Hardware Platform Guide
Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98
Includes information about installing software from
the Solaris CD
Part No. 805-4170-10
May 1998, Revision A
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1.Installing Software from the
Solaris CD1
Automatic Installation of Solaris Software1
Manual Installation of Solaris Software1
Platform Names and Groups2
Setting Up Diskless Clients Using Solstice4
Interactive Installation of Solaris Software4
Manual Installation of Packages6
Custom JumpStart Profiles8
2.Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 on the Sun Enterprise 1000011
Performing a Fresh-Install11
Creating Additional Domains11
Preparing the SSP for the Fresh-Install13
Installing Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/9815
Licensing Your Software29
Performing an Upgrade31
Backing Up Your Domain31
Preparing the SSP for the Upgrade34
Preparing the Domain35
Upgrading the Solaris Operating Environment36
3.Installing Solaris with the SPARCstorage Array45
Disk Management Software45
SPARCstorage Array Firmware46
Installation and Upgrade Scenarios46
Scenario 1: New Installation of Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 on Systems Booting
from the SPARCstorage Array Disk47
Using the FC/S SBus Card47
Using the Onboard FC Ports47
Installing Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 on a SPARCstorage Array Disk48
Trouble Booting?49
Checking the FCode Level of Your FC/S SBus Card50
Scenario 2: New Installation of Solaris 2.6 Hardware:5/98 on Systems Not Booting
from the SPARCstorage Array Disk52
Scenario 3: Upgrading to
Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/9853
4.Alternate Pathing 2.1 on Sun Enterprise Servers57
Performing a Fresh-Install57
Performing an Upgrade60
Reconfiguring the Domain62
5.Power Management on Sun Hardware65
SPARCstation 4 Issues65
Ultra 5 and Ultra 10 System Power-Off Feature66
Supported Platforms67
Supported Peripherals69
viSMCC Hardware Platform Guide Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 • May 1998
viiiSMCC Hardware Platform Guide Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 • May 1998
TABLE P-1Related Manuals xii
TABLE P-2Specific Installation Information xiii
TABLE P-3Typographic Conventions xiv
TABLE P-4Shell Prompts xiv
TABLE 1-1Platform Names for SMCC Systems 2
TABLE 1-2Required Software Clusters and Packages for SMCC Hardware 5
TABLE 1-3Required Packages for Hardware Platforms and Options 6
TABLE 1-4Additional Entries for Custom JumpStart Installations 9
TABLE 2-1SBus Numbers in the devalias File 18
TABLE 2-2Platform-Specific Information for the suninstall Utility 19
TABLE 2-3Minimum Partition Sizes 21
TABLE 2-4Disk Partition Form 22
TABLE 2-5SMCC Supplemental Packages 27
TABLE 2-6SunVTS Software Cluster/Packages 28
TABLE 2-7Upgrading Tasks 33
TABLE 2-8Sbus Numbers in the devalias File 38
TABLE 2-9Platform-Specific Information for the suninstall Utility 39
TABLE 2-10SMCC Supplemental Packages 42
TABLE 2-11SunVTS Software Cluster/Packages 42
TABLE 3-1Installation and Upgrade Options 46
TABLE 4-1AP Software File-System Sizes 58
TABLE 4-2AP Software File-System Sizes 60
TABLE 5-1Platform Names and Groups Supported by Power Management 67
TABLE 5-2Power Management Supported Peripherals 69
xSMCC Hardware Platform Guide Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 • May 1998
The SMCC Hardware Platform Guide Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 contains important
information about the Sun Microsystems
supported by this Solaris
2.6 Hardware: 5/98 software environment.
Computer Company (SMCC) hardware
Note – For Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 installation instructions, refer to Chapter 1,
“Installing Software from the Solaris CD.”
This manual:
■ Provides platform-specific installation instructions for the Solaris 2.6 Hardware:
5/98 software
■ Describes how to install Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 on a Sun Enterprise 10000
■ Identifies installation issues affecting the SPARCstorage Array
■ Describes hardware and software requirements affecting Power
Management software
Note – For information about how to install software contained on the SMCC
Supplement CD and information about SMCC supported hardware, refer to the
following sections in the SMCC Information Library for Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98:
— Vendor Value-Added Software
— Supported Hardware
Where to Find Installation Information
The Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 software is delivered on two CDs:
■ Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 SPARC Platform Edition for Sun Microsystems Computer
Company (called the Solaris CD throughout this manual)
■ Supplement for Solaris Operating Environment 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 for Sun
Microsystems Computer Company (called the SMCC Supplement CD throughout this
Before installing the Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 software, check TABLE P-1 for
listings of manuals with information that may apply to your situation and
TABLE P-2 for specific installation information.
Note – All Solaris and SPARC-related documentation can be found on the
Documentation CD. All SMCC-specific documentation can be found on the SMCCSupplement CD. Some co-packaged products contain documentation on their
respective CDs.
TABLEP-1Related Manuals
Solaris 2.6 SPARC Installation InstructionsPrimary installation manual for this release
of the Solaris operating environment from the
Documentation CD.
Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 SPARC Information
Solaris Advanced Installation GuideContains additional information about how
Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 Installation NotesContains late breaking news and installation
Supplements the Solaris 2.6 SPARC Installation
Instructions by providing detailed installation
to install the Solaris operating environment
on Server systems.
information pertinent to SPARC hardware.
xiiSMCC Hardware Platform Guide Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 • May 1998
TABLEP-2Specific Installation Information
Do you want toGo to
Know more about new products and peripherals?The Supported Hardware section in the Information Library
for Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98
Know about late breaking news?1. SMCC Release Notes Supplement Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98
2. Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 Installation Notes
Begin the install process from the Solaris CD?1. SMCC Hardware Platform Guide Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98
2. Solaris 2.6 SPARC Installation Instructions
Install software for your platform/peripheral
from the SMCC Supplement CD, as needed?
Install Solaris on a SPARCstorage Array?Chapter 3, “Installing Solaris with the SPARCstorage
Install an AnswerBook from the SMCC
Supplement CD, as needed?
The Vendor Value-Added Software section in the Information
Library for Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98
Array” in this manual
The Vendor Value-Added Software section in the Information
Library for Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98
How This Book Is Organized
This book is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, “Installing Software from the Solaris CD” supports the Solaris 2.6
SPARC Installation Instructions manual by providing additional installation
instructions on how to install or upgrade the Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 software on
specific SMCC platforms and hardware options.
Chapter 2, “Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 on the Sun Enterprise 10000” describes how
to install Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 software on a Sun Enterprise 10000 Domain. It
also describes how to upgrade Solaris on a Host Domain.
Chapter 3, “Installing Solaris with the SPARCstorage Array” describes how to
install the Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 software either as a new installation or as an
upgrade on systems where the SPARCstorage Array
may be used as the boot
Chapter 4, “Alternate Pathing 2.1 on Sun Enterprise Servers” describes how to
install or upgrade Alternate Pathing 2.1 software on Sun Enterprise servers.
Chapter 5, “Power Management on Sun Hardware” describes the hardware and
software requirements for running Power Management on Sun hardware.
Typographic Conventions
The following table describes the typographic changes used in this book.
TABLEP-3Typographic Conventions
Typeface or
AaBbCc123The names of commands, files,
and directories; on-screen
computer output
AaBbCc123Command-line placeholder:
AaBbCc123Book titles, new words or
What you type, contrasted with
on-screen computer output
replace with a real name or
terms, or words to be
Edit your .login file.
Use ls -a to list all files.
machine_name% You have mail.
machine_name% su
To delete a file, type rm filename.
Read Chapter 6 in User’s Guide. These
are called class options.
You must be root to do this.
Shell Prompts in Command Examples
The following table shows the default system prompt and superuser prompt for the
C shell, Bourne shell, and Korn shell.
TABLEP-4Shell Prompts
C shellmachine_name%
C shell superusermachine_name#
Bourne shell and Korn shell$
Bourne shell and Korn shell
xivSMCC Hardware Platform Guide Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 • May 1998
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xviSMCC Hardware Platform Guide Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 • May 1998
Installing Software from the
Solaris CD
Automatic Installation of Solaris
For the SMCC hardware listed in this manual, this release of Solaris 2.6 Hardware:
5/98 requires no special installation or upgrade instructions. If you plan to perform
an automatic installation of Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 on your SMCC hardware,
refer to the Solaris 2.6 SPARC Installation Instructions manual or the Solaris AdvancedInstallation Guide for all your installation needs.
Manual Installation of Solaris Software
If you are installing Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 using the manual (or interactive)
method as described in the Solaris 2.6 SPARC Installation Instructions manual, you
may need to identify and add some of the software packages and clusters that are
required for installing Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98. This section identifies platformspecific installation needs and lists the required software packages and clusters.
Platform Names and Groups
You need to know your system architecture (platform group) if you are performing
one of the following:
■ Setting up a boot server on a subnet
■ Adding clients for network installation (standalone, servers, dataless, diskless)
You also need to know the platform name if you are writing a custom JumpStart
installation rules file.
TABLE 1-1 shows the platform names and groups of various SMCC hardware
2SMCC Hardware Platform Guide Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 • May 1998
TABLE1-1Platform Names for SMCC Systems (Continued)
SystemPlatform NamePlatform Group
Ultra 1 Creator Model 170ESUNW,Ultra-1sun4u
Ultra 1 Creator 3D Model 170ESUNW,Ultra-1sun4u
Ultra 1 Creator Model 200ESUNW,Ultra-1sun4u
Ultra 1 Creator3D Model 200ESUNW,Ultra-1sun4u
Sun Enterprise 1 Model 140SUNW,Ultra-1sun4u
Sun Enterprise 1 Model 170SUNW,Ultra-1sun4u
Sun Enterprise 1 Model 170ESUNW,Ultra-1sun4u
Ultra 2 Creator Model 1170SUNW,Ultra-2sun4u
Ultra 2 Creator3D Model 1170SUNW,Ultra-2sun4u
Ultra 2 Creator Model 2170SUNW,Ultra-2sun4u
Ultra 2 Creator3D Model 2170SUNW,Ultra-2sun4u
Ultra 2 Creator Model 1200SUNW,Ultra-2sun4u
Ultra 2 Creator3D Model 1200SUNW,Ultra-2sun4u
Ultra 2 Creator Model 2200SUNW,Ultra-2sun4u
Ultra 2 Creator 3D Model 2200SUNW,Ultra-2sun4u
Ultra 2 Creator Model 1300SUNW,Ultra-2sun4u
Ultra 2 Creator Model 2300SUNW,Ultra-2sun4u
Ultra 5SUNW,Ultra-5/10sun4u
Ultra 10SUNW,Ultra-5/10sun4u
Ultra 30SUNW,Ultra-30sun4u
Ultra 60SUNW,Ultra-60sun4u
Ultra 450SUNW,Ultra-4sun4u
Sun Enterprise 2 Model 1170SUNW,Ultra-2sun4u
Sun Enterprise 2 Model 2170SUNW,Ultra-2sun4u
Sun Enterprise 2 Model 1200SUNW,Ultra-2sun4u
Sun Enterprise 2 Model 2200SUNW,Ultra-2sun4u
Sun Enterprise 2 Model 1300SUNW,Ultra-2sun4u
Sun Enterprise 2 Model 2300SUNW,Ultra-2sun4u
Sun Enterprise 150SUNW,Ultra-1sun4u
Sun Enterprise 250SUNW,Ultra-250sun4u
Chapter 1Installing Software from the Solaris CD3
TABLE1-1Platform Names for SMCC Systems (Continued)
SystemPlatform NamePlatform Group
Sun Enterprise 450SUNW,Ultra-4sun4u
Sun Enterprise 3000SUNW,Ultra-Enterprisesun4u
Sun Enterprise 4000SUNW,Ultra-Enterprisesun4u
Sun Enterprise 5000SUNW,Ultra-Enterprisesun4u
Sun Enterprise 6000SUNW,Ultra-Enterprisesun4u
Sun Enterprise 10000SUNW,Ultra-Enterprisesun4u1
SPARCserver 1000SUNW,SPARCserver-1000sun4d
SPARCcenter 2000SUNW,SPARCcenter-2000sun4d
Refer to the Solaris 2.6 SPARC Installation Instructions manual for further information
on platform groups for all other systems.
Setting Up Diskless Clients Using Solstice
If you are setting up a diskless client on a platform other than a sun4c, sun4d, or
sun4m, you need to select
Entire Distribution Plus OEM as the client OS
Caution – If you fail to select this metacluster, you will not be able to boot your
sun4u system as a diskless client.
Interactive Installation of Solaris Software
Installing the Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 software environment from the Solaris CD
automatically loads all of the required software clusters and packages for your
SMCC hardware.
4SMCC Hardware Platform Guide Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 • May 1998
If you choose to customize your Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 software configuration
using the interactive method, refer to
TABLE 1-2 and TABLE 1-3 to help identify which
software packages and clusters are needed for the Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98
software environment on specific SMCC hardware.
TABLE1-2Required Software Clusters and Packages for SMCC Hardware
If Your System is or hasThis Cluster or Package
is required
S24 frame bufferSUNWCtcxTCX API Support
SX frame bufferSUNWCsxSX Support
ZX or TurboZX graphics
Creator and Creator3DSUNWxilvl
Creator and Creator3D
(Series 2)
Elite3DSUNWCafbElite3D Device Drivers and Pipelines
PGX Graphics Frame BufferSUNWCm64M64 Graphics Support
SPARCstorage Array
(Models 100 or 200)
Sun StorEdge A5000SUNWClux
SunSwift SBus AdapterSUNWChmdSunSwift SBus Adapter Drivers
SunSwift PCI AdapterSUNWChmdSunSwift PCI Adapter Drivers
SPARCstation 4SUNWCtcxTCX API Support
SPARCstation 5SUNWCtcxTCX API Support
SPARCstation 10SXSUNWCsxSX End User
SPARCstation 20SUNWCsxSX End User
Ultra 1 SeriesSUNWxilvlVIS/XIL Support
Ultra 1 Creator Series, Ultra 2
Creator Series, and Sun
Enterprise X000 Series
SUNWCleoleo Device Driver
SUNWxilvlCreator Graphics Device Drivers and
SUNWafbmnElite3D Online Manual Pages
SUNWxfb.wElite3D/FFB (Creator) Common Driver
SUNWCssaSPARCstorage Array Support Software
SUNWxilvlVIS/XIL Support
SUNWCffbCreator Graphics Device Drivers and
SUNWChmdSunSwift SBus Adapter Drivers
Cluster or Package Name
Creator Graphics Device Drivers and
Sun StorEdge A5000 Support Software
Chapter 1Installing Software from the Solaris CD5
TABLE1-2Required Software Clusters and Packages for SMCC Hardware (Continued)
For information on the availability of the Custom JumpStart™ method at your site,
consult your system administrator.
hardware or software options that may require additional entries when a system
administrator creates profiles for them, since these clusters might not be installed
with the core distribution software group. Refer to the Solaris 2.6 SPARC InstallationInstructions manual for more information.
When writing Custom JumpStart profiles, be sure to allow sufficient space in the
root partition for software from the SMCC Supplement CD, such as software for Sun
StorEdge A3000 features and SunVTS diagnostics.
8SMCC Hardware Platform Guide Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 • May 1998
TABLE 1-4 lists the platforms as well as the
Note – For more information about automating Solaris installations, refer to
Automating Solaris Installations: A Custom JumpStart Guide (Kasper/McClellan), a
SunSoft Press/Prentice Hall publication.
TABLE1-4Additional Entries for Custom JumpStart Installations
If your system is or hasAdd the following lines to the profile:
SX Frame Buffercluster SUNWCsx
ZX or TurboZX Graphics Acceleratorcluster SUNWCleo
S24 or FSV Frame Buffercluster SUNWCtcx
Creator and Creator3D Graphics
Ultra 60package SUNWpci.u
Sun Enterprise 250cluster SUNWCpd
Ultra 450 and Sun Enterprise 450cluster SUNWCpd
Sun Enterprise 10000cluster SUNWC4u1
cluster SUNWCffb
package SUNWxilvl
package SUNWafbmn
package SUNWxfb
package SUNWpci.u
cluster SUNWCw250
Chapter 1Installing Software from the Solaris CD9
10SMCC Hardware Platform Guide Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 • May 1998
Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 on the Sun
Enterprise 10000
This chapter includes fresh-install and upgrade instructions for Solaris 2.6
Hardware: 5/98 on the Sun Enterprise 10000.
Caution – If you are installing Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 on an Enterprise 10000
domain, your system must have SSP 3.1 running on the SSP. SSP 3.0 does not
support domains running Solaris 2.6. Please refer to your SSP Media Kit for
instructions on how to install the SSP software.
Performing a Fresh-Install
This section contains procedures for performing a fresh-install of Solaris 2.6
Hardware: 5/98 on a host domain. If you have a new Enterprise 10000 or you want
to create a new domain, you must perform all of the procedures in this section. If
you are installing Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/98 on a newly created, existing, or crashed
domain, start at “Setting up the SSP as a Boot Server” on page 14.
Creating Additional Domains
Domains other than the one created by the factory require software to be loaded on
a bootable disk. The following instructions assume that you have an SSP window
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