Sun Microsystems Sun Fire 6800 CPU/Memory Board Upgrade

Firmware Upgrade Changes
When running firmware 5.12.5 (or higher) and RTOS 19 (or higher), the firmware upgrade procedure is slightly different. The firmware and RTOS images are upgraded only when the image to install is different than the image that is already installed. The firmware is upgraded early in the SC boot process.
Accessing Sun Documentation
You can view and print a broad selection of Sun™documentation, including localized versions, at:
To upgrade the firmware, RTOS and all of the system boards (CPU/Memory and I/O assemblies), type the following flashupdate command :
schostname:SC> flashupdate -f URL all rtos
Firmware On Existing Boards and Assemblies
After installing new CPU/Memory boards, use the showboards -p proms command to determine if the firmware needs to be updated. If an update is required use the system controller flashupdate -f command. Refer to the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 System Controller Command Reference Manual for correct usage of the flashupdate command.
Ordering Sun Documentation
You can also purchase printed copies of select Sun documentation from iUniverse, the Sun documentation provider, at:
Sun Welcomes Your Comments
Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions. You can email your comments to Sun at:
Please include the part number (816-3798-13) of the document in the subject line of your email.
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Sun Fire™ 15K/12K/6800/4810/ 4800/3800 Systems
(Cu) 900 MHz,
1.05 GHz and 1.2 GHz CPU/Memory Board Upgrade
Failure to follow these procedures will cause your system to not recognize the new CPU/Memory board. Firmware on all boards and assemblies must be at the same
Part Number: 816-3798-13 April 2003, Revision A
Sun Microsystems,Inc.,4150NetworkCircle,SantaClara,CA95054U.S.A. 650 960-1300, Fax650969-9131
level as the new CPU/Memory board.
- Remove the plastic connector protector
before inserting board into the system chassis.
Upgrading Current Systems to 900 MHz, 1.05 GHz, or
1.2 GHz CPU/Memory+ Boards
The types of CPU/Memory board available are:
UltraSPARC III (Cu) 900 MHz processor—known as CPU/Memory+ 900 MHz
UltraSPARC III (Cu) 1.05 GHz processor—known as CPU/Memory+ 1.05 GHz
UltraSPARC III (Cu) 1.2 GHz processor—known as CPU/Memory+ 1.2 GHz
Caution – Mixing CPU/Memory boards with CPU/Memory+ boards
in the same chassis is not supported. You must install CPU/Memory boards of the same type (either CPU/Memory boards or CPU/ Memory+ boards) in the same chassis.
Note – The CPU/Memory or CPU/Memory+ board field-replaceable unit (FRU)
is for maintenance use only. FRUs must not be used to upgrade CPU performance in systems. Usage as such can violate United States export regulations.
Minimum Firmware and OS Requirements
The following minimum requirement must be met for upgrading: For Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 systems:
For CPU/Memory+ 900 MHz, 1.05 and 1.2 GHz boards:
Firmware level 5.13.5 with RTOS 26 or 5.14.4 and RTOS 26
Solaris 8 10/01
For Sun Fire 15K/12K systems:
For CPU/Memory+ 900 MHz, 1.05 and 1.2 GHz boards:
SMS 1.2 patch ID 112488-11 or SMS 1.3 patch ID 114608-01
Solaris 8 10/01
Note – The patch ID for 5.13.5 is 112494-08 and 5.14.4 is 112883-05. These patches
can be found at:
Installation information, Release Notes and README files are included in the patch download.