Sun Microsystems WDR Installation Guide

WDR Installation Guide
Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A.
Part No. 816-4820-10 September 2002, Revision A
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Requirements for Running WDR on Sun Fire 15K, 12K, 6800, 4810, 4800, and 3800
Systems 1 Install the Correct Version of the Solaris Operating System 1
Where To Install Solaris Software 2 Information About Installing Solaris Software 2
Installing WDR on a Sun Fire 15K/12K System 2
Patches Required to Run DR on a Sun Fire 15K/12K 2 Make Sure CIMOM Is Running and Accepting Connections 3
On Both SCs Running the Solaris 8 2/02 Operating Environment 3
On Both SCs Running the Solaris 9 Operating Environment 3 To Start Solaris WBEM Services 3 Complete Sun Fire 15K/12K Installation Instructions 4
Before installing WDR, uninstall any existing version of WDR 4
To Install WDR Using the Web Installer 8
To Install WDR from the Solaris Supplement CD 8
To Install WDR Using the pkgadd(1M) command: 8 The final step is to compile the .mof files: 11
Establishing User Groups on the Sun Fire 15K/12K System 11
Installing WDR on a Sun Fire 6800, 4810, 4800, or 3800 System 12
Prerequisites 12
Contents iii
Midframe Service Processor (MSP) Prerequisites 13 Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 System Prerequisites 13 Domain Configuration Server (DCS) 13
Make Sure CIMOM Is Running and Accepting Connections 14
On an MSP Running the Solaris 8 2/02 Operating Environment 14
On an MSP Running the Solaris 9 Operating Environment 14 To Start Solaris WBEM Services 14 Complete Sun Fire 6800, 4810, 4800, and 3800 Installation Instructions 15
Before installing WDR, uninstall any existing version of WDR 15
To Install WDR Using the Web Installer 20
To Install WDR from the Solaris Supplement CD 20
To Install WDR Using the pkgadd(1M) command: 20
Configure WDR 23
The final step is to compile the .mof files: 24
Configuring for Process Indications 25 Establishing User Groups on the Sun Fire6800, 4810,4800,or 3800 System 25
iv WDR Installation Guide • September 2002
Installing WDR
This WDR Installation Guide is organized into the following sections:
The first section describes installation issues that pertain to all the Sun Fire
systems on which WDR runs: Sun Fire 15K/12K, 6800, 4810, 4800, and 3800.
The second section displays the commands that you enter, and the messages that
the system displays, during the installation process on a Sun Fire 15K/12K system.
The third section displays the commands and output during installation of WDR
on a Sun Fire 6800, 4810, 4800, or 3800 system.

Requirements for Running WDR on Sun Fire 15K, 12K, 6800, 4810, 4800, and 3800 Systems

Install the Correct Version of the Solaris Operating System

WDR runs only on Sun Fire 15K, 12K, 6800, 4810, 4800, and 3800 systems that are running either the Solaris 8 2/02 operating environment or the Solaris 9 operating environment.

Where To Install Solaris Software

On a Sun Fire 15K/12K system make sure either the Solaris 8 2/02 operating
environment or the Solaris 9 operating environment is correctly installed on each System Controller (SC) and on each domain.
On a Sun Fire 6800, 4810, 4800, or 3800 system, make sure either the Solaris 8 2/02
operating environment or the Solaris 9 operating environment is correctly installed on an external host called the Midframe Service Processor (MSP) and on each domain.
Note – The hardware and software requirements for the MSP are described in
“Midframe Service Processor (MSP) Prerequisites” on page 13.

Information About Installing Solaris Software

For complete information about installing Solaris software see the following documentation:
The Solaris 8 2/02 Installation Roadmap (part number 816-2582-10)
The Solaris 9 Installation Roadmap (part number 816 1662-10)

Installing WDR on a Sun Fire 15K/12K System

Patches Required to Run DR on a Sun Fire 15K/12K

If you are running the Solaris 8 2/02 operating emvironment on a Sun Fire 15K/12K system, you need to install additional patches to enable dynamic reconfiguration. These patches are available at Complete instructions for installing the patches are available in the Sun Fire 15K/12K Dynamic Reconfiguration Installation Guide and Release Notes, Solaris 8 2/02 (part number 816-5080-10).
If you are running the Solaris 9 operating environment on a Sun Fire 15K/12K system, you need to install additional patches to enable dynamic reconfiguration (DR). These patches, along with complete instructions for installing them on the Sun Fire 15K/12K system, are available at
2 WDR Installation Guide • September 2002

Make Sure CIMOM Is Running and Accepting Connections

On Both SCs Running the Solaris 8 2/02 Operating Environment

Log on to the SC as root and enter the following command:
# /etc/init.d/init.wbem status
If the message “SMC server version 2.0.0 running on port 898.” is returned, then Solaris WBEM Services are running and accepting connections.
However, if the message “SMC server not running on port 898.” is returned, check for smcboot processes by entering the following command:
# ps -ef| /usr/xpg4/bin/grep -e smcboot
If two smcboot processes are displayed, then Solaris WBEM Services are running and accepting connections. If no processes are displayed, then you must start Solaris WBEM Services.

On Both SCs Running the Solaris 9 Operating Environment

Log on to the SC as root and enter the following command:
# /etc/init.d/init.wbem status
If the message “Solaris Management Console server version 2.1.0 running on port
898.” is returned, then Solaris WBEM Services are running and accepting connections.
However, if the message “Solaris Management Console server not running on port
898.” is returned, then you must start Solaris WBEM Services.

To Start Solaris WBEM Services

Enter the following command as root:
# /etc/init.d/init.wbem start
Installing WDR 3

Complete Sun Fire 15K/12K Installation Instructions

This section shows all the input that you enter on the command line as well as all the output that is displayed during a successful installation of WDR on both SCs of a Sun Fire 15K/12K system.
Before installing WDR, uninstall any existing version of
Note – Perform the steps in this section only if WDR has already been installed on
your system. If you are installing WDR for the first time, proceed directly to the next section and install the WDR packages.
If You Installed WDR Using the Web Installer or the Solaris Supplement CD
1. Make sure CIMOM is running. See “Make Sure CIMOM Is Running and Accepting Connections” on page 3.
2. As root run the wdrunconfig script, which resides in the /opt/SUNWWDR/bin directory, to remove all WDR CIM classes:
# cd /opt/SUNWWDR/bin # ./wdrunconfig
Do you want to delete the WBEM DR CIM classes now? [y,n] y Please enter the root password: deleting class ":Solaris_SystemBoardHasControllers" deleting class ":Solaris_SystemBoardHasMemory" deleting class ":Solaris_SystemBoardHasProcessors" deleting class ":Solaris_DomainHasSlots" deleting class ":Solaris_SlotHasSystemBoard" deleting class ":Solaris_CHController" deleting class ":Solaris_CHMemory" deleting class ":Solaris_CHCPU" deleting class ":Solaris_CHSystemBoard" deleting class ":Solaris_WDRAttachmentPoint" deleting class ":Solaris_XCDomain" deleting class ":Solaris_WDRDomain" deleting class ":Solaris_XCSlot" deleting class ":Solaris_WDRSlot" deleting class ":Solaris_XCComponentRemove"
4 WDR Installation Guide • September 2002
deleting class ":Solaris_XCComponentInsert" deleting class ":Solaris_XCBoardPowerOn" deleting class ":Solaris_XCBoardPowerOff" deleting class ":Solaris_XCDomainConfigChange" deleting class ":Solaris_XCDomainUp" deleting class ":Solaris_XCDomainDown" deleting class ":Solaris_XCDomainStop" deleting class ":Solaris_XCDomainStateChange" deleting class ":Solaris_XCEnvironmentalIndication" deleting class ":Solaris_XCSystemBoardConfigChange" deleting class ":Solaris_XCDomainIndication" deleting class ":Solaris_WDRIndication" deleting instance “:Solaris_ProviderPath.pathurl= “file:///usr/sadm/lib/wbem/wdr.jar”” WBEM DR CIM classes have been removed successfully.
3. Make sure the DISPLAY variable is set.
4. If you are running the Solaris 8 2/02 operating environment: a. Run the prodreg utility. b. Select “WBEM DR.” c. Click “Uninstall.” d. Click “Next.” e. Choose “Full” (the default). f. Click “Next.” g. Click “Uninstall Now.”
5. If you are running the Solaris 9 operating environment: a. Enter cd /var/sadm/prod b. Enter java uninstall_WBEM_DR_1_0
6. Check whether the packages were removed successfully:
# pkginfo | /usr/xpg4/bin/grep -e SUNWWDRr -e SUNWWDRcfg -e SUNWmcfg
If You Installed WDR Using the pkgadd(1M) Command
1. Make sure CIMOM is running. See “Make Sure CIMOM Is Running and Accepting Connections” on page 3.
Installing WDR 5
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