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Preface xi
1.Introduction to the Sun Fire X4100 and Sun Fire X4200 Servers1-1
Features of the Servers1-1
Sun Fire X4100 Server Orientation1-3
Sun Fire X4100 Server Front Panel Features1-3
Sun Fire X4100 Server Back Panel Features1-3
Sun Fire X4100 Server Components1-4
Sun Fire X4200 Server Orientation1-5
Sun Fire X4200 Server Front Panel Features1-5
Sun Fire X4200 Server Back Panel Features1-6
Sun Fire X4200 Server Components1-7
Accessory Kits1-8
Additional Options and Replaceable Components1-8
2.Powering On and Configuring BIOS Settings2-1
Powering On the Server2-2
Powering Off the Server2-3
Configuring BIOS Settings2-4
Changing the Configuration of a BIOS Menu Item2-4
BIOS Considerations2-5
PCI Card Slot Booting Priority2-5
BIOS Option ROM Size Limitation2-5
AMD PowerNow! Feature Disabled by Default2-5
Descriptions of the BIOS Setup Screens2-6
BIOS Setup Menu Screens2-8
BIOS Main Menu Screen2-8
BIOS Advanced Menu Main Screen2-8
BIOS Advanced Menu CPU Configuration Screen2-9
BIOS Advanced Menu IDE Configuration Screen2-9
BIOS Advanced Menu SuperIO Chipset Configuration Screen2-10
BIOS Advanced Menu ACPI Settings Screen2-10
BIOS Advanced Menu ACPI Configuration Screen2-11
BIOS Advanced Menu Event Logging Details Screen2-11
BIOS Advanced Menu HyperTransport Configuration Screen2-12
BIOS Advanced Menu IPMI Configuration Screen2-12
BIOS Advanced Menu IPMI, View BMC Event Log Screen2-13
BIOS Advanced Menu IPMI, LAN Configuration Screen2-14
BIOS Advanced Menu IPMI, PEF Configuration Screen2-14
This site contains updates for firmware and drivers, as well as CD-ROM .iso
Related Documentation
For a description of the document set for the Sun Fire X4100 and Sun Fire X4200
servers, see the Where To Find Documentation sheet that is packed with your system
and also posted at the product's documentation site. See the following URL, then
navigate to your product.
Translated versions of some of these documents are available at the web site
described above in French, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, and
Japanese. English documentation is revised more frequently and might be more upto-date than the translated documentation.
For all Sun hardware documentation, see the following URL:
For Solaris and other software documentation, see the following URL:
Using UNIX Commands
This document might not contain information about basic UNIX®commands and
procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring
devices. Refer to the following for this information:
■ Software documentation that you received with your system
■ Solaris™ Operating System documentation, which is at:
xii Sun Fire X4100 and Sun Fire X4200 Servers Service Manual • June 2006
Typographic Conventions
AaBbCc123The names of commands, files,
AaBbCc123What you type, when contrasted
AaBbCc123Book titles, new words or terms,
* The settings on your browser might differ from these settings.
Edit your.login file.
and directories; on-screen
computer output
with on-screen computer output
words to be emphasized.
Replace command-line variables
with real names or values.
Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail.
Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide.
These are called class options.
Yo u must be superuser to do this.
To delete a file, type rm filename.
Third-Party Web Sites
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Sun Fire X4100 and Sun Fire X4200 Servers Service Manual, part number 819-1157-15
xiv Sun Fire X4100 and Sun Fire X4200 Servers Service Manual • June 2006
Introduction to the Sun Fire X4100
and Sun Fire X4200 Servers
This chapter contains overviews of the Sun Fire™ X4100 and Sun Fire X4200 servers,
including features and orderable components.
1.1Features of the Servers
The Sun Fire X4100 and Sun Fire X4200 servers were designed to take full advantage
of the exceptional power and performance of the AMD Opteron™ processor.
The servers include an extensive set of reliability, availability, and serviceability
(RAS) features. The servers also provide a remote, integrated lights-out management
(ILOM) service processor function, including remote boot and remote software
TABLE 1-1 summarizes the features of the Sun Fire X4100 and Sun Fire X4200 servers.
TABLE1-1Summary Comparison of Features
Feature or
ComponentSun Fire X4100 ServerSun Fire X4200 Server
CPUTwo AMD64 Opteron dual-core processors
(1MByte L2 cache per CPU chip)
MemoryUp to eight DIMMs (up to 32GB capacity)
Qualified DIMMs:
• PC3200 400-MHz Registered ECC
• PC2700 333-MHz Registered ECC
(512MB, 1GB, or 2GB per DIMM)
Hard disk drives
Two Serial-Attached SCSI (SAS) HDDs
(2.5 inch or 63.5 mm); up to four HDDs as a
Two AMD64 Opteron dual-core processors
(1MByte L2 cache per CPU chip)
Up to eight DIMMs (up to 32GB capacity)
Qualified DIMMs:
• PC3200 400-MHz Registered ECC
• PC2700 333-MHz Registered ECC
(512MB, 1GB, or 2GB per DIMM)
Four Serial-Attached SCSI (SAS) HDDs
(2.5 inch or 63.5 mm)
TABLE 1-3 lists the after-factory options and replaceable components for the Sun Fire
X4100 and Sun Fire X4200 servers. Items that are specific to only one of the servers
are noted in the first two columns of the table. Whether the items are customerreplaceable units (CRUs) or field-replaceable units (FRUs) is indicated in the last
column of the table.
Supported components and their part numbers are subject to change over time. For
the most up-to-date list of replaceable components, product updates, and
downloads, see the following URL:
XHard disk drive backplane (for Sun Fire X4100)501-6919FRU
XHard disk drive backplane (for Sun Fire X4200)
This backplane is also used in Sun Fire X4100
servers that have the four-HDD option)
CRU or
1-10Sun Fire X4100 and Sun Fire X4200 Servers Service Manual • June 2006
TABLE1-3Sun Fire X4100 and Sun Fire X4200 Servers Replaceable Components (Continued)
Sun Fire
Sun Fire
X4200ComponentPart Number
XXPCIX riser board501-6914CRU
XXGraphics Redirect and Service Processor (GRASP)
XXRail kit for rack mounting370-7669CRU
XXCable management arm (CMA) for rack mounting370-7668CRU
XXBattery, system150-3993CRU
Caution – Some AMD CPUs are released as Special Editions, which might differ in
wattage from non-Special Edition versions of the CPU. Do not mix Special Edition
CPUs with non-Special Edition versions. Always make sure that all CPUs in the
server have the same part number.
CRU or
Chapter 1 Introduction to the Sun Fire X4100 and Sun Fire X4200 Servers1-11
1-12Sun Fire X4100 and Sun Fire X4200 Servers Service Manual • June 2006
Powering On and Configuring BIOS
This chapter contains the following procedures and information:
■ Section 2.1, “Powering On the Server” on page 2-2
■ Section 2.2, “Powering Off the Server” on page 2-3
■ Section 2.3, “Configuring BIOS Settings” on page 2-4
■ Section 2.4, “Resetting SP and BIOS Passwords Using Jumper P4” on page 2-28
■ Section 2.5, “Using the Force-Recovery Jumper P5” on page 2-31
■ Section 2.6, “Using the Clear CMOS Jumper TP51/TP52” on page 2-32
■ Section 2.7, “Using the Reset and NMI Switches” on page 2-33
■ Section 2.8, “Updating the BIOS” on page 2-34
2.1Powering On the Server
Note – Before powering on your server for the first time, follow the installation and
cabling instructions provided in the Sun Fire X4100 and Sun Fire X4200 Servers
Installation Guide, which is shipped with the system and is also available online at
the URL described in “Related Documentation” on page -xii.
Caution – Do not operate the server without all fans, component heatsinks, air
baffles, and covers installed. Severe damage to server components can occur if the
server is operated without adequate cooling mechanisms.
1. Verify that AC power cords have been connected to the server's power supplies
and that standby power is on.
In standby power mode, the Power/OK LED on the front panel flashes, indicating
that the service processor is working and the system is ready to be fully powered on
to main power mode. See
2. Use a ballpoint pen or other stylus to press and release the recessed Power button
on the server front panel. See
When main power is applied to the full server, the Power/OK LED next to the
Power button lights and remains lit.
FIGURE 2-1 or FIGURE 2-2 for the LED location.
FIGURE 2-1 or FIGURE 2-2 for the Power button location.
Power buttonPower/OK LED
FIGURE 2-1 Sun Fire X4100 Server Front Panel
Power buttonPower/OK LED
FIGURE 2-2 Sun Fire X4200 Server Front Panel
2-2Sun Fire X4100 and Sun Fire X4200 Servers Service Manual • June 2006
2.2Powering Off the Server
1. Choose a method for shutting down the server from main power mode to standby
power mode.
■ Graceful shutdown: Use a ballpoint pen or other stylus to press and release the
Power button on the front panel. This causes Advanced Configuration and Power
Interface (ACPI) enabled operating systems to perform an orderly shutdown of
the operating system. Servers not running ACPI-enabled operating systems will
shut down to standby power mode immediately.
■ Emergency shutdown: Press and hold the Power button for four seconds to force
main power off and enter standby power mode.
When main power is off, the Power/OK LED on the front panel will begin flashing,
indicating that the server is in standby power mode.
Caution – When you use the Power button to enter standby power mode, power is
still directed to the Graphics Redirect and Service Processor (GRASP) board and
power supply fans, indicated when the Power/OK LED is flashing. To completely
power off the server, you must disconnect the AC power cords from the back panel
of the server.
Chapter 2 Powering On and Configuring BIOS Settings2-3
2.3Configuring BIOS Settings
This section describes how to view and/or modify the BIOS settings.
The Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) has a Setup utility stored in the BIOS flash
memory. The Setup utility reports system information and can be used to configure
the BIOS settings. The configured data is provided with context-sensitive Help and
is stored in the system's battery-backed CMOS RAM. If the configuration stored in
the CMOS RAM is invalid, the BIOS settings will default to the original state
specified at the factory.
The first BIOS Setup menu screen is displayed. The BIOS Setup utility contains seven
menu screens, which are displayed in this order: Main, Advanced, PCI/PnP, Boot,
Security, Chipset, and Exit.
Use the left and right arrow keys to move sequentially back and forth through the
seven screens. Fields that can be reconfigured are displayed in color. All other fields
are non-configurable. Use the up and down arrows, on the keyboard, to scroll
through a screen's menu. Use the Tab key to move back and forth across columns.
2.3.1Changing the Configuration of a BIOS Menu Item
You can change the BIOS configuration in several different interfaces:
■ Use a USB keyboard and mouse, and a VGA monitor connected directly to the
■ Use the remote video console of the ILOM Service Processor and redirect the
server’s console output. See Section B.1.2, “Redirecting Console Output” on
page B-2.
■ Use a terminal (or terminal emulator connected to a computer) through the serial
port on the back panel of the server.
1. To change the system’s parameters, enter the BIOS Setup utility by pressing the F2
key while the system is performing the power-on self-test (POST).
POST testing is indicated when the Power/OK LEDs on the front and back panels go
into slow-blink mode.
2. Highlight the field to be modified using the arrow and Tab keys.
3. Press Enter to select the field.
A dialog box appears. The box presents you with the options available for the setup
field that you have chosen.
2-4Sun Fire X4100 and Sun Fire X4200 Servers Service Manual • June 2006
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