This distributionmay includematerials developed by third parties.Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sunlogo, Java, Netra, Solaris, StarOffice, Sun
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1.Before You Begin1
Tools and Equipment Needed1
Installation Process Flowchart1
Unpacking the Boxes4
Package Contents Inventory4
Antistatic Precautions5
Sun Fire X4150 Server Description6
Front Panel Features6
Back Panel7
2.Installing the Sun Fire X4150 Server Into a Rack with Slide-Rails9
Before You Install the Server9
Server Installation Process Overview9
Service Label10
Checking Compatibility10
Preparing the Slide Rails and Server for Installation11
Disassembling Slide-Rails11
Installing the Mounting-Brackets Onto the Server13
Attaching the Slide-Rail Assemblies to the Rack14
Installing the Server Into the Slide-Rail Assemblies17
Installing the Cable Management Arm19
Verifying Operation of the Slide-rails and CMA26
3.Setting Up the Sun Fire X4150 Server27
Connecting the Cables28
Connector Locations28
Cabling the Server29
Service Processor Overview30
Embedded LOM Service Processor Software Overview30
Integrated LOM Service Processor Software Overview32
Connecting to the LOM Service Processor for the First Time33
Initial LOM Setup Overview33
Determining the LOM Service Processor IP Address34
Method 1: Access the BIOS34
Method 2: Connect to the Service Processor Using a Serial Connection35
Modifying the Service Processor IP Address37
Method 1: Using the BIOS37
Method 2: Using the Serial Connection38
Method 3: Using the Service Processor (SP) LOM Web Browser Interface40
Applying Power for the First Time41
Installing the Intel PROSET Teaming Utility43
4.Configuring the Preinstalled Solaris 10 Operating System45
Solaris Preinstall Overview45
Delivery Methods45
Before You Begin46
ivSun Fire X4150 Server Installation Guide • May 2009
Installation Worksheet47
Configuring the Solaris OS49
Redirect the Console Output to the Video Port (Optional)50
Using the GRUB Menu50
Configuring Sun Fire X4150 Server RAID Drives51
RAID Drive Overview51
RAID Drive Options52
Mirroring the Preinstalled Solaris OS with LSI RAID53
Creating a RAID Set to Incorporate a Preinstalled OS Using the Sun
StorageTek Card54
Solaris 10 Operating System User Information55
Accessing Solaris 10 User Documentation55
Downloading Solaris 10 OS Software56
Solaris 10 OS Training56
5.Configuring the Preinstalled Windows Server 2003 R2
Operating System57
Windows Server 2003 R2 Preinstall Overview57
Delivery Methods58
How to start a RKVM Session58
Configuring the Windows Server 2003 R2 Operating System58
Configuring Sun Fire X4150 Server RAID Drives60
RAID Drive Overview60
RAID Drive Options61
Mirroring the Preinstalled Windows Server 2003 R2 OS with LSI RAID62
Creating a RAID Set to Incorporate a Preinstalled OS Using the Sun
StorageTek Card63
6.If You Need Help65
Powering On and Off the Server65
Power On the Main Power65
Power Off from Main Power Mode66
Setup Troubleshooting67
Contacting Support68
viSun Fire X4150 Server Installation Guide • May 2009
The Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Guide provides detailed information about how
to install the Sun Fire X4150™ server hardware and software. This book is intended
for system administrators, network administrators, and service technicians who
have an understanding of server systems.
How This Book Is Organized
This guide contains the following chapters:
TABLE P-1Installation Guide Chapters
Chapter 1How to set up the Sun Fire X4150 server hardware.
Chapter 2How to place the Sun Fire X4150 server into a rack using the rail assembly.
Chapter 3How to connect cables and power up the Sun Fire X4150 server for the first
Chapter 4How to configure the Solaris
preinstalled on your Sun Fire X4150 server.
Chapter 5How to configure the Windows Operating System (OS) that might be
preinstalled on your Sun Fire X4150 server.
Chapter 6Troubleshooting information and how to apply and remove AC power to the
Sun Fire X4150 Server. Support contacts are also included.
™ 10 Operating System (OS) that might be
Typographic Conventions
AaBbCc123The names of commands, files,
AaBbCc123Book titles, new words or terms,
1 The settings on your browser might differ from these settings.
Edit your.login file.
and directories; onscreen
computer output
What you type, when contrasted
with onscreen computer output
words to be emphasized.
Replace command-line variables
with real names or values.
Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail.
% su
Read Chapter 6 in the User ’s Guide.
These are called class options.
Yo u must be a superuser to do this.
To delete a file, type rm filename.
Sun Online
The following table shows where to find Sun documents online:
Sun FunctionURLDescription
Support technical support, and
Training about Sun courses.
Feedback your comments.
viii Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Guide • May 2009
http://docs.sun.comYou can navigate to the Sun Fire X4150
server document page and then
download PDF and view HTML
documents. Includes the LSI card
MegaRAID Storage Manager x64 Server
Utilities Reference Manual for MSM.
download patches.
Obtain specific details regarding your
Sun Fire X4150 Server Documentation
To view the latest Sun Fire X4150 server documentation online, go to, and then navigate to Sun Fire X4150 server documentation.
Related Documentation
A Where To Find Documentation sheet lists available documents for the Sun Fire X4150
server and describes the Sun Fire X4150 server document set. The Where to FindDocumentation sheet is packed with your system and is also posted at the product's
documentation site.
Translated versions of some of these documents are available at the web site
described earlier in French, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, and
Japanese. English documentation is revised more frequently and might be more upto-date than the translated documentation.
Third-Party Web Sites
Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this
document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content,
advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites
or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage
or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content,
goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.
Safety and Compliance Information
Refer to the following documents for safety information regarding the Sun Fire
X4150 server:
■ Important Safety Information for Sun Hardware Systems, 816-7190: hard copy
document included in the ship kit.
■ Sun Fire X4150 Server Safety and Compliance Guide, 820-1856: available online by
navigating to the Sun Fire X4150 server document page from:
Sun Welcomes Your Comments
Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and
suggestions. You can submit your comments by going to:
Please include the title and part number of your document with your feedback. The
part number of this Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Guide is 820-1851-12.
x Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Guide • May 2009
Before You Begin
This chapter describes how to set up the Sun Fire X4150 server hardware. It includes
the following topics:
■ “Tools and Equipment Needed” on page 1
■ “Installation Process Flowchart” on page 1
■ “Unpacking the Boxes” on page 4
■ “Sun Fire X4150 Server Description” on page 6
Tools and Equipment Needed
To install the system, you need the following tools:
■ #2 Phillips screwdriver
■ ESD mat and grounding strap
■ Pencil, stylus, or other pointed device, for pushing front panel buttons.
You also need a system console device, such as one of the following:
■ Sun workstation
■ ASCII terminal
■ Terminal server
Installation Process Flowchart
To install a typical server, follow the flowcharts in FIGURE 1-1 and FIGURE 1-2.
FIGURE 1-1 Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Process (Part 1)
“Unpacking the Boxes” on page 4
Sun Fire X4150 Server Service Manual
“Preparing the Slide Rails and Server for
Installation” on page 11
.“Installing the Server Into the Slide-Rail
Assemblies” on page 17
“Installing the Cable Management Arm” on
page 19
“Verifying Operation of the Slide-rails and
CMA” on page 26
2Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Guide • May 2009
“Connecting the Cables” on page 28
“Connecting to the LOM Service Processor
for the First Time” on page 33
“Applying Power for the First Time” on
page 41
“Installing the Intel PROSET Teaming
Utility” on page 43
FIGURE 1-2 Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Process (Part 2)
Sun Fire X4150, X4250, and X4450 Server
Operating System Installation Guide
“Configuring the Preinstalled Solaris 10
Operating System” on page 45
“Configuring the Preinstalled Windows Server
2003 R2 Operating System” on page 57
Note: The preinstalled image can only convert
to a 2-disk mirror RAID.
If you want to use any other RAID
configuration, you will need to reinstall the
OS. See Sun Fire X4150, X4250, and X4450
Server Operating System Installation Guide.
“Configuring the Preinstalled Solaris 10
Operating System” on page 45
“Configuring the Preinstalled Windows Server
2003 R2 Operating System” on page 57
Sun StorageTek: Sun StorageTek RAID Manager
User's Guide
LSI: Sun LSI 106x RAID User ’s Guide for MSM
Chapter 1 Before You Begin3
Unpacking the Boxes
Unpack all server components from the packing cartons.
Package Contents Inventory
■ Sun Fire X4150 server
■ Sun Fire X4150 server accessory kit, including the following documentation:
■ Sun Fire X4150, X4250, and X4450 Servers Getting Started Guide
■ Important Safety Information for Sun Hardware Systems
■ Additional license, safety, and registration documentation
■ DB9-RJ45 adapter (for serial system management port)
■ Windows preinstall kit (only if Windows Server 2003 is preinstalled on the
■ Optional rackmount kit
■ Optional cable management kit
Power cables, keyboard, and mouse are packaged separately from the other items.
The documentation and CD kit is a separate orderable option. This kit currently
includes the following items:
■ Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Guide (this document)
■ SunVTS Diagnostics CD
■ Sun Fire X4150 Server Tools and Drivers DVD (includes drivers and additional
■ Sun Installation Assistant CD
Standard server components are installed at the factory. However, ordered options
such as additional memory or PCI-e cards are shipped separately. If possible, install
optional components before installing the server in a rack.
4Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Guide • May 2009
Antistatic Precautions
Electronic equipment is susceptible to damage by static electricity. Use a grounded
antistatic wriststrap, footstrap, or equivalent safety equipment to prevent
electrostatic damage (ESD) when you install or service the server.
Caution – To protect electronic components from electrostatic damage, which can
permanently disable the system or require repair by Sun service technicians, place
components on an antistatic surface, such as an antistatic discharge mat, an antistatic
bag, or a disposable antistatic mat. Wear an antistatic grounding strap connected to
a metal surface on the chassis when you work on system components.
Chapter 1 Before You Begin5
Sun Fire X4150 Server Description
This section shows the front and back of the Sun Fire X4150 server.
Front Panel Features
FIGURE 1-3 shows the front panel. TABLE 1-1 describes the front panel features.
FIGURE 1-3 Front Panel - 8 drive configuration shown
TABLE 1-1Front Panel Legend
1Locator LED/Locator button: white9Hard disk drive 5 (optional)
2Service Required LED: amber10Hard disk drive 4 (optional)
3Power/OK LED: green11Hard disk drive 6 (optional)
4Power button12Hard disk drive 7 (optional)
5Hard disk drive 1 (optional)13DVD drive (optional)
6Hard disk drive 0 (optional)14USB 2.0 connector (2)
7Hard disk drive 3 (optional)15USB 2.0 connector (3)
8Hard disk drive 2 (optional)16Fault LEDs: amber
Top open
Power supply (PS) fail
Over temperature warning, fan fail
6Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Guide • May 2009
Back Panel
FIGURE 1-4 shows the back panel. TABLE 1-2 describes the back panel features.
FIGURE 1-4 Back Panel
TABLE 1-2Back Panel Legend
1Power supply unit 0 connector6PCI-express slot (0)
2Power supply unit 0 status indicator LEDs7PCI-express slot (1)
• Power Supply OK: green
• Power Supply Fail: amber
• AC OK: green
3Power supply unit 1 connector9Serial management/RJ-45 serial port
4Power supply unit 1 status indicator LEDs:
• Power Supply OK: green
• Power Supply Fail: amber
• AC OK: green
5System status LEDs:11Gbit Ethernet ports NET 0, 1, 2, 3 (Intel)
• Power: green
• Attention: amber
• Locate: white
8PCI-express slot (2)
10Service processor (SP) network management
NET MGT port
12USB 2.0 ports (0, 1)
13HD15 video connector (analog VGA)
Chapter 1 Before You Begin7
8Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Guide • May 2009
Installing the Sun Fire X4150 Server
Into a Rack with Slide-Rails
This chapter describes how to place the Sun Fire X4150 server into a rack using the
rail assembly in the rackmount kit. Perform this procedure if the rail assembly is
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ “Before You Install the Server” on page 9
■ “Preparing the Slide Rails and Server for Installation” on page 11
■ “Installing the Server Into the Slide-Rail Assemblies” on page 17
■ “Installing the Cable Management Arm” on page 19
■ “Verifying Operation of the Slide-rails and CMA” on page 26
Note – In this guide, the term rack means either an open rack or a closed cabinet.
Before You Install the Server
Read the overview and see the service label on the top cover before you begin to
install the Sun Fire X4150 server.
Server Installation Process Overview
To install your server into a four-post rack using the slide-rail and cable
management arm options, perform the following tasks in the order shown:
1. “Checking Compatibility” on page 10
2. “Disassembling Slide-Rails” on page 11
3. “Installing the Mounting-Brackets Onto the Server” on page 13
4. “Installing the Cable Management Arm” on page 19
5. “Verifying Operation of the Slide-rails and CMA” on page 26
6. “Connecting the Cables” on page 28
Rail Assemblies
The server might include either tool-less or bolt-on rail assemblies in rackmount kits.
Instructions for both types are included in this chapter.
Service Label
Refer to the service label on the Sun Fire X4150 server top cover for instructions on
how to install your server into a four-post rack, using the slide-rail and cable
management arm options. The service label includes instructions for both tool-less
and bolt-on rail assemblies.
Checking Compatibility
Check that your rack is compatible with the slide-rail and cable management arm
(CMA) options. The optional slide-rails are compatible with a wide range of
equipment racks that meet the following standards:
TABLE 2-1Rack Compatibility
StructureFour-post rack (mounting at both front and rear).
Rack horizontal opening and unit
vertical pitch
Distance between front and rear
mounting planes
Clearance depth in front of front
mounting plane
10Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Guide • May 2009
Two-post racks are not compatible.
Conforms to ANSI/EIA 310-D-1992 or IEC 60927
Minimum 610 mm and Maximum 915 mm (24
inches to 36 inches).
Distance to front cabinet door is at least 25.4 mm (1
TABLE 2-1Rack Compatibility
Clearance depth behind front
mounting plane
Clearance width between front and
rear mounting planes
Server DimensionsLength: (not including PSU handle): 28.0 inches
Distance to rear cabinet door is at least 800 mm (31.5
inches) with the cable management arm, or 700 mm
(27.5 inches), without the cable management arm.
Distance between structural supports and cable
troughs is at least 456 mm (18 inches).
(711.2 mm)
Width: (not including ears): 16.75 inches (425.5 mm)
Caution – Always load equipment into a rack from the bottom up so that it will not
become top-heavy and tip over. Deploy your rack’s anti-tip bar to prevent the rack
from tipping during equipment installation.
Caution – Ensure that the temperature in the rack does not exceed the server’s
maximum ambient rated temperatures. Consider the total airflow requirements of all
equipment installed in the rack to ensure that the equipment is operated within its
specified temperature range.
Preparing the Slide Rails and Server for
Disassembling Slide-Rails
Do one of the following procedures before installation:
■ “Disassembling Bolt-On Slide-Rails” on page 12
■ “Disassembling Tool-less Slide-Rails” on page 12
Chapter 2 Installing the Sun Fire X4150 Server Into a Rack with Slide-Rails11
Disassembling Bolt-On Slide-Rails
To remove the mounting-brackets from the bolt-on slide-rail assemblies:
1. Unpack the slide-rails.
2. Locate the slide-rail lock at the front of one of the slide-rail assemblies, as
shown in
3. Squeeze and hold the tabs at the top and bottom of the lock while you pull the
mounting-bracket out of the slide-rail assembly until it reaches the stop. (See
FIGURE 2-1).
4. Push the mounting-bracket release button toward the front of the mountingbracket, as shown in
bracket from the slide-rail assembly.
5. Repeat for the remaining slide-rail assembly.
FIGURE 2-1 Disassembling the Bolt-on Slide-rail Before Installation
FIGURE 2-1, and simultaneously withdraw the mounting-
release button
Slide-rail lock
Disassembling Tool-less Slide-Rails
To remove the mounting-brackets from the tool-less slide-rail assemblies, refer to the
install card instructions included with the kit.
12Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Guide • May 2009
Installing the Mounting-Brackets Onto the Server
To install the mounting-brackets onto the sides of the server:
1. Position a mounting-bracket against the chassis so that the slide-rail lock is at
the server front, and the three keyed openings on the mounting-bracket are
aligned with the three locating pins on the side of the chassis.
FIGURE 2-2 Aligning the Mounting-bracket With the Server Chassis
Chassis front
Slide-rail lock
Mountingbracket clip
2. With the heads of the four chassis locating pins protruding though the four
keyed openings in the mounting-bracket, pull the mounting-bracket toward the
front of the chassis until the mounting-bracket clip locks into place with an
audible click. (See
FIGURE 2-2.)
3. Verify that the rear locating pin has engaged the mounting-bracket clip. (See
FIGURE 2-2.)
4. Repeat to install the remaining mounting-bracket on the other side of the
Chapter 2 Installing the Sun Fire X4150 Server Into a Rack with Slide-Rails13
Attaching the Slide-Rail Assemblies to the Rack
Do one of the following procedures to attach the slide-rail assemblies to the rack:
■ “Disassembling Bolt-On Slide-Rails” on page 12
■ “Disassembling Tool-less Slide-Rails” on page 12
Attaching Bolt-On Slide-Rail Assemblies
To attach bolt-on slide-rail assemblies to the rack:
1. Position a slide-rail assembly in your rack so that the brackets at each end of
the slide-rail assembly are on the outside of the front and rear rack posts. (See
FIGURE 2-3.)
2. Attach the slide-rail assembly to the rack posts, but do not tighten the screws
Choose one of the following methods to attach the slide-rails. The method you
use varies, depending on the type of rack:
■ If your rack has threaded mounting holes in the rack posts, first determine
whether the threads are metric or standard, then insert the correct mounting
screws through the slide-rail brackets and into the threaded holes.
■ If your rack does not have threaded mounting holes, insert the mounting screws
through both the slide-rail brackets and rack posts, then secure them with the
caged nuts.
14Sun Fire X4150 Server Installation Guide • May 2009
FIGURE 2-3 Slide-Rail Assembly Mounting to Rack Post
Rack post
Slide-rail assembly
bracket on outside
of rack post
3. Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 for the remaining slide-rail assembly.
4. From the front of the rack, set the proper width of the rails with the spacer. (See
FIGURE 2-4.)
Chapter 2 Installing the Sun Fire X4150 Server Into a Rack with Slide-Rails15
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