE installation of RHEL, see the
Sun Fire X4640 Server Linux Installation Guide.
For more information about SIA, see:
“SIA Version 2.2 Features and Benets” on page 12
“SIA Task List” on page 12
“Server Support and SIA Media Availability” on page 13
“Supported Operating Systems” on page 13
SIA Version 2.2 Features and Benets
SIA Version 2.2 Features and Benets
SIA version 2.2 provides the following features and benets:
Multiple media options. SIA is available on a variety of bootable media. You can boot SIA
from either a local drive attached to the server (CD/DVD or USB ash drive), a remote
redirected network drive (virtual CD-ROM or ISO image), or from an image available on
your PXE network environment.
Remote update option that updates the SIA software from the Sun download site to ensure
your SIA session has the latest drivers and rmware.
Assisted installation for supported Linux operating systems. This includes the most recent
Sun-supported device drivers required for your system. Supports OS installation on hard
disk, solid state disk, or compact ash.
Note – SIA does not provide the operating system software. You must have a licensed retail
version of the operating system software available during the SIA installation.
System BIOS and device rmware upgrade capabilities. Upgrade options are server-specic.
Attended or unattended installations (including OS installation and rmware upgrades)
using PXE-based SIA.
An SIA session event log is created for troubleshooting issues. The log le located at the
/root for Linux.
SIA Task List
SIA can perform the following server-specic deployment and recovery tasks. The table below
provides a list of tasks that may be performed in SIA from the Task Selection dialog screen,
however the list of tasks is server-dependant and not all tasks are available for all servers.
Operating System InstallationAssisted operating system installation of supported versions of Linux.
System BIOS and ILOM UpgradeUpgrades the system BIOS and ILOM Service Processor rmware.
Sun Installation Assistant 2.2 User's Guide for the Sun Fire X4640 Server • October 2009, Rev. A12
Displays the installed version and what version is available for an
upgrade. These components are upgraded together so that tested
version levels are matched Requires a server reboot to use the new
HBA Firmware UpgradeUpgrades the rmware of the server’sintegrated HBA (Host Bus
Adapter). Displays the installed version and what version is available
for an upgrade. Requires a server reboot to use the new version.
Server Support and SIA Media Availability
The SIA CD/DVD is available for Sun servers that support the x64 processor architecture
(might come with the server or be available as an X-option). For a complete list of supported
Sun server platforms, refer to the SIA information page at:
An ISO CD-ROM image or a USB ash drive image of SIA is also available for download from
the Sun download page (select “View by Category” and then “x64 Servers & Workstations”):
Updates to the SIA program can be obtained easily during the SIA installation by using the
Remote Update option in the SIA.
Supported Operating Systems
Supported Operating Systems
SIA is available for supported Linux installations. A list of supported operating systems is
available on the SIA information page:
Starting SIA and Preparing for Deployment or
This section explains how to start the Sun Installation Assistant (SIA) and prepare it to perform
deployment tasks, such as operating system installation or system rmware upgrades
(BIOS/ILOM, HBA or disk expander), or a service processor recovery.
Note – SIA has a Remote Update feature that allows you to remotely update your current SIA
session with the latest server drivers and rmware from Sun.
Choose a topic.
“Local and Remote Media Options” on page 15
“Mouse Settings When Using SIA with ILOM Remote Console” on page 16
“How to Start SIA and Prepare for Tasks Using Local or Remote Media” on page 16
Local and Remote Media Options
Use SIA to install an operating system or upgrade system rmware on supported your Sun Fire
X4640 server using one of the following methods:
Locally at the server using the SIA CD/DVD or a USB ash drive prepared with SIA
software. Boot SIA from a CD/DVD in the server’sCD/DVD drive, or via USB ash drive
prepared with SIA software (as described in
) directly connected to one of the server’s USB ports.
page 63
Remotely using a remote console through the server’s service processor. This method allows
you to boot SIA from a virtual CD/DVD-ROM. Refer to your server’s Lights Out Manager
(Integrated LOM or Embedded LOM) documentation for information on the LOM remote
console. (Note that there are multiple versions of LOM, be sure to refer to the guide that
matches your server’sinstalled version). Also see
ILOM Remote Console” on page 16
Remotely over the network using a PXE network boot image. Using this method can
signicantly reduce the installation time. Instructions for conguring PXE network boot
can be found in
“Performing an SIA PXE-Based Attended Installation” on page 39 or
“Performing an SIA PXE-Based Unattended Installation” on page 43.
“Creating a Bootable SIA USB Flash Drive” on
“Mouse Settings When Using SIA with
Mouse Settings When Using SIA with ILOM Remote Console
Mouse Settings When Using SIA with ILOM Remote Console
The ILOM Remote Console feature allows an administrator to redirect a server’s keyboard,
video, and mouse to their management system. This feature is very convenient when the server
and management system are not at the same location.
The ILOM Remote Console has a mouse mode setting that congures ILOM to send mouse
events to the remote system using either “absolute” or “relative” mode. For the ILOM Remote
Console to work properly with SIA, you must congure the mouse setting to relative mode. If
your mouse is set to absolute mode, your mouse will not work when using SIA.
After using SIA, you may consider switching your ILOM Remote Console mouse setting to
absolute mode; it provides a smoother mouse experience when using a Solaris or Windows host
OS. However, if you are using a Linux host OS, absolute mode may not work properly and you
should use the relative mode setting.
Your mouse mode settings can be set using the ILOM web interface in the Mouse Mode settings
tab under the Remote Control tab. Note that some versions of ILOM require the service
processor (SP) to be reset before the change will take eect. You will be prompted by an ILOM
message if your SP needs to be reset.
How to Start SIA and Prepare for Tasks Using Local or Remote Media
This section guides you through the initial steps of identifying the system hardware, setting up
network access, updating SIA software, and preparing you for a deployment task (such as
assisted operating system installation or system rmware upgrade) or recovery task (such as
service processor recovery).
Note – In the instructions that follow, example dialog screen shots have been provided as a
reference. Information displayed in each dialog may dier depending on your server model.
Start SIA using one of the supported methods:
Locally using a CD/DVD: Insert the SIA CD/DVD into the server’s CD/DVD drive and
power on or reboot the server.
Locally using a USB ash drive: Plug the USB ash drive prepared with SIA software
directly into one of the server’s USB ports. Redirect the server to boot from the USB ash
drive as described in
Remotely from a CD/DVD or image le: Log in to the server’s service processor from a
“Creating a Bootable SIA USB Flash Drive” on page 63.
remote console (or KVMS) using its LOM (Lights Out Manager) interface and use the
Remote Control Launch Redirection feature to redirect the server to the virtual
CD/DVD-ROM that contains the SIA CD/DVD image. Then, reboot the server and direct it
to boot from your virtual CD/DVD-ROM (typically done using the F8 menu available
during server boot).
Sun Installation Assistant 2.2 User's Guide for the Sun Fire X4640 Server • October 2009, Rev. A16
Mouse Settings When Using SIA with ILOM Remote Console
Remotely using a PXE-based image: If you are using PXE network booting to load the Sun
Installation Assistant image from a Linux-based PXE server, proceed to
PXE-Based Attended Installation” on page 39
Unattended Installation” on page 43
Note – The instructions below assume local CD/DVD drive access. Be sure to modify the
or “Performing an SIA PXE-Based
“Performing an SIA
instructions accordingly if you are using a local USB ash drive prepared with SIA software,
or if you are running SIA from a remote console (or KVMS) with CD-ROM redirection.
As SIA starts, you will see various start up messages and then the Software License Agreement
dialog will be displayed.
In the Software License Agreement dialog, click Accept to accept the license agreement, and
then click Next.
The SIA Welcome dialog appears identifying the tasks that the Sun Installation Assistant
In the SIA Welcome dialog, click Next to proceed with the installation.
Mouse Settings When Using SIA with ILOM Remote Console
The Remote Update dialog appears.
In the Remote Update dialog, selectYes or No to allow a remote update, and then click Next.
Remote Update is used to download updates to the SIA program. These updates can include
server device drivers and rmware from Sun.
Sun Installation Assistant 2.2 User's Guide for the Sun Fire X4640 Server • October 2009, Rev. A18
Mouse Settings When Using SIA with ILOM Remote Console
If you select Yes to perform a remote update of the current SIA session to obtain the latest SIA
software, the Gathering Information screen is displayed. Do the following:
Mouse Settings When Using SIA with ILOM Remote Console
a. Select the active networkinterface on your server (for example: eth0).
This will enable the network interface used to access the update image. If your server has
multiple network cards, be sure to use the network-connected interface that enables access
to the host where the update image les reside (whether this is the Sun remote update
Internet site, or an internally mounted image on your company intranet).
b. Selectthe network interface conguration method (DHCP or Static IP).
If static method is selected, provide the necessary information (for example, your server’s IP
address, netmask address, gateway address, and so on).
c. Provide proxy information if an HTTP proxy is needed for Internet access (proxy host and
port for client connections), for example:
Proxy Host:
Proxy Port: 8088
d. ClickNext to establish a connection to the Sun SIA Remote Update web site.
The remote update process checks for updates to the SIA program (see example below). If
updates are available the update components are listed.
Sun Installation Assistant 2.2 User's Guide for the Sun Fire X4640 Server • October 2009, Rev. A20
Mouse Settings When Using SIA with ILOM Remote Console
The Identifying the System dialog appears.
In the Identifying the System dialog, ensure that the appropriate hardware is installed and that
there is sucient memory for your operating system, then click Next.
Mouse Settings When Using SIA with ILOM Remote Console
SIA then scans the systems for disk drives and displays a list at the Scanning for SCSI Devices
In the Scanning for Storage Devices dialog, you will see the disks identied by SIA. Click Next to
The Supported Option Cards dialog then appears.
In the Supported Option Cards dialog, if you plan on using SIA to install an operating system
select the option cards for which you want SIA to install drivers. Click Next when done.
SIA automatically selects option cards it nds installed in your system. If you want to install
operating system drivers for other option cards, you will need to select them.
Sun Installation Assistant 2.2 User's Guide for the Sun Fire X4640 Server • October 2009, Rev. A22
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