Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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Part No. 816-2090-10
December 2001, Revision A
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Part IInstallation and Configuration
1.1Overview of the Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Servers1-2
1.2Contents of the Ship Kit1-3
1.3Optional Hardware and Software1-5
1.4Front Panel1-6
1.5Back Panel1-7
1.6The Fans Inside the Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Servers1-8
1.7Tools You Need for Installation1-8
1.8Environmental Specifications1-9
1.8.1Tolerance of Environmental Conditions1-9
1.8.2Acoustic Noise Generated by the Server1-9
1.8.3Environmental Compliance Information1-9
1.9Choosing Between a Rack and a Cabinet1-10
2.Power and Cooling2-1
2.1Operating Power Limits and Ranges2-2
2.2Power Consumption2-3
2.3Estimating Heat Dissipation2-4
3.Using DC Power3-1
3.1Grounding the Netra 120 Server3-2
3.2Assembling the DC Power Connectors3-3
3.2.1The Insulated Conductors You Need to Use3-3
3.2.2Assembling the DC Input Power Cable3-3
3.2.3Installing the Strain Relief Housings3-7
4.Installing Optional Hardware Components4-1
4.1Installing and Removing Hot-Pluggable SCSI Hard Disk Drives4-2
4.2Opening the Server4-4
4.3Identifying Server Components4-6
4.4Installing and Removing a DVD or
CD-ROM Drive4-7
4.4.1Installing a DVD or CD-ROM Drive4-7
4.4.2Removing a DVD or CD-ROM Drive4-9
4.5Installing and Removing Memory4-9
4.6Installing and Removing a PCI Card4-11
4.6.1Installing a PCI Card4-11
4.6.2Removing a PCI Card4-14
4.7Replacing the Server ’s Top Cover4-14
5.Installing the Server Into a Rack5-1
5.1Installing Into a 19-Inch Four-Post Rack5-2
5.1.1The 19-Inch Rackmounting Kit5-2
5.1.2Assembling the Slides and Mounting the Server5-3
5.1.3Fitting the Cable Management Bracket5-10
5.1.4Tips for Using a Sun StorEdge 72-inch Rack5-11
5.2Installing Into a Two-Post Relay Rack5-12
5.2.1The Fixed Mounting Bracket Kit5-12
5.2.2Attaching the Fixed-Mounting Brackets5-12
ivSun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Server User’s Guide • December 2001
6.Connecting the Cables6-1
6.1Connecting the Cables to the Server6-2
6.2Using a Single DC Power Cord6-4
6.3Setting Up Serial Connections6-4
6.3.1Connecting to a Terminal Server6-5
6.3.2Using a DB-25 Adapter for Your Serial Link6-7
6.3.3Using a DB-9 Adapter for Your Serial Link6-8
6.3.4Settings for the Serial Connections6-9
6.4Connecting to Your Server From a Laptop Running Microsoft Windows
6.4.1Connecting the Sun Fire V120 or Netra 120 Server to the Laptop
6.4.2Using Microsoft Windows HyperTerminal6-11
7.Powering On the Sun Fire V120 or Netra 120 Server7-1
7.1Preparing to Configure the Server7-2
7.1.1Using a Terminal Server7-2
7.1.2Configuring From a Terminal or Workstation7-2
7.2Powering On the Server7-3
7.2.1PoweringOn forthe First Time Withthe Server’sDetails Registered
at a Name Server7-3
7.2.2Powering On the Server for the First Time Without Having Its
Details Registered7-4
7.2.3Powering On a Standalone Server for the First Time7-5
7.2.4Clearing Your Configuration and Starting Again7-6
7.3Using the Power (On/Standby) Switch7-7
Part IIRemote and Local Management
8.Managing the Server From the lom> Prompt8-1
8.1Introduction to Lights-Out Management8-2
8.2Powering On or Resetting the Server From the LOM Shell8-3
8.2.1Powering the Server On or Down to Standby Mode8-4
8.2.2Displaying the lom> Prompt8-4
8.2.3Exiting From the lom> Prompt8-5
8.2.4Resetting the Server8-5
8.2.5Displaying the ok or kadb Prompt8-6
8.2.6Controlling the Server’s Booting Behavior8-6
8.3Monitoring the Server From the LOM Shell8-8
8.3.1Checking How Long the Server Has Been Running8-8
8.3.2Checking the Current Status of All Components8-8
8.3.3Viewing the LOM Device’s Event Log8-10
8.3.4Checking That a Component Has Been Fixed8-12
8.4Setting Up LOM Privileges for Named Users8-13
8.4.1Permission Levels Available for LOM Users8-13
8.4.2Creating a LOM User Account8-14
8.4.3Specifying the Password for a LOM User Account8-14
8.4.4Viewing Details of a LOM User Account8-15
8.4.5Changing Your Own User Password8-15
8.4.6Deleting a LOM User Account8-15
8.4.7Specifying Permissions for a Named User8-16
8.4.8Quitting a LOM Named User Session8-17
8.5Setting the LOM Device’s Configurable Variables8-17
8.5.1Turning the Fault LED on8-17
8.5.2Turning the Fault LED off8-17
8.5.3Setting the alarmon n Software Flag8-18
8.5.4Setting the alarmoff n Software Flag8-18
8.5.5Stopping the LOM Sending Event Reports to the Serial A/LOM
8.6Separating the LOM From the Console on the Serial A/LOM Port8-19
8.6.1Dedicating Serial A/LOM to the LOM8-19
8.6.2Sharing Serial A/LOM Between the LOM and the Console8-20
viSun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Server User’s Guide • December 2001
8.7Viewing the Event Reports That the LOM Sends to syslogd8-20
8.8The LOM Shell Command List8-21
8.9Checking the Status of the Server ’s Fans8-23
9.Managing the Server From the Solaris Prompt9-1
9.1Monitoring the System From Solaris9-2
9.1.1Viewing Online LOM Documentation9-2
9.1.2Checking the Power Supply Unit (lom -p)9-2
9.1.3Checking the Fans (lom -f)9-3
9.1.4Checking the Supply Rail Voltages and Internal Circuit Breakers
(lom -v)9-3
9.1.5Checking the Internal Temperature (lom -t)9-4
9.1.6Checking the Status of the Fault LED and Alarms (lom -l)9-5
9.1.7Changing the LOM Automatic Server Restart Configuration (lom
9.1.8Viewing the Configuration of the LOM Device (lom -c)9-6
9.1.9Viewing All Component Status Data With the LOM Device’s
Configuration Data (lom -a)9-6
9.1.10Viewing the Event Log (lom -e)9-7
9.2Configuring Automatic Server Restart (ASR)9-8
9.2.1Configuring the LOM Watchdog to Restart the System After a
9.2.2Enabling the LOM Watchdog Process From Your Own Script or
Command (lom -W on)9-9
9.2.3Setting the Hardware Reset Option From a Script or Command
(lom -R on)9-10
9.3Other LOM Tasks You Can Perform From Solaris9-11
9.3.1Turning Alarms On and Off (lom -A)9-11
9.3.2Turning the Fault LED On and Off (lom -F)9-11
9.3.3Changing the First Character of the Sequence for Escaping to the
lom> Prompt (lom -X)9-12
9.3.4Stopping the LOM from Sending Reports to the Serial A/LOMPort
(lom -E off)9-12
9.3.5Making the LOM Interface Backward Compatible (lom -B)9-13
9.3.6Upgrading the LOM Firmware
(lom -G filename)9-13
Part IIITroubleshooting and Maintenance
10.1Introduction to the POST, obdiag, and SunVTS Diagnostic Tools10-2
10.1.1Using POST Diagnostics10-2
10.1.2Using OpenBoot Diagnostics (obdiag)10-3
10.1.3Using SunVTS10-5
10.2Additional Diagnostic Tests for Specific Devices10-8
10.2.1Using the probe-scsi Command To Confirm That Hard Disk
Drives Are Active10-8
10.2.2Using the probe-ide Command To Confirm That the DVD or CDROM Drive is Connected10-9
10.2.3Using thewatch-net and watch-net-all Commands ToCheck
the Network Connections10-9
10.3Solutions to Problems You Might Encounter10-10
10.4Interpreting the Front and Back Panel LEDs10-12
11.Replacing a Server or Replacing Individual Components11-1
11.1Replacing a Server11-2
11.2Field Replaceable Units11-4
11.3Replacing the Memory Card Reader for the System Configuration Card
11.4Replacing the DVD or CD-ROM Drive, Cable, and Paddleboard11-7
11.5Replacing the NVRAM Chip11-9
11.6Replacing the System Board11-12
11.6.1Removing the Old System Board11-12
11.6.2Installing the New System Board11-15
11.7Replacing the Power Supply Unit11-17
11.8Replacing the Rear Fan Subassembly (Fans 1 and 2)11-19
viiiSun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Server User’s Guide • December 2001
11.9Replacing Fan 311-21
Part IVAppendixes
A. Installing and Removing a SCSI Hard Disk Drive with Solaris RunningA-1
A.1Installing a SCSI Hard Disk Drive With Solaris RunningA-2
A.2Removing a SCSI Hard Disk Drive With Solaris RunningA-4
12.Reinstalling the Solaris Operating EnvironmentB-1
B.1Reinstalling SolarisB-2
B.2Reinstalling the Lights-Out Management SoftwareB-2
B. Configuring the LOM Device DriverC-1
C.1The LOM Device DriverC-2
C.2Configuring the LOM Device DriverC-3
C. System Board Jumper SettingsD-1
xSun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Server User’s Guide • December 2001
FIGURE 1-1The Sun Fire V120 Server1-2
FIGURE 1-2Contents of the Ship Kit1-4
FIGURE 1-3The Front Panel of the Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Servers1-6
FIGURE 1-4The Back Panel of the Sun Fire V120 Server1-7
FIGURE 1-5The Back Panel of the Netra 120 Server1-7
FIGURE 3-1The Location of the Grounding Studs for Connecting the Two-Hole Lug3-2
FIGURE 3-2Stripping the Insulation From the Wire3-4
FIGURE 3-3Opening the DC Connector Cage Clamp (Lever Method)3-5
FIGURE 3-4Opening the DC Connector Cage Clamp (Screwdriver Method)3-6
FIGURE 3-5Assembling the DC Input Power Cable3-6
FIGURE 3-6Inserting the Bottom Portion of the Strain Relief Housing3-7
FIGURE 3-7Routing the Wires Out of the Strain Relief Housing3-8
FIGURE 3-8Securing the Wires to the Strain Relief Housing3-8
FIGURE 3-9Assembling the Strain Relief Housing3-9
FIGURE 4-1Inserting and Removing Hard Disks4-3
FIGURE 4-2Using the Antistatic Wrist Strap Supplied With the Server4-4
FIGURE 4-3Removing the Top Cover4-5
FIGURE 4-4Components of the Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Servers4-6
FIGURE 4-5Installing an Internal DVD or CD-ROM Drive4-8
FIGURE 4-6Installing Memory into a Socket on the System Board4-10
FIGURE 4-7The Rotating Retention Bracket and the Position of a PCI Card4-12
FIGURE 4-8Using the PCI Card Retainer, Slide Support Rail, and Plastic Bracket4-13
FIGURE 4-9Replacing the Top Cover4-15
FIGURE 5-1Cable Management Bracket5-2
FIGURE 5-2Positioning the Slide Mounts for a Sun StorEdge 72-Inch Tall Rack5-3
FIGURE 5-3Positioning the Slide Mounts for a Standard 19-Inch Wide Rack5-3
FIGURE 5-4Fastening the Slide Mounts to a Sun StorEdge 72-inch Tall Rack–Rear View (Side Panels
Removed for Clarity) 5-5
FIGURE 5-5Fastening the Slide Mounts to a Sun StorEdge 72-inch Expansion Rack–Front View (Side
Panels Removed for Clarity) 5-6
FIGURE 5-6Fastening the Slide Mounts to a Standard 19-inch Rack 5-7
FIGURE 5-7Sliding the Server Into a Standard 19-Inch Rack 5-8
FIGURE 5-8Adjusting the Slide Mounts and Screwing the Server Into the Rack 5-9
FIGURE 5-9Fitting the Cable Management Bracket to a Sun StorEdge or a Standard 19-Inch Rack 5-10
FIGURE 5-10Removing the Thumbscrew Brackets 5-12
FIGURE 5-11Fitting the Fixed Mounting Brackets 5-13
FIGURE 5-12The Server Installed in a Two-Post Rack 5-14
FIGURE 6-1Connecting the Cables to the Sun Fire V120 Server 6-2
FIGURE 6-2Connecting the Cables to the Netra 120 Server 6-2
FIGURE 6-3Patch Panel Connection Between a Terminal Server and a Sun Fire V120 6-5
FIGURE 6-4Pins 1 to 8 on the Serial Port 6-6
FIGURE 6-5Pins 1 to 8 on the Serial Ports 6-7
FIGURE 6-6Pins 1 to 8 on the Serial Ports 6-8
FIGURE 1Connecting the Server to the Serial Port on a Laptop 6-10
FIGURE 7-1Netra 120 Server Power (On/Standby) Switch 7-7
FIGURE 7-2Sun Fire V120 Server Power (On/Standby) Switch 7-7
FIGURE 8-1The Location of the Lights-Out Management Device on the System Board 8-2
FIGURE 8-2Sample Output From the environment Command 8-9
xiiSun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Server User’s Guide • December 2001
FIGURE 8-3Sample LOM Device Event Log (Oldest Event Reported First) 8-10
FIGURE 8-4Locations of Fans 1, 2, 3, and 4 8-23
FIGURE 9-1Sample LOM Device Event Log (Oldest Event Reported First) 9-7
FIGURE 10-1Sample obdiag Menu 10-3
FIGURE 10-2probe-scsi Output Message 10-8
FIGURE 10-3probe-scsi-all Output Message 10-8
FIGURE 10-4probe-ide Output Message 10-9
FIGURE 10-5watch-net Diagnostic Output Message 10-10
FIGURE 10-6watch-net-all Diagnostic Output Message 10-10
FIGURE 10-7Front Panel Power and Fault LEDs 10-13
FIGURE 10-8Back Panel Ethernet Link, Fault and Power LEDs10-13
FIGURE 11-1Replacing the System Configuration Card 11-3
FIGURE 11-2Removing the System Configuration Card Reader 11-6
FIGURE 11-3Replacing the Paddleboard at the Back of the DVD or CD-ROM Drive Enclosure 11-8
FIGURE 11-4The Location of the NVRAM Chip 11-10
FIGURE 11-5Replacing the NVRAM Chip 11-11
FIGURE 11-6Unplugging and Removing the Fan 3 Assembly 11-13
FIGURE 11-7The System Board 11-14
FIGURE 11-8Replacing the Fan 3 Assembly 11-16
FIGURE 11-9Replacing the Power Supply Unit 11-18
FIGURE 11-10 Replacing the Rear Fan Subassembly (Fans 1 and 2) 11-20
FIGURE 11-11 Disconnecting the Power Cable for Fan 3 and Lifting the Fan Out 11-21
FIGURE D-1System Board Jumper Locations and Default Settings D-4
xivSun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Server User’s Guide • December 2001
TABLE 1-1Contents of the Ship Kit 1-3
TABLE 1-2Customer-Installable Hardware and Software 1-5
TABLE 2-1Operating Power Limits and Ranges for Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Servers 2-2
TABLE 2-2Power Consumption for the Available Configurations of the Server 2-3
TABLE 5-119-inch Rackmounting Kit 5-2
TABLE 5-2Fixed Mounting Bracket Kit 5-12
TABLE 6-1Serial Port Connection to a Terminal Server 6-6
TABLE 6-2Pin Inter-connections Performed by the Sun DB-25 (25-pin) Adapter 6-7
TABLE 6-3Pin Inter-connections Required to be Performed by a DB-9 (9-pin) Adapter 6-8
TABLE 6-4Default Settings for Connecting to the Serial A/LOM or Serial B Port 6-9
TABLE 6-5Pin Inter-connections Required to be Performed by the 25x9-way D-type Female-to-Female
Adapter 6-11
TABLE 8-1Boot Modes 8-7
TABLE 8-2LOM Commands 8-21
TABLE 10-1Open Boot Diagnostics Tests 10-4
TABLE 10-2SunVTS Tests 10-5
TABLE 11-1FRUs Available for the Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Servers 11-4
TABLE C-1LOM Configuration File Parameters C-3
TABLE D-1Factory-Default Jumper Settings D-2
xvi Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Server User’s Guide • December 2001
The Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Server User’s Guide describes how to install, manage,
and maintain the Sun Fire
for system administrators who have experience in setting up networked Solaris
V120 and NetraTM120 servers. The manual is intended
How This Book Is Organized
Part I Installation and Configuration
Chapter 1 introduces the Sun Fire
customer-installable hardware and software components available for them, and
identifies the main features of the servers’ front and back panels.
Chapter 2 provides information about the power and cooling requirements for the
Sun Fire
Chapter 3 describes how to assemble the DC input power cable.
Chapter 4 describes how to install optional (hot-pluggable) Hard Disk Drives and
also how to open the server, identify its components, and install memory DIMMs, a
PCI expansion card, or a DVD or CD-ROM drive.
Chapter 5 describes how to install the server into different types of racks.
V120 and NetraTM120 servers.
V120 and NetraTM120 servers, lists the
Chapter 6 describes how to connect the cables and set up serial connections to the
Chapter 7 describes how to perform the initial power-on and configuration of the
Part II Remote and Local Management
Chapter 8 describes how to use the Lights-Out Management (LOM) shell to power
the server on and off or reset it remotely. It also describes how to use this shell to
view status information about the server’s fans, power supply, supply rails,
operating temperature, and internal circuit breakers.
Chapter 9 describes how to use the LOM-specific Solaris commands to monitor and
manage the system. This chapter also explains how to configure the LOM device to
restart the server automatically after a system lockup.
Part III Troubleshooting and Maintenance
Chapter 10 lists some problems that you might encounter while setting up or using
the server and tells you how to solve them. It also describes the server’s LEDs.
Chapter 11 lists the field-replaceable units (FRUs) that you can order for your server
and tells you how to install them.
Part IV Appendixes
Appendix A tells you how to install and remove Hard Disk Drives from the server
without shutting the operating system down.
Appendix B provides information on re-installing Solaris and the Lights-Out
Management (LOM) software.
Appendix C describes the parameters you can configure in the LOM driver
configuration file.
Appendix D provides the locations and the factory default settings of the jumpers
on the system board.
Using Solaris Commands
This document does not contain information on basic Solaris commands and
procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring
See one or more of the following for this information:
■ AnswerBook2™ online documentation for the Solaris operating environment
■ Other software documentation that you received with your system
xviii Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Server User’s Guide • December 2001
Typographic Conventions
AaBbCc123The names of commands, files,
and directories; on-screen
computer output
Edit your .login file.
Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail.
AaBbCc123What you type, when
contrasted with on-screen
computer output
AaBbCc123Book titles, new words or
terms, words to be emphasized
Command-line variable;
replace with a real name or
% su
Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide.
These are called class options.
You must be superuser to do this.
To delete a file, type rm filename.
Shell Prompts
C shellmachine_name%
C shell superusermachine_name#
Bourne shell and Korn shell$
Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser#
LOM shelllom>
Related Documentation
ApplicationTitlePart Number
InstallationSun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Servers:
Product Notes
Installation overviewSun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Servers:
Setup Poster
SafetySun Fire V120, Netra 120, and Netra T1
Servers: Safety and Compliance Guide
Accessing Sun Documentation Online
A selection of Sun sytem documentation is located at:
A complete set of Solaris documentation and many other titles are located at:
Sun Welcomes Your Comments
Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and
suggestions. You can email your comments to Sun at:
Please include the part number (816-2090-10) of your document in the subject line of
your email.
xx Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Server User’s Guide • December 2001
Safety Precautions
For your protection, observe the following safety precautions when setting up your
■ Follow all cautions and instructions marked on the equipment.
■ Never push objects of any kind through openings in the equipment. Dangerous
voltages may be present. Conductive foreign objects can produce a short circuit
that could cause fire, electric shock, or damage to your equipment.
The following symbols may appear in this manual:
Caution – There is a risk of personal injury and equipment damage. Follow the
Caution – Hazardous voltages are present. To reduce the risk of electric shock and
danger to personal health, follow the instructions.
xxii Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Server User’s Guide • December 2001
IInstallation and Configuration
This chapter lists the features of the Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 servers, the
contents of the ship kit, and the optional hardware and software that is available for
them. It also describes the front and back panels, lists the tools you will need to use
to install a server, and describes the servers’ tolerance of, or suitability for, various
environmental conditions. Finally, the chapter offers some guidance to help you
decide whether to mount the system in a rack or a cabinet.
The chapter contains the following sections:
■ Section 1.1, “Overview of the Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Servers” on page 1-2
■ Section 1.2, “Contents of the Ship Kit” on page 1-3
■ Section 1.3, “Optional Hardware and Software” on page 1-5
■ Section 1.4, “Front Panel” on page 1-6
■ Section 1.5, “Back Panel” on page 1-7
■ Section 1.6, “The Fans Inside the Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Servers” on
page 1-8
■ Section 1.8, “Environmental Specifications” on page 1-9
■ Section 1.9, “Choosing Between a Rack and a Cabinet” on page 1-10
1.1Overviewof the Sun FireV120 and Netra
120 Servers
FIGURE 1-1 The Sun Fire V120 Server
The Sun FireTMV120 and NetraTM120 servers are single-processor, thin (1U) servers
designed primarily for use by telecommunications carriers and internet service
providers. They are also suitable for use within corporate customer networks,
wherever there is a need to maximize the density of high-performance Solaris
The Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 servers are identical except that the Sun Fire V120
is powered by an AC supply and the Netra 120 by –48VDC/–60VDC supplies. This
is the only difference between the two models.
The servers both have the following features:
■ Rackmounting enclosure with single power supply
■ UltraSPARC
■ Four DIMM sockets accepting 256 MB or 512 MB PC133 memory modules (giving
IIe+ 550 or 650 MHz processor
a maximum of 2 GB of memory)
■ One 33-MHz, 32-bit, 5V PCI card slot
■ Two 10/100 Mbps RJ-45 Ethernet ports
■ Console/Lights-Out Management (LOM) RJ-45 serial port
1-2Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Server User’s Guide • December 2001
■ Second RJ-45 serial port
■ Optional DVD or CD-ROM drive
■ Support for up to two low-profile, 3.5-inch Fast-40 (Ultra2SCSI) disks
■ Support for up to two USB connections
■ External Fast-40 (Ultra2SCSI) Multimode 68-pin port
These servers are designed to be rackmounted. Their components are housed in a
casing with the following dimensions:
■ Height: 1.72 inches (43.6 mm)
■ Width: 17.2 inches (436.7 mm)
■ Depth: 18.8 inches (478 mm)
■ Weight (when all option modules are installed): 10 kg (22 lb)
1.2Contents of the Ship Kit
TABLE1-1Contents of the Ship Kit
ItemQuantityPart Number
19-inch rackmounting brackets4340-5819-02
Cable management bracket1340-6151-01
Sun slide rail2540-4362-01
RJ-45 to RJ-45 patch cable for Ethernet or serial connection2530-2093-01
RJ-45 to DB-25 adapter1530-2889-02
DC connector kit (for Netra 120 systems only)1565-1644-01
10-32 UNF Sun rackmounting screw kit1565-1645-01
Side-mounting bracket screw kit1565-1654-01
Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Server User’s Guide (this manual)1816-2090-10
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Sun Fire V120, Netra 120, and Netra T1 Servers: Safety and
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Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Server Product Notes1816-2093-xx
Chapter 1 Introduction1-3
FIGURE 1-2 Contents of the Ship Kit
1-4Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 Server User’s Guide • December 2001
1.3Optional Hardware and Software
TABLE 1-2 lists the customer-installable hardware components and software packages
that are available for the Sun Fire V120 and Netra 120 servers. To order any of these
options, contact your local Sun sales representative.
TABLE1-2Customer-Installable Hardware and Software