Sun Microsystems Sun Fire 15K Overview

Sun Fire™15K/12K Systems
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Part No. 806-3509-13 May 2006, Revision A
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Declaration of Conformity xi
Preface xiii
1. Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems Introduction 1–1
1.1 System Boards 1–2
1.1.1 CPU/Memory Boards 1–2
1.1.2 I/O Boards 1–3
1.1.3 System Controller 1–3
1.1.4 Peripherals 1–3
1.2 System Configuration 1–4
1.3 System Interconnects 1–5
1.3.1 Sun Fireplane Interconnect Architecture 1–6
1.3.2 Address Interconnect 1–7
1.3.3 Data Interconnect 1–7
1.4 Dynamic System Domains 1–8
1.5 Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability 1–9
1.5.1 Integrated Circuit Reliability 1–9
1.5.2 Interconnect Reliability 1–9
1.5.3 Fault-Tolerant Redundancy 1–10
1.5.4 Reconfiguration After Failure 1–10
1.5.5 Serviceability 1–10
2. Dynamic System Domains 2–1
2.1 Domain Configurability 2–1
2.2 Domain Protection 2–3
2.3 Domain Fault Isolation 2–3
3. Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability 3–1
3.1 SPARC CPU Error Protection 3–1
3.2 System Interconnect Error Protection 3–3
3.2.1 Address Interconnect Error Protection 3–3
3.2.2 Data Interconnect Error Protection 3–3
3.2.3 Data Interconnect Error Isolation 3–4
3.2.4 Console Bus Error Protection 3–4
3.3 Redundant Components 3–6
3.3.1 Redundant CPU/Memory Boards 3–6
3.3.2 Redundant I/O Boards 3–6
3.3.3 Redundant PCI Cards 3–7
3.3.4 Redundant System Control Boards 3–7
3.3.5 Redundant System Clocks 3–7
3.3.6 Redundant Power 3–7
3.3.7 Redundant Fans 3–8
3.4 Reconfigurable Sun Fireplane Interconnect 3–8
3.5 Automatic System Recovery 3–9
3.5.1 Built-In Self-Test 3–9
3.5.2 Power-On Self-Test 3–9
3.6 System Controller 3–9
3.6.1 Console Bus 3–10
iv Sun Fire™ 15K/12K Systems • May 2006
3.6.2 Environmental Monitoring 3–10
3.7 Concurrent Serviceability 3–11
3.7.1 Dynamic Reconfiguration of System Boards 3–11
3.7.2 System Controller Board Set Removal and Replacement 3–13
3.7.3 Bulk Power Supply Removal and Replacement 3–13
3.7.4 Fan Tray Removal and Replacement 3–13
3.7.5 Remote Service 3–13
4. System Interconnect 4–1
4.1 Data-Transfer Interconnect Levels 4–3
4.2 Address Interconnect 4–5
4.3 Data Interconnect 4–7
4.4 Interconnect Bandwidth 4–9
4.5 Interconnect Latency 4–10
5. System Components 5–1
5.1 Cabinets 5–2
5.1.1 System Power 5–4
5.1.2 System Cooling 5–4
5.2 Centerplanes 5–5
5.2.1 Sun Fireplane Interconnect 5–7
5.3 System Boards 5–7
5.3.1 System Board Set 5–8 Expander Board 5–8 CPU/Memory Board 5–8 Example of System Board Set 5–9 PCI Assembly (hsPCI-X/hsPCI+) 5–9 MaxCPU Board 5–9
5.3.2 Controller Board Set 5–13
Contents v
Glossary Glossary–1
Index Index–1
vi Sun Fire™ 15K/12K Systems • May 2006


FIGURE 1-1 Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems 1–2
FIGURE 1-2 Sun Fireplane Interconnects 1–7
FIGURE 2-1 Example of Domain Configuration With Some Split Board Sets 2–2
FIGURE 3-1 CPU Error Detection and Correction 3–2
FIGURE 3-2 Interconnect ECC and Parity Checking 3–6
FIGURE 4-1 Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems Interconnect 4–2
FIGURE 4-2 Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems Data—Transfer Interconnect Levels 4–3
FIGURE 4-3 Address Interconnect Levels 4–6
FIGURE 4-4 Data Interconnect Levels 4–8
FIGURE 5-1 Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems Major Components 5–2
FIGURE 5-2 Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems Cabinet—Front View 5–3
FIGURE 5-3 Sun Fireplane interconnect and Other Components 5–7
FIGURE 5-4 Board Set Block Diagram 5–11
FIGURE 5-5 System Board Set Layout 5–13
FIGURE 5-6 System Controller Board Layout 5–14
viii Sun Fire™ 15K/12K Systems • May 2006


TABLE 1-1 Sun Fire 15K/12K System Maximum Configuration 1–4
TABLE 1-2 Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems Interconnect Specifications 1–5
TABLE 4-1 Interconnect Levels 4–4
TABLE 4-2 Peak Interconnect Bandwidth 4–9
TABLE 4-3 Pin-to-Pin Latency for Data in Memory 4–10
TABLE 4-4 Pin-to-Pin Latency for Data in Cache 4–11
x Sun Fire™ 15K/12K Systems • May 2006
Declaration of Conformity
Compliance Model Number: 2080 Product Name: Sun Fire 15K/12K System
European Union
This equipment complies with the following requirements of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC:
EN55022:1995/CISPR22:1997 Class A EN55024:1998 EN61000-4-2 4 kV (Direct), 8 kV (Air)
EN61000-4-3 3 V/m EN61000-4-4 1.0 kV Power Lines, 0.5 kV Signal Lines EN61000-4-5 1 kV Line-Line, 2 kV Line-Gnd Power Lines EN61000-4-6 3 V EN61000-4-8 3 A/m
EN61000-4-11 Pass EN61000-3-2:1995 Pass EN61000-3-3:1995 Pass
This equipment complies with the following requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC:
EC Type Examination Certificates:
EN60950:1992, 2nd Edition, Amendments 1,2,3,4,11 TÜV Product Service Certificate No.
IEC 950:1991, 2nd Edition, Amendments 1,2,3,4 Evaluated to all CB Countries CB Scheme Certificate No. CB 01 07 17641 014
Z1A 01 07 17641 013
Supplementary Information
This product was tested and complies with all the requirements for the CE Mark.
Dennis P. Symanski DATE Manager, Compliance Engineering
Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA
Tel: 650-786-3255 Fax: 650-786-3723
Peter Arkless DATE Quality Manager
Sun Microsystems Scotland, Limited Springfield, Linlithgow West Lothian, EH49 7LR Scotland, United Kingdom
Tel: 0506-670000 Fax: 0506 760011
xii Sun Fire™ 15K/12K Systems • May 2006


This document introduces the Sun Fire™ 15K/12K systems and describes the cabinet, the system, the configuration, the dynamic system domain configurability, the system boards, and the reliability, availability, and serviceability features.
How This Book Is Organized
Chapter 1 describes the systems and boards, the maximum configurations, and the interconnect architecture.
Chapter 2 describes the configurability, inter-domain networking, domain protection, and domain fault isolation.
Chapter 3 defines system error protection, describes the redundant components and system recovery, discusses the system controller technology, and explains the concurrent serviceability features of the systems.
Chapter 4 describes the heart of the system, which is the Sun™ Fireplane interconnect assembly.
Chapter 5 describes the components within the systems.
Related Documentation
TABLE P-1 Related Documentation
Application Title
Service Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems Read Me First
Service Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems Getting Started
Service Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems Unpacking Guide
Service Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems Site Planning Guide
Service Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems Hardware Installation and De-Installation Guide
Service Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems Service Manual
Service Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems Service Reference I–Nomenclature
Service Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems Service Reference II–Component Numbering
Service Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems Carrier Plate Configurations
Accessing Sun Documentation
You can view, print, or purchase a broad selection of Sun documentation, including localized versions, at:
Contacting Sun Technical Support
If you have technical questions about this product that are not answered in this document, go to:
xiv Sun Fire™ 15K/12K Systems • May 2006
Sun Welcomes Your Comments
Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions. You can submit your comments by going to:
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Sun Fire™ 15K/12K Systems, part number 806-3509-13
United States Export Control Laws Notice
Products covered by and information contained in this service manual are controlled by U.S. Export Control laws and might be subject to the export or import laws in other countries. Nuclear, missile, chemical biological weapons, or nuclear maritime end uses or end users, whether direct or indirect, are strictly prohibited. Export or re-export to countries subject to U.S. embargo or to entities identified on U.S. export exclusion lists, including but not limited to the denied persons and specially designated nationals lists, is strictly prohibited. Use of any spare or replacement CPUs is limited to repair or one-for-one replacement of CPUs in products exported in compliance with U.S. export laws. Use of CPUs as product upgrades unless authorized by the U.S. Government is strictly prohibited.
xvi Sun Fire™ 15K/12K Systems • May 2006

Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems Introduction

This chapter provides the following introductory information for the Sun Fire 15K/12K systems:
Section 1.1, “System Boards” on page 1-2
Section 1.2, “System Configuration” on page 1-4
Section 1.3, “System Interconnects” on page 1-5
Section 1.4, “Dynamic System Domains” on page 1-8
Section 1.5, “Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability” on page 1-9
The Sun Fire 15K/12K systems use the latest UltraSPARC™ III Cu CPU and the Sun Fireplane interconnect architecture running the binary-compatible Solaris™ 8 UNIX operating environment (FIGURE 1-1). The Sun Fireplane interconnect has faster CPUs. The industry-leading dynamic system domain and reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) capabilities have been applied and use the active-centerplane technology.
33.3 in. (84.6 cm)
System Control boards (front and rear)
CPU/Memory boards (9 in front and 9 in rear of the Sun Fire 15K system)
75.5 in.
(191.8 cm)
18 CPU/Memory boards and 18 I/O boards in the Sun Fire 15K system
9 CPU/Memory boards and 9 I/O boards in the Sun Fire 12K system
(with 9 CPU and I/O filler panels in the rear of the system)
FIGURE 1-1 Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems
(9 in front and 9 filler panels in rear of the Sun Fire 12K system)
I/O boards (9 in from and 9 in rear of the Sun Fire 15K system) (9 in front and 9 filler panels in rear of the Sun Fire 12K system)
Bulk power supply (3 in front, 3 in rear)
The Sun Fire 15K/12K systems are essentially the same. The Sun Fire 15K system has the capacity for 18 CPU/Memory boards and 18 I/O boards. The Sun Fire 12K system has the capacity for nine CPU/Memory boards and nine I/O boards. Each system contains two System Control boards (one main and one spare).

1.1 System Boards

1.1.1 CPU/Memory Boards

The CPU/Memory board holds four CPUs. Each CPU has an associated memory subsystem of eight DIMMs, so memory bandwidth and capacity are both scaled up as CPUs are added. The memory capacity of the board is 32 Gbytes using a 1-Gbyte DIMM. The maximum memory bandwidth inside a board is 9.6 Gbytes per second. The CPU/Memory board has a 4.8 Gbyte per second connection to the rest of the system.
1-2 Sun Fire™ 15K/12K Systems • May 2006

1.1.2 I/O Boards

The Sun Fire 15K/12K hot-swap PCI assembly architecture (hsPCI-X/hsPCI+) has two I/O controllers. Each controller provides one 33-MHz peripheral component interconnect (PCI) bus and three 33/66/90 MHz PCI buses for a total of four on each I/O assembly. Therefore, each I/O assembly has four hot-swap component PCI slots. A Sun Fire I/O assembly has a 2.4 Gbyte/sec connection to the rest of the system.

1.1.3 System Controller

The system controller is the heart of the Sun Fire 15K/12K systems availability and serviceability technology. It configures the system, coordinates the boot process, sets up the dynamic system domains, monitors the system environmental sensors, and handles error detection, diagnosis, and recovery. Two System Control boards are configured into the system to provide redundancy and automatic failover in the event that one board fails.

1.1.4 Peripherals

The Sun Fire 15K/12K systems cabinet does not have room for peripherals, with the exception of the system controller peripherals (DVD-ROM, digital audio tape (DAT) drive, and hard drive). However, more peripheral devices can be configured in additional peripheral expansion racks.
Chapter 1 1-3

1.2 System Configuration

TABLE 1-1 summarizes the maximum configuration of the Sun Fire 15K/12K systems.
TABLE 1-1 Sun Fire 15K/12K System Maximum Configuration
Component 15K Configuration 12K Configuration
CPU/Memory boards 18 9
CPUs 72 36
Number of DIMMs 576 288
Memory capacity (with 1-Gbyte DIMMs) 576 GB 288 GB
Sun Fireplane interconnect Active Active
Repeater boards NA NA
Expander boards 18 9
Domains 18 9
I/O boards (assemblies) 18 9
PCI assembly types hsPCI+ hsPCI+
PCI assembly types hsPCI-X hsPCI-X
PCI slots per assembly 4 4
Maximum PCI slots 72 36
Bulk power supplies 6 6
Power requirements 24 kW 24 kW
System Control boards 2 2
Redundant cooling Yes Yes
Redundant AC input Yes Yes
Enclosure Sun Fire 15K/12K
Systems cabinet
Room in enclosure for peripherals No No
Sun Fire 15K/12K
Systems cabinet
1-4 Sun Fire™ 15K/12K Systems • May 2006

1.3 System Interconnects

TABLE 1-2 summarizes the interconnect capacities of the Sun Fire 15K/12K systems.
TABLE 1-2 Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems Interconnect Specifications
Interconnect Specification
System clock 150 MHz
Coherency protocol Snooping on each board set,
System address interconnect 18 snoopy buses,
CPU/Memory board internal bisection bandwidth
CPU/Memory board off-board data port
I/O board off-board data port
System data interconnect 18 3x3 board set crossbars,
System bisection bandwidth 43 Gbytes/sec
Average lmbench (back-to-back-load) latency assumes random accesses
directory across a centerplane
18x18 global address crossbar, 18x18 global response crossbar,
4.8 Gbytes/sec
4.8 Gbytes/sec
2.4 Gbytes/sec
18 x 18 global crossbar
326 ns
Note – The definition of snooping, as defined in the PCI System Architecture, Third
Edition, Appendix A: Glossary, 1995, by MindShare, Inc., (ISBN 0-201-40993-3):
Snooping – When a memory access is performed by an agent other than the
cache controller, the cache controller must snoop the transaction to determine if the current master is accessing information that is also resident within the cache. If a snoop hit occurs, the cache controller must take an appropriate action to ensure the continued consistency of its cached information.
Chapter 1 1-5

1.3.1 Sun Fireplane Interconnect Architecture

The Sun Fire 15K/12K systems use the Sun Fireplane interconnect system­interconnect architecture that is the coherent shared-memory protocol used by the UltraSPARC III Cu CPU generation. This is the fourth generation of shared-memory interconnect. Sun Microsystems uses an improved system interconnect with each new CPU generation to keep system performance scaling with CPU performance.
The Sun Fireplane interconnect architecture is an evolutionary improvement over the previous generation Ultra Port Architecture (UPA). The system clock rate is increased by 50% from 100 MHz to 150 MHz. The snoops per clocks are doubled from one half to one. Taken together, this triples the snooping bandwidth to 150 million addresses per second.
The Sun Fireplane interconnect architecture also adds a new layer of point-to-point directory-coherency protocol. This protocol is used in systems that require more bandwidth than a single snoopy bus can provide. This facility enables coherency to be maintained between multiple snoopy buses.
FIGURE 1-2 shows the Sun Fireplane interconnect architecture of the Sun Fire 15K
system. The board diagrams show the actual on-board connectivity but omit the switch and controller chips for clarity.
18 Sun Fire 15K system
expander boards
FIGURE 1-2 Sun Fireplane Interconnects
1-6 Sun Fire™ 15K/12K Systems • May 2006
18 x 18 address and response crossbars
Diagram shown: Sun Fire 15K system
The Sun Fire 15K/12K systems use an expander board to implement a 3x3 switch between a CPU/Memory board, an I/O board, and the Sun Fireplane interconnect port. The Sun Fire 15K/12K systems have three 18x18 crossbars on its Sun Fireplane interconnect for addresses, responses, and data so that address traffic does not interfere with data traffic. The peak Sun Fire 15K/12K systems Sun Fireplane interconnect bandwidth is 43 Gbytes per second.

1.3.2 Address Interconnect

The dashed lines in FIGURE 1-2 are the snoopy address buses. A snoop can occur at every system clock. In the Sun Fire 15K/12K systems, there is a separate snoopy address bus on each board set. A board set is the combination of a CPU/Memory board, an I/O board, and an expander board. Coherency is maintained between board sets by using the point-to-point (directory) portion of the coherency protocol.

1.3.3 Data Interconnect

The solid lines in FIGURE 1-2 represent the data paths. The small circles at the intersections of these lines indicate three-port switches. The CPU/Memory board has three levels of 3x3 switches between a CPU or memory unit and the off-board port. The off-board bandwidth of a CPU/Memory board is 4.8 Gbytes per second. The bandwidth of an I/O board is 2.4 Gbytes per second.
Chapter 1 1-7

1.4 Dynamic System Domains

Each domain in the Sun Fire 15K/12K systems include one or more CPU/Memory boards and one or more I/O boards. Each domain runs its own instance of the Solaris operating environment and has its own peripherals and network connections. Domains can be reconfigured without interrupting the operation of other domains. Domains can be used for:
Testing new applications
Making operating system updates
Supporting various departments
Removing and reinstalling boards for repair or upgrade
As an example, the Sun Fire 15K system is divided into three domains. Here is one example of partitioning a fully populated system into three domains to handle three types of functions:
Domain 1 is set up to run online transaction processing (OLTP). It is a 32-CPU
domain containing eight boards of four CPUs each.
Domain 2 is set up to run decision support software (DSS). It is also a 32-CPU
domain containing eight boards of four CPUs each.
Domain 3 is set up as a domain for developers. It is a two-board domain, each
board with four CPUs.
Boards can be automatically migrated between domains as the load change demands.
The Sun Fire 15K system can have up to 18 domains. The Sun Fire 12K system can have up to 9 domains. Domains are isolated from each other by the interconnect application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs).
1-8 Sun Fire™ 15K/12K Systems • May 2006
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