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Part No.: 805-4533-10
Revision A, February 1999
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Dimensions 2
Airflow Consideration when Mounting in the Equipment Frame 2
Mechanical Considerations when Mounting in the Equipment Frame 6
Mounting Requirements 6
2.Hardware Installation 9
Unshipping and Mounting the System 9
Mounting Flanges 13
Module Injector/Ejector Mechanisms 23
Replacing an RMM 30
Replacing a Disk Chassis 32
Flexible Module Cabling 35
Installing the Filter Trays 36
CAF External I/O Connections 38
System Console Terminal Connections 39
Modem Port Connections 40
Alarms Port Connections 41
3.Electrical Supply Installation 43
System Switch 43
DC Source Site Requirements 44
Overcurrent Protection Requirements 44
Required Connection Materials 48
DC Supply and Ground Conductor 48
Dual Grounding Environment 49
Connecting the Power Leads 51
4.Powering on the System 55
5.Software and Operating Environment Installation 57
Netra ft 1800 Install Media 57
Disk Space Requirement 57
Installation Methods 58
Local Installation 58
Network Installation 59
Before You Start 60
Finishing Installation 63
Setting up Access to
Netra ft 1800 CMS Utilities 63
Setting the MANPATH Variable 63
ivNetra ft 1800 Installation Guide • February 1999
6.Installing and Configuring Sun StorEdge Volume Manager 65
Before You Install Sun StorEdge Volume Manager65
Installing the Volume Manager Software 67
Mounting the CD-ROM Manually 67
Running the Installation 67
Setting up the Volume Manager Environment 68
Initializing the Volume Manager 69
Setting up Boot Disks 70
Setting up Other Disks 71
Configuring Storage 71
Boot Disk Aliases 72
Index 73
viNetra ft 1800 Installation Guide • February 1999
FIGURE 1-1Netra ft 1800 Airflow Requirements (External) 4
FIGURE 1-2Netra ft 1800 Airflow Requirements (Internal) 5
FIGURE 2-1Shipping Brackets and Sacrificial Plinth 11
FIGURE 2-2Location Matrix For Mounting Flange Screws (19-inch rack) 14
FIGURE 2-3Support Rail and Fixings (19-inch Rack) 15
FIGURE 2-4Orientation of Support Rail Spacers 16
FIGURE 2-5Rear Rack Mounting (19-inch Rack) 16
FIGURE 2-619-inch Rack Mounting Flange Kit 17
FIGURE 2-723-inch Rack Mounting Flange Kit 19
FIGURE 2-824-inch Rack Mounting Flange Kit 20
FIGURE 2-9600-mm Rack Mounting Flange Kit 21
FIGURE 2-10Cable Bracket Assembly 22
FIGURE 2-11Module Injector/ejector Lever 24
FIGURE 2-12Removing a CPUset Module 26
FIGURE 2-13Removing a CAF 27
FIGURE 2-14Removing a PCI Card Carrier 28
FIGURE 2-15Removing a Power Supply 29
FIGURE 2-16Removing an RMM Module 31
FIGURE 2-17Removing a Disk Drive 33
FIGURE 2-18Removing a DSK Module 34
FIGURE 2-19Cable Management Shelf 35
FIGURE 2-20Large Filter Tray 36
FIGURE 2-21Small Filter Tray 37
FIGURE 2-22External I/O Connections on CAF Module 38
FIGURE 3-1Circuit Breakers for Single Power Rails 46
FIGURE 3-2Circuit Breakers for Dual Power Rails 47
FIGURE 3-3Location of Chassis-to-Logic-0V Link and Grounding Points, and Wrist Strap Connection
Point 50
FIGURE 3-4Power Inlet Filter 51
FIGURE 3-5Power Connector Wiring Polarity and Securing Screws 52
FIGURE 3-6Power Lead Receptacles 53
FIGURE 3-7Power Lead Securing Screws 53
FIGURE 3-8Power Cable Arrangement for Strain Relief 54
FIGURE 4-1System Switches (Front Panel) 56
viii Netra ft 1800 Installation Guide • Februar y 1999
TABLE 1-1Mounting Hole Pattern Dimensions 7
TABLE 2-119-inch Mounting Flange Kit 13
TABLE 2-2Support Rail Screw Hole Locations 15
TABLE 2-323-inch, 24-inch and 600mm Mounting Flange Kits 18
TABLE 2-4Console Connector Pinout 39
TABLE 2-5Console and Modem Port Parameters39
TABLE 2-6Modem Port Pinout40
TABLE 2-7Alarms Port Pinout 41
TABLE 3-1Overcurrent Protection Requirements 44
TABLE 5-1Suggested Disk Layout 62
x Netra ft 1800 Installation Guide • Februar y 1999
This document describes the installation procedures for the core hardware and
software used in the Netra
manual, the Netra ft 1800 is fully functional as a fault-tolerant Solaris™ server.
Who Should Use This Book
This guide is intended to be read by installation engineers, software support
personnel and service personnel. It is not intended for the end user of the system.
How This Book Is Organized
This guide is arranged as follows:
™ ft 1800. Upon completion of the procedures in this
Chapter 1 “Before Installation” gives guidelines on site preparation and
environmental considerations.
Chapter 2 “Hardware Installation” describes how to unpack the system, fit the
mounting flanges and install the chassis in a rack.
Chapter 3 “Electrical Supply Installation” provides the information required to
install the electrical supply.
Chapter 4 “Powering on the System” tells you how apply power to the Netra ft 1800.
Chapter 5 “Software and Operating Environment Installation” explains the software
installation procedure.
Chapter 6 “Installing and Configuring Sun StorEdge Volume Manager” summarizes
what you need to know in order to use the Volume Manager on the Netra ft 1800.
Related Books
■ Netra ft 1800 Software Release Notes (Part No. 805-4527-10)
■ Netra ft 1800 Hardware Release Notes (Part No. 806-0179-10)
■ Netra ft 1800 CMS API Developer ’s Guide (Part No. 805-5870-10)
■ Netra ft 1800 CMS Developer’s Guide (Part No. 805-7899-10)
■ Netra ft 1800 Developer’s Guide (Part No. 805-4530-10)
■ Netra ft 1800 Hardware Reference Guide (Part No. 805-4531-10)
■ Netra ft 1800 User’s Guide (Part No. 805-4529-10)
■ Netra ft 1800 Reference Manual (Part No. 805-4532-10)
■ Netra ft 1800 Safety and Compliance Manual (Part No. 805-7019-10)
The following table describes the typographic changes used in this book.
TABLEP-1Typographic conventions
Typeface or
AaBbCc123The names of commands, files,
and directories; on-screen
computer output
AaBbCc123Command-line placeholder:
AaBbCc123Book titles, new words or terms,
xiiNetra ft 1800 Installation Guide • February 1999
What you type, contrasted with
on-screen computer output
replace with a real name or
or words to be emphasized
Edit your .login file.
Use ls -a to list all files.
machine_name% You have mail.
machine_name% su
To delete a file, type rm filename.
Read Chapter 6 in User ’s Guide. These
are called class options.
You must be root to do this.
Shell Prompts in Command Examples
The following table shows the default Open Boot PROM (OBP) prompt and the
system prompt and superuser prompt for the C shell, Bourne shell, and Korn shell.
TABLEP-2Shell prompts
Open Boot PROM promptok
C shell promptmachine_name%
C shell superuser promptmachine_name#
Bourne shell and Korn shell prompt$
Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser prompt#
The following symbols mean:
Note – A note provides information which should be considered by the reader.
Caution – Cautions accompanied by this Attention icon carry information about
procedures or events which if not considered may cause damage to the data or
hardware of your system.
Caution – Cautions accompanied by this Hazard icon carry information about
procedures which must be followed to reduce the risk of electric shock and danger
to personal health. Follow all instructions carefully.
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The docs.sun.comsmweb site enables you to access Sun technical documentation
on the Web. You can browse the docs.sun.com archive or search for a specific book
title or subject at:
Sun Welcomes Your Comments
We are interested in improving our documentation and welcome your comments
and suggestions. You can email your comments to us at:
Please include the part number of your document in the subject line of your email.
xivNetra ft 1800 Installation Guide • February 1999
Before Installation
This section provides information on what should be considered when choosing a
location for a Netra ft 1800 system.
Note – This equipment is only intended for installation in a Restricted Access
Location as defined by UL1950, 3rd Edition, and EN60950: 1992 / A11: 1997.
Electrical Supply Considerations
Before you install the system, verify that the correct power supply is available. Refer
to “DC Source Site Requirements” on page 44 for further information.
Environmental Considerations
The system can be installed in an environment with the following specific parameter
■ Ambient temperature
■ Operating: 0 to 40 degrees Celsius (short term operation up to a temperature of
50 degrees Celsius is possible; however, the operation of removable media
devices cannot be guaranteed.)
■ Storage: –40 to 70 degrees Celsius
■ Relative humidity
■ Operating: 5 to 85% noncondensing
■ Storage: 10 to 90% noncondensing
■ Elevation
■ Operating: 0 to 3000 meters
■ Storage: 0 to 12000 meters
■ Height: 1466.85 mm (57.75 inches) 33U NOM
■ Width: 437.60 mm (17.22 inches)
■ Depth: 392.8 mm (15.4 inches)
■ Weight: Maximum 190.5 kg (420 lb) (excluding rack or AC converter items)
■ Maximum rate of heat release for fully configured system: 3000W
(10,200 Btu/hour)
■ GR 63 CORE heat release calculation result: 425.4 W per square foot
[3000 W / (3.25 ft x 2.17 ft)] (4579 W per square meter).
These dimensions are for the product without rack-mount flange adapters; the
overall width of the flanges varies according to the equipment mounting
The depth given does not include any I/O or power connectors. The power
connectors add 50 mm (2 inches) to the depth.
Airflow Consideration when Mounting in the
Equipment Frame
The Netra ft 1800 system has been designed to function while mounted in a natural
convection airflow, but to meet the declared environmental specification the
following rules apply. Refer to
1. Adequate airflow through the equipment frame must be ensured. The
Netra ft 1800 system utilizes internal fans that can achieve a maximum airflow of
840 cfm in free air.
2. The inlet air must enter at the bottom of the Netra ft 1800 cabinet and in front of
the Power Supply Units (PSUs); the airflow exhausts vertically from the top of the
1. Subject to a maximum absolute humidity of 0.024Kg of water per Kg of dry air.
2 Netra ft 1800 Installation Guide • Februar y 1999
FIGURE 1-1 on page 1-4 and FIGURE 1-2 on page 1-5.
3. A minimum of 2U (88.9 mm/3.5 inches) clearance must be allowed at both top
and bottom of the Netra ft 1800 cabinet when mounted to allow adequate inlet
and exhaust ventilation.
4. The Netra ft 1800 system must not be mounted above any heat-generating sources
within the same frame unless a heat deflector is used to provide fresh inlet air at
ambient temperature.
5. To maintain adequate airflow, replace the environmental filters every six months
(contact your local support organization for further information). The
environmental filter replacement kit (X-Option No.X6952A) contains six PSU
filters and three base filters.
Chapter 1Before Installation3
Minimum 2U
(90 mm) gap
FIGURE 1-1 Netra ft 1800 Airflow Requirements (External)
4 Netra ft 1800 Installation Guide • Februar y 1999
Minimum 2U
(90 mm) gap
Min.2U (90mm)
gap at top of
Fan unit
Min. 2U (90 mm)
gap at base of
Min. 75 mm between
front of system and
rack door (if fitted)
FIGURE 1-2 Netra ft 1800 Airflow Requirements (Internal)
Chapter 1Before Installation5
Mechanical Considerations when Mounting in the
Equipment Frame
Caution – Mechanical assistance is required if installing a loaded chassis.
If you intend not to use a lifting device for installation, all modules other than the
motherboards must be removed from the system prior to lifting. The empty chassis
weighs approximately 49 kg (108 lb), or 68 kg (150 lb) with the motherboards, plus
the adaptors. The weight of any removable module depends on its configuration.
Weight warning labels are for guidance only.
See “Removing and Installing Modules” on page 23 for information about adding
modules to the motherboard.
The Netra ft 1800 chassis has been designed to accommodate most mounting
configurations. Adaptor flanges to suit 19-inch, 23-inch, 24-inch and 600-mm (ETSI)
rack sizes are available as required.
The Netra ft 1800 system is shipped with a plinth, which protects the bottom of the
chassis during transit and handling, and also ensures that the correct airflow inlet
plenum is provided during installation. The plinth must be removed once the
Netra ft 1800 is installed in a rack, then stored in a safe place.
The Netra ft 1800 chassis must be mounted using screws suitable for the equipment
frame. The screws should be M5, M6 or 10-32 UNF. All screws must be fitted. The
recommended tightening torque value for either M5 or 10-32 UNF recess head
screws is 3.8 Nm (2.8 lbf/ft), and that for M6 screws is 6 Nm (4.4 lbf/ft).
Mounting Requirements
The Netra ft 1800 is available with the following removable mounting flanges:
■ 19 inch EIA pattern
■ 23 inch EIA pattern
■ 24 inch EIA pattern
■ 600 mm IEC917 (ETSI) pattern
Any of these flanges can be fitted in the following positions:
■ Flush with the front of the system
■ 65 mm (2.56 inches) from front of system
■ 196.1 mm (7.72 inches) from front of system
The second and third positions are intended for use with 5-inch web open frames
(relay racks).
6 Netra ft 1800 Installation Guide • Februar y 1999
Adjustable rear flanges can be fitted. They provide a mounting face anywhere
between 400 mm and 500 mm (15.75 inches and 19.7 inches) from the front of the
system (see “Mounting Flanges” on page 13).
The vertical mounting hole pattern should conform to the standard dimensions
given in
TABLE1-1Mounting Hole Pattern Dimensions
EIA/RETMA (RU)Repeating pattern of 5/8 inch, 5/8 inch, 1/2 inch
IEC917/ETSI (SU)Constant pitch of 25 mm
TABLE 1-1.
The rack must be capable of supporting 230 kg (500 lbs) for a fully configured and
cabled Netra ft 1800.
In Seismic (Earthquake) Risk Zones 3 and 4, it is recommended that the Netra ft 1800
is installed in an appropriate secured seismic rack or cabinet.
Vertical space
The Netra ft 1800 chassis occupies 33RU (57.75 inches) of vertical height.
To allow adequate airflow, the rack must provide a minimum of 38RU (66 inches) of
rackable height, together with minimum inlet and exhaust vents of 2U gap each. If
the rack provides unobstructed vertical airflow via vents of adequate size in the top
and/or bottom panels, then the minimum rack vertical opening required is 37RU
(64.75 inches).
When you fit the Netra ft 1800 into a rack with its red transit plinth in place, allow
1U (1.75 inches) of clearance beneath the plinth. This space permits removal of the
Note – The plinth must be removed to allow fitment of the chassis environmental
Chapter 1Before Installation7
The front door (if fitted) must provide a minimum of 75 mm (3 inches) of clearance
across the entire front surface of the Netra ft 1800 to allow for routing of I/O cables.
As all I/O cables must be routed from the front of the Netra ft 1800 system, due
consideration should be made of the space required within the rack for these cables,
as well as the power cables at the rear of the system.
There must be a minimum of 545 mm (21.5 inches) usable internal depth in the rack/
cabinet. This dimension includes space for connector housings, cabling and the
power inlet filters.
All racks must be bolted to the floor, to adjacent frames or to both. This must be
done in accordance with the rack manufacturer’s instructions, using the
recommended hardware and fixings.
Free-standing racks with a footprint of less than 600 mm x 600 mm (23.6 inches x
23.6 inches) are likely to be unstable and should be treated with caution.
8 Netra ft 1800 Installation Guide • Februar y 1999
Hardware Installation
This chapter provides information on the initial hardware installation procedure,
including installing modules and external I/O connections.
Unshipping and Mounting the System
Once you have removed the packaging from the system, you must then unship the
system from the delivery pallet and brackets before attempting to mount the chassis
in a rack.
Caution – Do not attempt to remove the red plinth before the chassis has been
mounted in the rack.
There is an instruction card attached to the front of the system; the instructions
below are intended to supplement this.
Note – Do not discard the packaging after removing it from the system. It should be
stored in safe, dry place so it can be used in the event that the system requires
moving or returning for repair.
The tools required to unship the system are contained in a cloth bag attached to the
Note – Do not discard the tools after unshipping and mounting the system. They
can be stored in the cloth bag supplied and attached to the rack adjacent to the
system for easy access when required.
10 Netra ft 1800 Installation Guide • Februar y 1999
▼ To Unship and Mount the System
4 x Phillips screws
at front of plinth
FIGURE 2-1 Shipping Brackets and Sacrificial Plinth
3 x Phillips screws
at rear of plinth
2 x Allen bolts
securing bracket to
Insert lifting
device here
2 x Phillips screws
on each bracket
Chapter 2Hardware Installation11
1. Remove all modules except the motherboards from the chassis and put them in a
safe place.
Refer to “Removing and Installing Modules” on page 23.
2. Using the Phillips No.2 screwdriver (supplied), remove the two Phillips screws
securing the four red brackets (two on each side) to the chassis (see
FIGURE 2-1).
You may also need to remove the brackets from the pallet. Use the Allen key
supplied to remove the two Allen screws from each bracket. The brackets are not
attached to the red mounting plinth.
3. Install the appropriate mounting flanges.
Refer to “Mounting Flanges” on page 13.
4. Use an appropriate lifting device to lift the chassis by the red mounting plinth,
and install it in the rack.
Caution – If using a fork-lift device, ensure the tines of the lift extend right through
the mounting plinth and beyond the rear of the chassis. The chassis could deform if
you use incorrect lifting techniques.
5. Secure the chassis into the rack using the appropriate mounting points.
See “Mounting Flanges” on page 13.
6. Remove the mounting plinth.
Use the No.2 Phillips screwdriver supplied to remove the four screws from the front
and the three screws from the rear.
Mounting the chassis with the plinth attached ensures that the minimum amount of
clearance for air flow is provided beneath the system.
7. Install the two large and one small filter trays in the spaces immediately beneath
the chassis revealed by the removal of the plinth.
Refer to “To Install the Filter Trays” on page 36. The filter tray thumbscrews are
inserted in the tapped threads exposed by removal of the mounting plinth.
8. Install the modules into their appropriate locations.
Refer to “Removing and Installing Modules” on page 23.
12 Netra ft 1800 Installation Guide • Februar y 1999
Mounting Flanges
The system is supplied with the appropriate mounting flanges; other mounting
flanges kits are available, as follows, to enable the system to mounted in different
industry-standard racks:
■ 19-inch racks X-Option No.X6938A
■ 23-inch racks X-Option No.X6939A
■ 24-inch racks X-Option No.X6940A
■ ETSI (600 mm) racks X-Option No. X6941A
Each mounting kit also includes six cable bracket assemblies, which can be fitted to
the mounting flanges to facilitate cable management; see “Cable Bracket
Assemblies” on page 22.
19-inch Mountings
The 19-inch mounting kit consists of the following items:
TABLE2-119-inch Mounting Flange Kit
Quantity ItemPart number
1Front left-hand mounting flange340-4699
1Front right-hand mounting flange340-4698
1Rear top left mounting flange340-5479
1Rear top right mounting flange340-5480
1Rear bottom left mounting flange340-5481
1Rear bottom right mounting flange340-5482
8Support rails340-5484
6Cable hook bracket with hooks already installed340-5553
16M4 10mm panhead screws (for rear flanges)N/A
16M4 crinkle washers (for M4 screws)N/A
20M5 8mm countersunk screws (for front flanges)N/A
16M5 10mm countersunk screws (for support rails)N/A
Refer to
FIGURES 2-3 to 2-6.
Chapter 2Hardware Installation13
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