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Before You Read This Bookxiii
How This Book Is Organizedxiv
Using UNIX Commandsxiv
Typographic Conventionsxv
Shell Promptsxv
Related Documentationxvi
Accessing Sun Documentation Onlinexvi
Sun Welcomes Your Commentsxvi
1.Introduction to WDR1
Hardware Required for WDR1
Hardware Required for MSP on Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 Systems1
Software Required for WDR2
Software Required for Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems2
Software Required for Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 Systems2
About Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM)2
Common Information Model (CIM)3
Platform-Specific and Common MOF Files4
Operations that WDR Performs4
Administrator Security Models5
WDR Security5
Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 System Groups5
Sun Fire 15K and 12K System Groups6
Solaris WBEM Services7
CIM Object Manager (CIMOM)8
WBEM Providers8
Solaris WBEM Software Development Kit (SDK)9
2.Using Solaris WBEM Services in WDR11
Overview of Solaris WBEM Services11
Layers of Solaris WBEM Services12
Solaris WBEM Services Application Layer12
Sun WBEM User Manager and SMC Users Tool12
Solaris Management Console (SMC) WBEM Log Viewer13
Managed Object Format (MOF) Compiler13
The mofcomp Command13
Compiling a MOF File15
▼How to Compile a MOF File15
The mofcomp Password Security Advisory16
Solaris WBEM Services Management Layer16
About the CIM Object Manager16
Manually Starting and Stopping the CIM Object Manager17
▼To Start the CIM Object Manager17
▼To Stop the CIM Object Manager18
Solaris WBEM Services Provider Layer18
Solaris Providers18
WBEM Security Services19
ivWDR Developer’s Guide • September 2002
Replay Protection19
Digital Signatures20
Implementing Security20
WBEM Access Control Lists20
Using the Sun WBEM User Manager21
▼To Start the Sun WBEM User Manager21
▼To Grant Default Access Rights to a User22
▼To Change a User’s Access Rights22
▼To Remove a User’s Access Rights22
▼To Set Access Rights for a Namespace23
▼To Remove Access Rights for a Namespace23
Using APIs to Set Access Control23
The Solaris_UserAcl Class24
▼To Set Access Control on a User25
The Solaris_NamespaceAcl Class26
▼To Set Access Control on a Namespace26
Starting Solaris Management Console (SMC) Users Tool27
▼To Start SMC Users Tool27
Solaris WBEM Logging Services28
Solaris WBEM Services Log Files29
Solaris WBEM Services Log File Rules29
Solaris WBEM Services Log File Format30
▼To Create an Instance of Solaris_LogRecord to Write Data32
Reading Data from a Solaris WBEM Log File35
▼To Get an Instance of the Solaris_LogRecord Class and Read Data35
Setting Solaris WBEM Logging Properties38
▼To Set Solaris WBEM Logging Properties38
Solaris WBEM Log Viewer39
▼To Start SMC and Solaris Log Viewer39
3.Using Process Indications41
The CIM Event Model41
How Indications are Generated42
How Subscriptions Are Created43
Adding a CIM Listener44
▼To Add a CIM Listener44
Creating an Event Filter44
▼To Create an Event Filter46
Creating an Event Handler46
▼To Create a CIM Event Handler48
Binding an Event Filter to an Event Handler48
▼To Bind an Event Filter to an Event Handler48
4.Classes, Domains, Associations, and Indications in WDR51
WDR CIM Class Hierarchy Diagram52
CIM Attachment Point Classes53
CIM Solaris_WDRAttachmentPoint Class53
Position in the Class Hierarchy53
Direct Known Subclasses54
CIM Solaris_WDRAttachmentPoint Class Properties54
viWDR Developer’s Guide • September 2002
CIM Solaris_WDRAttachmentPoint Class Methods55
CIM Solaris_CHSystemBoard Class58
Position in the Class Hierarchy58
Direct Known Subclasses58
CIM Solaris_CHSystemBoard Class Properties59
CIM Solaris_CHSystemBoard Class Methods59
CIM Solaris_CHCPU Class61
Position in the Class Hierarchy62
Direct Known Subclasses62
CIM Solaris_CHCPU Class Properties62
CIM Solaris_CHCPU Class Methods62
CIM Solaris_CHMemory Class63
Position in the Class Hierarchy63
Direct Known Subclasses63
CIM Solaris_CHMemory Properties64
CIM Solaris_CHMemory Class Methods64
CIM Solaris_CHController Class65
Position in the Class Hierarchy65
Direct Known Subclasses65
CIM Solaris_CHController Class Properties65
CIM Solaris_CHController Class Methods65
This WDR Developer’s Guide is intended for use by systems administrators who want
to develop applications that perform DR operations remotely using WBEM, which is
an industry standard for Web-based enterprise management.
Developers can write WDR client applications in languages such as Java™, using
software development kits (SDKs) such as the Sun WBEM SDK.
Before You Read This Book
This book is intended for the Sun Fire™ 15K, 12K, 6800, 4810, 4800, and 3800 system
platform administrator who has a working knowledge of UNIX® systems,
particularly those based on the Solaris™ operating environment. If you do not have
such knowledge, first read the Solaris user and system administrator books provided
with this system, and consider UNIX system administration training.
How This Book Is Organized
Chapter 1, “Introduction to DR,” provides an overview of WDR, and describes the
kind of tasks that WDR enables you to perform.
Chapter 2, “Using Solaris WBEM Services in WDR,” describes the different layers in
Solaris WBEM Services, which are included in the Solaris operating environment.
Chapter 3, “Using Process Indications,” describes process indications, which are
notifications of system events to which each WDR client can subscribe.
Chapter 4, “Classes, Domains, Associations, Indications in WDR” introduces all the
classes, indications (of system events), and associations that WDR provides to the
developer. All methods and properties that the developer needs to use are described
in this chapter.
Chapter 5, “Programming Techniques in WDR” presents programming techniques
that the developer may find useful in creating WDR applications that simplify and
automate systems administration on Sun Fire 15K/12K and 6800/4810/4800/3800
Using UNIX Commands
This document does not contain information on basic UNIX®commands and
procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring
See one or more of the following for this information:
■ Solaris Handbook for Sun Peripherals
■ Online documentation for the Solaris™ operating environment
■ Other software documentation that you received with your system
xiv WDR Developer’s Guide • September 2002
Typographic Conventions
AaBbCc123The names of commands, files,
and directories; on-screen
computer output
AaBbCc123Book titles, new words or terms,
What you type, when
contrasted with on-screen
computer output
words to be emphasized
Edit your .login file.
Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail.
% su
Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide.
These are called class options.
You must be superuser to do this.
Command-line variable; replace
with a real name or value
To delete a file, type rm filename.
Shell Prompts
C shellmachine_name%
C shell superusermachine_name#
Bourne shell and Korn shell$
Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser#
Related Documentation
ApplicationTitlePart Number
WDR InstallationWDR Installation Guide816-4820
DR on Sun Fire 6800,
4810, 4800, and 3800
DR on Sun Fire 15K and
12K systems
System-level security on
Sun Fire 15K and 12K
System-level security on
Sun Fire
Solaris WBEM ServicesSolaris WBEM Services Administrator ’s
Sun Fire 6800, 4810, 4800, and 3800
Systems Dynamic Reconfiguration User
Sun Fire 15K/12K Dynamic
Reconfiguration User Guide
System Management Services (SMS) 1.2
Administrator Guide for Sun Fire 15K/12K
Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 Systems
Platform Administration Manual
Accessing Sun Documentation Online
You can view, print, or purchase a broad selection of Sun documentation, including
localized versions, at:
Sun Welcomes Your Comments
Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and
suggestions. You can email your comments to Sun at:
xvi WDR Developer’s Guide • September 2002
Please include the part number (816-1984-11) of your document in the subject line of
your email.
xviii WDR Developer’s Guide • September 2002
Introduction to WDR
WDR (WBEM dynamic reconfiguration) provides an application program interface
(API) that software applications can use to perform dynamic reconfiguration (DR)
operations remotely on the following systems:
■ Sun Fire 15K
■ Sun Fire 12K
■ Sun Fire 6800
■ Sun Fire 4810
■ Sun Fire 4800
■ Sun Fire 3800
Software developers and systems administrators can use the WDR API to create
custom applications that remotely perform crucial system management functions
such as load balancing. WDR provides an alternative to the current, conventional
method of performing DR operations, which are achieved either on the Sun Fire
System Controller (SC) or on the Solaris domain (using the cfgadm system library).
Hardware Required for WDR
On Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 systems, WDR runs on an external host that is
referred to as the Midframe Service Processor (MSP). On Sun Fire 15K and 12K
systems, WDR runs on the System Controller (SC).
Hardware Required for MSP on Sun Fire
6800/4810/4800/3800 Systems
The minimum hardware requirements for an MSP are:
■ Sun4U™ architecture
■ 8 GB disk space
■ 128 MB RAM
■ CD-ROM drive
■ SunSwift™ card or, ideally, a QuadFast Ethernet card
Software Required for WDR
WDR can be used on Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 and Sun Fire 15K/12K system
domains that run the Solaris 8 2/02 and Solaris 9 software. WDR is not bundled with
other software, such as the Solaris operating environment
Software Required for Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems
To enable WDR, both the WDR software and Solaris WBEM Services software must
be installed on the SC. Further, the System Management Services (SMS) version 1.2
software must be installed on the SC.
Software Required for Sun Fire
6800/4810/4800/3800 Systems
To enable WDR, both the WDR software and Solaris WBEM Services software must
be installed on the MSP.
About Web-Based Enterprise
Management (WBEM)
The WDR interface is based on the Web-based Enterprise Management (WBEM)
industry standard, which enables Web-based management of systems, networks, and
devices on a variety of platforms. WBEM was developed by members of the
Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), who represent many industry leaders.
WBEM is comprised of three principal components:
2WDR Developer’s Guide • September 2002
■ A method of modeling managed objects. WBEM uses the Common Information
Model (CIM) to create classes that represent managed objects. These classes have
properties that represent the attributes and states of managed objects; and
methods that represent operations that can be performed on managed objects.
■ A means of encoding CIM information so that it can be sent over the wire. WBEM
uses Extensible Markup Language (XML), a powerful and extensible subset of
SGML, to encode CIM classes.
■ A way of encapsulating XML operations for transmission over the wire. WBEM
uses XML/HTTP or RMI for sending operations that get information from, set the
properties of, and perform operations on, managed objects
To summarize: in WBEM, managed objects are represented as CIM classes,
properties, and methods; CIM operations are represented as either XML/HTTP or
RMI messages; and those messages are sent over the wire.
A comprehensive description of the WBEM standard is beyond the scope of this
document. However, complete information about WBEM is available from a variety
of sources, including the DMTF Web site at
Common Information Model (CIM)
WDR is a Sun Fire system-specific extension of the CIM schema that is used to
■ Resources on Sun Fire systems that can be managed using DR,
■ Events that relate to DR or affect the state of the WDR model,
■ DR platform resources such as attachment points, which are represented by the
AttachmentPoint class and its subclasses,
■ The containers of DR platform resources, such as domains and slots,
■ Events that affect the existence and/or state of objects in the WDR schema,
■ Associations between objects in the WDR schema, and
■ DR operations themselves.
The architecture of the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 systems differs significantly
from that of the Sun Fire 15K and 12K systems. WDR includes CIM schema that
reflect the architectures of all the different Sun Fire systems on which it is used.
Some of the objects in the CIM schema are common to all Sun Fire systems; other
objects are used only on the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 systems; while other
objects are used only on the Sun Fire 15K and 12K systems.
The commonalities between the system architectures are captured in platformindependent superclasses; the differences are captured in platform-specific subclasses
of those platform-independent superclasses.
Chapter 1 Introduction to WDR3
Platform-Specific and Common MOF Files
The CIM schema used by WDR is expressed in three Managed Object Format (MOF)
files, which are ASCII text files that define all the objects that represent managed
resources on Sun Fire systems.
■ WDR_core1.0.mof defines the common elements of Sun Fire 15K/12K, and
6800/4810/4800/3800 systems.
■ WDR_XC1.0.mof defines elements specific to Sun Fire 15K/12K systems.
■ WDR_SG1.0.mof defines elements specific to Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800
In addition to providing a schema, the MOF file also provides the software
developer or systems administrator with a formal definition of the objects that
comprise the WDR CIM schema.
Note – For a formal definition of CIM, see Common Information Model, Implementing
the Object Model for Enterprise Management, Winston Bumpus et al., Wiley Computer
Publishing, copyright 2000, New York, ISBN 0-471-35342-6.
Operations that WDR Performs
WDR can perform the following dynamic reconfiguration operations remotely:
■ Add a system board (a CPU/memory board) to a domain that is running the
Solaris software. DR first connects the board electrically to the system, putting it
into a connected state. DR then configures the system board so that it is fully
available to all applications running in the domain; the board is put into the
configured state.
■ Move a system board from one domain to another domain, via an unconfigure
operation followed by a configure operation.
■ Remove a system board from a domain and make it available for use by other
■ List all attachment points that are currently available to domains on the system.
■ Display information about the current state of a s pecified system board, such as
its power status, availability, and domain assignment.
■ Retrieve the memory configuration of a configured system board.
■ Retrieve information about the impact on memory, such as memory drain
information, that is associated with detaching a configured system board.
4WDR Developer’s Guide • September 2002
The functionality of WDR is the same as the underlying functionality of DR itself;
WDR adds no additional operations to DR. However, WDR does enhance DR by
providing information about domains and slots; associations between classes; and
event notification.
WDR is designed to perform DR operations efficiently, without any noticeable
degradation of performance.
Administrator Security Models
WDR enforces the administrator security models on Sun Fire 15K/12K and
6800/4810/4800/3800 systems.
For complete information about implementing security at the Sun Fire
6800/4810/4800/3800 system level, see the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 SystemsPlatform Administration Manual (part number 805-7373).
For complete information about implementing security at the Sun Fire 15K/12K
system level, see the System Management Services (SMS) 1.2 Administrator Guide forSun Fire 15K/12K Systems (part number 816-5259).
In addition, security that is available through Solaris WBEM Services is described in
Chapter 2 “Using Solaris WBEM Services in WDR.”
WDR Security
The /etc/group file shows the groups to which the currently logged in user is
Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 System Groups
The /etc/group file, which shows group membership on a Sun Fire
6800/4810/4800/3800 system, can be edited manually.
Chapter 1 Introduction to WDR5
The following table shows all the operations that users can perform based on their
group membership:
TABLE1-1Permitted Tasks Based on Group - Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800
GroupTasks that the User Can Perform
None (all users)Enumerate domains and slots
spltadmAssign and unassign boards
spltopNo special privileges
sdxadmWhere x represent a domain, can:
• Enumerate attachment points in domain x.
• Enumerate all attachment points if the user is in the sdxadm
group in all domains.
• Change an attachment point state, assign, unassign, power-on,
and power-off a board that is in domain x’s available component
sdxopWhere x represent a domain, can:
• Enumerate attachment points in domain x.
• Enumerate all attachment points if the user is in the sdxop group
in all domains.
Sun Fire 15K and 12K System Groups
To modify the /etc/group file, which shows group membership on a Sun Fire15K
or 12K system, you run the /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsconfig script with
arguments. See the System Management Services (SMS) 1.2 Administrator Guide for SunFire 15K/12K Systems for more information.
6WDR Developer’s Guide • September 2002
The following table shows all the operations that users can perform based on their
group membership:
TABLE1-2Permitted Tasks Based on Group - Sun Fire 15K and 12K
GroupTasks that the User Can Perform
platadmnAssign, unassign, power-on, and power-off boards
platoperNo special privileges
dmnxadmWhere x represent a domain, can:
• Enumerate attachment points in domain x.
• Enumerate all attachment points if the user is in the dmnxadm
group in all domains.
• Change an attachment point state, assign, unassign, power-on,
and power-off a board that is in domain x’s available component
dmnxrcfgWhere x represent a domain, can:
• Enumerate attachment points in domain x.
• Enumerate all attachment points if the user is in the dmnxrcfg
group in all domains.
• Change an attachment point state, assign, unassign, power-on,
and power-off a board that is in domain x’s available component
Solaris WBEM Services
WDR is an extension of the Solaris WBEM Services software, which is included in
the Solaris 8 2/02 and Solaris 9 operating environments. Solaris WBEM Services
software provides secure access and manipulation of management data, and enables
software developers to create client applications that manage system resources in the
Solaris environment.
Solaris WBEM Services software consists of components that function at three levels:
■ The Application Layer, where WBEM clients process and display data from
managed resources. Application Layer services includes the WBEM Workshop;
the WBEM User Manager, which allows administrators to add and remove
authorized WBEM users and set their access privileges; and the MOF compiler.
■ The Management Layer, where the CIM API (which forms the boundary between
the Application and Management Layers) enables the administrator to perform
operations such as viewing and creating classes and instances of managed
resources from the CIMOM. The CIMOM, the CIM Repository, and the Provider
interface all reside at the Management Layer.
Chapter 1 Introduction to WDR7
■ The Provider Layer. At this layer resides the Solaris Provider, which provides the
CIMOM instances of managed resources in the Solaris operating environment,
and gets and sets information about managed resources. The Solaris Provider
forms the interface between CIMOM and managed system resources.
Solaris WBEM Services components interact with the Solaris software and with the
system hardware. For more information about the Solaris WBEM Services software,
visit the Solaris WBEM Web site at
Developers of load balancing and other system management applications can use
Solaris WBEM Services software to obtain information about the current level of
resource utilization on a Sun Fire system domain. WDR itself does not provide
system performance data.
CIM Object Manager (CIMOM)
The CIMOM manages CIM objects on a WBEM system. The CIMOM transfers
information between WBEM clients, the CIMOM Repository, and to managed
resources via providers. The CIMOM accepts connections from management
applications using the RMI protocol, and provides the following services to
connected clients:
■ Management services. The CIMOM checks the semantics and syntax of CIM data,
and distributes data between applications, the CIM Repository, and managed
■ Security services that enable administrators to control user access to CIM
■ Logging services that consist of classes that developers can use to create
applications that dynamically record CIMOM event data to, and retrieve it from,
■ XML services that convert XML data into CIM classes, which enables XML-based
WBEM clients to communicate with the CIMOM.
WBEM Providers
WDR contains several provider classes, which are expressed in the MOF files.
WBEM providers are classes that act as intermediaries between the CIMOM and
managed objects on a system. WBEM providers get information from, set
information on, and may perform operations on, managed devices. WBEM providers
forward retrieved information to the CIMOM, which is a part of the Solaris WBEM
Services software, for delivery to the requesting clients.
8WDR Developer’s Guide • September 2002
When the CIMOM receives a request for information that is not available in the
CIMOM Repository, it forwards the request to a provider. The provider receives
requests for information, and returns the information, using APIs.
Solaris WBEM Software Development
Kit (SDK)
Developers of WDR applications can use the Solaris WBEM SDK. However, there is
no requirement to use the Solaris WBEM SDK because WDR uses a standard set of
protocols. For more information about the Solaris WBEM SDK visit the Sun
Developer Connection at:
Chapter 1 Introduction to WDR9
10WDR Developer’s Guide • September 2002
Using Solaris WBEM Services in
Overview of Solaris WBEM Services
Solaris WBEM Services provide the WDR application developer with a variety of
WBEM services on domains that are running either the Solaris 8 2/02 or Solaris 9
operating environment. Solaris WBEM Services, which are included with the Solaris
software, make it easier for developers to create applications that use WBEM to
manage systems running Solaris software.
This developer’s guide provides information about only those Solaris WBEM
Services with which a WDR application developer needs to become familiar.
Complete information about Solaris WBEM Services is available at the following
Web site:
Solaris WBEM Services provide secure access to information about managed
resources, which in turn enable applications that use WDR to get information about,
and manage, system resources. A built-in Solaris Provider allows access to
information about managed resources such as hardware and software state
information, performance metrics, and other data that are needed by management
applications to perform load balancing and to respond to device failovers.
Solaris WBEM Services uses the Common Information Model (CIM) to create a
schema that represents managed objects in a system running Solaris software. CIM
objects are specified in a Managed Object Format (MOF) file, which is provided with
WDR and compiled when WDR is installed.
Layers of Solaris WBEM Services
Solaris WBEM Services is a software package that resides at three layers. At each
layer reside software components that are important to WDR application developers:
■ Application Layer
■ Management Layer
■ Provider Layer
Solaris WBEM Services Application
The following Solaris WBEM Services Application Layer software programs, which
are especially useful to WDR application developers, are described in detail in this
■ Solaris Management Console (SMC) WBEM Log Viewer on page 13
■ Managed Object Format (MOF) Compiler on page 13
■ Using the Sun WBEM User Manager on page 21
■ Starting Solaris Management Console (SMC) Users Tool on page 27
Sun WBEM User Manager and SMC Users Tool
The Sun WBEM User Manager and SMC Users Tool applications enable systems
administrators to add and remove authorized users and to set their access privileges
to managed resources.
There are two separate mechanisms for administering security with domains
running the Solaris software: WBEM access control list (ACL) and Solaris role-based
access control (RBAC).
You use the WBEM User Manager to add users to existing ACLs and to grant them
either read or read-write access privileges.
You use the Users Tool in the Solaris Management Console (SMC) to add users, and
to grant user roles and privileges, using RBAC.
See the section “WBEM Security Services” on page 19 for more information about
administering WBEM security, including details of ACL- and RBAC-based system
12WDR Developer’s Guide • September 2002
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