Sun Microsystems Sun Enterprise Server User's Guide

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Palo Alto, CA 94303-4900
SunEnterpriseServerAlternate Pathing User’s Guide
Part No.:
March 1999, Revision B
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Purpose of Alternate Pathing 1 Basic Alternate Pathing Concepts 4
Physical Path 4 Meta-Disk 5 Meta-Network 6 Disk Pathgroup 7 Network Pathgroup 8
Supported Devices and Software Versions 9 Example AP Configurations 10 AP and Domains 11 Managing Copies of the Database 13 Locating Databases to Maximize RAS 14 Creating and Deleting Databases 14
To Create a Copy of the AP Database 15 To Delete a Copy of the AP Database 15
Viewing Database Information 16
To View Information About Database Copies 16
Viewing Pathgroup Information 16
To View Uncommitted Disk Entries 17
Contents iii
To View Committed Disk Entries 17 To View Uncommitted Network Entries 18 To View Committed Network Entries 18
Device Nodes for Meta-Disks 19 Automatic Switching of Meta-Disks 20 Disk Availability and Performance Trade-Offs 22 Disk Mirroring Considerations 23 Working With Disk Pathgroups and Meta-Disks 27
To Create a Disk Pathgroup and Meta-Disk 27 To Switch From the Primary Path to the Alternate Path 31 To Switch Back to the Primary Path 32 To Delete Disk Pathgroups and Meta-Disks 32 To Deconfigure a Meta-Disk 34 To Reconfigure a Meta-Disk 34
Placing the Boot Disk Under AP Control 37
To Place a Boot Disk under AP Control 37 To Alternately Path a Mirrored Boot Disk 39 To Remove a Mirrored Boot Disk From AP Control 40 To Remove the Boot Disk From AP Control 40
AP Boot Sequence 40 Using Single-User Mode 41 Meta-Network Interfaces 43 Working With Network Pathgroups 44
To Create a Network Pathgroup and Meta-Network 44 To Switch a Network Pathgroup 48 To Delete a Network Pathgroup and Meta-Network 49 To Deconfigure a Meta-Network 49 To Reconfigure a Meta-Network 50
iv Sun Enterprise Server Alternate Pathing User’s Guide • May 1999
Alternately Pathing the Primary Network Interface 51
To Create a Network Pathgroup and Meta-Network for the Primary
Network 52
To Delete the Network Pathgroup and Meta-Network for the Primary
Network 53
To Deconfigure the Meta-Network for the Primary Network 54 To Reconfigure the Meta-Network for the Primary Network 55
Using AP and DR Together 57 Maintaining the Correct AP State 59
Contents v
vi Sun Enterprise Server Alternate Pathing User’s Guide • May 1999
FIGURE 1-1 Alternately Pathed I/O Device 2 FIGURE 1-2 Switching Paths After an I/O Controller Failure 3 FIGURE 1-3 Switching Paths for a DR Detach Operation 4 FIGURE 1-4 Physical Path 5 FIGURE 1-5 Meta-Disk Example 6 FIGURE 1-6 Meta-Network 7 FIGURE 1-7 Disk Pathgroup 8 FIGURE 1-8 Network Pathgroup 9 FIGURE 1-9 Typical AP Configuration 10 FIGURE 1-10 AP and Disk Mirroring 11 FIGURE 3-1 System Boards and Disk Controllers 23 FIGURE 3-2 System Boards and Controllers 24 FIGURE 3-3 Mirrored Volumes Example 1 24 FIGURE 3-4 Mirrored Volumes Example 2 25 FIGURE 3-5 Mirrored Volumes Example 3 26
Figures vii
viii Sun Enterprise Server Alternate Pathing User’s Guide • May 1999


The Sun Enterprise Server Alternate Pathing User’s Guide describes the Alternate Pathing (AP) component of the Sun™ Enterprise™ server product line. Some AP features apply only to the Sun Enterprise 10000 server. These features are noted throughout this guide.
How This Book Is Organized
This guide contains the following chapters: Chapter 1 introduces AP. Chapter 2 covers the AP database operations. Chapter 3 describes meta-disks and disk pathgroups, and explains how to use them. Chapter 4 covers unattended system boot issues. Chapter 5 describes meta-networks and network pathgroups, and explains how to
use them. Chapter 6 describes how Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) and AP work together. Appendix A provides a list of all AP commands. Appendix B provides an overview of the underlying AP architecture. Appendix C provides an overview of the underlying AP drivers.
Before You Read This Book
This manual is intended for the Sun Enterprise system administrator, who should have a working knowledge of UNIX® systems, particularly those based on the Solaris™ operating environment. If you do not have such knowledge, you should first read the Solaris User and System Administrator AnswerBook™ documentation provided with this system, and consider UNIX system administration training.
Using UNIX Commands
This document does not contain information on basic UNIX commands and procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring devices.
See one or more of the following for this information:
AnswerBook online documentation for the Solaris software environment,
particularly those dealing with Solaris system administration
Other software documentation that you received with your system
x Sun Enterprise Server Alternate Pathing User’s Guide • May 1999
Typographic Conventions
TABLEP-1 Typographic Conventions
Typeface orSymbol Meaning Examples
AaBbCc123 The names of commands, files,
and directories; on-screen computer output.
AaBbCc123 What you type, when
contrasted with on-screen computer output.
AaBbCc123 Book titles, new words or terms,
words to be emphasized. Command-line variable; replace with a real name or value.
Edit your .login file. Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail. % su
Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide. These are called class options. You must be root to do this. To delete a file, type rm filename.
Shell Prompts
TABLEP-2 Shell Prompts
Shell Prompt
C shell machine_name% C shell superuser machine_name# Bourne shell and Korn shell $ Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser #
Related Documentation
TABLEP-3 Related Documentation
Application Title
Installation Solaris 7 5/99 Sun Hardware Platform Guide Reference (man pages) Sun Enterprise Server Alternate Pathing 2.2 Reference Manual Release Notes Release Notes Supplement Solaris 7 5/99 Other Sun Enterprise 10000 Dynamic Reconfiguration User’s Guide
Sun Enterprise 6x00, 5x00, 4x00, 3x00 Dynamic Reconfiguration User’s Guide Sun Enterprise 10000 Dynamic Reconfiguration Reference Manual Sun Enterprise 10000 SSP 3.1.1 User’s Guide Sun Enterprise 10000 SSP 3.1.1 Reference Manual
Sun Documentation on the Web
The docs.sun.comsmweb site enables you to access Sun technical documentation on the Web. You can browse the archive or search for a specific book title or subject at:
Sun Welcomes Your Comments
We are interested in improving our documentation and welcome your comments and suggestions. You can email your comments to us at: Please include the part number of your document in the subject line of your email.
xii Sun Enterprise Server Alternate Pathing User’s Guide • May 1999

Introduction to Alternate Pathing

This chapter describes the basic purpose of Alternate Pathing and provides an overview of Alternate Pathing concepts and terminology.

Purpose of Alternate Pathing

Alternate Pathing (AP) supports high availability of I/O controllers—the hardware components that reside on system boards and enable the Sun Enterprise server to communicate with I/O devices such as disks and networks. With AP, each I/O device connects to two I/O controllers.
Sun Enterprise Ser ver
I/O controller
Active path (I/O flows here)
Passive path
(no I/O)
I/O device
FIGURE 1-1 Alternately Pathed I/O Device
System board
The I/O controllers are part of two separate electrical pathways to the I/O device, known as alternate paths. AP enables you to set up and use alternate paths on the Sun Enterprise servers.
There are two purposes for AP. One purpose is to help protect against I/O controller failures. With AP, if one I/O controller fails, you can switch to the alternate controller.
2 Sun Enterprise Server Alternate Pathing User’s Guide • May 1999
I/O controller
Active path
Sun Enterprise Ser ver
FIGURE 1-2 Switching Paths After an I/O Controller Failure
Sun Enterprise Server
New active path
For disk controllers, this switch occurs automatically whenever a path failure is detected during normal operation. For network controllers, you must manually switch paths (using a single AP command).
The second purpose of AP is to support Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR). DR is used to logically attach and detach system boards from the operating system without having to halt and reboot. For example, with DR you can detach a board from the operating system, physically remove and service the board, and then re-insert the board and attach it to the operating system again. You can do all of this without halting the operating system or terminating any user applications.
If you want to detach a board that is connected to an I/O device, and if that I/O device is alternately pathed, you can first use AP to redirect the I/O flow to a controller on a different board. You can then use DR to detach the system board without interrupting the I/O flow. On the Sun Enterprise 10000, the switch occurs automatically during the DR operation (for both disk and network devices), assuming a viable alternate controller exists on another board. The following figure shows the relationship between AP and DR.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Alternate Pathing 3
Sun Enterprise Server
Sun Enterprise Ser ver
Active path (unavailable)
DR Detach, and hot-swap
FIGURE 1-3 Switching Paths for a DR Detach Operation
Active path

Basic Alternate Pathing Concepts

This section discusses basic AP concepts and introduces the terminology that is used throughout this chapter.

Physical Path

For the purposes of AP, an I/O device is either a disk or network. An I/O controller is the controller card for an I/O device. An I/O port is a connector on a controller card. (Often there are two ports per controller card.) A device node is a path in the devices directory that is used to specify a physical device, for example, /dev/dsk/c0t0d1s0. The term physical path refers to the electrical path from the host to a disk or network.
4 Sun Enterprise Server Alternate Pathing User’s Guide • May 1999
Sun Enterprise Ser ver
System board
and I/O controllers
I/O device
Physical path
FIGURE 1-4 Physical Path
You reference a physical device by means of a device node, for example, /dev/dsk/ c0t1d1s0.


A meta-disk, as illustrated in FIGURE 1-5, is a construct that enables you to access a disk by using either of two physical paths without having to reference either path explicitly within your scripts and programs. You reference a meta-disk (in your scripts and programs) using an AP-specific device node such as /dev/ap/dsk/ mc0t1d1s0. (See “Device Nodes for Meta-Disks” on page 19 for more information.)
In the following figure, an AP-specific device node is used to perform disk I/O, regardless of which pln port (pln2 or pln9) is currently handling I/O.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Alternate Pathing 5
Sun Enterprise Server
System boards
FIGURE 1-5 Meta-Disk Example
SPARCstorage Array (SSA) controllers with one or two PLN ports. (Black PLN ports are connected to the SSA.)
SSA port


A meta-network, as illustrated in FIGURE 1-6, is a construct that enables you to access a network by using either of two physical paths without having to reference either path explicitly within your scripts and programs. You reference a meta-network (in your scripts and programs) using a meta-network interface name such as mle1. (See “Meta-Network Interfaces” on page 43 for more information.)
In the following figure, mle1 is used to access a meta-network, regardless of which controller (le1 or le6) is currently processing I/O for the meta-network.
6 Sun Enterprise Server Alternate Pathing User’s Guide • May 1999
Sun Enterprise Ser ver
System boards and controllers
FIGURE 1-6 Meta-Network

Disk Pathgroup

A disk pathgroup, as illustrated in FIGURE 1-7, consists of two physical paths leading to the same disk array. When a physical path is part of a pathgroup, it is called an alternate path. An alternate path to a disk can be uniquely identified by the pln port or sf port that the alternate path uses. Only one alternate path at a time handles disk I/O. The alternate path that is currently handling I/O is called the active alternate.
Note that whereas a meta-disk provides a means for you to access a disk (in your scripts and programs), a disk pathgroup provides a means for you to manipulate the path to that disk (when you run AP commands). For example, to perform a switch operation (that is, change the active alternate from one alternate path to another), you reference a disk pathgroup within an apconfig(1M) command.
One of the alternate paths is designated as the primary path. The primary path is initially the active alternate. Although the active alternate changes when you perform a switch operation, the primary path remains constant. You reference a disk pathgroup by specifying the pln port (for example, pln1)orsf port (for example,
sf1) that corresponds to the primary path. (For information about determining the pln or sf port name, see “Device Nodes for Meta-Disks” on page 19.)
For example, the following figure shows the results of using the apconfig(1M) command to switch the active alternate of a disk pathgroup.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Alternate Pathing 7
Sun Enterprise Ser ver
System boards and controllers
Alternate path (primary path)
Disk array
FIGURE 1-7 Disk Pathgroup
Alternate path
(active alternate)
You reference a disk pathgroup (for example, to switch from one path to another) by specifying the primary path, for example, apconfig -P pln2 -a pln9.

Network Pathgroup

A network pathgroup, as illustrated in the following figure, consists of two network controllers connected to the same physical network. The terms alternate path, active alternate, primary path, and switch have basically the same meaning as they do for disk pathgroups.
To specify a network pathgroup, reference the corresponding meta-network interface name, for example, mle1. (Meta-network interface names are described in “Meta­Network Interfaces” on page 43.) For example, the apconfig(1M) command to switch the active alternate of a network pathgroup.
FIGURE 1-8 shows the results of using
8 Sun Enterprise Server Alternate Pathing User’s Guide • May 1999
Sun Enterprise Ser ver
System boards and controllers
Alternate path (primary path)
FIGURE 1-8 Network Pathgroup
You reference a network pathgroup (for example, to switch from one path to another) by specifying the meta-network interface, for example, apconfig -P mle1 -a le6.

Supported Devices and Software Versions

AP 2.2 supports the Solaris 7 operating environment (32-bit and 64-bit modes). AP supports the following disk arrays:
Sun StorEdge™ A5000 and A7000 disk arrays attached to sf ports
SPARCStorage Array™ (SSA) disk arrays attached to pln ports on FC-AL SBus
Host Adapters (SOC controllers)
Alternate path
(active alternate)
The network devices and third party software products supported by AP are listed in the Release Notes Supplement Solaris 7 5/99.
If you alternately path disks, and you also use a volume manager with those disks, the disks must be known to the volume manager by their AP meta-disk names. This requirement enables AP to switch the active path without interfering with the volume manager.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Alternate Pathing 9
You can place the boot disk and the primary network interface under AP control. AP makes it possible for the system to boot unattended even if the primary network or boot disk controller is not accessible, as long as viable alternate paths for these devices are defined.

Example AP Configurations

FIGURE 1-9 shows how you can use AP to support an Ethernet network and a disk
Board 1
SBus I/F
FIGURE 1-9 Typical AP Configuration
Board 2
SBus I/F
SBus controllers
Fibre channel
In this example, two network controllers—one each on Board 1 and Board 2—are connected to the same network. Similarly, two SSA controllers on the two boards are connected to the same SSA. In this situation, if Board 1 is detached with a DR Detach operation, AP can switch usage to Board 2 without interfering with any I/O operations that may be in progress.
AP is not equivalent to disk mirroring. Disk mirroring primarily achieves data redundancy although two paths are available, one for each side of the mirror. AP achieves true pathing redundancy, by making two paths available for each side of the
10 Sun Enterprise Server Alternate Pathing User’s Guide • May 1999
mirror. To use AP and disk mirroring together, you must configure your volume manager software (such as Sun Enterprise Volume Manager
) so that it uses the AP
meta-disk paths. The following figure shows an example of how AP can be used in conjunction with
disk mirroring.
Board 1
SBus I/F
FIGURE 1-10 AP and Disk Mirroring
Board 2
SBus I/F
Fibre channels
This type of configuration enables you to switch the paths used to implement the mirror from one board to another board, without disrupting the disk mirroring or any active I/O.

AP and Domains

The Sun Enterprise 10000 server supports Dynamic System Domains, or simply “domains.” AP cannot be used across two domains. For example, suppose a board contains a controller that is part of a pathgroup, and you move that board into a different domain using DR. (You can do this only if the alternate path on that board is not currently active.) In this case, you can no longer switch to the alternate path on that board.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Alternate Pathing 11
12 Sun Enterprise Server Alternate Pathing User’s Guide • May 1999

Alternate Pathing Database

This chapter describes how to create and manage the AP database which maintains the state of the AP configuration.

Managing Copies of the Database

AP maintains a database that contains information about all defined meta-disks and meta-networks, and their corresponding alternate paths and properties. One set of data is maintained for each domain on the Sun Enterprise 10000 server. On other Sun Enterprise servers, one set of data is maintained for the entire machine. You should always set up multiple copies of the database. In this way, if a given database copy is not accessible or becomes corrupted, AP can automatically begin to use a current, noncorrupted database copy.
You must dedicate an entire disk partition, one that has at least 300 Kbytes, to each database copy. You can use larger partitions, but doing so wastes disk space. Keep the following information in mind when selecting disk partitions for the AP database:
You should set up three to five database copies.
As configured at the factory, partition four of the root disk is appropriately sized
for the AP database and is not allocated for any other purposes. This partition is a good choice for an AP database copy, assuming you are not using it for other purposes.
The database copies should have no I/O controllers in common with each other.
Following this rule allows maximum availability in case of controller failure.
If you have configured your system to make use of Dynamic Reconfiguration
(DR), the database copies should be hosted by I/O controllers on different system boards so that a database copy is accessible if one of the system boards is detached.
If you want to place an AP database copy in a partition of an alternately pathed
disk, create two copies of the database using each of the physical paths utilized by the AP meta-disk to access the partition. AP behaves as if two copies of the database exist, when actually there is only one, since the disk is accessible via two paths. The behavior does not result in database inconsistencies, however, since AP always updates and accesses database copies sequentially. This behavior does not result in performance problems since the AP database is not accessed frequently.
On the Sun Enterprise 10000 server, a subset of the information in the AP database is automatically maintained on the SSP for use at boot time. This database contains AP information for the boot disk.

Locating Databases to Maximize RAS

You should consider how you expect to use the system boards that host the I/O controllers for the disks where the AP databases will be stored. If you expect to detach a board often, perhaps because you intend to migrate it between domains, you should probably not place an AP database on any disk attached to a controller hosted by that board. If you do find it necessary to detach such a board, error messages will be sent to the console whenever AP attempts to write to the unavailable database. This does not pose a serious problem. You can re-attach the board at any time, and the stale database is re-synchronized immediately. However, if you attach the board to other domains in the mean time, those domains may write data to the slice that is reserved for the database.

Creating and Deleting Databases

Note – The following AP command examples assume that your command search
path includes the directory where the commands are installed. See “Using Single­User Mode” on page 41.
14 Sun Enterprise Server Alternate Pathing User’s Guide • May 1999

To Create a Copy of the AP Database

Use apdb(1M) as follows:
# apdb -c /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s4 -f
The -c option specifies the raw disk slice (under /dev/rdsk) where you want to create the database copy. You must dedicate an entire disk partition to each database copy. The disk partition must have at least 300 Kbytes.
The -f (force) option is only necessary to create the first AP database copy.

To Delete a Copy of the AP Database

Use apdb(1M) as follows:
# apdb -d /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s4 -f # apconfig -D #
The -d option specifies the raw disk slice (under /dev/rdsk) where the copy of the database that you want to delete is located.
The -f (force) option is only necessary to delete the second-to-last copy and the last copy of the database.
In this example, apconfig -D is used after the deletion operation to view information about the existing AP database copies. Since no information is returned, the apdb(1M) command must have deleted the last database copy.
Note – If you delete the last copy of the AP database, the contents of the database
still resides in memory (including all committed and uncommitted entries). If you then create a new copy of the AP database, without rebooting in the interim, the new database contains the same information as the previous database. However, if you reboot after deleting the last copy of the database, the database information in memory is lost. In this case, if you create a new copy of the database, it contains no data.
Chapter 2 Alternate Pathing Database 15
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