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Sun Fire x4000 Server Family Overview............................................................................................................5
Sun Fire X4600 Overview...................................................................................................................................6
Sun Fire X4600 Target Markets and Applications..........................................................................................9
Sun Fire X4600 Server.....................................................................................................................................10
CPU Architecture...................................................................................................... ...........................14
CPU Packaging...........................................................................................................................................17
LSI SAS1064 SAS Controller............................................................................................................................26
Intel 82546GB Dual Port Gigabit Ethernet Controllers......................................................................................27
ATI RageTM XL Video......................................................................................................................................28
SMSC LPC47B272 Super I/O Controller..........................................................................................................29
PCI-X and PCI-E Expansion Slots....................................................................................................................30
Sun Fire X4600 Server PCI Expansion Slots...............................................................................................30
Power Supplies.................................................................................................................................................35
ILOM: Integrated Lights Out Management..........................................................................................37
Out-of-Band Server Management Interfaces....................................................................................................39
Command Line Interface (CLI).........................................................................................................................39
Web Interface...................................................................................................................................................40
Remote Keyboard, Video, Mouse, and Storage (RKVMS)................................................................................40
Lights Out Management (LOM)........................................................................................................................41
Sun N1 System Manager..................................................................................................................................43
Sun Studio (90-Day Trial Version)...............................................................................................................47
Solaris Flash Software.................................................................................................................................48
Solaris LIVE! Upgrade Software..................................................................................................................48
Real-Time Video Creation and Broadcast Support......................................................................................48
Solaris 10 OS Bundled Desktop Environments.................................................................................................48
Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Enhancements...............................................................................48
Sun Installation Assistant..................................................................................................................................51
Note: The Sun Fire X4600 server supports four and eight CPU configurations. Two, four, six, and eight CPU configurations
are supported in the Sun Fire X4600 M2.
In Sun Fire X4600 systems, each processor contains an integrated memory controller that supports a 128-bit-
wide path to memory and three 16x16-bit HyperTransport links. Each HyperTransport link runs at speeds up to
1 GHz and is clocked on both edges of the clock pulse, which allows for a maximum of 4 GB/sec. (2
gigatransfers/sec., 2 bytes wide) throughput in each direction (8 GB/sec. aggregate data rate bi-directionally).
Memory support is for registered DDR400 184-pin SDRAM DIMMs. There are four DIMM slots per CPU.
DIMMS are accessed in pairs with an available memory bandwidth up to 6.4 GB/sec. (with PC3200) per
Figure 2-3: 8-DIMM Processor Board
16 of 63
In Sun Fire X4600 M2 systems, each processor contains an integrated memory controller that supports a 128-
bit-wide path to memory and three 16x16-bit HyperTransport links. Each HyperTransport link runs at speeds up
to 1 GHz and is clocked on both edges of the clock pulse, which allows for a maximum of 4 GB/sec. (2
gigatransfers/sec., 2 bytes wide) throughput in each direction (8 GB/sec. aggregate data rate bi-directionally).
Memory support is for registered DDR2/667 240-pin SDRAM DIMMs. There are four or eight DIMM slots per
CPU. DIMMS are accessed in pairs with an available memory bandwidth up to 10.7 GB/sec. (with PC6300) per
Memory capacity scales with the number of processors, so memory attached to an unpopulated processor
socket is unaddressable. As a result, a single processor machine can support a maximum of four DIMMs, while
a fully-populated, eight-CPU server can support a maximum of 32 or 64 DIMMS (X4600 or X4600 M2) with up
to 256 GB (64 x 4GB) of memory.
Sun Microsystems,Inc.
The AMD processor does support up to eight DIMMs per CPU. However, using more than four DIMMs requires
clocking down DIMM speed to 533 MHz, even if the DIMMs used are of the highest speed bin.
AMD Opteron Processor
Features of the AMD Opteron processor in the Sun Fire X4600 and Sun Fire X4600 M2 servers include:
•Up to eight Single-Core or Dual-Core AMD Opteron 800 Series processors (Sun Fire X4600).
•Up to eight Dual-Core AMD Opteron 8000 Series processors (Sun Fire X4600 M2).
•x64 architecture (64-bit extensions) with AMD Direct Connect Architecture using HyperTransport
•PowerNow! support to dynamically adjust performance based on CPU utilization (voltage and frequency are
adjusted depending on kernal load). By default, PowerNow! is disabled in BIOS.
•Native support for 32-bit x86 ISA, SSE, SSE2, MMX, and 3DNow!
•Three HyperTransport links supporting up to 8 GB/sec. of direct inter-processor and I/O bandwidth per link.
•ECC protection for L1 data cache, L2 unified cache, and DRAM with hardware scrubbing of all ECC