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Cette distributionpeut des éléments développés pardes tiers. Sun, Sun Microsystems, le logo Sun, Java, Netra, Solaris, StarOffice, Sun Ray,
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1.Sun Fire X4150 server ELOM Overview1
Sun Fire X4150 server ELOM Features2
Embedded Lights Out Manager Common Tasks2
Sun Fire X4150 server Default Settings3
About the Preconfigured Administrator Account4
About the Indicator and Fault LEDs4
2.Connecting to the ELOM5
About Connection Tasks6
Connecting Using a Serial Connection6
▼To Connect Using a Serial Connection6
Connecting Using Ethernet7
3.Monitoring the Server System Using the Web-Based Interface11
Using the Web-Based Interface11
Browser and Software Requirements12
Users and Privileges12
Web-Based Interface Tasks12
Accessing the ELOM Using a Web Browser13
▼To Access the ELOM Using a Web Browser13
Viewing the System From the Web Browser14
Viewing System and Component Information16
▼To View System Information16
Viewing Version Information16
▼To View SP Version Information16
Viewing Server Board Information17
▼To View Server Board Information17
Viewing Component Information17
▼To View CPU Information17
Viewing Memory Information19
▼To View Memory Information19
Monitoring the System Sensors19
▼To Monitor the System Sensors20
Reading Sensors20
▼To Read Sensors20
Viewing a Sensor Summary21
▼To View a Sensor Summary21
Monitoring Fans23
▼To Monitor Fans23
Monitoring Temperatures23
▼To Monitor Temperatures23
Monitoring Voltages24
▼To Monitor Voltage24
Viewing and Managing the Event Log24
▼To Display the Event Log25
▼To View the Event Logs25
▼To Save the Event Log25
ivSun Fire X4150 Server Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide • September 2007
▼To Clear the Event Log26
4.Configuring, Managing and Maintaining the Server Using the Web-Based
Configuring the System28
▼To Configure the System29
Configuring Network Settings30
▼To Configure the Network Settings30
Configuring E-mail Notification30
▼To Configure E-mail Notification30
Configuring Platform Event Filters30
▼To Configure a Platform Event Filter31
Configuring System Management Access33
▼To access the System Management Access Submenus33
Configuring the SSL Certificate34
▼To Configure the SSL Certificate34
Configuring SNMP34
▼To Configure SNMP35
▼To Add an SNMP Community35
▼To Delete an SNMP Community36
▼To Modify an SNMP Community36
▼To Add an SNMP User36
▼To Delete an SNMP User37
▼To Edit an SNMP User37
Configuring Active Directory Service37
▼To Configure Active Directory Service38
Managing and Maintaining the System38
Managing Users and Accounts38
▼To Add a User39
▼To Change a User Password or Privilege41
▼To Delete a User Account41
▼To Disable or Enable a User41
Managing the System Locator Indicator LED42
▼To Control the State of the System Indicator LED42
Managing the Front Panel and On-Board Fault LEDs42
▼To View the State of the Fault LEDs43
▼To Turn the Fault LEDs Off43
Setting Power Control44
▼To Set Power Control44
Resetting the Service Processor44
▼To Reset the Service Processor44
Updating the Firmware45
Updating the Firmware Using a Web Browser45
▼To Update the Firmware Using a Web Browser46
Recovering from a Corrupt SP46
▼To Recover From a Corrupt SP47
Managing Session Timeout48
▼To Set the Session Timeout48
▼To Disable the Session Timeout48
Setting the Time49
▼To Set the Time49
5.Using the Remote Console Application51
Accessing the Remote Console51
CD and Diskette Redirection Operational Model52
Starting the Remote Console Application54
▼To Start the Remote Console Application54
viSun Fire X4150 Server Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide • September 2007
Setting Parameters for the Remote Console55
▼To Set Parameters for the Remote Console55
Redirecting Keyboard, Video, Mouse, or Storage Devices56
▼To Redirect Keyboard and Mouse Devices56
▼To Redirect Storage Devices57
Installing an Operating System on a Remote Server58
▼To Install an OS on a Remote Server Using a Virtual CD-ROM58
Other Remote Options59
6.Using IPMI61
About IPMI61
Supported IPMI 2.0 Commands63
7.Using the Command-Line Interface69
Logging In to the CLI69
Command Syntax70
Managing the Host72
Managing the Host State72
Managing the Host Console73
Viewing Host Sensors73
Managing ELOM Network Settings74
▼To Display Network Settings74
▼To Configure Network Settings74
Managing Local User Accounts With the CLI75
Adding a User Account Using the CLI76
▼To Add a User Account Using the CLI76
To Delete a User Account Using the CLI76
▼To Display User Accounts Using the CLI76
Configuring User Accounts77
Managing Alerts78
Displaying Alerts78
▼To Display Alerts78
Displaying PET Target Properties80
▼To Display PET Target Properties80
Configuring Alerts80
Configuring the PET IP Address81
▼To Configure the PET IP Address81
Configuring the PEF Global Controls81
▼To Configure the PEF Global Controls82
Configuring the Event Filter Tables82
▼To Configure the Event Filter Tables83
Displaying Version Information85
To Display the Current SP Version Information85
Updating the Firmware86
▼To Update the Firmware86
8.Using Simple Network Management Protocol89
About SNMP89
How SNMP Works89
SNMP MIB Files90
MIBs Integration90
SNMP Messages91
Configuring SNMP on the ELOM92
Adding Your Server to Your SNMP Environment92
Configuring Receipt of SNMP Traps92
Managing SNMP User Accounts92
Adding a User Account92
Deleting a User Account93
Configuring User Accounts93
A.Command-Line Interface Reference95
CLI Command Quick Reference95
CLI Command Reference99
xSun Fire X4150 Server Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide • September 2007
FIGURE 3-1ELOM System Information Screen 14
FIGURE 3-2An Excerpt of the View Event Logs Screen 25
FIGURE 4-1The Configuration Screen 29
FIGURE 4-2The Platform Event Filter Screen 32
FIGURE 4-3The User Management Screen 40
FIGURE 4-4The Fault LED Screen 43
FIGURE 5-1Keyboard, Video, and Mouse Selections 57
FIGURE 8-1Sun Server MIB Tree 91
xiiSun Fire X4150 Server Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide • September 2007
The Sun Fire X4150 Server Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide
provides instructions for managing Sun servers using the Sun Fire X4150 server
(ELOM) with the service processor.
How This Document Is Organized
Chapter 1 describes the Embedded Lights Out Manager from an architectural
standpoint and indicates tasks that can be accomplished with the management
Chapter 2 details the physical connections and how to communicate with your Sun
Fire X4150 server.
Chapter 3 describes how to use the web-based interface to monitor your server with
the embedded system management software.
Chapter 4 provides information about configuring, managing and maintaining the
server system with a web browser.
Chapter 5 describes how to use the remote console through the web-based interface.
Chapter 6 describes the Intelligent Platform Interface (IPMI) and how it can be used
to manage field replaceable units (FRUs) and system health independently of the
operating system.
Chapter 7 provides an alternative method of managing your server—through the
command-line interface (CLI).
Chapter 8 helps you understand the basics of the Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) and how it is important to your server management.
Appendix A gives you a quick reference to the commands you can use with
Embedded Lights Out Manager.
Glossary is a list of words and phrases and their definitions.
Using UNIX Commands
This document might not contain information about basic UNIX®commands and
procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring
devices. Refer to the following for this information:
■ Software documentation that you received with your system
■ Solaris™ Operating System documentation, which is at
xiv Sun Fire X4150 Server Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide • September 2007
Typographic Conventions
AaBbCc123The names of commands, files,
AaBbCc123What you type, when contrasted
AaBbCc123Book titles, new words or terms,
* The settings on your web browser might differ from these settings.
Edit your.login file.
and directories; onscreen
computer output.
with onscreen computer output.
words to be emphasized.
Replace command-line variables
with real names or values.
Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail.
Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide.
These are called class options.
Yo u must be a superuser to do this.
To delete a file, enter rm filename.
Related Documentation
For the most up-to-date information about the Sun Fire X4150 server, navigate to
your server at
Translated versions of some of these documents are also available at Select a language from the drop-down list and navigate to the
Sun Fire X4150 server document collection using the High-End Servers product
category link. Available translations for the Sun Fire X4150 server include Simplified
Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, Japanese, and Korean.
English documentation is revised more frequently and might be more up-to-date
than the translated documentation.
For all Sun hardware documentation, go to
Sun Documentation, Support, and
Sun FunctionURL
Third-Party Web Sites
Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this
document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content,
advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites
or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage
or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content,
goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.
Sun Welcomes Your Comments
Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and
suggestions, which you can submit at
Please include the title and part number of this document with your feedback:
Sun Fire X4150 Server Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide, 820-2705
xvi Sun Fire X4150 Server Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide • September 2007
Sun Fire X4150 server ELOM
This chapter serves as an overview of the capabilities of the Sun Fire X4150 server
Embedded Lights Out Manager (ELOM), and contains the following sections:
■ “Sun Fire X4150 server ELOM Features” on page 2
■ “Embedded Lights Out Manager Common Tasks” on page 2
■ “Sun Fire X4150 server Default Settings” on page 3
■ “About the Preconfigured Administrator Account” on page 4
■ “About the Indicator and Fault LEDs” on page 4
Sun Fire X4150 server ELOM Features
The ELOM provides a dedicated system of hardware and supporting software that
enables you to manage your server independent of an operating system, and in lowpower situations. ELOM is composed of four components:
■ Web-based interface (requires JavaR v5 or later)
■ Command-line Interface (accessed via serial or ethernet using ssh)
■ IPMI v2
■ SNMP v3
You can access the ELOM using a web browser, secure shell (SSH), or via the Sun
Fire X4150 server’s serial port. Your server’s default network setting is configured as
DHCP for easy access via a web browser or SSH, and the ELOM output is directed
by default to the serial port.
Embedded Lights Out Manager
Common Tasks
The following table shows common tasks and the management interfaces used to
perform each task.
TABLE 1-1ELOM Common Tasks
Redirect the system graphical console to a remote client
web browser.
Connect a remote diskette drive to the system as a
virtual diskette drive.
Connect a remote CD-ROM drive to the system as a
virtual CD-ROM drive.
Monitor system fans, temperatures, and voltages
Monitor system BIOS messages remotely.YesYesYes-
Monitor system operating system messages remotely.YesYesYes-
2Sun Fire X4150 Server Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide • September 2007
-Yes - -
-Yes - -
-Yes - -
Ye sYe sYe sYe s
TABLE 1-1ELOM Common Tasks (Continued)
Interrogate system components for their IDs and serial
Redirect the system serial console to a remote client.Yes-Yes-
Monitor system status (health check) remotely.YesYesYesYes
Interrogate system network interface cards remotely for
MAC addresses.
Manage user accounts remotely.YesYesYes-
Manage system power status remotely (power on,
power off, power reset).
Monitor and manage environmental settings for key
system components (CPUs, motherboards, fans).
Ye s-Ye sYe s
Ye sYe sYe s-
Ye sYe sYe s-
Sun Fire X4150 server Default Settings
Sun has configured the SP controller and SP firmware on your server to use the most
common default settings. It is unlikely that you will need to change any of these
TABLE 1-2SP Controller and Firmware Default Settings
System ComponentDefault StatusAction Required
Service processor cardPreinstalledNone
Service processor firmwarePreinstalledNone
IPMI interfaceEnabledNone
Web-based interfaceEnabledNone
Command-line interface (CLI)EnabledNone
SNMP interfaceEnabledNone
Chapter 1 Sun Fire X4150 server ELOM Overview3
About the Preconfigured Administrator
The ELOM is shipped with one preconfigured administrator account:
User name: root
Password: changeme
The preconfigured administrator account, root, is the default account. It cannot be
deleted or modified. You can only change the password for the root account. This
default account contains administrator privileges (read and write access) to all
service processor features and commands. For security reasons you should change
the root password and create an alternate user account that also has administrator
privileges. To change a user password or to create a new user, see Chapter 4.
If you’ve changed the root password, but have not created an alternate account, and
the new root password is lost or forgotten, you will have to reset the SP to return the
ELOM to its default settings. For information about how to do this, see“Resetting the
Service Processor” on page 44.
About the Indicator and Fault LEDs
The LEDs on the front and rear panel of your server allow you to manage the server
at a rudimentary level. The LEDs are helpful for indicating when a problem has
occurred, and you can use these LEDs in combination with the internal fault
indicator LEDs and buttons to troubleshoot and repair component failure issues.
However, using the ELOM it is possible not only to troubleshoot component failure
issues, but also to configure, manage, and maintain the server remotely and to
implement an effective preventative maintenance program. Using the ELOM as part
of a regular maintenance regimen allows you to take a proactive approach to server
repair. This can improve system performance and minimize downtime.
For information about the Indicator and Fault LEDs, see the Sun Fire X4150 ServerService Manual.
For information about managing, maintaining, and configuring your server, see
Chapter 4 of this guide.
4Sun Fire X4150 Server Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide • September 2007
Connecting to the ELOM
This chapter details the ways to connect to and communicate with your Sun Fire
X4150 server. It contains the following sections:
■ “About Connection Tasks” on page 6
■ “Connecting Using a Serial Connection” on page 6
■ “Connecting Using Ethernet” on page 7
Note – You must install your server and configure the ELOM before communicating
with the server. Information about installing the server and configuring the ELOM is
available in the Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Guide.
About Connection Tasks
You have two methods to connect to the ELOM in your server:
■ Serial/Local
■ Ethernet/Remote
Both methods require making physical cable connections to the server and logging
in to the ELOM; refer to
TABLE 2-1Methods of Connecting to the ELOM
TABLE 2-1.
Serial, directCLI only RJ-45
EthernetCLI and
We b
Connect directly to the serial management port the on
server with a terminal or laptop running terminal
emulation software.
You must know the ELOM’s Ethernet address.
Note: This is the only method that supports web
browser access.
Note – The ELOM supports a maximum of 10 active sessions, including serial, SSH,
and web browser sessions.
Connecting Using a Serial Connection
You access the ELOM CLI by connecting a terminal or a PC running terminal
emulation software to the RJ-45 serial port on the server using the supplied cable.
▼ To Connect Using a Serial Connection
1. Verify that your terminal, laptop, or terminal server is operational.
2. Configure the terminal device or terminal emulation software to use the
following settings:
■ 8,N,1: eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit.
6Sun Fire X4150 Server Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide • September 2007
■ 9600 baud (default, can be set to any standard rate up to 57600).
■ Disable software flow control (XON/XOFF).
3. Connect a serial cable to the RJ-45 connection on the back of the server.
4. Connect the other end to the terminal or laptop.
5. Press Enter on the terminal device.
This action establishes the connection between the terminal device and the
ELOM. When the server has booted, the ELOM displays its login prompt:
SUNSPnnnnnnnnnn login:
The first string in the prompt is the default host name. It consists of the prefix
SUNSP and the ELOM’s MAC address. The MAC address for each ELOM is
6. Log in to the CLI.
Accounts created using the web browser are available for the CLI. If this is the
first login, you will need to use the preconfigured default account:
User name: root.
Password: changeme.
Once you have successfully logged in, the default command prompt appears:
You can now run CLI commands (Chapter 7 describes how to use the CLI).
To log out of the CLI
● Enter the following command:
-> exit
Connecting Using Ethernet
Ethernet connectivity provides full access to both the ELOM command-line interface
(CLI) and the web-based interface. Both connection options allow you to manage,
maintain, and configure the server remotely. This section contains the following two
connection procedures:
■ Connecting to the CLI. See Connecting to the CLI.
■ Connecting to the web-based interface. See Connecting to the Web-Based
Chapter 2 Connecting to the ELOM7
Note – You will need the IP address of your ELOM, which you obtained during the
setup and installation of your server (see the Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Guide).
Connecting to the CLI
Be sure that you have connected a LAN to the NET MGT 0 port on the server, and
that you have an SSH client installed on your remote system.
▼ To Connect to the CLI
1. If necessary start your SSH client.
2. To log in to the ELOM, enter the following command:
$ ssh username@ipaddress
username The user ID and ipaddress is the IP address of the ELOM. Accounts
created using the web browser are available for the CLI. If this is the first login,
you will need to use the preconfigured default account. For example,
$ ssh root@ipaddress
3. When prompted, enter the password for the username used in Step 2.
The password for root is changeme.
The CLI command prompt appears:
For information about managing the server using the CLI, see Chapter 7. For
information about the default account, see “About the Preconfigured
Administrator Account” on page 3.
To Log Out of the CLI:
● Enter the following command:
–> exit
8Sun Fire X4150 Server Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide • September 2007
Connecting to the Web-Based Interface
Be sure that you have connected a LAN to the NET MGT 0 port on the server.
▼ To Connect to the Web-Based Interface
1. Type the IP address of the ELOM into your web browser.
The login screen appears.
2. Type a user name and password.
Accounts created using the CLI are available for the web-based interface. If this is
the first login, you will need to use the preconfigured default account:
■ Default user name: root
■ Default password: changeme
For more information about the default account, see “About the Preconfigured
Administrator Account” on page 3.
3. Click Log In.
The web-based interface appears. Chapter 3 shows how to use the interface.
To Log Out of the web-based interface:
● Click the Log Out button.
The Log Out button is located in the upper right corner of the screen.
Chapter 2 Connecting to the ELOM9
10Sun Fire X4150 Server Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide • September 2007
Monitoring the Server System Using
the Web-Based Interface
This chapter provides information about how to use the web-based interface and the
Sun Fire X4150 server software to monitor your server.
It includes the following sections:
■ “Using the Web-Based Interface” on page 11
■ “Accessing the ELOM Using a Web Browser” on page 13
■ “Viewing System and Component Information” on page 16
■ “Monitoring the System Sensors” on page 19
■ “Viewing and Managing the Event Log” on page 24
Note – You can monitor the rudimentary state of the server using the LED fault
light. A solidly lit amber LED indicates critical error. Further details about the fault
light can be found in your Service Manual. For information about controlling the state
of the fault LEDs see “To Control the State of the System Indicator LED” on page 42.
Using the Web-Based Interface
The web-based graphical user interface (GUI) allows you to use a standard web
browser to monitor and manage local and remote systems.
You can redirect the server’s console to a remote workstation or laptop system. This
requires configuring the remote system’s keyboard and mouse to act as the server's
keyboard and mouse. You can configure the diskette drive or CD-ROM drive on the
remote system as if it were connected to the Sun server. You can also redirect
diskette images (.img files) and CD-ROM images (.iso files) for remote access.
Remote configuration issues are covered in Chapter 5.
Browser and Software Requirements
The web-based interface has been tested successfully with recently released
Mozilla™ Firefox and Internet Explorer web browsers, and might be compatible
with other web browsers.
The ELOM product is preinstalled on the Sun server. However, you need Java™
software on the client to perform redirection as described in Chapter 5.
Users and Privileges
After you log in to the web-based interface, you can perform basic software tasks,
Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) tasks, and system monitoring.
ELOM user accounts define what you can do by roles:
■ Administrator – Enables read/write access to all ELOM features, functions, and
■ Operator, User, and Callback – Enable limited access to ELOM features,
functions, and commands. For example, users with these permissions cannot
change their assigned roles or privileges.
For more information about users, including how to manage user accounts using the
web-based interface, see Chapter 4.
Web-Based Interface Tasks
Some of the common tasks you can perform using the web-based interface include:
Configuring connection methods:
■ Redirect the system’s console to a remote client browser.
■ Connect a remote diskette drive or diskette image to the system as a virtual
diskette drive.
■ Connect a remote CD-ROM drive or CD-ROM image to the system as a local or
virtual CD-ROM drive.
12Sun Fire X4150 Server Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide • September 2007
Monitoring and managing system status:
■ Monitor the status of system fans, temperatures, and voltages remotely.
■ Examine component information, including CPUs, DIMMs, voltages, and fans.
■ Power on, power off, power cycle, reset the system remotely, reboot and enter
the system BIOS, reboot and enter diagnostics (Pc-Check), and send NMI.
Managing and modifying system variables:
■ Manage user accounts locally and remotely.
■ Configure settings.
■ Update BIOS firmware.
Accessing the ELOM Using a Web
The ELOM boots automatically when a Sun server is cabled appropriately and
plugged in to an AC power supply. This usually occurs within one minute.
However, if the management Ethernet is not connected, or if the ELOM's Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) process fails due to the absence of a DHCP
server on the management network, the ELOM might take a few minutes longer to
Note – Disabling the use of the browser proxy server (if one is used) for access to
the management network might speed the browser response time.
▼ To Access the ELOM Using a Web Browser
1. To log in to the web-based interface, type the IP address of the ELOM in your
web browser.
The login screen appears.
2. In the login screen that appears, type the default user name and password.
Username: root
Password: changeme
Chapter 3 Monitoring the Server System Using the Web-Based Interface13
3. Click Log In.
The web-based interface appears.
To log out of the web-based interface:
● Click the Logout button in the upper right corner of the screen.
Viewing the System From the Web Browser
The system is equipped with a number of sensors that measure voltages,
temperatures, fan speed, and so on. The System Information tab shows the current
system status and provides access to the Version, Session Time-Out, and the
Components submenu tabs (see
FIGURE 3-1 ELOM System Information Screen
FIGURE 3-1).
TABLE 3-1 lists the ELOM main menu and submenu tabs and points to relevant
sections in this manual.
TABLE 3-1ELOM Tab Detail Choices
Main TabSubmenu TabWhere to Find Details
Server Board Information “Viewing Version Information” on page 16.
SP Version“Viewing Version Information” on page 16.
14Sun Fire X4150 Server Embedded Lights Out Manager Administration Guide • September 2007
“Viewing System and Component Information”
on page 16.
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